(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

maternal milk:

wow I didn't know by drinking that will put on so much weight.. I didnt take for my #1 coz me felt like puking after smelling it. So I drank soya drink instead.


Apple: doesn't mean he will know just because you submitted the MC from gyne. Some men are v dumb. cas they think you may have some other problem then see gyne.

Serene: 19-20kg?????? that is scary!!! did you manage to lose it afterwards?


Wow so good, a few grams! I think i have put on 1-1/2 to 2kg now at 11wks. Trying to maintain it not more than 2kg for 1st trimester.


Lucky you don't like maternal milk.


Of cos i didn't managed to lose all back. Only lost 13kg and got stucked with 6kg!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just trying my luck, anyone own a electric double boiler, brand-kessler? I inherit one from my late mum but it din come with instruction manual. Now thinkin of boiling some soup but dunno how to go abt using it? can any kind soul advise??

Serene: abt 3kg. i am allowed to put on about 1 kg per month from now.

Apple: oh.. so 4 more weeks. maybe u shud just let the boss know. cas u really suffering, and maybe if he knows, he may be a bit more sympathetic?

damnnit, i puked twice this morning already...cant wait for MS to be over, man..

muffin: calcium tablets prescribed by gynae? when can start taking? i cant drink milk now, wana puke when i think of it.


U r on track. Good!

I also haven't announce to my boss yet.


Never use a double boiler before thus can't help.


anytime can start. I started when I know I preg,

dr prescribe me caltrate 600+D the last time. Din finish, so I just continue to take. Available off the shelf. White bottle with pink label.


Just now i also feel nausea, quickly ate few pcs of soh ta pia (biscuit), now slightly better.

I thought yr gynae had prescribed calcium pills to you since 1st appt?

apple..9 weeks r? peak now le....good luck ya. ;) will over soon

serene--> dr adrian did not give calcium pill also? can we buy from him? cause if din take milk and yet din take calcium pill--> seem not enough le

Snoopy: can take already. i have been taking calcium since 6 weeks!

Serene: yeah i don't eat a lot more than normal, but to start with, i am big-sized. hai, i think i will be one of those waddling MTB later on..


Ya it's better to eat smaller portion and choose the nutrient food to eat rather than empty calories.

Ok, i want to go out walk walk, buy something for office and also check out what to buy for lunch now... chat later.

no leh, gynae knows my GP prescribed me folic acid but he also nvr prescribe me any calcium tablets or multivitamins to take..so weird..maybe i will ask gynae when i see him this sat cos i changed my appt to 1 week earlier, cant wake to see if bb is growing well..

Snoopy: Is normal. Only after 12 weeks, they will given you calcium and other vitamins.. Mine also folic acid only, but i already have, so i ask my gynae need not give me.

Apple: i know.. but once this is over you will feel a lot better. like my mom says, want a child is v xin ku one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

today cook fish soup, enough for lunch n dinner hahaha save my trouble [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


think I forgot to give u my details.

nick muffin

age 35

edd 8 feb

hospital NUH

dr mary rauff

kid 3

Who is constance? power man, 4th one!! how did u cope?


Yup just bought the house, should be moving in ard nov/dec.. Really! I occassionally went there for a walk after dinner.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm solely on folic acid pills only lor.. Also asked my gynae before if need other supplements.. but she says no need.. I'm not even taking multi vits.

morning mummies..

any of u feel that yr stomach is getting harder? not just lower abdomen area, but stomach area as well..?

for mummies interested in the Clarins Stretch Mark cream, pls email me at :

j.loh@sdvsingapore. com

Pls let me know ur details :

1. Name / Nick

2. Address

3. Qty

Retail Price $80.00, after 30% less is $56.00 (incld GST).

We shall discuss later how to meet to collect the cargo. Payment will come later, probably thru I-banking.

for mummies interested in the Clarins Stretch Mark cream, pls email me at :

[email protected]

Pls let me know ur details :

1. Name / Nick

2. Address

3. Qty

Retail Price $80.00, after 30% less is $56.00 (incld GST).

We shall discuss later how to meet to collect the cargo. Payment will come later, probably thru I-banking.

whoofy: for the cream, how long it will last if use 1x/day after shower? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

