(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Hi Serene

We had the same EDD! Previous date was 14/2, but the last chk with Dr. Adrian showed 7 Feb.

But I dunno the gender yet.. got to wait for detailed scan next sat…

Looking forward!

Yes, my MIL and my dad are tigers and they're not easy to deal with, to say the least! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Plus my other two are pigs.


Hee! So that's the reason huh? However, depends on yr zodiac sign, tiger might be good company of yrs or yr hubby?


Unless you're particular with going to the fengshui shifu for names, then you must wait for your bb's shen chen ba zi. For me, i prefer to choose my own.


Same here! On my 1st appt with Dr Adrian, he told me is the CNY baby, EDD 14 Feb but during the 1st trimester DS scan at TMC, the EDD becomes 7 Feb and on recent print outs from Dr Adrian, showed 3 dates, the earlist one is 7 Feb. Should I based on 7 Feb then? Your bb shy, don't want to show you so far huh?

i was very busy sine last tues....my mum has passed away on thur morning in hospital.....been very busy with the wake....& very sad too....

I was more sad that i cant company my mum to walk / send my mum to cement.....super sad....alot of things i also cant involve..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

serene, bubble: i also ve the same prob on the EDD as u all.. i think i will take the earliest one coz need to inform HR and then do proper handover of work... The first EDD he gave mi is 06-feb, then now, it change to 30th Jan...

Well, I don't know if our zodiac signs are compatible. Both of us are dragons. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually, it doesn't really matter. Either way, I have to do confinement during CNY!

bubble--> till now dr adrain still din tell u boy/ girl or at least boyish n girlish? heheheheh

btw do u gals alwsy stict to his appoitment or will sometimes go earlier? cause im a person who always din follow appoitment date..hehehe

Hi Kath!

Been busy all morning.. going to eat lunch now. How have you been? So sorry to hear about your mom.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] You must be strong for yourself and your bb. *HUG*

Apple: Suan le.. this kind of people.. arghh!!!

Chris: so we are having our bbs abt the same time! my EDD was 2 Feb, changed to 26 Jan, now 29 Jan. Hai!!! I hope it comes 2 weeks earlier!

tira....i am trying to be strong.....thksssssssss........ i need to take care of myself for the bb....i know that....but at times cant really hold back my tears for my mum.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Christine : Bazi consist of year , mth , day and time ( 4x2 = 8 characters ). And each zodiac ( year) has preferred characters. So you can just check out the list and get an idea of the possible characters you can use before consulting a master.. also help you to chose a matching "english" name. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

e.g. now i know that 布, 木 ,山 are good for baby tiger, i know before hand that possible characters are 希, 森,杨,凯. and still looking out for others.. When i consult the master, i can also make suggestion.. instead just listen to him.

btw, cow and tiger is very different.. one lives in the field, one in the mountain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tira.....thksssss.........i will try to be stong & take care of myself for my bb....but at times....still feel very sad for my mum although, it is a good idea for my mum to leave in this way... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This thread seem unstable, unable to log in just now!


I'm really sorry to hear about your mum. Please accept my deepest condolence to you and family. Please take care and be strong.

I understand the regret you have... when my beloved grandma passed away in china, my whole family went to attend except me! Cos at that time so happen my boss is outstationed and no one in office, I can't go away!!! It remained a regret till now!


I also decided to follow the earliest EDD date so that i get prepared and ready early instead of last min gan cheong.


I usually follow the appt unless like that time, the discharge incident, i have doubts and worries so go down 2 times b4 the appt date...

jgal, Yvonne, serene....thks......... i will be strong....i told my hubby....if this is a gal...i hope that my bb gal will look like my mum.... so stupid thing..... i know that my mum will understand that i cant company her the last moment in earth....but i still regret abt this as i did the least things for her thoughtout the wake .... but what i am greatful is that all her children were in the hospital till the last breath she took.... all of us are very sad abt we know that that was a better choice for my mum as she no need to suffer anymore........

serene: ya lor.. i also scare ltr last min too gan cheong, then all the necessary things 4get to take...

tira: yeah!! but we are not in the same hosp rite?

by the way, mummies, are u all planning to start maternity leave like abt 2 weeks b4 the earliest EDD ar? My HR keeps asking mi when i wanna start my maternity leave..

jgal: the chinese name is the hardest of all sia... My hb and i ve decided on the English name for boy and girl le... i still find the chinese name the hardest of all to choose... haha

Sorry, been very busy all the morning, just managed to snatch some time over here... Later 3.30pm i still got meeting.

Kath: I'm sorry to hear that... Please be strong. I'm sure your mum in heaven will understand. Don't be so sad. I believe your mum will watch on you lor. Please stay happy!

Serene -> adrian did mention look girlish, but he nvr confirm & just say dun buy clothes 1st… coz his scanner seem so blur….

Yvonne-> if possible, I will keep strict to his appt, unless I feel sick… anyway, I think with or without appt, still need to go there queue right?

Kath-> sorry to hear abt yr mum, please try to be strong.. I’m sure she want u to be happy oso…

I have yet to buy any bb stuffs yet…. Thinking of waiting for the detailed scan 1st then go buy…. =D

Kath: i know.. i also dun dare to think how it feels.. it will make me so sad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chris: which hospital are u in? That table dun know go where liao..

Few days ago while sitting down on my sofa watching tv, I can feel the bb movement… so I place my palm on my stomach… amazing that I can feel the leg & hand (thou I dunno which is which la) moving…. Coz the movement is at the same time for both edges! Seem like I can feel the size of the bb!

It’s ard the size of a palm..

But when hubby is back, BB’s shy again.. not much movement…

Hello mummies,

just came back from hospital...I am expecting a GAL! yeah!


I used GD Maiden at Bukit Timah Shopping Centre. The shop is just next to info counter, purple and white. Definitely can find. My current phi helper is ok, lots of initiative but maybe still early to say (only 2 months), but she is definitely much much better than my previous indo maid (1 year). Seems that they do screen their helpers before recommending. My MIL and sister have also taken helpers from them. Other than the 'usual' teething problems, so far ok.

apple, bubbles, tira.....thksssssss........for the encouragement.....i will try to be strong.... for the seek for my bb.... & my family....

My mum was very nice lady....i am sure that she will forgive me for not doing some of the things for her....grateful thing is that all her children were in the hospital ard her when she took her last breath....she drag for 13hrs from afternoon to the wee hours(2.55am) of thurday.....she showed her concern towards us as she even left her 3 meals to her chidlren and grandchildren to ensure that all of us will/enjoy our 3 meals....she did not even took her last breadkfast b4 she go..... whenever we think of this, we cry....what a great mum she is.....still think of her children till the last moment!!!! ..... hope that she will have a better life in the next life.....

Re : fish oil

Is fish oil heaty? cos seem that ever since i start taking it, i start having constipation! i thought was due to recently not well, down with flu, body system not regular....but it has been more than a week.

muffin....yeah a princess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvonne, i did the triple test and the report came out show my blood count is low loz, u din do any blood test?


thanks for the info...

congratz for the princess... YEAHHH !! lets have more princess for Febuary :p


my condolence for you and family... be strong.. im sure she will understand and wants u to be happy.. *hug*

Gabrielle: what a coincidence, my MIL and dad also tigers.. but they all very nice leh. haha so i'm hoping for a tiger baby. then will have 3 generations of tigers in the family as my younger sis is tiger too. i scared cow will have 'hard' life leh. but my MIL say if tiger better be born in the morning as night tiger will come out and look for food (sha qi very big).

apple: hows ur MS coming along? hope u feeling better. i've been feeling like crap for the past 2 days after a good run of 5 days last week and weekend. finally put on some weight but still 4kg lighter than my pre-pregnancy days.


Good Morning to all MUMMies!~

Good Morning!~

PENG : Low Blood? Poor thing! Shld take more “tonic” to tiao ur body! Happy to learn tat u’re carrying a girl!

Welcome Grabrielle!~

Yvonne : Ur gynae didn’t check ur blood pressure for u when u went for visits everytime?

Bbin : Hahahahah.. Mood swings are common! I too get fed up easily. There’s once I even fight wif a auntie at City Hall lor!

Kath : Kath oh kath, my poor girl! Dun be too sad, ok! Takin good care of urself and bb is a way of being filial to ur mum too!

Good Morning Feb mummies!

Tira: The latest table is posted on 15 Sep, 1:58 pm.

think we have the same gynae, Dr Wong & probably mayb ard the same period of giving birth.

My EDD est ard 1 Feb...so may give birth ard end-Jan period bah?

Scully u become my bed-mate? i'm taking 2bedder. U leh? ^_^

Think bbin2010 also...her EDD is 2 Feb. ^_^

lovie-- got he check everytime but he said is normal.....he said pregnant women with low blood pressure is veyr normal.hehehe

Good morning mummies ! Me just had a detailed scan yesterday ... bb is confirmed boy...

Kath : So sorry to hear about ur mum. U must take care of urself k..

Tirabon diana : I will be changing my indonesia maid to Myanmar maid coz I heard many good reviews about Myanmar maid... my myanmar maid is coming in October 09... u can try this Agency, Swift Arrow Agency @ http://www.swiftarrow.net.

Welcome Gabrielle!


I missed my appt today for the Detailed Scan!

Didn't realised the appt has been fixed for me already!

Just called the clinic & realised it's scribbled on the orange paper when we had it for Oscar!

My hb wanted to go w me...we both thought it's on coming gynae visit!

Last min cant take leave!

Think got to go queue up 2molo...sigh!


Yvonne : Okay lah, since gynae says ok, shld be ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dun worry k!

Chrisstan : Alamak.. So forgetful..

Chris: oh that is so cool!! I am taking single bed cas i need my hb to stay there with me.. but i m sure there is a good chance we can see each other. oh yah, bbin is also at TMC. Yay! I am not alone! so exciting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Calystmelody: my current maid is also from Myanmar. Started ok, now worked more than 1 year, homesick and want to go home, but dun want to say so started slacking and anyhow do her work until yesterday she finally admitted she wants to go home. *faint*

gd mrning ladies, finally i can open this page.. I have problem opening SGMH url in office for the past few days. Anyone experiencing it too?

Kath.. **HUGS**

