(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Aiyoh...not me forgetful lah!

No one mention to me that there is an appt date for detailed scan!

i have a nagging thoughts abt it -> gynae visit = detail scan appt??

so that's why i call clinic to ask. I was spot-on abt it! ;(

The lab says they r full. i can only try walk-in andtry my luck! Sigh...

i tot it was my company network.. blocking me to surf this.. hahaha...

I have finally shown progress.. My flu is almost cleared... Yea!!!

Chris: they told you after the OSCAR scan, and the clinic also gave u that orange paper right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

Good morning mummies,

Kath: sorry to hear abt your mom, believe she will be better place.

calystmelody/tira: I hv never used myanmar helpers before. But heard of comm. and stubborness prob. from other moms. As for the maid agency, my fren used them and gave them v bad review...think I shdnt mention here, pm me if u want the story.


No...no one mention to me.

I only thought the orange paper was for Oscar.

That's why i never looked at it again!


Muffin: i had 3 indo, 2 sri lankan, and 2 myanmar maids in like 4 years. all have problems, just different kinds.

my first indo maid lasted 10 mths - she had no off day but managed to run a prostitution ring from my house.

so really, i think it is luck. and also, when they sign a contract for 2 years, it really means if u get one year, you are lucky liao.

but yes, always good to hear a story, so tell me :p

Chris: oh!!!! nevermind, since my EDD is 2 days b4 yours, i shall remind u of everything from now! hehe. anyway, you can call them and ask them to give u an appt tmr! i am sure it can be done.

tirabon: no choice. since we are working, still need some help to do housework at least. so still need maid. i just change a new maid too. the last on only lasted 1 week plus. cant stand her. this new one so far ok. but shall see see too

btw, i saw someone posted about DHA causing constipation??

Just to check if you are taking the multi-vits (Pink tablet)?? if yes, then tt is the culprit.. Since i'm down with my flu, GP asked me to stop taking tt, but con't on with just folic acid (yellow) tablet..

thanks tira!

generally, i am the kind wont forget appt ones. Unless i was not informed.

Now i realised preggie ladies' temper can flare up esily! :p

Anyway, oh,tira...u taking 1-bedder.

Hmm....then it means we wont have e chance to be roommates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah, so many helpers in 4 years?? never got called up from mom for interview? u even tried sri lankan?? nowadays v few people employ them...

U usually get transfer issit? I usually use new 'gong gong' maids, for me usually they will last at least 2 years. hehe

tira: wah ur maid rude le.. change her.. haaa.. my prev maid is a bit mad one.. she got scared when i started washing machine, she go and switch it off. when phone ring, she rush out of the house, asking for help from neighbour said she scare. how can i keep such maid ? crazy

Muffin: no, cas we r allowed to change 5 times a year, so in 4 years, actually not bad liao.

#1 maid - prostitution ring

#2 maid - stole things

#3 maid - totally mental (i mean totally mad)

#4 maid - kept borrowing $$, or else cry and cry and cannot work

#5 maid - rude (I DUN LIKE U KNOW!!)

#6 maid - really dumb

#7 maid - current

i usually get new ones. but after a while.. all change also. hai..

my first maid lasted 3 months plus.. second maid 1 year plus.. third maid 1 week plus.. now forth.. headache.. muffin, u mean if we keep changing maid (even problem lies on the maid and we have to pay levey when transfer) they will interogate us ?


I'm the one who posted about constipation. Yes I've got the pink tablet from my gynae. I did stop the tablet for 1 or 2 days but decided to continue cos worried not enough vits. haa kiasu.


When you go for your 1st trimester scan, the assessment unit will book the detailed scan for you also and date was written on the orange copy and the lady also tell you.

Usually appt for fri and sat are always full.

chris: yah, but i think the rooms may be nearby also. then i hobble over and see u and we can chit chat lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But yeah, cool down. blood pressure will go up when u get angry.. no good u know..

Mico: that is mental!!!

my #3 maid took out all the dry clothes (CLEAN), washed everything and fold and put back while they were WET.

tira: OMG.. this maid really sick in the head, fold when still wet ??? sometimes i cant believe their common sense too. sigh.

Mico: no lah. when u change until #4 maid in one year, they send u a letter to advise u to try to get along with your maid.

you are allowed 5 in a year. of course less changes the better lah. but if they steal, what can u do?


You tried filipino maid also?

This maid thing is really all luck. Can't really tell which agency is good or which nationality maid is good.... at the time when you choose the maid, you see their photo right. sometimes from pic can read abit of the person character though may not be easy and 100% true...

Actually 1 important thing is, don't allow them to bring phone along, don't let them go out (no off day), that will minimise the risk of them turning bad...

If you're considering filipino maid again, maybe can try one that come from hometown, iloilo. Heard the women there usually very good temper/patient...and perhaps not so vain! I just based on my maid is from iloilo, so far she is good, though she also made mistakes and ask for a hp. Overall, she is still very pleasant compared to alot i have seen outside. thru my observation, she is kind, good hearted and definitely not the vain type. she is clean too.

Last nite, finally I began to see my bb's movement visibly. I mean i can see something inside my tummy moving from my skin... I'm so happy knowing he has grown bigger thus movement more obvious.

Mico: exactly!!!!

Serene: i never had a fili maid, and my hb says NO. LOL. he cannot tahan them but i told him we shud keep an open mind and just interview and see.

my current maid, no phone, but one day off to go church. and can also become like that!

does you fili maid have a off day?

Serene: Dun rem anyone telling me. Which lady? Is it Registry Reception lady?

No choice, just try my luck 2molo then...


hehe...i cooled down now...Now only looking forward to see bb 2molo!

yup yup...unless we have close delivery date. ^_^

Chris: oh good. you will have a good time tmr when u see your bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine was rolling and turning all the time!


from my knowledge, if u change more than 3 in a year, u will be requested to go for interview to determine if its ur prob or maid prob.


my super easy going fren got a trf helper from the agency after being assured that the maid is competent in baby and child care and her last employer has to leave spore thats y she was trf. When the helper came, the following things surface:

1)she was super picky abt food

2)refuse to take instructions from her confinement lady

3)help herself to her baby shower gifts and her old clothes that she planned to give to her sister

4)is rude and refuse to listen to her mom

5)left her infant in the mall alone to comb her hair while my friend was in the toilet.

6)disappear without permission when the doing grocery shopping with my fren in a supermarket.

My fren told the agt her story and advise them to send her back rather than inflict pain on the new employer, but apparently, she was transferred out to another family.

Muffin: that is terrible. but as long as the maid's loan is not paid up, the agency will transfer her. cas they need to get their $$ back also.

thank goodness my current maid already finished paying her loan!!!! so now she wants to go home i send her home. but i did say she has to work until i find a replacement, which can take months!!


I thought most Burmese are buddist...

No, I never give her off day till now. She has worked 3 yrs with me. In the beginning, already agreed and i compensate her. But there are 3x, I allow her to go out out of my goodwill but is definitely not a normal/compulsory practice.

Realised all these maids the same, once they talk alot on phone or go out often will start to ask alot requests and be funny. but i agreed we have to act to individual situation. if too harsh to them also don't do us any good esp she is attending to our kids! Know what, my neigbour's maid is one who is a daring one! after 2 yrs of service, she threaten to have salary rised and off day, so they gave her cos she can look after babies quite well...so salary raised to $420/mth and 1 off day every 2 mths. Now know what? Can request to go downstairs occasionally to chit chat with friends cos she's bored (they sent the 2 toddlers to full day childcare) and also request to go study courses! She claimed other maids stay around my blk whom she knows also doing the same! Really ridiculous right? We paid for her everything to let her go study?????


the helper has no loan!! thats the problem. y inflict pain on other employers when u have already recover ur loan amt. Not very ethical.

5 in a year? I thot its 3?


Is the lady at the counter when you first enter the assessment unit on 4th floor. When you had to pass her yr IC and appt sheet (the orange copy).

Serene: oic..my hb & i were there & both of us didnt hear anything abt the DS appt thingy. Sigh...

Anyway, no use crying over spilled milk...

Just looking forward to see bb turn out well on the screen! ^_^


i think ur neighbour can change maid liao. since kids at full day cc, no point keeping her also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes my neighbour rejected her request and she should know that she had no bargainning power now, given that the kids are 'independent', go for full day childcare...they are keeping her for odd chores and of cos looking after the kids at nite and on wkends. They are prepared to let her go if she is unhappy... is a good chance to get a totally new one, more obedient at least for 1-2 yrs.

guess many pple are onleave today... for super long weekend.. Sigh. I will be on duty this coming monday. will get the replacememnt off on 1 Oct... Juz started working in this company.. no leave benefits sigh...

