(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Jgal : No words to describe them lor. Sometimes i will take taxi when im late but i've never pay for $5.95 from mrt to work place. 1st time ever lor and IT CERTAINLY SHOWS HOW "FAST" HE IS! Hmph!


Lovie: I feel extremely moody today. Maybe due to my giddy and headache. I find i have not much appeitite since this monday. This morning, i drank milk, now starting to feel nausea.. Hiaz..

Lovie: wah, very bad mood. forget it lah. the driver long gone already and he is not even remorseful. you only making yourself unhappy.

Mambobb: the ratio of boys and girls here not very balanced hor..

Apple: hai...

thx jgal.

lovie, i'm in psa building. but will be shifting out to Tampines mid next mth... maybe one of the days we can mit up.. hehehe...

btw, anyone has any good recommendation on eye mask? due to the flu, my eyes are now in bad dark circles, look puffy.. strained..

Lovie/Tira: I dun feel any depressed.. So feel very moody today..

Since no appeitite, also prevent me from gaining weight also la.


Sometimes our hormones level rises and causes the MS to come back once a while...

"ren ren" k...it will go away tomorrow.. ^_^

Hi ladies.

Any of you have swollen feet yet? Yesterday, my right foot became swollen suddenly. I went to babycentre to check and it says that if only 1 foot is swollen, then there may be blood clots in the vessel (coz usually if it is water retention, both feet should be swollen). And the advice is to see the doc immediately coz it may be dangerous. Aiyoh, really gave me a scare leh. I'm monitoring and hopefully, my right foot will get better by itself...

ha ha ha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun be moody...

Let me post my gal's cute photo to cheer you up.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this one is when she is 9 days old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee hee.. very soon.. you gals will see your baby..


tirabon : thanks. hee hee.... yeah.. that's my little gal.. she is 18 mths now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tira: bcoz I got a girl already mah.. so need a boy to balance up my family.. haha..

Lovie: cool down cool down.. there is ALWAYS INCONSIDERATE PPL living among us and we have to tell them straight into the face one lah. I even encountered 1 auntie dont q for her food and jus ordered when the boss just for order. Then I told the boss straight into his face that the person behind me came first. Then the auntie LL lor.. said I dont know the q is there..

Jgal: haha.. so u were here yest.. I will catch up the thread here but didnt post much.. heehee.. pretty girl u have there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ha haha .. pic is well-taken. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any baby boys' photos to share.. hee hee.. i cant wait to see my boy soon..

Good morning ladies

Just came back from celebrating my gal's birthday in school. whew! her birthday finally over. Stressed man, had family celebration on sunday, then today (actual day) in school. Maybe next year will do mac BD, then wont be so stress. hahaha

bbin: sometimes me also go toilet to take a nap lor.. haha.. no choice lah.. office cant slp.. just sit on the toilet bowl and doze off lor.. if my head keeps nodding.. then use my hand to support on my leg lor.. haha... practise makes perfect.. muahaha..

libtuarius: you working at PSA? Me working at Fuji Xerox Tower... we can meet up for lunch one of these days! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jgal: Ur princess is so sweet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: Cool down gal.. Some ppl are really just irritating.. no choice gotta bear with it, ignore them and forget them..

Apple: Try to cheer up k? These days my appetite also fluctuating.. Last evening I suddenly feel so tired and nausea that I can't take a proper dinner.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Freesia: My feet so far looks quite ok.. Is it u walking too much? Try to rest more and prop ur feet up if possible..

mambobb : my family also.. my hubby say.. too many women in the house liao.. Me, maid and my gal, he's been telling me he wants a boy since i am preg.. *so stressful*

Jgal: you tell your hubby if he wants a boy, then he should have worked harder since it is HIM who determines the gender of the bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: try to find something to make you happy, it is good for baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple: you still have your headache? do you think to take one day off to have more rest?

Jgal: she is soooooooooooooooo cute......

Chrisstan: I've been like this since Monday. My HB say i look a bit sick. I just can't eat much, for lunch, i maybe eat just 1/4 of it.. Dinner, few spoon of rice. It go back to my MS time. But good is never puke.

apple: since sunday, i also have very bad heartburn and bloating like MS time.. dunno why.. no appetite to eat, i just force my self to eat bcoz of the baby.. try to have more rest.

Tira : But still, felt pissed by what he did..

Lib : Where’s PSA building har?

Apple : Ohh.. Good! Coz it’s not good to feel depressed!

Freesia : Thought swollen feet is common?

Jgal : My god! So cute!!!

Mambobb : Yah, I hate aunties too! They come in first in every lists lor! They simply bo chup u and will squeeze or do things to get their way. The most horrible of the lot! Salute u for daring to stand up to her! U go, girl!

Tam : Trying to cool down but spoil my mood lah.. Kaoz..

Mia : Im trying wor.. Believe me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i heard MS comes back even in 3rd trimester...??

Think it's our hormones to sustain bb growth...

Once in a blue moon, i got puke once in my 2nd tri...sigh...

Dun worry, it will go off soon.

In my 5mth now, my appetite not good still. Eating less too. it's ok.

When u feel better, then try eat more.

Hope u feel better soon! ^_^

Tam: I'm trying to cheer up, but recently is quite busy with work, maybe due to stress.

Jgal: Your girl so cute!

Maia: Yes, my headache and giddy is always there.. Since starting of 2nd trimester, it become more frequent and serious.

Lovie: I'm not depressed la!

Apple_gal, Lovie,Maia Liu : thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple_gal, Lovie : mai be moody lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Happy mummies happy babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hack care those ppl that caused use to be upset. hahaha..

Jgal: Your gal looks sooooooo sweet.

Lovie: Cool down. There are lots of inconsiderate people. Yesterday when I was taking the lift, a lady's handbag kept pushing on my tummy. She could have hold the handbag in front of her.

libtuarius: Your workplace is so near to mine. I am in ATP. Hehe

Apple: Your smelly colleague?


how many weeks r u now?

ho, i've lost 5kg too in my 1st tri...

Although i eat less still, i managed to gain back my original pre-preg weight.

Dun worry abt weight gain.

Just eat enough nutritious food for ur bb will do.

Jgal : Dun know why leh.. Why suddenly becomes very unhappy lor.. Dun know is it due to hormones..? Some days good, some days bad..

Bel : U didn’t say her? Or STARE at her? I did stare at her but she wear sunglasses so I can only see my fierce eyes. Hahahaha..

Chrisstan , Serene,Bel : thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah .. Gals can doll up. I was checking out boys clothes last wkend @target.com. Boys clothes quite boring.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This Xmas, CNY will be going to be very buZy.. I am starting my CNY shopping and spring cleaning early.


True enough! Hubby will shake head and can't tahan with me... cos I also buy alot of stuffs for my boy. Lately I slow down and stop buying for quite some time already cos he already has got alot of clothes, toys, cds and books!


normally, i go into crowded places, i "kiasu" & place my hand on my tummmy to protect my bb from "harm"...

They saw i do this, they definitely know i am preggie & will be more aware lah... ;p

Chris: really? most people are oblivious one. the other day an old man banged into my tummy. I mean, i LOOK pregnant! but he also bo chap. I was so mad!

Tira : I don't.. Im shopping online EVERY DAY!!! Hahaahahah.. But am not buying all together.. wanna have buys every mth so that i cna have "pressie" every mth! :p Clever me!



Boys' clothes indeed not alot of choices compared to gals esp when they grow older...is either pants (short or long) then shirt or t-shirt.


I think is due to hormones, that's why we get agitated, upset, mood swing.

I'm trying very hard to control and relax and take it easy too! Just now just kena talking to a 'professional' arrogant customer! Indeed very angry but I tell myself to keep calm and don't bother! It's part of life and this part is nothing important at all to remember!

