(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Maia : Dun worry, I’ve been experiencing what u did!

Bel : Ohh.. But even if u eat a little? He won’t force you to eat?

Serene : Keeps on being worried is not good, ya? Staying relax and happy is the best way to cure everything!

Mico : Ya, u have to ask for it, if not how do gynae monitor ur weight/blood pressure wor..

Any mummies wanted to buy clothes form Forever 21? There’s group buy now! U can buy cheap dresses for maternity use!


initially i request for 3 months unpaid leave to my boss at least to pass danger zone in 1st trisemester becoz im working as structure engineer and very frequent going to construction site which is really not conducive for pregnant women.

but he suggested to work at home first until the pregnancy really settle at 20 weeks and when come back to work he said only give me office work instead of site work. he sign my colleague to go site instead.

im working quite long with this company from before i got married, so he knows my struggling to have baby. it is my miracle baby actually, before i know i got pregnant 4 months ago, i just signed paper for IVF at KKH and before that i have long discussion with my boss about this. just a week a part, i found im pregnant. not only my self, but my fam, friend and boss also surprise with this miracle as they know im supposed going to IVF. im very very treasure this baby and i know im just lucky win this jackpot..


thx for the info. i dont know he has package also, because so far need to pay every visit. i think he will let me know at my next visit after detail scan.

Sarah : Darling, u dun buy those short dresses and also, buy those offer ones or those blouse that u have confidence that it will fit ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's cheaper and also the material is better to me and so i buy lor.. :p

Hi Maia,

we kind of share similar story. trying to ttc for a while. Finally decide to see dr fong to try iui, then i was actually preg. was waiting to take clomid once my menses start only to realise got good news. also told my boss 1 week before that as i need to take more leave

hi maia, miracles does exist.. just to have to be more careful when u r back to work (not too sure if yr office is locating on site)...

Lovie, the spree left USD50 only. i will see from web if thr is anything.. and to see if other spree organisers are organising as well...


once you bring the detailed scan report to him, that visit you will sign the package already. then that visit will be condsider under the package. the package cost $700

Maia, wow... its quite expensive! You better take the package soon if your gynae has one. My gynae charges $39 for consultancy, scan, urine test, BP and weight too... its a huge gap in price to pay!


what a similar story!! i did 2 iui's with dr.Fong, using clomid to puregon injection, but both failed. and i went to KKH for IVF with dr.SF Loh becoz heard people said he got high success rate.. but God have other plan, i got pregnant naturally and back to dr.Fong again hahahaha....

hello... so busy until no time to log in. Just went see my gynae yday. Kena chided by gynae bcoz i put on 2.2kg within a month. Now 53.7kg. She said I put on too much too fast. sigh sigh sigh... made me feel so guilty for having good appetite woh...

Yday had the scan...I am into my 4th month. Bb is a boy.. .kekeke..I already have 2 boys, so I am going to have 3 musketeers! Kekeke.

lib: yes, miracle do happen.. i do beliave now..

i will station at main office not at site so it is quite safe for me..

Jaspire: yeah it is expensive. my gyne only have package for 20 weeks onwards. now im only 16+week so cant sign any package yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

minime: is the detail scan also consider inside the package? or need to pay separately/ at TMC?

Sarah : If u are weary, go to FOrever 21 and try ur size 1st before buying though i only went to chk out thw prices but didn't try! :p

Lib : No lah, still got USD150 left! I juz saw it wor.. U see the wrong thread?

Congrats Marina!~

Maia, its very nice to hear of such miracles! God do indeed bless u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Detail scan is not included in packages.

Maia Liu : yeah dr fong is quite expensive.. I was with him first the fist 10 wks for my elder gal, before i switch to Dr Ong. Dr Fong is very good in IVF pregnancy.

jaspire: thanks.. btw, how much is your package? from how many weeks?

minime: my hubby also like him a lot leee... thats why when i found im pregnant, we just go back to him again..

apple: ur headache ok already??


i do compare lately and find he is quite expensive. but we have been seeing him for almost 2 years from when we still trying for baby. so my hubby feel very comfortable with him. he is such a nice doctor.

maia : my current dr , dr ong @mt e , his pkgs is $2k inclusive of 3d scan + delivery + consulation from 16 wks onwards. One thing good abt dr ong is that he uses a very powerful machine (same machine that can do detail scan , NT and 4D) during the regular checkup. Thus, if there is abnormality , he can pick up very quickly. Unlike the TMC docs, he does the details scan during the consultation.

Some of my friends who has complicated preg went to him e.g. twins. He's very encouraging.. and can see that he has a sense of mission in his work. He take time to explain all the test as well as draft out all the possible medical cost for our budgeting purpose.. recently, he gave me an advise paper on H1N1 - not pamphlet, it a typed document. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ha ha ha


I'm happy for you and understand how precious this baby means to you. Frankly my menses is so irregular that doc says it's abit difficult for me to get preggy thus I actually ate hormones pills for my menses to come and pills again for me to ovulate and i'm lucky to hit the jackpot! So when my pregnancy was unstable last mth, i got so worried and frightened, i do all i can to protect my baby despite that the company is not understanding and sympathy with my situation... I even prepare to quit then. Now luckily it has stabled down and i'm back to work since 2 wks ago... Now I try to take it easy and endure till next yr.


happy to hear your condition is ok now.. just enjoy it and dont over work.. work still can be found anywhere else but baby need miracle and bless to have it..

jaspire, ya ho so cheaaaap alredy wo.. it is huuggee diffeent with my gyne charge leee...

serene : orh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 3 already. my gal just turn 18 mths.. will you be a sahm afterwards. Your elder in playschool already? I just enrolled my gal.. not sure if it's a good decision.. cos' she needs to take school bus to-and-fro from the school.

Jgal...oh ur gal still so young! my boy coming to 3 soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he also now taking school bus to school everyday.


U enrolling her for next Jan?

I can't bear to let him take school bus at this age so i sent him to nearby my house - AppleTree Playgroup, 2 hrs per day.

Next yr he will be going to kindergarten and will have to take school bus but he will be 4 then. Still a little worried about him alone in a big school compound... when date draw nearer, i get a little more worried ...

I may consider to be SAHM for some time to see if I am suitable or not but I hope to contribute more time for my kids. this is the time that they need us most but i know the sacrifices too. After leaving the workforce for some time it might be hard to go back again next time i want to.

Serene....initial i also have that kind of worry when he taking school bus leh. But after I saw him so independent and din make any huge fuss, I'm very relieved!

Serene....initially i also have that kind of worry when he taking school bus leh. But after I saw him so independent and din make any huge fuss, I'm very relieved!

Serene , Peng : yeah.. my gal will be going to school next Jan. Now she is taken care by my maid but my maid wont be able to cope with 2. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seem like quite alot of mummies here are 2nd time mum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Peng, Jgal,

My boy also taken care by my maid with part time supervision of my MIL. Next yr I think better to let him take school bus cos i don't want my maid to carry my #2 (baby) and walk to fetch my boy esp if it's raining...... So school bus is more practical, my maid just have to go downstairs to wait for him.

I'm not worried about taking school bus ride for him next yr, more about his safety at the school cos the school has got 2 floors. I worried about the flight of stairs and him going to toilet etc...

