(2010/02) February 2010 mtb


Hee, don't say that hor, *touch wood*

Obviously I do have others like for eg, can't eat more than 80% full, will have difficulty to digest, heartburn... and lately i began to feel very warm and also sometimes my tummy got very hard and stiff and i also have abit of backache! But all these still bearable so far.


How much weight have you put on so far. I think you don't have to worry about yr bb is too big if you are eating normally, not like eating alot. I don't know what the gynae usually based on to est the weight of bb for every mth...but i know usually our babies are bigger than the weight indication. For eg. the baby center says during my 18th week now, baby is about 193g but my bb weighs 235g already. I think we are all eating well and definitely getting more than enough nutrients that's the reason why my gynae never specially recommend other vits and maternal milk for us...his thinking is, most of us are usually more than over nutritious! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris: that was what i said to her! wait 16 hours and pain and dun come out, also must have C-sec. might as well have C-sec immediately.

Serene: from week 13-17, i put on 500g, but from weeks 17-21, it was 3kg!!!!!

Tira : Ohh.. But i think most ppl will choose C-section rather than to wait lor.. Sometimes we wouldn't predict implication tat might arise lor!!!

Bel : No scanning again? Goodness! :p

Mico : Why didn't chk ur weight or blood pressure? I always did when i went gynae wor!

Lovie: Haha.. okie.. hope I don't fall asleep while cleaning the floor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bel: Everytime I go for gynae visit, i would somehow expect a scan.. it's weird that ur gynae doesn't scan and u did not request.. wah..

Christine: Haha.. not kaisu ah.. but i think i better learnt from u.. I like to watch discovery home n health though.. has those giving birth documentary.. quite interesting..

Serene: actually 360g bb is still ok. gyne says next visit bb shud be abt 700g. but if become like 900g, then i have to go on diet liao. argh!


So from pre-preg till now, you put on total 3 1/2kg? That's not over weight, it's within the normal weight gained. I'm only 18-19wks now, also put on total of 2 1/2 - 3kg already!

TaM: I also watch a lot of tat. figures it will help me get over fear if i keep watching the delivery programmes!! hehe

Ok, time to lie down! Chat later!

Serene : Hahahaha.. :p But hor, i still think u have an easier time! Kekekek.. U so fast experience warm? U will experience warmth is becoz bb and u is breathing togther or what-so-ever.. ( i forgot the reason behind it.. )

Lovie: Wait till detailed scan. My appt with gynae is on the same day.

TamL: I don't know. I just thought let him do what he think is necessary since he is a very experienced gynae.

Tam : Hahahaha.. Asking u to listen to 92.4 is to relax urself and not let urself to be so tense and so tat u can slp easily at night! Not ask u to listen and then SLP at once!(while mopping the floor) :p

Mico: My gynae would take my weight and blood pressure every visit.. Also, will do mini urine test.. Just need to pee on a small strip and will check if blood sugar n protein normal or not..


Most of the mummies would prefer to go thru normal birth unless complication arised. Usually doc will advise, if cannot avoid c-sect, no choice must go for it!


No dieting for preggie mummies!

Esp now during 2nd trim, your bb is on the ball to growing... Just watch yr diet, don't crave too much on carbo food like rice, bread, cake etc.

Lovie: Haha.. ooh.. okie..

Bel: Ic.. maybe he has his reasons ah.. nvm, next time u visit him u can check with him and ask nicely why no scans of baby..

Lovie: Last time I saw was on 7th Aug. Haha.

Sarah: I have put on abt 4kg. I don't really take much sweet stuff. Eat very little rice. No idea where all the excess weight come from. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tam L,

For the last 2 visits, doc took my blood pressure. For every visit will take the urine test same as yrs for blood sugar. He never bother to take and know my weight gained.

Mico : What Tam says abt measuring weight and blood pressure is exactly the same as what my gynae did to me for each visits..

Serene : Ohh.. So we gotta watch out as what doc says!

Tam : Go for it and make urself relax!


For me, weight,blood pressure & urine test r part of my gynae package (TMC).

If never sign, it's chargeable tests.

Did u sign up for a consultation package?

i also increase 4 kg till now.

serene--> each time i demand dr adrian to take my weight cause i wana know but he usually said..is not important..increase 20kg is normal..he evrything also normal...hehehhee

Bel: i always see my baby whenever i go check up and also got urine, weight and blood pressure test. i also don't knw where all my weight came from coz every mth i go see doc i put on 2kg. my appetite is the same but last sat i ask doc baby weight he say can't tell yet coz too small can only know baby is 109mm long that's all and he also nver tell me to watch my weight or diet.

Sarah : Best that we dun watch our weight! Unless we really increase in an exaggerating manner! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not really good for preggie woman to be on a diet!

Lovie: hehe...

Serene: I too had weight, blood pressure and urine test taken each time.

Sarah: My gynae is already telling me not to eat so much as I am not very tall, if I have a big baby, delivery will take a very long time. He said I am gaining more than I should.

Lovie & Bel: Scary! I don't know where all my weight came from coz my appetite is the same before I'm preggy and i eat very little only and i don't eat or snack in btw meals.

Bel: ya lor i also not very tall.


My gynae always think weight gained is normal and overweight also normal! He only can say, work hard to shed off the weight after birth. If not, we know what to do lor, watch our diet, don't overeat ourselves in order not to put on too much..... Ya becos i'm already overweight b4 preggie, so i'm particular about my weight gain, so i monitor my weight gained at home my own.

Usually few weeks b4 yr due date, your gynae will be able to advise you the position of bb, the size of bb, amniotic fluid level etc and whether any other things occured that disabled you to go for normal delivery. For mummies who have small hips, petite body, doc will also based on baby size to advise you. Of cos there are some last min complications which might occur...cases for eg., everything seem normal and supposed you're pushed into normal delivery ward for normal birth, but labour took long time, bb under pressure, blood pressure dropped, you lost out all the strength to push/knock off, bb's umbilical cord around his neck - dangerous, bb's poo inside yr womb...all these unforeseen last min circumstances will be proceed straight/fast away for C-sect. It happens to my neighbour, a friend of mine too.


True, he also never bother to take my weight so far. I already know his answer so never ask him again this time.

Bel : I wanan see result and not see "hehe" har.. Wahahaahahah

Sarah : Im exactly like u wor but then try not to scare urself lah! As long as bb is doing good, no choice even if we pile on, right, dear?

Serene : Ohh.. So whatever it is, we still gotta see what might have happen and that things won't happen "smoothly" at times! But i do hope mine won't be so terrifying!

Bel: ha...but i won't go against my tummy lor if really hungry...still must eat lah.

Lovie: ya lor no choice after that then exercise lor...wat to do

hi all,

anyone ever feel "pressure" on below abdomen? feel like something push/pull out? also short pain and poking feeling? i have this for couple of days especialy when sitting and feeling a bit worry...

maia: My appointment is at 10.30am on 2 Oct. Ha... think i will only bump into you if my baby refuses to cooperate during the scan.

I think i have gained weight too fast leh. 4.5kg at 18 wks! My gynae is already hinting that i need to "slow down" a bit. But very hard leh, i am permanently hungry now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/blush.gif]

Freesia: haha you rite, if you take longer i may see you there.. i also hope my baby will cooperate during scan bcoz last time when did oscar he/she really not cooperate and takes time very looonnngg...

i also gain about 4 kg and im 16+ weeks !! some more my mom always send me food everyday..

Maia...so nice got someone one to send u food! this couple of days keep feeling so hungry frequently and have to dig everywhere for food hahahaha

peng: my mom so nice loor, she knows her daugther can not cook hahahaha.. and coz i am working from home till end of this month, so she send me food lunch and dinner.. (my boss also very nice allow me to work from home till reach 20 weeks, becoz he knows im trying for baby for 3 years)

Haha.. I'm actually trying to gain weight cos haven't reached my pre-pregnancy weight yet.. But i'm not forcing, just eating when i can and when i want.. these days appetite is better and can get hungry quite easily, so maybe body's signalling for me to catch up.

Maia: Ur boss is so understanding.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah maia u r very lucky.

my gynae always just scan for me and urine test. never check weight or blood pressure. next time i will request for it.


It's so sweet of your mum. That is alot of effort.

Usually 1st pregnancy tends to put on weight faster and more. I recalled during my #1, already put on 3-4kg at end of 1st trimester.


What a nice and considerate boss you have. you're lucky!

My boss here sometimes still give me 'shit', bad remarks! I will try to take it easy myself, anyway i've already put my hope on something else and sort of make up my mind to quit next yr!


i also consider my self very lucky.. very thankful to my mom... she will move in with me later when i give birth to take care my baby and me.. so i dont need to hire CL and just need to hire maid to do housework..


i tot it is standard to have urine test, check blood pressure and weight every visit? my gyne did that every visit.. but to bad my gyne dont have package for prenatal check up so i need to pay every visit for all check up.


Maia, is really nice to have mum to help with confinment then engaging a 3rd party. And you are really lucky to have a nice boss... a rare understanding boss...

