(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Hi Apple_gal,

Can you add me to the list?

Baby No. 1

Gynae: Dr Woo Bit Hwa

Hospital: TBC

EDD: 4th Feb 2010

Gender: TBC

Location: Jurong West



Nothing special, I eat normally, usually wholemeal bread during b'fast, lunch and dinner. Now i bascially eat 3 meals as per my pre-preg routine...nothing extra.

But since a week ago, when i caught flu/cough, I have constipation problem back again leh!

Every mummy experienced differently, cannot compare. I also have yeast infection twice during 1st trimester but now recovered and i'm applying the cream that doc gave me that time, even now w/o the infection i also apply on alternate days to prevent lol.

Lovie: Hahaha... Not trying to scare you. Did not think that my sentence will mean that way to you. Haha. So sorry. So far I saw the gynae three times, he only scan during my first visit. Subsequent two visits he only listens to heartbeats. He did measure the length of my tummy, then said my tummy is a bit too big for 17weeks. =.="

tam, lovie: haha.. i think coz baby hasnt hear hb's voice for almost 2 weeks, then only last thurs, hb manage to come home early and we were really talking face to face... so i guess, baby is excited to hear hb's voice..

oh ya! i think the songs from mozartbabywomb is quite nice, coz baby happens to move a lot too when i was playing the songs...

tira: lol... stronger movement from baby at only week 20? hmmm... my little one has to kick 5-6 times and ea time stronger than the prev one, thou... but it seems like it's pretty tiring for the baby now, coz after that, all the movements like no energy like tat... haha...

Serene : U noe I will hate u de lor coz u SIMPLY HAVE AN EASIER TIME THAN ME! SO ENVIOUS!!!! Heiz.. The cream tat u apply is it starts with “Neo..”?

Bel : Nah, it’s okay! But I think u shld get him to scan lah, seeing the progress of bb is impt mah, right? It’s only an extra 5/10 mins thing. Dun tell me he’s reluctant to show u eh.. U’re showing bb who’s the boss now by ordering him/her to bed? Kekekeekek

Welcome Lois!~

Christine : Ahhahahahaha.. BB thought. “Aye, I haven’t hear this voice for a long time!” And kick you by telling u he’s listening!

Lovie: Haha... besides those 'conditions' u listed, i still got a bit of indigestion, bloating and terrible heartburn esp at night.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Insomnia also.. So not that good also..

Bel: So cute, u asked ur baby go to sleep, then did ur baby really stopped kicking and sleep?

Christine: Ooh.. ic.. i wonder if my baby will be confused with so much voices and sounds around cos I watch tv, listen to radio etc got loud sounds..

Tira : Isn't it better that bb keeps moving in ur tummy?

Bel : See.. Everyone is curious on why gynae dearest didn't SCAN you! Nvm, make sure for future visits to him, insist that he shld scan saying that ur mil or whoever wants to see how bb progress!

Tam : I think at least urs is better than mine coz urs is much more "commonly" known! As for insomnia, u might wanna tune in to 92.4 when u slp at night! Wahahahaahhah.. It's what i listen to, nowadays..

tira: cool... perhaps due to the baby's growth ba... like serene, my intake now is like my pre-preg meal intake... then maybe baby din take in as much.. haha...

lovie: lol... cool... then i shld ask hb to keep quiet for sometimes, then speak again.. haha.. i like very bad... :p

tam: watch tv and listen to radio at the same time ar? maybe u can tai jiao ur baby by telling ur baby that u are watching tv or listening to radio now.. haha... then next time, baby can differentiate... :p

Lovie: Ya. I guess being able to see how much baby has grown and moving when you look at him/her is really amazing.

Must make baby know that he/she must listen to mummy. Hahaha.

Lois: Halo and welcome...

Bel: but how can he measure growth of bb by just listening?

Lovie: at first it was good. but after a while, i do wish for some quiet!!! and when he gets stronger, and continues moving like that...

Chris: haha, i will not be happy when i have to deliver a fat boy! LOL

TamL: Ya. Never fidget in my tummy after I told baby that I am going to sleep and ask baby to go to sleep too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: Haha. Ok, next time if he never scan again, then I will ask him.

tira: i heard that if ur boy is big but with very solid bones, during delivery, he will help u by kicking and then pushed himself out when u are pushing as well...

lovie: opps.. haha.. :p

can we now drink red dates + kou ki daily ? last time someone said drink during last month before give birth can prevent jaundice right ?

I booked my appointment later cause hubby knock off at 3.30pm.

I have been having this "bubble" wavelike feeling for the past 1 week. I keep thinking maybe I am hungry... Last night, I talked to my baby, and my sweetie made the wave-like motion. So cool...

Lovie: yes, my gf just gave birth, and she had C-section because the bb's head was too big and the umbilical cord was tied around his neck. you know, she NEVER even felt ONE CONTRACTION. so now, she has a baby, but has no idea what contractions feel like!!!

But the recovery from C-sec takes a lot longer.

Urghh.. My post is gone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lovie: Haha.. I also wish can listen to soothing music when I sleep but think hubby will be the one getting insomnia after that cos think he can't sleep with sounds..

Christine: Oops.. I mean watch TV and listen to radio seperately.. Not at the same time.. When I watch those action movies also not sure if it'll be bad influence for baby cos of the gun sounds and loud noises.. Maybe I should watch more 'soothing' programmes.. haha..

Mico: Maybe u check with ur gynae? Actually last week I asked my gynae about taking Chinese herbs.. she said better not 'self-medicate' cos we usually not sure of the amount and frequency.. Unless we go to a TCM doctor and check, then better.. She said she has got patients who took ginseng and had bleeding..

tira: eh... i doubt he will tear u apart la... haha... if ur boy by birth weighs abt 3.2kg and has strong bones, he can help to push himself with u, then it's also easier to carry him after born...

but if u are expecting a 3.8kg boy with strong bones, eh... mostly, C-section has to be performed...

Chris: that is why i worry. my hb was more than 4kg and he has the record for longest bb born in the hospital. argh!

Bel: nice ah! up to now you are still so patient! i would have DEMANDED a scan!!! but i m not as nice as you leh.. hehe

tam: oh... lol.. i avoid watching these movies.. haha... i watch cartoons with educational purposes and comedy shows... haha... i dun wan baby to listen to too much of those guns and loud noise.. :p

i think i very kiasu...

Chris: yes. BUT!!! MY MIL a lot bigger than me! and my hb is bb #3!!!! I m fragile and delicate!

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heee.. christine: does it related to how we were born ? like if we were born naturally our bb also high chances natural birth and things like that ?

mico: hmmm... i'm not sure wor.. coz my mum said when she born mi tat time, she only has the feeling of gg to loo to do big business and then like normal cramps... soon, i was born in less than 10 mins!

Tira : Ohh.. Is it? Why didn’t she feel contraction? Is it becoz tat her bb was in a precarious situation and that she has to operate immediately and that’s why she didn’t feel anything?

Tam : U can listen to it while doing household chores, etc..

Bel : The next time round, I wan to hear u telling me tat ur gynae scan you when u visit him!!! Tsk tsk.. make me angry for nth.. Ahaahahahahah

Lovie: she was given a choice. Her bb did not want to come out, so she can either have induced birth and wait for abt 16 hrs to see if bb wants to come out naturally (mostly they dun) or have C-section. she took c-section. her baby was out in 20 mins.

bel--> yr gyane a bit funny...sure need to demand for scanning le..u should go agian before yr details scan. without scanning, we wont know if bb is fine n growing. what is the reason tat he did not scan?

