(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Mico,Lovie: Hmm...i need the massage...esp the back & spine area.

Cos now heavy on the tummy, so i tend to bend forward alot -> straining my back.

So i asked my hubby massage my back for me (except shoulder area).

This is the current preg complaint i have, for now.


hi there,

could someone please add me on the list?

nick :tinyfeet

baby number 2


Dr Mary Yang

EDD 14th feb 2010

its a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i stay in upper serangoon area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jaspire, added u already.. remember to update your nick okie?

re: CL, wow.. $4K is really ex.. i am tinking btwn $2.5K to $3K..

peng, sec sch teacher must be very stressful.. haha.. yes yes.. healthy and obedient more impt..

bbin : Here is diff from FB where many of our frens etc and PICS is there lor! Hahahhahahah.. Right? I won't want ppl to know abt piles, yeast infections etc.. goodness!

Mini : Nope, i juz leave it alone although there's medications orally or for application to ease..

Freesia : whoa! I accumualate the receipts lor but it's gonna expire le and so i can't get the card le.. Can have how many percent discount..

Chrisstan : Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.. TAT'S THE ONLY COMPLAINT?!?!?!!?

hi ladies, i have the spring maternity card too..i tink it is abt 15%, so if you need it can PM me for the number...

lovie, your 10 "tags" i had 1 point or another will get to experience it even before and during preggy.. but hor,i also experience bum ache and sharp cramps.. shoo them away...

morning all.. yest another CL called me up. she said ok to do for me, she previously said cant cos have something on. she did for my fren too last year . so my fren recomended her to me, she charge only 2k.. heee.. not bad huh she is from Melaka.

good mrning ladies

lovie, i bght mine from Thymes loh...both bottoms entitled to 40% off.. as for the top, it is sale item so only 10%.

Freesia, i'm not too sure whr is the other counter.. BHG Bugis used to have 1, but closed oredi

Good Morning!~

Ponponta : Hahahahhah.. Having 1 or 2 from the above is not surprising at all lor!

Lib : Ohh.. But ive bought lotsa during Sunday's shopping!

good morning ladies...

mico: wow.. that is a good catch wor for CL.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Anyone has the below following?!?!

1. Yeast Infection

2. Piles

3. Nose Bleed

4. Dental Problems

5. Giddy

6. Faint

7. Headache

8. Grouchy

9. Impatient

10. Mood swings

Please feel free to discuss the above 10 tags tat comes with "PREGNANCY".. :p

Lovie: Of coz I have...

2. Piles (hmm.. I got it before pregnancy.. haha)

5. Giddy (only once in a blue moon it will strike)

9. Impatient

10. Mood swings..


Hi all

Was so tired yesterday!!! The scan is like Oscar, but they measured the organs and head size, lips etc. Scan + Gyne consultation took about 3 hours altogether. Came home and crashed!

Baby is ok. The detailed scan shows he is moving ALL the time. I can feel him doing it anyway. I think my bb is a show off. When the technician was scanning, he kept turning and flipping the whole time.

From now, they don't look at the bb's length anymore since it will start to curl up as the space gets less. So my fat boy is 360g. The normal weight for 20 weeks is 320g, but mine has a bigger everything (except brain) because he is half ang moh. If he continues to grow like that, I will be HUGE!

Lovie: to share with my "YES"..

Grouchy/ Impatient/ Mood Swings:

>> I rmbr during the first 8wks, my temper is really very bad, once i actually have cursed one of the taxi drvier from Trans Cab.. Just because, I didn't have enough cash then, and this cab service doesn't have the Nets service as well. This stupid driver commented: "Why you will not have cash as an adult".. Then i asked him back :"why your taxi company is so poor tt they don't install Nets machine"... I actually cursed him right in front of his face..

1. Yeast Infection - NO

2. Piles - NO

3. Nose Bleed - NO

4. Dental Problems - NO

5. Giddy - NO

6. Faint - NO

7. Headache - YES

8. Grouchy - YES VERY EXTREME... Hehehe

9. Impatient - YES VERY EXTREME... Hehehe

10. Mood swings - YES VERY EXTREME... Hehehe

Gd morning mummies!

ponponta, how do i see the thread in fb? I cant see it leh...

tirabon, so nice to be able to see baby! I am very excited to see baby this friday... cant wait for friday in fact... hee!

1. Yeast Infection - no

2. Piles - no

3. Nose Bleed - no, nose block

4. Dental Problems - no

5. Giddy - yes

6. Faint - yes

7. Headache -yes

8. Grouchy -yes

9. Impatient - yes

10. Mood swings - yes


Good morning, Ladies

Tira: Wow, detail scan take so long.. OMG.. I can't imagine. Glad to hear that your baby is fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mambobb : Ahahahaha.. Glad to know u’re on the “right” track! ~.~” Oops.. (Coz u sure have one of these signs if preggie! U can run but u can’t hide..)

Tira : Thought u say u wanna be a man? Hahahahah.. Saw ur FB. Damn funny lor! Envious of u coz u can go for the detailed scan so much earlier than us!!!

Lib : Seems like u’ve some of the symptoms like mambobb! Coz u and her starts from No.5 onwards… Kekekeek..

Mico : Welcome to the “No.5 club onwards!~” Wahahahahaha.. Same as Lib and mambobb!

Good morning!

Hi Tira,

Yes, detailed scan takes longer time. Thanks to your Ding Tai Feng's xiao long bao that fed your bb well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Glad that everything is fine.

At this moment,

1. Yeast Infection - NO

2. Piles - N0

3. Nose Bleed - NO

4. Dental Problems - NO

5. Giddy - NO

6. Faint - NO

7. Headache - NO

8. Grouchy - NO

9. Impatient - NO

10. Mood swings - NO

Mico : Dun worry lah! Everyone of us have one or more symptoms every now and then. We will support one another! Jia You!

U mummies have either one or two symptoms or that symtoms starts from no.5 onwards.. U know why i can list out so many symptoms? BECOZ I HAVE ALL OF IT!!!

Jas: it is quite exciting actually, esp if the bb moves a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple: no the scan only took 20 mins, but the

waiting and waiting and waiting...

Serene: yes it is a huge relief, now i just have to concentrate on finishing the pregnancy! and eat more meat LOL.

Lovie: yeah man! being a Man is so much easier! now i front back, back pain, head pain...

Mico: At TMC. HB came in after all the measurements were taken.

Lovie: wow.. u very good leh.. can come out with No.5 club.. haha.. I think these are very common coz our blood is going down to bb.. that is y cause the giddiness bah..

tira: envy envy envy.. me only can see bb in 17days time.. 2nd Oct..

At this moment,

1. Yeast Infection - NO

2. Piles - N0

3. Nose Bleed - NO

4. Dental Problems - NO

5. Giddy - YES

6. Faint - YES

7. Headache - YES

8. Grouchy - YES

9. Impatient - YES

10. Mood swings - YES

Mambobb: 17 days will pass very fast one! anyway, when you reach abt 34 weeks, it becomes a consultation every 2 weeks i think. then we will all be waddling around hehe

What i found amazing was the fact they can even see the bb's lips. That's way cool!

Good morning ladies...

1. Yeast Infection - No

2. Piles - No

3. Nose Bleed - No

4. Dental Problems - No

5. Giddy - No

6. Faint - No

7. Headache - Yes, but very seldom

8. Grouchy - No

9. Impatient - No

10. Mood swings - No

Lovie: I never get to see baby again. My gynae just listen to baby's heartbeats yesterday. Guess I will need to wait till I go for my detailed scan next month.

At this moment,

1. Yeast Infection - NO

2. Piles - B4 preg

3. Nose Bleed - NO

4. Dental Problems - NO

5. Giddy - 1st tri, sometimes a bit

6. Faint - NO

7. Headache - When blowing fan

8. Grouchy - NO

9. Impatient - YES

10. Mood swings - YES

last nite, hb finally can feel baby's movement le! haha... pity my baby, coz hb said 'cannot feel leh', then my baby actually 'can hear us' and kicked abt 5-6 times (each time getting stronger) b4 hb can feel the movement..

the moment hb said 'oh! i can feel it le!!!' baby's kick started to soften.. haha.. then i tot hb, baby too tired le la... overwork.. haha

Tira : Hahahaha.. Too bad as now, u’re already “on board” and that u can only continue! :p Yap, I have ALL of them! If not, why do u think I know so much and can list them out “swee swee”?

Mambobb : Is it? I thought is becoz of the pressure that increased and thus, we will feel this way!

Yvonne : Not bad! At least u dun have No.1 to 4 lor. It’s detestable!

Apple : Oops.. U have No.4 which is dental prob! I have serious dental prob! My gums bleed easily and I have a wisdom tooth growing(at this age of mine?)

Bel : U’ve got only No.7!! Easy pregnancy sia.. The way u write this scares me.. “Lovie: I never get to see baby again. My gynae just listen to baby's heartbeats yesterday. Guess I will need to wait till I go for my detailed scan next month.”! I thought what happen sia! Dun scare me by saying what never get to see bb!!! Choy!

Christine : Hahahah.. U have mixture for some! I think at this point of time, we can "sense" bb's movements every now and then!

Lovie: Aiyoh, not the way that you thought I meant. Hahaha... Of coz I will get to see later. Just not the past two visits to gynae, he did not scan baby. Haha

Hi morning!

Was real busy ydae.. and feeling so tired these days.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway, replying Lovie's little 'poll'..

1. Yeast Infection - NO

2. Piles - N0

3. Nose Bleed - NO

4. Dental Problems - NO

5. Giddy - YES

6. Faint - YES

7. Headache - YES

8. Grouchy - Sometimes

9. Impatient - NO

10. Mood swings - Sometimes.. more like will get emo quite easily..

Christine: Wah.. ur baby's so cute.. kick for daddy to feel.. My hubby has yet to feel baby yet.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Last few days, baby like don't wanna move much.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Christine : Hahahaha.. u muz be ELATED!!! But soon, u will get used to it and can monitor when his movements will "occur"! :p

Bel : Ya lah but the way u say it sounds horrible and scares me lor! Not good to sscare a preggie woman early in the morning eh! Even when u see gynae and he/she doesn't wan to scan, u can request for a scan! If not, how will u know how bb progress, right? Next time u go, ask for it! And also remember to hear bb's heartbeat too!

Tira: I think we can try to arrange our appt on the same date then can meet up for coffee/tea.. haha.. nw me so diff to hv my own time..

Lovie: U hv all of them? My gum bleeds few days ago.. but only 2x niah.. aft which ok liao..

Most of the mummies can feel bb's movement liao hor.. me only can feel it in the nite but not often.. guess mine is a light movement/kicker? haha..

Halo Feb Mummies!

Tira: Do watch out your bb weight...Unless u doing c-sect,it's fine. Cos if bb too big,cant go by natural birth way!

Serene: Same as u, none of the 10items. My only preg complaints is occasional backaches.

TamL: Funny right? Last week my baby also did not much that much, of coz there were movements everyday, just not that often. Last night when I got home, don't know what baby was doing in my tummy. Felt it moving the whole night. When I went to bed, told baby that I am going to sleep. Ask baby to go to sleep too. Haha

Lovie: WL, you poor thing. Being a mother is not easy hor!

Chris: the other day my hb had his hand on my tummy and all of a sudden, he said, what was that???? he actually felt the bb as well. he was so disappointed cas he expected stronger movement! *faint* haha

