(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Tira: Oh.. didn't know they closing.. Thanks!

Chrisstan: Ur baby's so cute.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tira : Uh huh! I've got no choice but to trust her for now lah and tat actually is also explainable coz virus is everywhere and it's ineveitable tat she falls sick lah but of course, dun think tat she becomes "sick" after recv my payment! Tat's the only way i can comfort myself lor!

Chrisstan : I hope so too leh. Imagine my disappointment coz it's my boy's first batch of clothings wor and it turn out to be like tat. Super sian lor!

Tam_L: Hehe. Can. After he feel where is baby, I will put my hand there to touch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: No la. Just that I do not want to disclose his job here. He is a civil servant. You guess la. Other than doctors and nurses, who else can help in delivering baby? He don't work in hospital. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chrisstan: I am not too sure. Hehe. I was worried that he might be pressing on baby's face. Anyway just don't press to hard.

Tam L,

Hope you can know yr bb gender this week!

Is always good to know it and you can make alot of planning for his/her arrival. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: no ah. nmost of the sellers are genuine and very nice ppl. it is just the odd one here and there that are not honest. i m pretty sure your seller is really sick, only thing is just give her a reasonable amt of time and if she does not deliver, get your $$ back, that's all. no need to worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TamL: yah, their clothes are so-so, but this Anita Maternity Belt... i cannot stop gushing about it!!! LOL. i found one online but it is abt $98. I got mine for $80.10.

Lovie: i just saw your MSN sign in message. HAHHAHAHAHAHHAA! you damn funny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: Yes. I did encounter a seller that claim that she had been sick, blah blah blah. Was from a LJ spree. Some buyers are so angry that they reported her to the police. I got my refund back after emailing her quite a few times.

Lovie: Will start to psycho baby to always open legs when got scanner around.. I read that they can actually feel the heat from the scanner.. hee..

Bel: That's so nice... Shall try that.. Now it's like only i'm feeling baby but my hubby can't quite feel it yet..

Serene: Yup, hopefully baby cooperates.. but not sure if my gynae wanna say or not.. sometimes not certain they may not say else wrong guess..

Chrisstan: Haha.. yup.. but think my baby a bit shy.. that time during scan, it turned away from the scanner and showed the whole spine.. but after a while turned back and played with its fingers.. hee..

Tira: Ic.. okie.. the maternity belt is placed on the shelves with the rest of the maternity stuff? Can try there?

TamL: yes, the sales lady will help you find the right size. tell her you want the anita belt. make sure it is snug!!!! i bought 2 so i have one to wear while the other is being washed hehe


Dun be too sad...sometimes things are just fated. My mom passed away when I knew I was pregnant, was sad that she couldnt see my child but I am happy that she was also no longer suffering.


Which seller u buy from? Can share the name? There is a seller that I blacklisted. I do not know if she really try to cheat or she one time organise too many spree or BP and became blur. I find that if u cannot handle so many sprees then dont. V tiring to keep chasing for money or goods. But most BP are ok.

Bel : Waaaaaahhh.. U dun test a preggie woman, k! Im a impatient mama! Hahahahahah.. Ohh.. is it? But for LJ? Hmm.. Testing my knowledge again..

Tira : Nevertheless, im still can't help being worried lah and u're so cruel lor. Still laugh at me! Hmph!

Tam : Is it? U tell bb lah, if she/she dun disclose his/her sex, how are u gonna prepare! :p

Muffin : Can ah, I can disclose but I pm ya okay coz im afraid what if she turn out to be a genuine one? Dun wish to malign her before the truth surfaces!

Lovie: Haha. Ok ok. He is a paramedic and also a certified midwife, so he knows how to deliver babies.

LJ is livejournal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] There are lots of sprees organised in livejournal.

Bel : Wahahahahaahah.. I see! No wonder he knows so much lah but.. have he seen anyone giving birht before? I mean from our "V"?

Chrisstan: It's always so exciting to see what's baby doing in our tummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sometimes when I'm walking around or lying on the sofa, would be wondering what baby's doing also.. then would ask and talk to baby.. but still not used to having no reply when I talk.. haha..

Lovie: Haha.. true.. unless my baby shy and wanna be mysterious.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tam : Hmm.. Then u try to "coax" bb into revealing lah. I heard of a shy bb case before. When went scannign for sex, bb open his leg big big for mummy to see but uses both his hand to cover his face! Simply adorable lor! Hahahahahahah..

YewYew : Still on depressed mode?

Bel : Ohh.. Coz i thought elders always says that man cannot watch wife give bith if not they will become "impotant"? But well, it's all old wives tale lah coz if "impotant" then teh male gynae how? Deliver their patients wif their eyes closed? :p

Lovie: That's a cute bb! So shy! ^_^

Think my bb not shy (like his daddy)...always open legs big big...:D

Bel: Oh ur hb is a gynae too...u must be v assured when he can tell u info abt bb stuff...

Hmm...lately i like to eat ice kachang...

maybe bb likes colorful,sweet flavorings yah...

Ding Tai Fung...long time not had that...

i rem their dan dan mian is nice w fragrant peanut sauce... ^_^

Been busy since morning..... now then login....

thank you for your encouragement ..... mambobb, bbin2010, tira, minmi, apple, lovie, bel, yvonne.... i will try to be strong.....

Of cos....i will be happy as i also want my bb to be happy too.....

Lovie....me waiting for the potluck....

Aiyah, can't stop the urge and just bought another girl girl romper and jacket/sweater again! Cannot resist the temptation!!! :p

Tam : It's funny huh! And simply so amazing lor! Cute!!!

Bel : Hahahahah.. As for the impotent part, I also know it's false based on ur tummy. Wahahahahaahahahah..

Chrisstan : Hahahahaha.. Open legs big big then good mah coz can know bb's sex!

Kath : Pot Luck is on its way.. But still KIV for apple dearest. Hahahahah..

Yvonne : Ahahahaahah.. But hor, i heard some ppl says cannot buy too much clothes for bb leh but can't help buying! Heiz.. So many restrictions lor..

Mini : U still takin Folic acid? I've stop wor..

mini....i think u can stop taking that...did your gynae gave you the Mutli vit??? that got include folic acid....

lovie....me waiting.........

Mini : Mine finish too and i've stop buying le lo.. Coz the other vits tat u had "covers" the folic acid part le..

Kath : Hahahahaha.. We muz be patient!


Yah! haha!


The nurse at my gynae's clinic told me no need to take folic now but i still have balance so just finish up.


My gynae also gave me multi vits 1 type only...that includes all the required vitamin thus no need to take folic on 2nd trimester.

Serene : I bought it on babymallonline. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's darn cheap! Hahahahaha..

Lovie: Yup. My tummy proves that the "impotent" part is not true.

MiniMeL I have also stop on folic acid. Folic acid is one of the content in the multi-vits that my gynae prescribed to me.

Serene : Yes, dear. it is a website and things form there is cheap! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U wanna start a spree?


Bel : Hahahahah.. I think the saying comes as some woman fear tat hb has a phobia if witnessing u give birth!

Ytd i asked hb whether will he be accomanying me to labour room and he said, "NO" and met with my gentle yet stern, "No, NO!" Wahahahahhaha.. Of course, dearie is juz kidding wif me! I think not hb would miss the chance of witnessing of his child and also the "ribbon ceremony". Wahahahaahh

