(2010/02) February 2010 mtb


Not all daddy are brave enough to witness it... one of my male cousin nearly faint! The other one refused to go in and just wish his wife good luck!!!

Bel : Hahahah.. I think so too but he will eb standing beside me to give me morale support lah, he won't really witness the whole process but can only see tat bb is born, tat's all.

Serene : Yap, buy from a mum who's organising. Now a bit regretting.. Hb told me i should be the one organising! Hahahahaha..

Wahahahaah.. GOOD LUCK?!?!? I think ask hb to stand beside will do and not them standing infront of u. Also, i doubt gynae also allow him to stand infront lor!

hihi.. all mummies...

i'm feeling very sad and has no courage to proceed on with this pregnancy...

it seems like everyone dun like my baby..

they are all blaming mi for getting pregnant now..

i dun wan my baby to go thru what i'm gg thru now esp when it comes to wedding prep and if she's a ger..

i dun wan my baby to undergo the same blamings that she is a ger and has no say when it comes to such occassion, she can only follow thru...

i dun wan her to be treated so unfairly by others

will everyone else be happier if my baby is not here anymore?

Lovie: Ya. Usually hb will stand beside wife when wife gives birth. Ok la, not that frightening. Just that wife might scold hb when she is in pain or hold his hand super tight. Haha. I watch too much tv. :p

chris, never ever think this way! I am sure your family will love the bb when she's born.

Maybe becos of the short time frame, that's y your family are getting anxious.

Your bb is your life and I'm sure you won't feel any better if you lose her!


Yes just stand or sit besides and give you support, no need to go and see how yr gynae deliver and stitch haa. Only if he dares!


Cool down! What has gone wrong??? Don't be so despire...

TamL: no worries. hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!!!

Lovie: i m going to try the Neil Road one next Sunday!!!! So excited hehe

Serene: yah man. he is so obsessed with xiao long bao.. i have never eaten so many xiao long bao before i got pregnant!!!

Chris: who does not like your bb???????? why like that????

Lovie: good choice of getting bb clothing from babymall.. heehee.. I bought from there too and its worth it.

I bought the rompers 6-9mths and my girl 21mths still using.. haha..

Tip: If u machine wash the clothing, please put inside the washing bag.. if not it will expand.. like mine.. haha.. that's y my girl still can wear till nw.. =p

I will be getting more from babymall too after confirming my bb's gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie, Bel,

While waiting to dilate till 10cm, me and hubby are resting comfortably chatting and watching TV! Cos with epidural, i'm totally numb, don't feel the pain at all... when the nurse says it's ready for labour, then they lift the bed up and put my 2 legs high and my gynae came and the midwives + my hubby guide me to deep breath and push, repeated many times! Then gynae says never mind, he will help, using vaccum and out came the baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mambobb, Lovie,

Babymall is from US also?

I prefer Gymboree. Some mummies told me Jshopper is nice but I never buy any there....now JPY exchange is so high!


Pls don't think that way. What's wrong with having a girl and what's wrong with getting pregnant? Who is the culprit who gave you such a BIG stress??? Don't worry, share with us here....

Lovie: U bought baby boy's clothes online already? Wah.. took a look at the webby.. prices quite reasonable, but it's in US dollars rite?

Minime: For folic acid, my gynae said eat til week 14 can stop..

Christine: Be strong gal.. Why do u feel that everyone dun like ur baby? Think positively... Ur baby is trying its best to grow well inside you, it's not easy for it also.. If u think negatively, it will affect its growth.. and it did not do anything to deserve anything less than the best from its mother.. I'm sure you and ur hubby will give it all ur love and support regardless of what other people say or do.. Other people are not those giving birth or nurturing ur child.. I'm sure with u by ur baby's side, it will grow up strong and healthy... *hugs* Think about those who have been trying for babies but can't.. think about those single mothers who gave birth to their child and bring them up with so much courage.. think about the baby in you.. Hope u'll feel better soon..

Lovie/Serene: My hb was with me when I delivered #1.. initially he was very scared too and I told him he die die also have to be with me.. haha

After I delivered, I think he has no regrets to see the whole process. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, the gynea allow the hb to stand in front if he dares to see everything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually the nurse asked my hb to take a look of the bb's head (when its at the tip of my 'V').. haha..

my parents they all blame mi for getting pregnant now then the wedding arrangement do until not here not there...

all ppl say that y haben ve customary, then get pregnant le.. they all said i'm a female got no say in the wedding plans, and that all i can do is to follow what they want...

i dun wan my baby to be a ger... i dun think keeping my baby is a right choice...

they all dun like my baby...

Bel : hahahaha.. GRAP his hand and SCREAM!! :p

Serene : Think both he and I are not so daring lor! Kekeke.. Wa lao, Ur bb procedure sounds relaxing! Urs is natural birth? Heard tat natural one recovers quickly lor!

Tira : Next Sunday? Too late! How about earlier. Hahahahahah.. U shld have try it long ago!

Mambobb : Now I dun even know whether when my cutie clothes will arrive lor and how am I gonna agar agar when I can��t see my clothes and if it��s not enough, make another buy! Arghh!

Christine : Aiyo.. Dun think of tat! Who dare to scold u or say bad things abt you, tell me, i will scold them lor. Nonsense ppl! Ignore them! Who's bb is it huh.. Dun be so upset wif others! They are ignorant and only now how to talk nia!

Wa, i hardly have time to come in. Very busy today... Rushing like mad woman..

Christine: Don't let other people thinking affecting you. It is your baby! There is no wrong or right when a life come in. In fact, it is a big gift from god. Someone who really want baby, in fact they can't have baby. And wrong with baby girl?? Crazy people!

Serene : babymall si from US wor and ive got quite a good rate and tat's why I bought lotsa!

Tam : Yap, in US dollars and convert to SG.. U int?

Mambobb : Wa seh, u threaten ur hb eh. Hahahahaha.. Think I have to! Mean us! Hehe..

Christine : Why bother much abt what they say now tat u're preggie, my dear! U cant shut everyone up! U noe I had such a nasty discussion with my dad tat I don't expect him to come to my wedding liao coz im stuck in between of him and hb! When u gotta make sacrifice, u got to, no matter what! And of course, bb STAYS!

Christine: I really hope u're not going to be doing anything silly... Ur baby is a LIFE! Keeping ur baby is the RIGHT CHOICE.. so please please don't think lidat.. I know we're not in ur shoes, very hard to understand, but please listen to us and like what many have said, don't let other ppl affect u... Anyway, u're legally married.. U're not doing anything wrong.. If ppl wanna say, let them.. it's their mouths.. dun let it affect u.. be positive k?

Tira: I'm like u.. also scared of the epi or tearing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lovie: My hubby said he scared too much blood he say liao will faint.. then in the end we have to get double bed.. one for him and one for me.. hahaha..

Lovie: if you see my schedule, you will understand.. i have to go somewhere for lunch/brunch/dinner every Fri + Sat + Sun for the next 2 mths...

Chris: do you love your bb?


help help.. i started to have rashes starting from my belly button and now spread on my tummy.. why huh ? could it be heat ?

i only get this during last trimester of my prev preganancy. dun tell me this round started early and im gonna suffer till next year ??

oh no... any remedy???

Lovie: Pretty interested.. but i wanna wait til i know baby's gender more or less then get... u got lobang for this also? hee...

Tira: I once asked my mum about it. She said it is already very painful so even when cut there, also the same. Hb told me, for some people, it just split. Don't have to cut. Sounds very frightening right?

Lovie: Ya. I will if he is standing beside me. I got a feeling he will wanna see the whole process of baby coming out. Haha.

Christine: After the wedding if over, they will not feel that way anymore. They will sure be looking forward to see baby, be it boy or girl. It is just part of the "wedding prep stress".

Mico: my gf also like that... nothing she could do to ease it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bel: yes, i am scared shitless of that, but what to do..

tira: nob nob... i look forward to seeing the gynae so that i can know my baby is growing well... i loook forward to seeing the neccessary scans in TMC so that i know my baby is healthy n fine... my hubby and i also very looking forward to feel baby's movements and to take up the 4D scan, coz we wanna to be able to see the baby...


When you had administrated the Epidural, you don't even feel it when doc perform episiotomy, you can't even see it. The only thing you can see if when yr gynae sits in front of you and performing his sewing skill....then after few hrs later, when the numb is gone, you will feel "thousands and millions of ants biting you (yr wound)"......just quickly get pain killer from nurse will be fine! Of cos diff ppl diff endurance level... what i've said above is my own experience. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tira: Me too. Haha. We got to face it.

Mico: Come to think of that, I started to have a few pink spots on my tummy last week. Not itchy at all.


People out there likes to give different comments. As long as you do what you think is right and happy, don't bother about others. Of cos i'm not telling not to bother about yr parents but you can reason them out?

Chris: see? you and hb both look forward to bb's arrival. that is what matters. who gives a shit about what other ppl think?? you know, you must learn to stop letting what other ppl think affect u so much. at the end of the day, it is YOUR life and you must live it the way YOU want!!!!

Serene: i am not scared of the cutting or sewing. cas i know cannot feel. I am scared of the healing afterwards!!!! LOL

i din scratch it earlier cos i scared later will have stretch mark.. but cannot tahan la.. just now scratch and now my rashes spread all over my tummy.. all red colour liao and more itchy..

should i see doctor ?

hi christine,

Dun feel so sad...actually wedding is really no big deal. In fact, I dun remember much of it and my photos are somewhere in the storeroom. But my kids, they are a constant reminder of my hubby's luv for me and the reason for us to continue working hard. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The joy they give is undescribable.

Tam : Ahahahaahah.. Who's not afraid of blood huh. Juz 4 tubes fo blood, i wanna fight the nurse liao. Hahahahaha..

Tira : Oops.. Starting to hate function liao. Prefers to stay at home and laze ard lor!

Tam : When will u know bb's gender? I might have plans to have another buy with or w/o the sale going through! Coz if the sale manage to go through, might order more. If not, gotta re-order so either way, am gonna order and now seeing ard whether can have in bulk order anot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bel : Waaaaaaahhhhh.. Ur hb very brave leh!


Did you apply something that is allergic to yr skin? Now that area is been stretched and very dry and sensitive!



Now that we are preggie we tend to be sensitive with feeling and words and almost everything. We are very emotional too so you have to keep calm and cool down and think properly. Yr baby is most precious to you, you're his/her closest, you have the responsibility to protect and love him/her... That's the mummy role! Please don't think otherwise.

Lovie: i also!!!! i wish i could!!!! and now my memory is not as good since i hv to share my brain with my bb, so i have to write EVERYTHING down in case i forget where i am supposed to go for dinner. even my hb is scared of ppl asking us out now and he is usually super sociable!

Mico: Maybe it's the heat also.. Try not to scratch, else will blister and bleed.. if the spots worsen, maybe go see ur gynae to get some cream to apply..

Christine: *big hugs* Calm down, play some soothing music... relax.. don't think too much and enjoy the rest of ur pregnancy..

Serene: Oh my.. will feel like ants down there? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Will doing pelvic exercises help to prevent tearing or epi?


Hah! That's the challenge...friends told me to get ready a swim float at home and i thought no need but in the end desperately in need and hub go and buy 1 for me! For the next few days, i sat on the float except on my bed! U do get 1 ready! As long as u take care of yr wound properly (wash with antiseptic lotion/salt water), yr wound will heal within 7-10 days.


For me, i choose not to challenge my thershold haa! scared it leave me a 'unforgetable experience' and end up no courage to go for #2 that time!

tira, muffin, serene, lovie: sigh... i dunno why, i have problems tackling my emo... esp the tears... and i ve been tearring for a week... haben been eating much... and tummy shrink size le...

Serene: oh that is ESSENTIAL!!! i got one already!!! LOL

Bel: i also choose not to challenge my threshold. I see no reason to suffer more than i have to. Plus, the faster i recover, the more attention and time i can give to my bb!


Lovie: This fri i going to see gynae again.. Will ask.. hee.. in the website saw some neutral colour clothes.. If u're buying, i'll probably join and buy some neutral stuff first.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Keep me informed k? The things so cute.. can't resist! Haha..

Tira/Bel: Actually my mum also said if don't need epidural then dun get.. Cos for some ppl, may get backaches.. Cos afterall, it's an injection into a very small column in the spine..

