(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

19 Aug at airport T3 Earle Swensons 1230pm


2) xin

3) mellisa

4) chameleon

5) luvbabe

6) TamL


8) cheerieheart (maybe)

9) charis

10) nana



Actually I am worried after A's fall. Esp yesterday evening my mom was mad at me & told me I'd better not have any regrets if there's more serious injuries etc. Sighs. Well I can't turn back time, so just pray lor.

I agree, this crawling stage, they tend to bump themselves, or fall backwards too. Sometimes A very over-confident. One hand holding toy, other hand holding sofa, and turning backwards to watch TV. *faints*


Yey, 3 cheers for Kaden. Soon he'll be pulling himself up to stand ALL the time!


Hahaha, seems our 2 gals have similar profiles :p

Kacey, Brainkuku

I went to Hort Park once and saw that they had private function rooms. There were some signages on 1st birthday functions being held there. But I didn't enquire how much, coz the location is rather inconvenient.

hi mummies!

yr is sick again. he has just recovered from HFMD (kena from gor gor) early this mth. sigh. PD said viral infection so he is getting all the blocked nose, phlegm and coughing. the poor boy has difficulties sleeping at night as the mucus blocked up his nose and he's v irritated by it.

he went for his jab last week and he weighs 9.6kg 73cm tall now. but not sure if he will lose any weight from falling sick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Airport gathering-

Are all those on the list SAHM and suppose live in east side too??..I know chameleon, melissa, cheerieheart, and Tam are..

Cos I don't log in often..want to get to know the mummies here better..haha..so many of us!!

Pe-ah/Smalldreams, Kacey, Brain..Heard about Hort park's function rooms too..one of my gfs had bday party for her boy..nice change from usual locations, think was about $200plus rent for the large function room..yup but kind of far for east and central ppl.

smalldream: Hehe.. Rachael like to use her two hands and press my face, especially her hands with all her saliva. I will say her, wei, so dirty, and you use my face to dry it huh. Then she keep look at you innocently. :/


I bought 1 of the softplay book for my boy and he likes it so much. He likes the different sounds from the different pages. I also wanna buy more if it's cheap. I can't seem to see the book from the hyperlink you posted. Can't seem to find the books at toabao.

Btw, where do you stay? I also wanna go to the airport gathering but too far from my place. I usually take cab when I go out cos I usually latch my boy in the cab. Not sure whether he's ok with the long train ride cos cab fare will be very expensive from Jurong west to Airport.

smalldreams: sayang A. just has to monitor her for awhile. so long she is still active and herself. should be ok.

tyl: good to hear that ayden is better. must have give u a scare when he cried badly after the fall. but babies are actually more resilient than we think, still its inevitable that we will get worried n super gan chiong as they are our bao beis! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ouh, Ayden knocked himself too? Haiyoh..sometimes I think it's the shock that they experienced that make them yell loudly. But is' OK, boys must be tough, ehhe he'll get used to more rough and tumble play...:p


Thanks. she was quite slow mo in the morning my mom said. Probably had bad memories of the fall, heh. But she was ok by evening, and by this morning, already pulling up to stand, and also want to crawl all over the bed. Forgot abt yesterday's fall liao.

airport gathering: want to meet but I get off work at 12.30. not sure if I can make it in time if I go back to get baby then go down.

West side gathering: count me in! I stay in Clementi, but Redhill and Tiong Bahru is not too far for me.

LOs falling off the bed: My heart ached when I read about all the babies falling off the bed. Mine had a terrible one a few months back. Fell off the bed and hit his cheek against the bedside table. He cried and cried, then fell asleep and I couldn't get him to wake up. I thought kena concussion. So rushed to the hospital. The whole journey in the car he had his eyes closed. I rocked him and called his name, but Z didn't open his eyes. I thought 'Die liao lah! Die liao lah!'

Practically jumped out of the car and ran to the triage at KK emergency. Sat down and told the nurse what happened.

His perfect timing...... He sat up and smiled at the nurse, then looked at me and smiled at me too. I was angry and relieved at the same time. He pulled a fast one on his daddy and mummy.

Now that our LOs have started to roll and crawl, must seriously watch over them.

Tantrums: Notice how when they get angry, their faces turn a bright red?? When I put Z in the car seat, or high chair, he will push his body against the safety belt, and his whole face will turn red! Then start screaming when I leave him there. HOW? HELP!! Have to fetch him every day from MIL's place. The journey from CCK to Clementi feels sooooooooooooooooooo long!!

It has been a while since i last posted.

TYL and smalldreams,

Our children are growing up real fast, so sometimes tend to have bumps here and there, it's their learning process too. They fall to learn. of cos as parents we will be heartache but then again no pain no gain right. As long they are eating and drinking without complications, that will be good ya.

mommies who is going for tml gatheing at the airport have fun!

Morning mummies...

Sayang to all babies who fell off the bed....hear already, I also heartache....As long as they are still their usual self, eating, drinking and sleeping ok, then no worries....

Re: Baby Gym

Before I get busy and swarmed with work again, I have just sent out the details to all mummies whose babies are attending the baby gym trial class.

If your baby enjoys herself/himself at the trial class, I have also negotiated for a special deal for all of us who are attending this trial class if we sign up after the trial class itself. Once I get some details, I will send the email to update everyone.

bryest> I bring both Luis and Lucas to the same PD in Tiong Bahru. His name is Dr Edmund Koh at Jln Membina. Text me if you want his contact.

Do go to the airport gathering lah....Maybe you just have to pay for cab fare one way and going back, we are going the same way and we can take the MRT together, thus saving you some cab fare.

mstan : The other store is wholesale so cheaper but I won't be dealing with her cos I dun like her. I am not sure what is the retail price for the Totseat in SG but I think RMB 75 for one is pretty reasonable.

smalldream: Not in the stores listed but you keen on that? Let me know.

Lsntyl: Hope Ayden is fine!!!

Yukie : WAH So sweet ah support me ! Thanks!

applegal/ lynn / sherry -> Got your orders liao! Thanks!

Re: Babies falling off bed

When Bryan rolled off the bed sometime ago, I woke up in shock and screamed when I heard the thud. Like wat lil lamb said, it ended with 2 crying fellas - mummy and baby. But he has since learnt his lesson in someway and he is more cautious now, I hope.

In fact, I must be the most devilish mummy in town when he has a knock on his head against the coffee table leg the other day when he was crawling. He so much wanted to cry after the knock (think Puss in Shrek), but I was sitting beside him and I told him "see your fault! I told you not to go there and pull the thing out, but you don't listen to mummy so you better don't cry". He gave me a pitiful look and crawled away without crying.

ecookie>oh dear. hope your boy gets better soon.

ya, I got a big scare when I heard his cry. Was in the toilet and heard a baby cry, then thought cannot be my boy cos my boy never cry so cham. next thing I hear is another cry and running in the house so quickly run out of toilet.

charis>think most of the moms gathering tomorrow stay in the east but not all are SAHM.

smalldreams/bryest/rina/luvbabe>thanks. Think he should be ok. Just monitor him for next few days. No point getting all upset and blaming anyone since it has already happened. Only come here to niam a bit cos don't want to say anything at home cos I know my parents feel v bad that he fell.

sueann>aiyoh, sounds so scary. normally we keep a v close eye on my boy but think yesterday night everyone tired and want to sleep. Thought he was also fast asleep so let down guard only for him to flip onto the floor.

luvbabe>got the email. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


19 Aug at airport T3 Earle Swensons 1230pm


2) xin

3) mellisa

4) chameleon

5) luvbabe

6) TamL


8) cheerieheart (maybe)

9) charis

10) nana

11) Steph (will come by to say hello during my lunch hour so no baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] )

sueann: must have been a scary experience for u when he refused to wake up. can imagine how scared u must be on the way to KK!never mind pulling a fast one on you so long he is ok!

as for sitting in car seats just have to train him. for my elder son, he didnt like to sit so we slowly warm him up, first by having someone to accompany him at the back holding his hand n distracting with sights outside (yes, he didnt want to sit in the car seat even when im next to him), then slowly move further from him but still at back of car w him. then slowly no one at the back w him. even so, he will still scream and cry at times. i just let him be cos its more impt to drive safely than to keep turning back n comforting him. he learnt it the hard way that he just got to stay in car seat no matter how.

luvbabe: so u followed edmund koh when he opened his own clinic? my elder son went to his clinic at tiong bahru plaza but now we just stick to the new PD there. Dr wong...

Hi mummies

Just got a call frm dumex. There is an offer currently. If your LO is taking mamil gold stage 2, u can call 1800-2653188 for home delivery. They hv diff promo for different months. Currently they r selling 3 tins of 700g @ $90 and they free 2 tins of 400g. They claim that the savings is up to $36. I duno if its cheap or expensive.

sueann > I think I would have freaked out if that happened to me.. Gosh...

tyl > yup, no point blaming anyone so we just have to be more careful. I'm sure Ayden is fine! :D

Re: toys

Just saw the pix of toys that failed the safety test from my news blast: http://www.case.org.sg/downloads/central/toy_survey.html

Don't think we will buy any cos they are generally more for older tots, so mummies with elder ones, you might want to take a look.

super busy.....down with block ducts and flu-ey feel, body still report to work, but no mood/energy liao

re: babies falling

our LOs are getting v active and flipping, crawling, therefore, DO NOT for a second leave them unattended on the bed/highchair/sofa. That's how falls happen, just a wink of a second. Guess its a rite of passage, hope all LOs not seriously hurt

Yesterday, I carried out practise drill of falling with my bb at the bed, but she kept on smiling, thinking its some kind of fun thing...faintz...


your spinach looks good, hope she likes it. And she can sit well on the trolley now. I read somewhere the supermarket trolley handle has one of the highest no. of germs, so i try to wipe with wet wipes first


You are not evil for not feeding 12am - 6am. I already did that abt 3months old. From 3mo - 6 mo, bb still stirs somehow at night, I know it is normal as we adults also stir few times, except that we are not aware and able to go back to sleep mode unconsciously. But for bb, they just need a bit of help, for me, i just pat pat or pop pacifier back to sleep. Now she sleeps through without stirring at all, finaly got solid uninterrupted sleep for me.

Charis: Ya, super busy. Once i finish this current big proj, i must really give myself a gd rest!!

Can advise me how to let Kenan crawl more? He already doesn't like to be on his tummy, now that he knows how to flip over, every time i give him tummy time, he will turn over to his back! So i'm quite concern wat if he can't crawl, i read somewhr crawling is impt for their brain devt. Hubby just spoke abt it last nite, so i'm getting abit worried.

Smalldreams: hehe, doubt Kenan will pull himself up to standing position soon. He can't even get himself into a sitting position :p

Baby milk feeds: i noticed lately that my boy doesn't wanna drink so much milk. Is it normal? He is now taking 4 milk feeds a day with 2 cereals (4 tbsp). Plus i give him some fruits in between meals. He was taking 5 milks initially when he started semi solids.

Thks Jessie !

Think I will get it from BP as they are selling it at $18 excluding local postage.

Sorry for the delay in my taobao order becos hv been busy & hv not hv the time to go thru all the links yet. Think hv to gv u over this wkend....;p

Re : bb falling off

Take care all mummies as my bb also did fell off once & I was so scared. Now with her knowing how to turn/flip/learning to crawl/stand, really must be more cautious liao....;p

Hello all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've been super busy these days and haven't had a chance to look through the archives.

Re: Airport Gathering

What a big group! I'm a west-side mommy working in the east side. Going during my lunch hour so not bringing baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hopefully, I am disciplined enough to do the long walk to Expo and take the MRT to Changi Airport instead of cab, so I might just bump into those mommies taking the train.

Re: Babies falling

Bottom line is we shouldn't leave them unattended if we can help it. Even surrounding LO with pillows doesn't help. That's what happened to my LO cos he just rammed his way through the pillows and onto the floor. :p

Sueann79, your account of your LO falling made me laugh. Looking back, it's probably very funny but not at that point in time.

Re: Babies sleeping through the night

My LO still wakes up many times a night. He sleeps at 9.30pm while latching and after 4oz FM. I give him 4oz cos that's the max he can take and he drinks ultra slow, and sometimes he doesn't even finish it. He then stirs at 3am and I'll just latch him on for a few minutes and then he'll sleep. After 3am it gets crazy cos he stirs every 1-1.5hrs thereafter. I've tried so many ways - giving more FM, dream-feeding, more afternoon naps/ less afternoon naps, just putting pacifier back, giving water or milk during middle of the night stirrings. Nothing works! My PD says some children just don't sleep through the night even when they are a year old. *faintz* Is that going to be my fate? Give up liao..I have been co-sleeping with LO since 4mths plus cos it's easier to just turn to my side and pat him to sleep then get up. I guess all mommies have their share of troubles/concerns (diarrhea, constipation etc)and mine just happen to be baby not sleeping thru the night.

Re: Supermarket trolley handle

When I was shopping in Korea, I was super impressed by the fact that supermarket provided disinfectant towels for people to wipe the trolley handle.

Re: Tantrums

Aaron turns bright red and then purses his lips together ala angelina jolie beestung lips and does an impressive 'brrrr' with saliva spitting out. I dunno whether to laugh or scold him.

Hi all,

am back in evening n my aunt passed away late last nite, close to 12 midnite....Glad she passed on also cos she was in so much pain, scream so loud in pain...

Mum went back to msia early in morn again. The journey is quite far esp taking public transport n I dunno hw to drive there even with my gps, 2- 3 hrs drive fr custom.....

Best, my mum took my hse keys n my hb is stuck with impt meeting. Mil coming by later to "save" me....

Mstan, I got the totseat fr BP, its like exactly wat we see in the dept stores, so am happy with the purchase!

febie, the animal pillowcase very nice hor, taobao oso nt cheap lei, avg $58, convert with shipping its like even more ex. I saw the cheapest on $33 with shipping abt same. Tink maybe I mite get fr bp. $12.50 with local postage

Ytd, fil told me these 2 days, Ayden crawl backwards towards the edge of the bed stand on the mattress on the floor for sometime, then smile at them, then purposely drop his bum on mattress n chuckle! He tinks its funny!!!

furby, my mil purposely let Ayden drop his bum on the floor lightly n tell him fall down pain pain, he smile.....tinks its part of play!


I do latch Renee in the time period (12mn to 6am) that you asked about. She sleeps at 7pm. Her last feed will be around 6:30pm and she'll wake up between 4+am and 6+am for her feed. If she wakes up early, before 6am, she'll usually drink and go back to sleep a little more. I will latch her if she's slept more than 7 hours in a stretch because the air is dry, even I feel thirsty when I wake up in the middle of the night.


you must have been so worried on the way to KKH after Z fell. Although it's often said that every baby falls from the bed, I hope Renee doesn't. We do not put her on our bed unsupervised. I'm really extra careful about that because my friend's son rolled off the bed when he was 1yo. He cried and cried. My friend, the dad, thought that he was just frightened but after half an hour of crying, he suddenly turned purple and blue. His eyes dilated and could not focus. He could not respond. They rushed him to the nearest hospital, NUH, beating all the red lights along the way. My friend was carrying his son in the car, thinking to himself "My son is dying in my arms now!"

At the hospital, the doctors say he is suffering from a hemorrhage beneath the scalp from the fall. The advised that it's a high risk operation but without the surgery, there's no chance of survival. They went ahead, drills, tubes, cables, devices, monitors... he was all wired up. He was comatose and docs prevented him from waking up because any activity means body heat and could cause inflammation at the wound.

The op was fortunately a success. But for a month, he sort of lost most of his motor skills, vocals, ability to eat solids... he regained pretty fast after a month. Now he's 2+yo, he seems very normal to me, except that long C-shaped scar at the side of his head.

My friend warned me to only let Renee sleep in her cot and nowhere else. Safety first cos even though every day 10000 babies fall off the bed, one might turn out to be a freak accident like his. Somehow I think I've shared my friends' story here before but I don't mind typing it all over just to let you gals know how dangerous it can potentially be. Maybe cos I know them personally, the incident was very very real to me.

In another case, you know kids fall off their bicycles when they are learning right? MY bro's colleague's daughter fell off her bike at 4yo and was semi-paralysed since then. Freak accident too lor.

Now on myself... settled in the summer heat in Dubai already but mummy's here for 2 weeks. I'm busy cos it's like I have a 'guest' at home. There's someone to chat too so I'm not logging on so frequently. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care, everyone. Hope babies who are unwell recover soonest. I saw so many babies with cough and runny nose when I was back. Counting our blessings that Renee was spared from all the viruses during our vacation. Mummy thinks BM gave her stronger immunity?!


I also wet-wipe the supermarket trolley handle before putting Renee on it. :p I was watching a documentary on bacteria, freaked my hub and I out but well, we discussed and the key takeaway from the show is: There are countless bacteria around us but fortunately, most of them do not harm. *phew. hehehe


You are still extending your vacation in SIN until Nat's tummy is recovered eh? Hope that she'll be fine soon and you can return to Shanghai to be with your hubby again. I'm sure he misses you both a lot and you also miss his support. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't know why some of your friends think that you have a good time as a SAHM with a 7 mo baby. Actually SAHM, WAHM, FTWM... everyone has challenges of their own, battles of their own. I see my SIL, a FTWM, she misses her daughter so much. She says she's jealous that that I can see Renee growing every minute. But she also feels that at least she can have a little break from mommahood when she's in office. She appreciate it. So, there's no perfect arrangement if one is not contented.

On the totseat,

Renee's using her sack 'n seat at mealtimes for the past 3 days. I haven't been putting her on the high chair. No harm right?

Been so busy with new job and new house that I didn’t have time to go through the posts recently. Seems like there is another spree going on and some trial classes. Sighz….missed all of them. Hopefully next time can join.

I have officially completely stopped bf for abt 1 week liao…but something strange happened lei….yesterday I felt a bit of lump on my right and then today breast is suddenly painful liao. Is it possible for me to still have issues since it has been a week?

I still have 1 box of breast pad to sell…kiasu last time….bought extra…any mummy still need breast pad?


I think I have some Dumex, Nan & Promil of samples to either exchange with Similac 2 or to give away if whoever wants it doesn’t have any to exchange.

Pls PM me if you want coz I am not confident I can match up with the speed of this forum.


oh no, YR is down with viral infection uh? Poor boy. But he's not the whiny sort right? Hopefully he'll get well soon.


yeah, I agree wit you. No matter what, don't leave them on the bed even for a split second! I only have myself to blame for my slow reaction time. I didn't check if she was awake already when her brother got up.

We share the problem - baby still waking up at night. Frankly I think the problem will never go away as long as we co-sleep. Baby feels rewarded & comforted coz they get to latch at night. The only way is to sleep train them, maybe thru CIO until they find a way to soothe themselves back to sleep. But I'm too lazy & soft hearted for that, so I guess, I'll just latch & let her self-wean.

I also accept the fact that some kids will not sleep thru the nite till later. My mom said that altho my siblings & 1 took formula last time, we still got up! So it's really not about FM or BM or what. It's just, "some babies". haha! (comforting myself here)


Sorry to hear abt yr aunt. But she has gone to a better place and her worldly suffering has ended.

You got your totseat already? I haven't leh. BP seller said items hadn't arrived yet. So has Ayden tried it?


Thanks, but it's not that I want to get the softplay books. Was just showing it to Xin, V_ni in case they wanted it, and if it's in the list of your stores, even better!

c.yang>wah, your stories so scary. First time I read them. Glad your friend's son is ok. v sad for the poor gal who fell off the bike. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You are cool to accept that Aaron is not sleeping through. But hope that you are not panda-eyed by now. It is really better to accept than to think that every baby can fall into a gina ford's or tracy hoggs' description. Is he teething, Renee was doing that "phhhhhoooot" thing a lot 2 weeks ago when we were in SIN. Seems like she's over it. *fingers crossed


sorry to hear about the loss of your aunt. condolences to you and your family.

Ayden fully recovered from his cough already? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, the shoebox project is good! We are going to fill up 3 boxes this year. One from me, one from my hub and one from Renee.

Sayang lil' Aifah. She better not be so daring again. heh heh.

Thanks everyone,I think its better for her n her immediate family, cos my cousins din get to rest totally thru out the whole episode...

smalldreams, I got it last week, forgot which day.

c.yang, yup Ayden recovered n hopefully he stays recovered....He gained back some weight cos when mil put him in the sarong cradle it lowered compared to few weeks ago. whats the shoe box thinggy ah?

Cyang, your story makes me so scared lor, my little boy is super active, even on his bumper mat on the floor, he can roll out and knock his head onto the floor..

bluemist, my nephew 3+ and niece 1+ both can't sleep thru the night, so my bro and SIl both have to rotate to wake up at night to feed/comfort both of them. My nephew wake now at 3 or 4am to tell my SIL he is afraid or want to play with iphone.. faint sia..

smalldreams: yr not really whiny type but very hard to feed him meds! he will cry when he sees the syringe and will spit out the meds. even when we make him lie flat n fed him the meds he will secretly hold in his mouth and spit out again when we carry him upright! faint. dont know laugh or scold him!

cyang: ur stories are really scary and i almost teared when i read the 1st story. must be v v v devastating to the parents when the boy was in coma while waiting for the wound to heal...

smalldreams: i also accept the fate that "some babies" just do not sleep thru till later.. even now when yr is at my mum's place, i still wake up 2-3 times in the night only to realise he's not beside me! hahhaah my body clock also "trained" by him to be haywire liao..

firipy>my condolences. ayden09 sounds like he's back to his normal cheeky self. Why don't you go somewhere for a drink while waiting for your MIL to rescue you?

ayden10 also can't really sleep through the nite yet. He'll wake up at least once for milk. more if he is cosleeping with me.

ET>sama sama. my boy seems to keep knocking his head on something.

Just called home and my mom said he's ok. She said he's v naughty/smart as he somehow sucked the bottle teat till the hole was small and its v hard for s26 to come out then refused to drink it. But yet finish the EBM she gave him later v quickly. Both using same type of bottle and teat so cannot be the hole too small.

smalldreams>don't blame yourself lah. Accidents do happen. Just have to be more careful from now.

whoa, so many posts this morn.

airport gathering>

i finally got through to earle swenson's. made a booking for 10 adults and 6 babies. should be enough? if not, can ask them to add a table...

here's the menu for a preview.


booking made under zhen xin (that's my name. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

might be late coz my boy's nap times are quite erratic... :p...

sueann> u in the west right? i havent ventured to the west with baby before... do join us if u can... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ecookie>hee, sama sama again! I donno how many times I've woken up in the middle of the night just to checkin on Ayden.

xin>thanks for making the reservation for us!

wah, I see the menu start feeling greedy le. donno what to order... :p



Paiseh, have to type in caps so can catch your attention! ;p



10) Wendy

1) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5866053382 - "90适合75-85CM""蓝色" 9.90元/$2.04

2) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5866053382 - "100适合85-95CM""橙黄" 9.90元/$2.04

3) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6091924690 - "90""冰蓝" 9.90元/$2.04

4) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6091924690 - "100""黑色" 9.90元/$2.04

5) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6092220898 - "90""淡蓝" 22.00元/$4.54

6) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6092220898 - "90""米白" 22.00元/$4.54

7) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6833471822 - "90码""草绿" 11.90元/$2.45

8) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6833471822 - "90码""彩蓝"  11.90元/$2.45

9) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6833471822 - "90码""白色"  11.90元/$2.45

10) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5821440115 - "5""绿色" 22.00元/$4.54

11) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5821440115 - "5""西瓜红" 22.00元/$4.54

12) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4423916238 - 14 qty 10.92元/$2.25

13) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6159347804 - "37""白色" 78.00元/$16.08

14) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5420566326 - "13码/13cm""白色" 45.00元/$9.28


THOSE SENT LIAO DUN NEED TO REDO YOUR LIST! I COMPILE LIAO. ONLY FOR THE OTHERS WHO HAVE NOT SUBMIT YOUR ORDERS. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jessie>ok, will put the orders like wendy's. but for location, is it ok to just put east? cos I'm not sure where the exact collection point is...

