(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

taka fair

mommies heading to the fair, have fun~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do update what offers they have..

Hi mommies,

Just wanna check with you who do half EBM & half latch ... do you do the bottle feed on your own? I noticed my gal can drink much more and last longer on the bottle as compared to latching. When latched, she'll get hungry really soon and that gives me little time on my own leh. Need advice.

little_lamb, if u still intend to latch, bottle-feeding shd be done by another person.. was advised by pd coz i've to intro bottle to my bb though i'm TBF as i'm gg back to work..

poxchan - Thanks for the advice. But during the day, I am her only caregiver. So if I were to latch her, then she won't drink much and would demand feeds every 2 hours.

little lamb, poxchan

I am also on tbf. i feel v tired these few nights as bb wakes up 4 times, and drink a bit then sleep. Unlike last time, she wakes up 2 times, drink a lot and last longer.

think i should start give FM for last feed at 10pm, then can last longer. then for middle of night feeds still latch on for convenience.

I used to feed on demand, but now I have to start to think of some routine for bb as going back to work in april. Can share with me any methods.

little_lamb>when we bottle-feed Ayden, its always done by my husband or my mom as he associates my smell with latching. If I try to bottle-feed, he will refuse. I donno if he drinks more from my breasts or bottle as can't tell how much he drinks from me. But latching will definitely take longer than bottle-feeding.

bryest>I've a nursing top but until now, haven't used. I just wear normal dresses that can be pulled down easily when I go out and cover myself either with diaper cloth or a shawl. Or you can get a nursing poncho. Rach, who posted yesterday about the pupsik pouches, has lobang for the ponchos. Maybe you pm her if you interested?

little lamb,

during the day, i am lucky got maid or mum to help tahan bb until almost 3hrs then feed. Like holding, patting, dummy etc.

else, i will be feeding non stop like every 1-2 hrs too!! salute all tbf mummies really, it's much more hard work than FM

F - I give my gal FM at about 10+ before she sleeps and it can let her sleep till about 2 or 3 plus. At least I get some good rest in between. Wake up to latch her and then head back to rest again. I mean if you are open to the idea of FM that is. It took me a while to start her on FM but I later felt that the nutrients from FM might be good for her as well. At least now when I get good rest, I have better SS too.

lsntyl - I dun mind the time taken to latch. But thing is, she drinks lesser when latching and dozes off after one side and then refuse to drink from the other side already lor. That's why she gets hungry fast. If express, at least she gets to drink from both sides lor. Then she can stay full for a longer period of time.

little_lamb/F>maybe you can try cluster feeding? Ayden cluster fed almost the whole evening yesterday and surprised us by sleeping from 9pm-3am. Maybe if I had dream-fed him at 12+, he can sleep till 6... :p

little_lamb>can wake her up to drink from other breast? yesterday night, Ayden also only wanted to go back to sleep after drinking from my left breast but I really wanted to feed my other breast to him as I was engorged and leaking like crazy. In the end, we changed his shirt as it was a bit sweaty and that woke him up enough to drink from my other breast.

OK, gotta go play a bit with him before I go taka le.

little lamb

thanks for sharing. i will do exactly what you do tonight, ie. for last feed, will still latch a while to help empty breast so no need to pump, and then top up with 100ml FM for last feed . then for night feeds just latch.

really desparate to get some sleep, plus hb say i stubborn to insist tbf!!

hi all, long time din post coz move bk hm n hb took leave to accompany mi... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

today is my 2nd day alone wif bb...

enjoy e taka shopping... my hb bu fang xin i brg bb out alone... sighz...

abt tbf, i was abit frustrated yesterday coz my son was like drinking every half an hr... told hb tt i dun wan to bf liaoz... then bb guai guai slp thru frm 11plus til 5plus... mayb he dun wan to drink FM? :p...

i tried to gif him bottle bef n he juz drank... aft tt no prob latching too... tink it differs frm bb to bb ba... n a LC commented tt my nipple is quite like a bottle teat so mayb less confusion for him too...

i dun dare to drag to 3hrly by coaxing coz i scared bb realli hungry... he is like quite light... onli gain 1kg frm birth wt... tt's y i feel like giving FM too... n his urine oso quite yellow... everytime pump i onli get abt 20ml... so v worried tt he not getting enough...

furby> ur hb is opp of mine... i keep saying gif FM n he juz refuse too... he say since alr decided to BF n bb is peeing n pooing well... juz gif BM... but he dun understd how frustrated i am... sighz...

instd of giving fm at night, i try to pump out 100ml of BM in e day... then i gif tt 100ml n latch him... usu he juz wake up @ 2plus n 5plus...

xin, how old is your bb? mine is 6 weeks +

you are really hardworking, latch and still pump 100ml, that's a lot of work

kudos to you

sorry to interrupt here..I have a fully reclinable bb chair and a combi stroller(limousine kind) for sale as my bb is 15 mths now.

Selling at..

BB chair - $60

Combi stroller(suitable fr infant up) - $50

Condition: 7.5/10, no stain on fabric.

Interested pls email me at [email protected]


furby> mine oso 6wks plus.. born on 23 jan... tink he gg thru growth spurt so nd to drink more too... mayb urs oso... tt's y wake up more often...

i pump to try n increase ss too... abit scared not enough tt's y he alwiz hungry n wan to drink...

lsntyl - I would wake her up if not for the fact that I'm not too sleepy myself last nite! LOL. Cluster feeding is damn tiring!!! And leaves me no time to do my stuff.

f - Sometimes, outsiders cannot understand why we insist on TBF-ing. I recalled before I introduced FM, my DH and friends also asked me to try give some FM, so that it'll take the stress away from me. But the thing is ... when I think of all the effort from my DH and me to TBF in her early days ... and if I were to introduce FM, it'll be like wasting of efforts. But later I thought about it ... we all did it for the good of her ... so if FM can help her, why not right?

little lamb

ideally tbf by latching is the best, but textbooks only show the bliss of bf, not the amt of work on the part of the mother esp early weeks, as bb demands feed very often, and only the mother can do the feeding. (Actually my maid was very free since the birth as nothing much for her to do.)

having said that, it is sometimes good to balance needs and not be bf fanatic. I always think if so many women can do it, why can't I? I cannot accept that bf can fail a mother, but looking at it, it does, in the sense of modern's day demand of time and stress.

of course, i can be bf by pumping, which i did for my first, as i did not know how to latch. But my goal is to bf by latching, as i want to experience the bond that ppl talk abt.

bf by latching is not natural for me and i must say not toally enjoyable yet, i went thru a lot of struggle and pain day by day to come to now, so tell myself to preserve, every day i do so is an achievement!

Bluey n smilemum, opps hav mixed up your order. So bluey takes 2m n smilemum 3m.

Lamb, I was in a dilemma like u when BB was 6 wks old. He could latch on for hrs n I totally lost count when wld his next feed be. N I was super tired n cranky coz didn't have me time. So after TBF for 6 wks, I decided to supplement wif FM so tat I can lead balanced life n for the benefit of BB too. No regrets! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All the mummies havent return from bb fair ah.. I missed the gathering as my boy was super cranky since last night, didn't manage to do anything until now..

hi i'm back...the rest still there...had a good time meeting so many mummies...

i din really shop at the fair cos dun plan to get anything...i know the maclarem stroller is vy cheap..

I am back fr Taka & pumping now....;p...didnt buy anything much....;p

Nice meeting all the mummies althou I still cant remember who's who....;p....me very short term memory....;p

Megan, how much is the maclaren? I will be dropping by tmr cos parents tdy nt free to help me with Ayden plus wanna go isetan sale tmr. My cousin getting married this week but the mil making things difficult..... My parents n aunts n uncles all head bigbig..... Dunno got wedding to attend or nt, sigh

firipy>think its 100+? can check with joy or c.yang. they were talking about the price. apparently price dropped quite a bit since last taka sale.

came back and expressed out some milk. then hubby woke baby up so latching him on. so much more comfortable than expressing. :p

nice to meet all the mommies and the cute babies!

firipy>think its 100+? can check with joy or c.yang. they were talking about the price. apparently price dropped quite a bit since last taka sale.

what time will you be going to the isetan sale 2moro? think some of us are planning to go down too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

came back and expressed out some milk. then hubby woke baby up so latching him on. so much more comfortable than expressing. :p

mstan>cannot reserve the items at the isetan sale!

nice to meet all the mommies and the cute babies!


me pumpin now TOO!!!...

bk after taka, isetan..bought all dat i needed...suprised dat i will end up buying so many rubbish..

fetch my 2 older kids...wooo..

nice noon meetg all e mummies & v cute babies!!!

btw..any moomies went to claim the mothercare rompers for using huggies diapers ar??...

babe>I ended up overfeeding Ayden. :p now he keeps burping out milk but he's awake and in good mood. make my mom so happy.

what did you buy? I didn't see much to buy at taka.

I've claimed the mothercare rompers. not much choice left for boys but still got a lot for gals.

Hi mummies I'm back!!

When for nursing room come back all gone Liao hahaha

all babies girls are so sweet...

Taka fair didn't buy alot bought dish wash liquid , wipes , some clothes and milk bag tats all..

Still thinking wanna buy a stroller like cy de.. Looks easy To use ..


i bought 1 squeaky toy, the pigeon bottle brush..which suppose to be easier to clean, 1 insulated bag to tpt ebm..pacifier holder...

then at isetan..bought nuk teats and bottles....wakakaka...ok la..total damage $80

you overfeed coz too much stored milk in the boob oredi ar?? ayden got buffet sure happy la!!


ohhh you claim the rompers...do you haf to print out the form...or when you go there they will haf the forms for you to fill?...

halo...me pumping now too!!!

Yeah, it was great catching up with the mummies and seeing all the pretty and handsome babies....

mstan> Yeah, item cannot be reserved!!! So, not sure if can get coz got limited sets...

fatbabe> Luis fell asleep in the mrt and my hands almost broke by carrying him a short distance...I gotta wake him up to ask him to walk by himself....

fatbabe,isetan start sale le ah? I got the flyer, its for tmr.

megan, oooh thanks for info, I need another stroller for my mil's plc, tinking of getting a combi or maclaren, shall go see tmr.


nope..isetan pte sale is tml..but i think their bb fair juz ended yesterdae...still haf "residual sale"....the nuk premium bottles wif free toothbrush quite a good deal...dats why i got it...then the teats...got 20%...good enuff for me...hiakz...

juz dat today actually wanted to go robinsons or JL to stock up on wet wipes oso....

i ran out of angel wipes le!!

TYL : u claim the mothercare romper at Taka fair for huggies?

luvbabe : wat time u & Joy meeting ? If can make it, will try to meet u all too. I dun hv the guest pass so can I enter tomm on my own ?

babe>I squeezed out 90 ml when I came home then Ayden woke up cos hubby moved him from rocker to bed. only gave him my right breast but apparently too much for him cos my mom fed him at 3pm.

we printed out the forms. not sure if they have it there for you to fill in.

mstan>no, I did at the mothercare shop in KK. Think you can only change them at mothercare.

anyone needs milkbags? I'm not using mine so might as well sell them if anyone wants them. I've got 1 lasinoh and 1 boots to let go.

