(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

milk intake: just checking.my boy entering in to his 6th week. whats teh normal intake per feed for every 3 hrs? 90/120ml/150ml?

A&A&A: so cute!! i esp love the 2nd photo. how to get her to rest on her forearms? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Gong xi fa cai to all

Haven't been able to post cause was reading from phone and a bit clumsy to post.

For those thinking of catering lunch for 1 person, can check out www.jessie.com.sg. They cater for 1 person also, price range between $4-5. But they only deliver to the east for lunch. Foodwise is edible. It saves the hassle of having to look for food.

My LO has been stretching some feeds recently to 3.5 or 4 hours. I thought he would need more if the feeding time is stretched, but he's still drinking almost the same amount. Sometimes 10ml more only. When he's had enough, he would use his tongue to push the teat out and if I continue to push the teat in, he would turn his head left and right and start fussing.

Can't remember who posted about LO fussing during feeds. My LO also sometimes fuss during feeds. I realize that it's either he wants to change the position (hold him higher), is trying to fart or wants to be burped. Sometimes I try burping him when he fuss and indeed he burps rather quickly and would then continue with his feed.

Going to catch a nap before LO wakes up. Hope can logon later.

2as> very nice photo shoot. I'm taking of taking a family shoot in June. Also to coincide with my 10 years wedding anniversary.

2A : yr photoshots of yr bb so cute !

Catering : I juz book a 10days trial with www.fourseasonscatering.com.sg starting fr 2nite, so dunno how's their food but they hv menu on their website.

My bb dunno y, always like to cry since yest & 2day also e same....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....also dun wat 2 sleep & wat pple 2 carry & sometimes even carry can suddenly cry....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

2as, I love ur baby photos! I did the same w my baby but he fussed & cried his lungs out during the shoot. Feel really bad making him go through that at such a tender age. Your girl looks really relaxed & happy in the shoot!


nice pics!! me considered taking wif kelly before...but v pricey le..

i so wan to take NB pics la...but quite costly...so usually i wait for them to get the slightly grown up look then go for family pic...hee..

Cocomama - congrats. 10 yrs like a v long time. I onli gg 1 yr in may. Haha.

Mstan - cld it b she got wind? Mine had been wailg at abt e time every day.

2As: nice photos. Your bb is so adorable.

Those mummies with "the return of menses", do cautious when you do activities. I was the one who was able to conceive while BF. And also managed to continue to BF while pregnant. So be careful if you are not planning to have another kid so soon. ;-)

I m at gynae waiting for my review, suddenly remember mummies who give their bbs 6in1 when we go for 2nd jab we need to start pneumoco rite take same day or seperate ah, wats the gap if seperate, so clueless

2As, ur daughter so cute...

Mstan, I will pm u my order. thanks...

Sherry, hope you are coping well for the 2nd day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Liverpool, ur 2 kids are so cute.

Smalldreams, is the decongestant tool u talking abt from pigeon where u can suck the nose shit out? My baby's nose shit is big, dry and way inside blocking his 2 passage way. I try to suck out but cos it's dry, I can't suck out. Dr ask me to use saline drops in his nostrils to soften the nose shit but can't suck out too. How did u manage to remove?


where did u take the photoshoot? So cute. How did u manage to make her smile and pose when she's only 6 days old?

We also wanna bring baby for photoshoot but don't know which one is good. Any recommendations?

Hey MTMs

Hope you all have enjoyed the New Year and are doing fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anybody using iPhone?? I have this website to recommend.. Selling iPhone accessories at reasonable prices.. Can visit http://theipaplace.blogspot.com for more info..

Here's wishing all of you good health & wealth in this TIGER year and most importantly give birth to a healthy & cheerful "baby tiger"!!! HUAT AH!!



2as, ur gal so cute, wish mine ger too! I m out running errands at post office, realise ml over soon.....i join bp for photoshoot with Sean lau, wanna take b4 full mth but he had outbreak tink wait till his neck stiffen more first

2as> how much did u pay for the NB pics? look really nice leh. but my bb hates to be naked and will keep crying, doesn't smile yet too so i wonder if can look like that.

Hello Jan mommies,

I am very sorry to interupt.

I'm a Jun10 MTB and am very late in looking for a CL. I'm currently in BKK and will only be back in Spore in mid-march.

I hope that you can recommend me your CL if you find her good and is available in mid-Jun10. If you can, please PM me your CL's contact and I'll call her from BKK. Please also comment on her service and her charges.

I have also PMed Koonie to ask for her indonesian CL's contact but i think she's busy with bb so has not checked her mail. If anyone of you have a mobile#, can you kindly help to contact her for me? She can either reply my email or I can also call her from BKK.

Dear Jan10 mommies, thank you very very much.

Lilysnow (Jun10 MTB)


Nice shots! Wow,taken only when baby's only 6 days old. during that time, most of the things were still quite chaotic for me...hahha... wouldn't be able to even think of squeezing in a shoot! But then again you got CL & helper also rite..am sure that helps alleviate things a lot too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Eh, if the nose dirt is too deep inside, don't dig lah! Ears and nose are quite self-cleaning one. Don't worry. Somehow it'll come out to the outer parts, then you remove k. Should be fine still for baby as long as you don't hear him struggling to breathe. Use yr instincts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re : Mamy poko

Hey, I recalled Joy saying that the MP S size is almost the same as newborn rite? Don't dare buy although it was on offer just now. Anyone using M size for MP diaperS?

Hi everyone... hope all are doing fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my LO's butt is kinda red.. no bumps like rashes tho... not sure if it's nappy rash? I've started to apply nappy rash cream when changing diapers instead of powder just in case.

my right breast seems to have alot of hard lumps recently.. dunno why.. left side is fine tho. wierd.. anyone experienced this before?

today is my first out of 5 sessions with jamu massage... not bad, altho d lady said c-sect actually don't need jamu massage. haha.. oh well.. she commented that my tummy is slim but I've cellulite on my thighs! so sad.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Nevermind lah, just enjoy the massage even if you don't need it. It's more of self-pampering after 9 mths of pregnancy & labour! :p

I've got fats everywhere too. Sighs, what to do. Fat genes. And my own lazyness too :S

Smalldreams, mine using mamypoko S now, i got 2 packs, dunno wanna stock up the M size one also, cos i already got 3 packs of Fitti M.. normally how long will our LO be using S size diapers? Till 3 months?

smalldreams,I let my boy use mp s size, the m size too big for him lei,i put him against the sample at the rack tat time.his pampers s size is fitting rite nw, used to be rather big.

febie,my boy went for 6-in-1 when he is 6 weeks old.

et, my boy nvr develop fever that time.

I still wondering shld I schedule his pneuc jab back to back with his 2nd 6-in-1 jab

ET, Firipy

Thanks. If your boys are using S size Mamy Poko, my girl should be able to fit lah, coz my girl should be much smaller in size :p Thanks! Maybe I'll buy a pack tomorrow. Can store the M one.


Your boys back at home liao?


Mamypoko is selling abt $21++ instead of $24 I think. At NTUC. Big packet of about 60 pc in it. Offer till 24 Feb. To be sure, you can go to www.fairprice.com.sg to check.

firipy, understand from my mum that sticky poo could be lack of water. My gal last week oso encounter sticky poo now we juz tried to feed her with more water.

geraldine, I try to get her 50 every 2 hours yesterday. Sighnz not successful leh. She take like 30ml every 1.5/2 hrs. Today she manage to take 70ml at one go.

clarrissa, i oso think she take very little. Think i need to check with my PD next visit next week. thinking of ways to increase her intake.

ET, ya loh but i oso worry coz she need more energy for weight gain leh. My gal sometimes oso cry when she fart.

2As, the pictures are lovely. ur gal is so adorable.

luvbabe, my gal oso shut her mouth tightly when she is full.


it's normal, sometimes one side is more engorged than the other.

For menses:

Those of you with returning menses, is it 'full force' like a normal period? I got few small stains a day these few days at about 8 weeks after delivery. Not even as much as the last day of menses. So I don't know how to classify it. @.@


For MP, I started with NB for weeks 1-4, then S from 5-8 (presently). My girl was small at birth - 2.4kg, at 4 weeks - 3.6kg and now 4.9kg. I think she's considered quite small right? But her "drumstick" thighs are quite plump, S-sized diapers are leaving marks already. Tried one M size earlier today, width ok but seems so long! No leakage though. Dilemma don't know if I should buy another pack of S.

NB and S appears the same to me, compared them folded and open, width and length... but my mummy who has been helping me with diaper changing say got difference when they are worn. ?!

my bb turning one month soon, and I will be bringing her out. But feel very nervous about bfing in public as I not good at latching yet. Or should I pump or give FM?

Any mummies can give tips?

C.Yang, how much do your baby intake at 4 weeks?

I am trying to increase my gal intake. Sometimes she cry when feeding halfway dunno is it due to reflex.


I try to compare the cutting for NB and S seems to be the same. But when wearing on my gal looks different wor.


I don't know her intake leh cos I'm latching 100%... milking on demand 24/7 since she's 2.5 weeks old.

I used bottles for EBM for first 2.5 weeks when I was badly engorged and baby couldn't suckle. That time she was taking in EMB of 40-60ml per feeding. Take the cue from baby? Cannot force feed baby... give more frequently when she needs?

cy, when she is hungry she would cry and fuss loh. However i read some where that we should feed the baby before she cry. I try to feed her like 2hrly. Her intake is not consistent can range from

30 to 70ml.


feeding 2 hourly thru the day seems very close. You wake her up to feed her? I remember when Renee was about 4 weeks old, sometimes after a good feed, she sleeps on for 5 hours, i wake her but sometimes no method can wake her up. Maybe your girl is not hungry yet at 2 hour intervals? LC recommends waking babies under one month of age up at 3 hour intervals if they are not asking for milk. After man yue, the LC told me babies know to cry when they are hungry already so if they have been feeding well, just let them sleep on. I appreciate the 5-hour rest for my nips. Currently, i wake her up if she sleeps past 5 hours (when i'm lucky!)

Sometimes, I also latch on when she starts crying. many times, I change diaper for her first even though she's already crying cos I can't put her flat down for a change after a feed, she'll spit up.

But good way to check for cues, like the experts recommend is the rooting reflex... stroke the corner of her mouth, see if she turns to your finger. she may also turn her head from side to side, put her hands to her mouth or suckle when you offer a finger.


If I were you, I would not buy S diapers anymore until I run out of them and am sure I need them. Your baby might upgrade to M soon.

C.yang, bluey

Haha, suddenly I find this whole diapers thing so hilarious! Imagine us getting headache over size of diapers. Haha! I bought a pack of huggies altho not on offer in the end. But for personal reasons I prefer mamy poko. Tomoro I go get. Worse come to worse, give away to my cousin due in mar lor.

smalldreams, already abit regretted.. hehe.. hopefully can use finish before he upgrade to M.. Cos i see discount then quickly grab 2 packs.. hehe..

re: diaper size...

tytus haf used up 1 pack of huggies ultra size M...now on 2nd pack...then i bought 2 packs of NTUC size M..which is currently too big for him...

he was 5+ kg when he first started size M huggies and its juz nice...

today maid carried bb together wif hot water to heat up EBM...then suddenly tytus let out a loud shrill...realise maid accidently poured some hot water onto his tigh....kena scalded...poor thing...me try to stay calm...if not would haf box her liao...

poor tytus, hope its not serious.. I also kena scalded when i heat up EBM during early morning feed, i pour hot water to my hand instead of the cup... Lucikly the water is not super hot.. The danger of EBM...

Oh dear, bbchic, is Tytus' delicate skin ok?

I was thinking of using the bulb nasal aspirator the other day so I removed it from the packaging and wanted to sterilise it... thought to myself "a bit ridiculous to turn on the steam steriliser for the small nose cleaner"... i went to boil some water and as I was removing the part from the boiling water, I scalded myself too. Luckily, it wasn't serious.

Really gotta be careful especially when we are always in a rush.

oh fatbabe..how's tytus...hope he is ok...

ET...i bot fitti S size tat time still haven't finish, i think i still have 2 packets...dunno can finish it or not...cos looks like it rather small for Hue Wen now.

F...so far i din latch on outside cos worried can't find a place to latch on...wat i do is I normal pump out before going out then will bring the EBM out...will reheat it outside...tat time when I was travelling back to Kuantan I did tat...we took a break at a coffeeshop, ask for hot water and reheat the EBM for her...

ET, Cyang, Megan,

heng SIL v fast...quickly apply pawpaw ointment...generously on his tigh...it doesn't look dat bad now (no boils}...the hot water was the really hot one....he's sleeping le...nvr drink milk since 4pm......but hear him whining in his sleep...like some cat...hope he ok too....


yesterdae i pump outside....but was out whole day...went home can only throw away the EBM....sad..


Yeah, so wasted didn't get to feed BB d EBM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

family planning

Those who intend to have #2 or ur next LO few yrs down d road.. care to share on how effective contraception? Apart frm taking pills & jabs.. How to effectively monitor our period?

C.Yang, my menses is quite little oso.. before pregnancy, mine is very heavy, now the quantity is like day 5 or day 6 of my menses in the past.. very little.. so i called the gynae clinic n told them "i tink i m having my menses..." then they ask me to go for review after it end... Any idea whether our menses will be regular from now on? As in once a month starting from now...

gosh, I oso very kiasu when I see diapers on offer, go n buy 3 S somemore.....when I got 3 pack of S pampers sitting at hm but my boy use diapers like I use tissue for my sinus....He make us waste 2 diapers, he shit n cry, later change him onto new diaper he shit again.....or he pees at us when we change!

megan, Lin,

bobian...if within 4 hours i would haf kept..but its was 5pm..back home 10.30...i smell the EBM oso think like "sng sng" so how to drink??.,

ohh...btw...wan to ask you girls...

do you girls see fathers in nursing room???!!

i was pumpin in one of northpoint's nursing room..then i heard 2 men wif a lady coming in to get water from the water cooler!!...and i was like pumpin away juz covered with curtain...hmmm

i mean like bugis nursing room is open concept wif 2 cubicle wif curtain...so its ok to hear men/ daddy's voices there..but northpoint its a room wif 2 armchairs & curtain..v small...and i tot its juz STRANGE...maybe i too sensitive..


fatbabe, hope tytus is alrite, if its me I tink I will scold my maid like siao....my hb went nursing rm to change for my boy b4 ahhahaha!Northpt got alot of ppl working there go inside nursing rm take hot or cold water de.

