(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Update, free shipping code above USD65 cannot be applied together with 30% discount. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] USD9.95 domestic shipping to be shared among spreeists.

Cy, got your transfer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little lamb, Thanks for sharing. My boy used to sleep in playpen. When he learnt to flip he didn't want to be in it anymore. Now he is sleeping on the mattress and I find it safer to put him on the floor instead. He flip alot during his sleep.

Yeh I tried your method before but he keep crawling to the door. Think I need to train him harder. If not my back is killing me. He is too heavy for me to carry n pat..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Orders placed for [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]






Ship ID is 871029.

CY, your candle is OOS. Will offset for domestic/international shipping.

ET, got 2 transfers from you? Will countercheck the amounts tonight then email u. Thanks.

Hi everyone, thanks for all the tips and ideas. I tried reading to Aaron but he's still more interested in eating the book. Haha...

Btw, how many times and how long does your LO nap during the day? Mine has 2 naps in the late morning and mid-afternoon lasting 45mins. At night he sleeps about 10 hrs. I heard that babies should sleep at least 12 hours but I can't get him to sleep any longer than that.

Furby and Poofy> My LO sleeps late too! He usually conks out between 9 and 10.30pm.

Poofy> My LO fell off from my bed yesterday night on his hands and knees. Thinking of getting the bed rail.

mstann888> I'm having the same trouble too. Aaron sleeps at say 10 and he'll wake up (eyes closed) at around 12 for another feed and then, at least 3 more times between 12 and 7am. We've varied his feeds and tried different routines but this 'don't sleep thru' the night routine is the most constant :p

Michelle> My bedtime routine for Aaron is to give him a quickie bath at 8pm and then put him on my bed with lots of toys while I read or watch TV. I'll feed him intermittently with his 4+2 oz milk (cos he takes forever to drink!) and by the time he finishes the milk around 9 or 10 plus, he'll wobble and lie down to sleep. I don't really engage or talk to him then and at 9pm, it's lights off (except for the TV at low volume) Once I notice he's sleepy, sometimes it takes a little help from me, like cuddle or latch him but he'll sleep in a few mins. My PD says there is no hard and fast rule when babies start to sleep through the night. I guess different babies respond differently so it helps to try out different ways.

Mummies, anyone can advise if breastfeeding can drink yang seng cha? Hokkien "yang sim chew"

Pauline> Thanks for update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So sorry, Febie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Did not know that ET transferred for you. Rushing the orders and no time to check every email and PM came late. I kept my dbs screen no but did not see any transfer stated Febie so did not order for her. I dropped originbaby's order too cos no transfer. :p

ET, will refund the $ to you for Febie order later. Got to make my no. 1 sleep liao

Woo.. I shld have change the name, cos i just quickly transfer using my same name.. Pauline, my POSB savings acc is 009835253.

since still got interest and got 2.5 hours before 3pm, maybe someone else wants to start another spree? :p actually, can order stuff for our big bash oso hor?

smalldreams>hope Aifah is ok. I'm paranoid with leaving Ayden in his cot these days too cos I'm also afraid he'll do what Aifah did. which means he ends up sleeping with us in bed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

No worries Pauline...it's ok...

smalldream, hope Aifah is ok...

i also find Shayne very whiney...

and he's trying lots of stunts in his cot...

mstan> my friend's daughter only slept through when she was around 3 or 4 yo. every night will wake up to pee and surely cry. guess every child is different ba.

mattias usually wakes up 1 or twice at night. now if we dont get to him fast enough, he'll crawl out of the room to find us. :p.

michelle> our sons like quite alike hor. like to crawl to the door. :p

now we carry him to pat. but we sit down to pat. so not so straining. but also cant do for long.

picnic> spoke to chameleon last night and she suggested that botanical gardens got more things to see.

the sheng siong side not much grass leh. we'll have our picnic on the concrete steps?

yup, we can always confirm nearer the date. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's a long weekend.

smalldreams> hope Aifah's ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blue7mist> i bring mattias out quite frequently. eaier to occupy him. sometimes i feel quite frustrated when i face him the whole day at hm. and esp when he doesn't want to nap.

maybe we can do a playdate since u're free this mth?

xin>tentatively, I should be ok with the picnic. Just need to confirm date and place.

ayden wakes up at nite too n he's super sticky to me in bed. If I get up to drink water or go toilet, he'll somehow know and will start whining, no matter how his father pacifies him

blue7mist : oh, I praying hard that bb can outgrown her sleeping pattern & sleep thruout the nite....;p

Oh, yr bb hv 3 naps in the day ? How long r the naps?

Mine only 2 naps - once late morning & another in the aftn. Each nap can be ard 20min-1hr.

Oh, my bb also only sleep abt 9-10hrs at nite....;p...wish she can sleep longer for 12hrs & wake up at ard 8+am instead....;p

Re : partycity spree

Haa...who wat to organise the last min spree ?

Only 1hr to go....;p

there's secret recipe promo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tyl> i love mr men. can help me ask if it forms the mr men words at the side? i only want that version. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i still cant post thr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xin : omg - until 3-4yrs old, then will hv to suffer broken sleep until so long ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dunno which mummy hv better ways to correct ? Ha....;p

Phew, my no. 1 finally KO. I can finally relax. She kept coming to kacheow me when I was coordinating orders. That's why initially I wanted to submit all orders before 11am but really too rushed lar. hee. :p In the end, she waited for me for so long until she came to my room and said 'Mummy, where are you? I want to drink milk now (she always drinks milk before she sleeps). Guilty, guilty. Postpone her nap cos of the spree. :p

Febie, paiseh again hor. Your theme same as mine by the way. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET, never mind, can understand. You are also rushing so never change the nick when transferring. Have refunded $36.74, trans ref 3199311877.

Mstan, you organise the next spree lar. Good for central mummies and western mummies.

TYL, Nope, different themes. Anyway, RaeAnne not having a party, she will just cut cake in school (she requested for yellow smiley face cake). I just ordered some smiley face party favours for her school party. Both gals' themes not pink. Raelynn's is barnyard fun/bash cos hubby wanted cow theme. Her party is 27 Nov. You wanna come? haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline>oic. Hubby didn't like the barnyard animals theme so we didn't get that. Ours machiam no theme. Just a mish-mash of stuff we like. :p

mstan, my nephew is 4 already and still dun sleep through.. He can wake up in the middle of the night to drink or tell my SIL that he is afraid, can he on the light?

smalldreams, didnt saw your post on aifah's fall till now.. hope she is ok.. Mine also fell yest, he was sitting on the floor then he fall back and 'thud'..

TYL, i also cant post on overseas spree and WTS.

TYL, I wanted strawberry shortcake for Raelynn since she's short but sweet. Easier to find cake and partyware too but her daddy disapprove. Bad mummy! :p

Sigh, Xin/MsTan/ET, my no. 1 doesn't sleep through either and she's almost 3 years old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

michelleseow - Gotta be patient I guess. I was cradling Nat to sleep for like 2 months! And then I decided I pretty much had it! And her daddy who started this cradling thing was not able to train her to sleep on her own! So I had to be hard hearted and sometimes just let her get the point.

mstan8888 - How long has this waking up and crying been going on for? Nat had been doing that for like 2 months. And I attribute the wakings to separation anxiety. How many milk feeds does your LO take a day? Maybe try to bring back the dream feed to earlier? Nat now has her last feed at 6.30pm and doesn't drink till next morning. A lot of old folks frown at that but I just shared with her paed yesterday about how much she drinks in a day and he says the amount is fine. Old folks think that babies at this age cannot sustain through the nite without milk but it's not true. By right, after they start on solids, they shouldn't need to drink milk in the middle of the nite and should be able to sleep through.

blue7mist - Hhahaha, think at this age, still dunno how to read books lah. If they do, they're genius. That being said, they should be able to look at the pictures in the books and learning to flip them. Nat still puts books in her mouth also lah. *sigh* what to do. And she's not interested in cloth books anymore. She very much prefers board books or paper books. Nat still takes 2 naps a day although she's been trying to shake off the morning nap!!! Of which I find it too soon! I think at this age, it's still 14 hours of sleep? And not 12? But anyway ... it's all ideal situations. Like how we'd ideally want them to drink this much but perhaps they wudn't? So gotta take Aaron's cues.

mstan> ya lor, she was so thankful when her daughter finally slept through. wake up nvm, but confirm must cry. every morn also cry when wake up.

tyl> thks, i cant post in overseas site leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, anyone heard tt tofu and spinach cant eat tog?

pauline - So fast we have mommies here gonna celebrate their LO's first birthday party already hor ... makes me realize how quickly they're coming to 1!!!!!!!

ET>ohh, ok. if you need to post there, can pm me. I help you post. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb>wah, Nat has her last feed at 6.30pm and nothing else till next day? Ayden will scream if I do that to him wor. He's such a glutton. Yet, I don't see fats on him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

its 11 weeks to xmas! :p

xin>heard before. I think something in the tofu makes it harder to absorb iron or something. But I don't really care lah. As long as eat in moderation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin, i always had tofu and spinach together, since young.. No problem leh.. Then i that day i went to Noble House to eat, one of their signature dish is Spinach and Toufu..

Xin, Mattias also likes to crawl to the ddor? Sometime I find it funny as he will bang the door to wake me up but when I super tire and just fall asleep, feel so angry with him!!

Yes carry and pat is really strain my back. Sometime I need to pat him for 15 mins and sleep like less than 30mins wake up. Have to carry and pat AGAIN!! Now every week I need to go for back massage.

My boy also can't sleep thru the nite. Usually he will wake up at least twice. There was period he could sleep thru and I was so happy. But now back to waking up phase again. Wonder is it dued to his teething or just being naughty.

ET, What type of tofu you get? Yesterday I wanted to buy but not sure which type to get. And how you cook the tofu?

TYL, i just booked yest from Agoda, cos i got USD 50 credit with them, cos previously i booked the rooms for my HK trip for my friends and received the credits. Booked a rather new hotel suite, cos only deluxe and suite got bathtub and the difference between both is only USD 8 per night..

TYL, i chose this hotel based on budget and location. They only opened last year, so should be quite 'clean'. Then the suite cost USD 69 per night, which is about 48 sqm. Then quite close to the BTR.

S Sukhumvit Suites Hotel

Address: 403 Sukhumvit Road (Asoke Intersection)

ET>ooh, sounds good. This is near the shopping area? I always stay at Pratunam cos of proximity to Platinum mall. :p

TYL, its a few stops to the shopping mall, that area i book, supposely have alot of resturant and pub.. Then those hotels at Pratunam always more ex ma.. hee.. I only stayed at Asia Hotel before, just try try lor.. Will let you know whether its good.. Looking so forward to the trip.

Only thing not settled yet is Oliver's ticket, cos we travel by Thai Air, must book our ticket first then can book infant ticket.

ET, enjoy ur trip.. so missed BKK too. Since 2 yrs liao haven been there & i liked Baiyoke Sky :D Nice BF n view & room very big !!!

Asia hotel location good but too crowded cos of the baracat... a bit old n smelly

Book le, send them email already, they come back to me to ask me for reservation code when i scan them a PDF file of my reservation email. Then give them, they come back ask me for Oliver's DOB. Then i gave them, till now, havent come back.. Call hotline, no one answer.. Can only wait for their email then.

CY, i wanted to book Baiyoke Sky initially also, but end up much more favour newer hotel.. lol..

Asia Hotel location good, but really very old liao...

Melissa..U still want the opened tin of Similac?

ET..Enjoy yr holiday!!

Pauline..Wow..the party sounds fun..like the theme!

I wanted to have a 6 mth small bash fr my gal..but didnt do it..jus too busy.

Now Im thinking of having a 1st tooth party! My gal's tooth is jus sprouting above the gums! Haha!

Actually jus an excuse for the adults to get togther! Kekeke!!

Jessie..Yr gal is so pretty!!

