(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

ecookie: i kw my baby gender during my 15wk scan.. i told him i'm very eager to kw e gender. he spend 10mins during e scan ask mi try to laugh, cough.. e gd ting is he is very patient gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry: Congrats on ur prince! same as mi.

wei: congrats on ur princess!

e mummies here r great! some can sew blanket some can make pineapple tarts.. i cant do all these.. hahahaa!

lynn: haha ur gynae really patient. think mine is not so patient. he will think just wait till 20w lor. haha.

wah seems like a few of u know gender liao. so good!

anyway, salute to those mummies who cook! i cant cook for nuts!


it's my DH la. cos he earning double than me. so let him claim all lor. at least now his pocket abit not too tight.

re cny goodie,

all the talks make me feel like eating bak kwa too. hmm..

hello all!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry, congratulation on your prince!

Wei, congratulation on your princess!

Hope I can know the bb sex next week during my checkup by then should be 15weeks.

redtea: u are so sweet! my hb also earn more than me, but i still kapoh to deduct my own tax. so mean of me hor. ha.

but actually, me and him in the same bandwidth, so think savings abt the same..


actually i'm not that sweet la. it's my DH claim all without letting me knw and submitted. so i bo bian lor. haha..

mummies> 16 weeks to dotriple blood test?...my gynae never schedule me leh..

cladi > did Dr.adrain tell u to takeblood test?

ecookie>actually read that it might be better to put all the deductions on one person. can save more overall. but atm, my husband and I can't do that as our deductions are for parents and ns only. donno next year can claim child relief or not...


for #1 he did a bloodtest for me.. but i duno test wat wo.. hahaha.. jus let him draw blood.. now #2.. i ask him no need to test blood meh.. he say blood wont change much de.. no need wo.. if i insist then he will test lol...

Wow so nice to know some of the mummies know the gender liao.

I need to wait till 12 aug for my next gynae appt. Hopefully by then will be able to see.

Megan, all the best later with gynae check.

LSnTYL: haha thats y i claim all lor. :p

bride_09: yah need to take triple blood test though its not compulsory i think. normally scheduled at 16w


u must wait till 2011 then can claim for ur first born. cannot claim on 2010 de. my DS born in 2008 march, we cannot make cliam on 2008, only can start claim this yr.

redtea>haiz, that's what I heard too. how come cannot start claiming earlier? If bb born in 2009, 2010 can claim mah? :p Just wondering if it goes by calendar year.

ecookie & Cladi > think i will call him later and check with him if blood test is needed..he tendsto forget things....btw,any fatsing required?

dear mommies, thanks for all the congrats.. really excited. now can look at all the pretty dresses n hairband for her...

my next visit will be during my 20weeks for the Fetal Anomaly (FA) Scan at TMC. hopefully everything goes well.

pineapple tarts are my favourite too but i cant make them. can try a malaysia brand "Seasons". can be found in Swensen.

Wanted bb to be after 1 jan 2009 so she will not need to start school so early. will still be able to finish confinement period b4 CNY 2010. It will be on the 14th Feb 2010!!!

Sherry, finally bought the kit ah.. hahaha.. congrates on your boy.. Me too shows boy, but still waiting for the detailed scan to confirm gender.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bride_09: if this is ur #1, should take blood test even if you took oscar. cos oscar only test mostly for DS.

for triple blood test, for test for other things like if you have STDs/blood deficiency disorders/blood count etc as well as DS.

LSnTYl: yah as per red tea said, born in 2010 can only claim in 2011. cos tax submission in 2011 based on ur 2010 earnings. in this way, it make sense too. since tax is on preceding year basis.

wei: yes next year CNY starts on valentine's day! haha think my v-day will be v unromantic one, juggling with an active toddler n a screaming baby! *shudders* hah

ecookie - Yah ... sure will gan cheong. I also hoping 15 weeks can see something. Maybe I should request for my OB to allow me for a scan hor? ...


no need fasting de.. tat time i go.. tot only normal check up.. scanin.. he then told me wan test blood then drawn blood liao.. end up hubby n i leaving his room without knowin test wat de.. haha

bride_09: no need fast. in fact, eat something before going, if not after test test, may feel dizzy. at least thats the case for me. everytime after drawing blood, i must eat something sweet immediately if not will feel dizzy

Good morning, mummies. Me on leave for 2 days and today come back, busy like hell!

Congrats to Sherry, redtea and all mummies who know their gender!

The talk about pineapple tarts and bak kwa, etc. made me drool. Am feeling very hungry, can't wait for lunch to come!

What should I eat later?

melody, u watch the show on ch 8 last nite ah?

I haven eat yong tau foo since pregnancy...

scare the taste of the fish glue...

luvbabe, have u got a good rest?

Hi Febie,

Yes and no. Have an active toddler with me so most of the time was spending time, playing with my boy. I actually still feel tired and am already planning for my next leave dates..haha!


u referring to e "qiang tang da xing dong" ah?

Nope, I was watching e Ch U sing-along show..

Wanted some soupy stuffs, but have decided to buy ban mian later..


ok at least u spent quality time with Luis mah...

now we all muz try to get all the rest needed...

I did not sleep much during the weekend and I'm suffering now...

btw, i satisfied my craving by eating taiwan mee sua on sunday.. yummy!~ found one stall tat sells mee sua with pork den i dare to buy..

feel like having it again leh.. keke..


i wanted to watch bai wan da ge xin but my hb prefer the ch 8 one...

so i gave in lor...

good ban mian sure hot hot one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey ladies, a little far-fetched but lets have some dates selection for our nxt outing.. I fix it tentatively in Sep, hopefully little_lamb could join us. Also on a friday so that we could chat a bit longer & dun have to work e nxt day.


Event: Outing #2 (Sep 09)

Date: To be confirmed

Venue: To be confirmed

1) Melody - 4/9, 11/9, 18/9, 25/9


Ask you all something about paternity leave huh. Do you all remember that last year, when govt announced about the new baby bonus package ... how many weeks was paternity leave increased to huh?


wah you very efficient le!

let me check mine calendar. actually i plan my annual leave all the way to end of the year le

melody - Thanks for organizing. I hope I can join too ... at the moment, I can only commit to 4th September.


Event: Outing #2 (Sep 09)

Date: To be confirmed

Venue: To be confirmed

1) Melody - 4/9, 11/9, 18/9, 25/9

2) Little Lamb - 4/9

oh ya hor, luvbabe mentioned abt taking leave tog.. den i got to revised to the dates to that of Taka fair.. Will do it aft lunch.. now i hungry le..

Hi Mummies,

Can i just chk, if our confinement period cross over to CNY, do we have to pay double to the confinement lady or just give hong bao...any idea. Thks

Blueberrypie> Have u booked yours? I paid $3k for the confinement lady.. i thin they have this peak period that starts on the 14 Jan to end of Feb 09, during this period.. its $3k.. when the CL come on the first day, u will need to give her an AP as "lai si" and when she leaves, its another to thank her for her service..

sherry - Lucky you ... managed to find a confinement lady ... i'm still trying to look for one. A lot of the good ones are malaysians and not willing to spend CNY away from home. And I prefer those that have been recommended by friends who have used them before. So that kinda limits my choices. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

TYL, the original carrier was ok for me until she was about 9+kg, by then I could really feel the bottom part sagging quite a bit. Also my shoulders ache more cos she was getting heavy. But for me, it was ok cos my gal until 18 mths only 10kg. But she can already walk, I find the carrier better from birth to 1 year old. After that, use stroller more convenient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blueberrypie, if confinement cross over to CNY, must pay premium rate liao, usually at least $500-600 more than normal. :p

ohh i went thru this agency and they are quite good (as per recommendations).. let me know if you like to have the number yeah.. guess the rates are quite standard during this peak season. The CL i have got from them are malaysian as well...i have got friends who paid a deposit and the CL did not turn out.. thus i think agency is safer.. and its a free exchange in the event if u really cant click with the CL assigned to you..

Back from my lunch liao.... was so hungry earlier....

Went to eat Jap food and satisfied my sashimi cravings....my gf only allowed me to eat 2/3 slices and must dip in lots of wasabi to kill germs, but still shiok lah.


Yeah, you're efficient man....


Event: Outing #2 (Sep 09)

Date: To be confirmed

Venue: To be confirmed

1) Melody - 4/9, 11/9, 18/9, 25/9

2) Little Lamb - 4/9

3) luvbabe11 - 4/9, 11/9, 18/9


oh back from lunch too...

indeed, melody is so efficient:


Event: Outing #2 (Sep 09)

Date: To be confirmed

Venue: To be confirmed

1) Melody - 4/9, 11/9, 18/9, 25/9

2) Little Lamb - 4/9

3) luvbabe11 - 4/9, 11/9, 18/9

4) febie - 11/9, 18/9

