(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


the pillow is cute..


better to save the money for other stuff lah..


got any website link to teach how to make the blankee? think sew would be faster den i knit..

bluey>ya lor. cos 2 sides already sewed, means less work. :p but I don't have any spare bb clothes atm anyway.

sherry>u give me the $ better. I use it pay for sashimi dinner for us. :p

bride 09> ya, think its quite sweet if mummy is gonna it for her own BB.. oh will get mum to check with my neighbour cos she sell vegetable one le.. should be able to keep some for us..

mind is set haha i will buy la.. unless no stock then tian yi hahaha...

just treat it as i bought one top la..keke...

sherry, not accurate one dun buy lah...

see so many ask u dun buy...

hahhaha LSnTYL best lah... buy sashimi dinner... ehehee

sherry, u can try bugis village for those dresses that you wore the other day if wanna save... I went last Fri and saw many many at $15... tunics dresses for all... some even at $10... can save alot rather than get maternity wear...

febie>sherry and I both like sashimi mah. Must tempt her with something she likes. :p

sherry>since you decided le, then I hope it is accurate lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

febie>really? next time I also go bugis village hunt. I bought some loose tops and dresses from uniqlo n G2 the other day when I went shopping with my friend. Not bad. Quite comfy.

LSnTYL> hahaha i has sashimi for 2 days liao dear hahaha..

Febie> yeah i know.. i bought a few before preggy at $10.. wanted hubby to get some for me in Bangkok but he cant find le...

we can eat sashimi now? me n my frends going to kushinbo on this coming sat..

so nice your can fit into tunic dress i doubt i can fit into it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


got a lot of loose top in city plaza leh, but not preggie type lah...was looking for preggie tops there but can't find, prob cos too rush lah, only hv 20 mins to see nia

sherry>according to the moms here, the test only about 50% chance of being accurate leh...


sherry>aiyah, wad else you like to eat then? :p

bluey>depends on your gynae and yourself lah. Some don't encourage at all but some are ok. For me, as long as I eat from a reputable restaurant and the sashimi is fresh, I think should be ok. But to be honest, haven't eaten it in months eventhough I went tampopo last Fri. :p

bluey> ehh i still eat but in moderation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LSnTYL> hahaha dun care.. just to satify my 'crave' haha

have u mommies bought alot of maternity clothings? so far i've spent > $500 on clothings already!!! dunno if too early so stopped buying now. worried later stage every part of my body grow bigger then can't wear.

luckily also managed to buy a few cheap spaghetti tops($7.90) and knee-length dresses($9.90). floral prints n soft material hence very cooling. have seen in JL (marina square), metro also. if JL sale further 15% for members. so very worth it.


those clothes can still be worn after maternity as they are not maternity wear...

cheap and nice... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wei: i spent quite averagely for my 1st pregnancy, mainly invested in bottoms and stretched-spoilt alot of my normal tops! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so for this time, i only started buying a few dresses for more milege and maybe top up a few proper maternity tops since ive bottoms fr the 1st one. but maternity clothes are exp and design not v nice one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I spent quite alot last Fri...

seems like I din shop for a long long time...

hahahaa... coming to 3 mths ald...


think sherry very tempted to shop more for bb...

so eager to get the intelligent gender... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LSnTYL> ya, u can wear it with leggings or thighs.. i love spaghetti tops but seems like i am getting flabby on my arms, looks damn fat and ugly..

ecookie, i agreed on the expensive maternity clothings. a pair of maternity knee-length shorts with tummy support already cost about $60. as for tops, despite limited nice design for maternity, i still boutgh a few as more comfortable. luckily there is gss otherwise $$ will amt to more. my hubby was telling me to take it as investment since we're planning to have more than 1 bb.

anyone knows where to get cheap leggings n in BIG size?

i bought L from topshop thinking can last me but hor now already abit tight. think by end 2nd tri, i will stretch burst the tights lor. need XL/XXL size one heheh

anyone knows where to get cheap leggings n in BIG size?

i bought L from topshop thinking can last me but hor now already abit tight. think by end 2nd tri, i will stretch burst the tights lor. need XL/XXL size one heheh


my boss jus remind me last fri.. say i seen put on a lots of weight wo.. tell me must ctrl hor.. haha.. thk i look even more flabby then u ba..

febie & Melody> hahaha. since week 8 i already very tempted to buy le.. hahaha plus my character hoh, super anxious one le.. i want means i want le, so i can ren for more than one mth, very good liao hahahaa...

But so far, i think high chance boy la.. everyone has been saying the same time hohohoho

ecookie>I only ate 1 piece of cali maki lah. was too full after my ramen.

BTW, saw some leggings in uniqlo. But not sure of price.

sherry>I don't like leggings and tights leh. Like dresses now cos of better mileage. Wondering if need to get a few proper nursing tops and bras though...

wei>get the maternity stuff during sales? the 2 capri-length maternity pants I got were only $20-$30.

sherry: #1 for u? so u are eager to know the gender? so u prefer a boy/girl. by 4m + can see liao, if you are carrying high = boy, low= girl. this is my own experience lah. hehe

wei: JL is john little? ok will go see see. thanks!

anyone put on weight during 1st tri? i put on like 3.5kg! i think this pregnancy , im going to be a whale again. gulp. i gained 18+kg last time.. :p


tat high=boy, low=ger.. reali ah?? how to tell high or low ah??

i put on weight ah.. thk got 3 kg ah.. my last preg.. i gain 17.5kg lol..

sherry, think i better dun eat sashimi control myself..sushi i gt eat thou but those cooked ones..


I spent abt 200+ including some cloths for my mum to make simple dress for me..

I put on weight in 1st trimester 2kg...

ecookie, yup john little. i've checked causeway point outlet last friday, out of stock already. but metro at causeway point was selling them on the same day as having sales.

this is my first pregnancy. so far put on 3kg. think have increased more now as no more MS. will know today how much more during appt.

ecookie> ya, first one.. but its my character.. kancheong spider kind haha.. now slightly better but seems like its hard to control this.. sorry mummies, i disapoint u haha.. ya, thats what i heard. and especially if mum love to put on nice clothes and makeup, could be girl as well... liking for sugary stuff also girl wo...

I will love to have a princess but prince also ok la...

LSnTYL, bought the knee-length shorts from thyme maternity at og. 20% dicount still around $45. all clothing bought during sales... but still amt to that. will ctrl now for bb stuffs...

sherry>wah, like this I get a looked of mixed signals lor.

I like sugary stuff = girl

I like spicy stuff = boy

think I shall not guess and wait patiently for my next scan next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wei>wah, thyme maternity so ex? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haven't checked them out. don't think I need any new clothes for now...

now, more interested in bb carrier. :p gian for the bjorn active.

Pauline>what model is your bb bjorn? Your girl looks so comfy in it in your HK photos. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Do you all still feel bloated after meals? I always feel very gassy and bloated leh. And then cannot eat much during each meal. Maybe more frequently, that's about it.

sherry: so u will know the gender tom? so fast? tot only at 20w can know from detailed scan?

melody/cladi: high like the tummy high up like more towards ur breasts. when u sit down, very hard to slouch. think its easier to see during early 2nd tri. if not by 3rd tri, everyone tummy also big and also like touching breasts one when sitting down..heheh..


high as in below waist and low below tummy??

super curious how to see... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry, u nv disappoint us lah...

we just trying to help u save...

is it true?? hmm... lazy to put on make up means boy??

