(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Sp callalily

Wah your gal is doing very well leh! I also see so much benefits using GF routines n I wish I used it on my no. 1 !!

I only got to know abt GF when my no. 2 is 3mths old so I only started from there. I will also continue on this sleep early routine till my no.1 sch age as it will benefit everyone in the long term.

Regarding meals, my no. 1 was a great eater till when she was ard 15mths n she turned to one fussy eater ! As I dun know abt GF then n I still let her indulge in milk every 4hrs ! N the milk intake affected her appetite n till now it's difficult to break it but now I try to reason w her n it has improved a little. I really wish I had known GF earlier which I dun hv to go thru these meals struggle w my no. 1

Because of this past experience I hope I can do it right this time w my no. 2

Little lamb,

Well take cue from Nat, when she starts to drink less for 2.30pm feed n seems more interested in eating then it's time to drop which was wat happened to my boy.

And yes I totally agreed tat I won't be able to survive if I didn't follow the GF routines ! There r also times where we came hm late n mess up her sleeping time n it's so tiring to still hv to cope w my boy ! I find tat it's more difficult to put my boy to sleep later then if I put him down earlier ? Do u think so ? At 630 or 7pm juz give him his bed time milk n he's down in ten mins ! If later at nite it can take as long as an hour or more !

For me I think it's ok to bond w them on wkends as the kids are also very smart to adjust n u dun hv to worry tat they are not close to you cos somehow they hv the instinct n they will still stick to the parents even tho the kids dun see or spend much time on weekdays. Cos my kids are like tat n my parents also find it strange tat how come they spent so much time w the kids n in the end they still want mummy n daddy !

I believe in quality time spent than quantity but of course it's my own personal thoughts n it might not work for some. Well as long as there's something tat works then go for it ;-)


Jessie, Arwen's so smart, knows hw to make old folks happy hehehe!

Sp_calalily, my boy is so hard to make him slp early, he jus knock out.....my hb frens all come to our plc to watch soccer, I put him in his rm n he scream/cry shout when he heard voices outside. So hard to make him slp tdy, super kaypo!Gave up, let him join in for awhile n he got scared by a few strange faces then only willing to go bk his rm.

car seat

can I ask if u all have problem when u remove it, only realise tdy that there r marks,the leather seat mite tear in long run, there are those car seat protector, I wonder shld I jus get a piece of nappy to lay the car seat on....


your LO has been waking up 2-3 times a night? Is it also separation anxiety?


Finally the SA issue is over!! *fingers crossed* She's been sleeping thru again for the past 2 nights. It was really quite bad the last 2 weeks, man! She'll demand "mamamamamama!" when she's awoken at night. If my hub carries her, she'll cry badly! She's a baby that rarely cries, except her difficult newborn days. So I've been very tired carrying her and assuring her. Many times, we co-slept in the middle of the night. Super glad that it over. I can see that she's back to independent playing, no problems with me being out of sight in the kitchen. No more night wakings. Phew!

you give a snack at 2:30pm? I've taken Renee off the 10:30am and 2:30pm BF already but finding it a challenge to fit in the 2:30pm snack at times because she's usually napping around 2 or 2:30pm. So sometimes I wait till she gets up at 3:30 or 4pm to give her the snack. And the challenge is sometimes she'll be so persistent in her milk sign when i pat her to nap that I have to give in and BF her before her nap at 2:30pm.


Thanks for your compliments! I sure hope she's go high EQ (and high IQ, too!) I've only met a few people whom i think have both very high EQ and IQ.

I let Renee self-feed pieces of bread with a fork. Gotta hold her hand and help her pierce. But it's not as messy as self feeding a whole meal. :p But many times, she still prefers to use her fingers.


Yeah, posted quite a number of videos cos friends in SG are missing Renee a lot. Bugging me for photos and videos.

I just viewed on youtube and find signing times a bit 'hardcore'. Like very busy lah. Every other word also got sign. But seems like kids enjoy the songs. Don't mind letting Renee watch if she's interested cos right now she's not too keen on tv.

I believe that signing helps babies in communication, helps them put words, images, signs and sounds in cohesion but recently I've come across 2 tods (12 and 14 mo) they appear to be talking more than Renee. Like saying ball and saying hello (ha-row) and bye bye instead of signing like Renee. So, the skepticism creeped in again. Does signing help tods speak earlier or later or does not have an impact on that? Renee is signing very well, for fun and for real communication of her needs and I'm very confident of her vocab and following instructions but seems like she may not be speaking more that fast? I wonder if it has anything to do with her ease of signing. She can say ball but rarely does so. She doesn't say bye cos she waves. ??


I always get comments that Renee's a waver or Renee's a pointer. I didn't teach her that, she just developed the habit. But i'm thinking, how do you teach Nat to point?

MamaD, Firipy,

Maybe boys are harder to handle?! You make it sound really tough. I am battling Renee when changing and dressing her but still ok lah. It's still mostly fun and giggles, not frustration. Renee has been very active since birth, like even nurses cannot swaddle her since day 1. Although many people told me "active babies are good!" but at many points, I also thought to myself, "Could she be hyperactive?" Don't worry and harbour such thoughts. I can see that Renee's beginning to slow down - she can sink herself into the bumbo and flip her books. She'll lean against the sofa and chew her toy or read books. She could sit with her older cousins and watch them do puzzles. = She's not moving NON-STOP like before already. Previously, I cannot imagine her having quiet, non-moving moments like these.


Like Jessie's Arwen, Renee also fell into the GF routine on her own. You asked about social life. You should totally ask me, man! We haven't been going out for dinner for a year... since we figured that she wants to sleep by 7:30pm. At first, we tried to make her adapt but realised that she's just not happy hanging out late. And my hub was convinced when he read 'The self-confident baby' and it says "Babies do not need long shopping trips and late dinners". So we made a decision to accommodate her routine.

As she's turned one, we thought maybe she'll be more adaptable. There was a lohei party at the consulate on 17 Feb, we went and left at 9pm. She was happy through the gathering and had an extra snack of scrambled egg but was crying all the way home in the car! Like I said, she rarely cries so we both felt so guilty. And the next day, her day was kinda screwed up. So, we are back to 'no late nights'.


hope that the aches and injuries will go away completely soon and enjoy your much needed vacation! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jojoey so 'meng'?! Can climb out of stroller?! Dangerous uh! Was she fully strapped?

kokamee, yup, kids will still want their parents. But I've also seen the other extreme end. My cousin's kid was looked after by his babysitter (an unmarried aunt) since he was 2 months old from Mon to Fri cos his parents are weekend parents. Every Fri night, my cousin will have a hard time coaxing him to go home even up till when he was 3 to 4 years old. Once, they had to drive round and round their estate until the boy has fallen asleep before bringing him home. But when they tried to take off his shoes, he woke up cried and cried until my cousin had no choice but to drive back to the babysitter's house close to midnight. On weekends, if he sees that aunt, he will insist to go back to her house instead of his own house. :p

Quality time or quantity time, GF or otherwise, every parent must find their own balance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks, cyang. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

c.yang, I m also trying to give the benefit of doubt that boys r usually more active so harder to handle. Also cant be swaddled since in hospital, 1 hand sure gets wriggled out! A can sit in 1 corner of the rm n watch tv while I use my laptop on some days but on some days he wanna join in the "fun". He is usually ok with playing with his legos n shape sorter, flipping books on his own with me in sight but some days he insists I must join in! But compare to baby days, I tink the 1st 2 mths r much tougher on his feeding n sleeping. Now its more on trying to get him to slp n end his day, he usually slp thru unless he wasnt feeling well or had too much fun in the day. Come to tink of it he is quite an ok boy to look after, jus very "touchy" must touch this n take, move/pick up tis n tat. my greatest challenge is to move him to sleeping earlier n waking up earlier. I dun have to pat/sing to him anymore. Jus have to let him roll on the mattress n when he finally ZZZ, put him in his cot.

pauline, tho my hb dun wake up that early, he also will miss spending some time with my boy cos he comes bk late, usually 7 plus 8 plus if he ends the day early, some days can past midnite.....Tats probably y my boy follows our routine n zzz late. All our fault also

pauline>enjoy your HK trip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your phuket trip coming soon, ya? so nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin>wah, mattias will sleep alone in his room? so guai.


I guess every family have their own ways in bonding with their kids and it differs from family to family. In our case, Nat only has us. So even if DH goes on long biz trips and comes back, she'll still stick to him coz' to her, he's her family. She doesn't get exposed to extended family. Weekday mornings and weekends are bonding sessions for us as a family. Weekday nites are for me to catch up on my day, prepare dinner for DH and for DH to chill after a long day at work.

We believe that the morning bonding session helps motivate him better before he heads off to work. Ha!


I RARELY take Nat out after 7pm over here in SH, unless we're stuck in bad traffic. In Singapore, no choice coz' sometimes gotta do dinner with in-laws and come back like 8pm. Thank goodness they live round the corner. My parents will usually pop over my place to see Nat so I dun have issues over her coming home late etc. Yes, I do agree with you, that it's easier to put them in bed earlier than late. But if we go back late and she takes a while to settle in, I'll just leave her in the room to settle to sleep.

There are some days, where she'll want me by her side before she sleeps so I'll lie on the bed next to her for about a good 20 mins and then head out. Speaking about milk at 6.30pm. I have introduced the cup over the weekend to her and oh boy! was it such a mess. Thank goodness it was just water. If it was my precious FM that I lugged back, I would be livid! Technically, she can hold the cup to drink but she just doesn't wanna place the cup properly back on the tray, just wants to pour the water around despite me telling her not to.

So well ... I'm gonna let her practice with water until she's more confident with the cup then I'll let her have milk in it. But a friend did remind me that drinking milk from the cup will take ages compared to bottle. So morning milk feeds might be disastrous if we were to have to head for school. But we'll see. I did think about letting Nat self-wean for the 2.30pm feed but she was at 150ml for the longest time. So I took my own initiative and offered her bigger meal portions for lunch and dinner and cut down on her 2.30pm milk feed.

I am still not offering her snacks. Snacks are only when in the car when she's cranky or when it's near dinner time and we're stuck in traffic and the car doesn't move and she's bored.

c yang,

Yeah, I am not sure exactly how to teach Nat to point as well but I guess it should come more from ourselves by pointing at things. So what I do is sometimes, when she's on her high chair and turns to the direction of the table and yells, I'll offer her water or cheese and ask her what is it she wants. And then she'll probably stretch out for whatever she wants, yet still not pointing. She was into waving for a while but just doesn't quite wanna wave these days unless she's in the mood too. And so ... I thought we were the only weird family who dun do dinners out at nite! Like you, I find it unfair to Nat when I take her out for late dinners coz to me, I feel that we were the ones who introduced the sleep early concept to her.

So it just wun be really fair to wanna take her out for dinner at nite and stretch her or expect her to get good rest in her stroller amidst the noise outdoors. I've always remembered what Jessie said before and that is, there's absolutely no benefit in taking them out at nite, which is true. So we make it up to her and ourselves to bring her out for lunch and also for other activities. Frankly, it also helps that DH and I are homebodies, so it's no big loss for us not to be out at nite for dinners. Just that when our friends who happen to drop by in town, we can't quite go out as a family to join them for dinner. Instead, we invite them over to our place for dinner. :p

sp> thanks. =) nowadays work part time so not so free to post anymore, only silent reader.

Re: self feeding>

just a suggestion that i learnt though i have not let my girl self feed yet. if any of your children insists on self feeding, you can get those plates with two sides, then let her feed from one side, while u feed the main portion from the other side. so she gets to scoop the food and try to feed herself but yet during the very long time taken, u get to feed her as much as possible. =) let me know if it works or not!

also, let them practise with spoon and fork during bath time so that they get more efficient with it. think i'll only introduce self feeding with utensils to my girl at 18 mths when she's more coordinated and can manage better. i hate messiness! haha

re:ntuc diapers>

anybody know if ntuc diapers are good? can last like 4 hrs?

Morning mummies !!!

melissa : I am currently using ntuc diapers as my MIL lik to change diapers every 2hrs (she still thought it's cloth diapers).....but so far I tried, the diapers can last abt 4hrs in the day. I even tried to let her wear 5-6hrs but at nite....very heavy but no leak....;p

mstan> thanks a lot! intending to buy one packet to try cos since she's older, thinking of using cheaper diapers. huggies dry comfort still 26ct per piece! ex =(

Hi mummies

BB has a viral fever since last thurs night, on- off fever that can come about in minutes to 39C+, but otherwise she is fine though a bit listless.

When I brought her to see GP last week, she weighed her with the old fashion kind of scale where you have to shift the weights along the scale. Plus with bb moving, how to be accurate? So it was like 7.6kg, I said couldn't be. So we I carried bb on adult scale and weighed together and minus the weight. Turned out she is 8.4kg (no change for 3mths). Doc said if based on 7.6kg to 8.4kg (piangz), she is 25-40 percentile. I do agree she is not chubby, so thinking how to fatten her.

Also went to a baby full month celebration over the weekend. There were 4 babies, all girls. 1month, 1.5months, 8 mths, and mine 13 mths. So my bb is the oldest jie jie there! Time flies!

Sleeping time

My neighbour has kids exactly same age as mine, 8 and 10. The kids go to bed at 8pm, mine at 10pm. At first I was like, how can? the difference is, their mum is a SAHM, so it is possible to spend whole day with kids and sent them to bed early. Then the SAHM can have time for herself. And Agree that Sleeping and waking up early is a good habit for kids. In fact, those kids in other countries have supper at 6pm and bedtime at 7pm. But for working mummies who reach home 7pm, it is just impossible. So they sometimes make it up by taking naps in the day.

For weekends, my children and bb go out and chill out with us till late. Like we can be at the park or supper outing at 10pm with bb. We are easy and don't really stress over bb sleeping time that much esp now that she is 1yo.

Afternoon mummies....

furby> Hope xyii gets well soon. Shoo shoo to the irritating virus that causes the fever!

Lucas is having running nose and slight cough with phelgm too. Brought him to TCM last Thu and started him on chinese med...Haha, it was such a torture feeding him med everyday, he will yell and scream like he was being murdered! Other than the running nose, he is still as active as ever....

I salute all the mummies who are on GF routines. It takes great endurance and practice to have come so far.

I am more or less like furby, coz as working mum, I only reached home at close to 8pm daily. Spent about 1-1.5 hrs with both kids, then off to bed they go at 9/930pm. On weekends, we will all go out too and I must say that Lucas' sleep/nap routines are disturbed but he will usually sleeps in the sling while we are out, so not that bad after all. Else, we will not have a chance to go out at all!

Re: Self-feeding

Sigh, Lucas, till now still refuses to hold his own milk bottle. However, for food/snack, he would use pincer grasp to pick up the food and placed it into his mouth. If I were to give him a spoon and bowl, all he does is just topple and pour everything out everywhere. He will just make a mess of everything. Even milk bottle, he will be shaking the bottle, then the next moment, you will see him pouring the milk out and playing with it. Sigh!


Oh no ... hope xyii gets well soon! I do agree with you about working moms who wanna spend more time with their kids can consider tweaking sleeping hours later. Frankly, to each his own. There's pros and cons to everything. After all, parenting is a very personal thing. No point forcing your child into a routine which'll get you frustrated all the time also.


Nothing to salute. To be really honest with you, at some point in time, it did cross my mind to give up on GF and just stick Nat on tracy hoggs or just leave her be and figure out her own routine. It was only through her cues and my observation that I realized that she did fit into the GF routine that gave me more confidence and assurance that I was doing the right thing. Speaking about self-feeding ... I really think when the kids learn to self-feed, they'll more or less lose weight coz they just wanna assert their independence and refuse to let us help, yet they can't successfully place food into their mouths, it's so frustrating! Earlier, Nat refused to eat her porridge. My helper and I were surprised coz' she used to gobble her salmon and spinach porridge.

She just kept wailing in frustration. Thought she wanted water, but it wasn't. Then brought the bowl of porridge near her, she actually wanted to grab the spoon to scoop and feed herself but she couldn't master it, so got frustrated again. It was such a tough meal session earlier! And I'm guessing more of such days to come!

Littlelamb, haha, when we were both working, my hubby doesn't like to take care of baby in the morning, if not he will be late for work. He would rather take the 12-3am shift while I take the 3-7am shift.

Furby, yup when I was working, also reach ils place close to 7pm then still need to have dinner. Yes, sahm have the flexibility of putting their kids to sleep earlier but provided the kids cooperate too. Not all babies r textbook babies. :p

Hi, Melissa, part time load better than full time so far? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yl, yup, hope dr review in early mar will be good so that I can enjoy Phuket, really miss going for massage. Which hotel did u stay in Hk last year? I'm staying at langham place recommended by my Hk friend but not familiar with that area. :p

psuline> hmm well i must say it may not be worth it in the sense of not all the time amt of work=money earned, rather amt of work>money earned BUT i get to go back earlier most of the days which i like so that i can bring my girl home for her nap, then i rest, then we both spend at least 3 hrs together. =)

u know u say not all kids are textbook babies right? i agree leh. but i'm also interested to find out, have u ever use controlled cio on ur children? just trying to see if there's a correlation between training method adn results. not advocating anything here.

i think working mom will tend to let their kids sleep later so tat we hv more time wt the kids...the same goes for me, both kids sleep ard 10-10.30pm...afternoon they will nap for almost 2 hours...fri evening is always the most tiring day for us cos after work i need to send my boy for enrichment class in bishan...wt the new maid ard, i hv no choice but to bring HW and the maid along...hb works till 10pm, so we hv to take public transport on our own...thank God when come to kai kai, HW is vy cooperative...haha..we will either hang out at the library or shopping centre...


we have the same issue. I don't like to leave bb alone with maid for long. So outing is either we bring only the older kids without baby, or if bb comes along, helper usually tag along too. So the car is quite a squeeze, and I have not or intend to fix any carseat. So far, she sits on my lap or on her booster car seat, which she loves. Yah, terrible right.

I remember last time with the 2 kids i also had to take public transport with maid. Got like 6 bags, one school bag, kids items bag, my handbag, my file bag, course bag etc. End up once forgot to take my work bag and lost it at the bus stop.


You on part time now? Most of the time in singapore company culture, whether part time or not, the work load is the same. So the part time worker actually more stressed as have to finish in half the time. The work culture is such that most either FT or quit, talk about wanting to lure back the other half of the (female) workforce.

Melissa, yup, that's the dilemma of working part time, always end up doing more but for half pay.

Yes, we did try CIO, put up, put down, slowly sitting further n further away from the cot etc. But we only have the weekends to try cos ILs refuse to cut down on her afternoon naps cos while she naps, they will also have their own afternoon naps sleeping besides her, then have their afternoon tea. So in the end, I gave up cos no point letting her scream n cry every weekend if there is no consistency on weekdays. :p


Langham Place is where Mongkok is. I love that area. There's so much to shop and eat. Are you going with Ra and Rl? Might be a bit too congested area for the kids. But then again, which part of HK isn't congested?!

I was also thinking of taking a trip to HK to meet my friends. But still dun have the courage to take Nat on a holiday, believe it or not! Coz' when I think of the possible kinda food I gotta feed her ... quite jia lat leh, unless there are kid-friendly restaurants easily available. Previously, when I went, we were without kids, so it was easy to settle our meals. With Nat, I gotta think about her sleeping time. If she sleeps at 7, that means I'd have to ergo her while I'm out.

And the thought of that, I already sien coz' I think my back will break after the whole trip. Coz no way can I imagine strolling Nat along the streets of HK! Think with Nat's routine, best holiday for us would be a resort style kinda holiday. Am thinking of jeju ... hehehehe.

pauline>we stayed at the prudential. v convenient as its just above one of the mtr stations. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think langham place is not cheap...

Littlelamb, my friend recommended that place cos the shopping is just downstairs from the hotel (11th floor onwards) What shops r nearby? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am also debating whether to bring stroller, if we only go Disneyland n shop at Langham place, stroller should be manageable ESP if RL needs to sleep. I am tempted to buy an ergo but to spend $155 for just a 4d3n holiday seems a bit silly.

Yl, oic, langham place got promo so just $220+ per night, I thought still ok. How much was prudential? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline>prudential only 150+ per night. room was quite spacious since there's space for a king size bed and a cot. can't remember exact price though but around there


langham place is a big mall with a lot of small shops and also big retail stores like H&M and also a lot of food. You watch HK drama right? Do you remember [Under the Canopy of Love / 天幕下的恋人 ] by Kevin Cheng and Nikki Chow? That was filmed in that mall. I dun really enjoy shopping in malls when in HK, prefer to go to those individual small shops along the streets, hence, shopping with a kid in tow isn't easy. But if you just wanna spend time in disney and langham, should be good enuff.

You can also take the mtr over to HK island, there are also plenty of malls there where u can easily stroll RL. No lah, dun need to get the ergo just for the holiday plus very soon, we wun be able to use the ergo liao. Wah ... langham rates so cheap ah ... makes me tempted to go too. Hahhaa.

Yl, oic, that's cheap. Disney Hollywood hotel was about $350 per night so in comparison Langham place was cheaper so decided to just stay 1 night at Disney hotel.

Lamb, I never saw the show before. Sigh, with 2 kids, hardly got time to watch tv serials except DVDs.

furby, be careful leh cos can get summon one if child seat w/out car seat...my coll kena fine $120 for not putting the toddler in car seat...she tot short distance nia can carry on the lap...and so unlucky kena caught

megan - Actually huh ... this car seat thing ... I cannot see the logic in fine-ing. I mean ... if it really is mandatory for cars to have car seats right ... then isn't it mandatory for taxis too, u know what i mean? Why double standards. While I agree that it's a safety feature but one shouldn't be fined just because they don't have a car seat.

hi gals, I m yet at another crossroad.......I dunno where to go, I got an offer, stable job, pay ok but benefits etc nt bad, stress level high/ot lvl high, dist far. Another company havnt confirm pkg but pay higher, dist nearer, no benefits cos contract but the scope is wat I like n more lax. I m hoping to stall for time so that I can compare the total pkg for both co...

lamb/jessie: how much time shld I arrange to tour shanghai, we will be going to china n stopover shanghai, wonder hw many days shld I plan my trip. My mum is kinda dead against us bringing Ayden along but since there is a grp of us going n its foc for A as he is below 2yrs, I m very keen to bring him. My mum is so worried A gets kidnap etc.....

pauline/lamb, talking abt hkg rite, I was trying to recall which hkg hotel I stayed in oct n I have so much trouble recalling. I got terrible memory!!! Its the hotel next to grand century plc. I m glad we brought stroller cos A can slp in peace n its also cos we have a whole entourage of ppl with us. If its jus me n hb I wont bring stroller cos its super hard to move up n dwn the mtr stairs. I love the lil shops in mongkok too!I hardly go to the malls except tung chung n the mall at grand century plc cos it was jus within the hotel

pauline, I suddenly remember! Its royal plaza hotel!!

megan, my parents n inlaws always nvr put A in carseat leh, touchwood so far ok la Agree with lamb y double std


When are you planning to come to SH? Sometimes, the weather can be quite harsh for the kids so if you can let us know roughly when you're planning on coming, it'll be good. Also, in general, SH's not all that good for shopping during winter season. So unless you're coming during spring/summer, otherwise it's pointless staying so long coz' over here, other than makan, it's pretty much shopping. Not much sightseeing per se. I would think that Beijing is a far more interesting place to visit.

You managed to visit the little shops in HK with Ayden in tow? How did you do that? With all the water dripping from above and the tight and squeezy pathways ... it's such a disaster to bring kids.

Lamb, we need to go to the northeast china in June for wedding, no direct flight, either stopover Beijing or shanghai. I prefer to stop over shanghai. But inclusive of the wedding we only got abt a 9 days to play with, tink shanghai only 3-5days for us to stopover. I manage to shop in hkg cos my dad volunteer to bbsit/ entertain him Since mostly young/ Woman stuff. Haha! We go with 1 big grp of guardians n bbsitter

furby> yah on part time. for me, government servant so actually is definitely less work than full time. just that cos i have more coordinator roles so it's not exactly equal. well i'll observe and see if i'm being recognised if not i'll ask to let go of my coordinator roles lor.

pauline> yah lah, pay nv equal work but if full time, confirm cannot manage. now part time at least pay enough for all the bills so just do this for now. and can spend time with my girl. i see i see, yah if only weekends to train very difficult. thanks for sharing.

mstan> i use huggies ultra at night.

xin> thu and fri both should be ok.

firpy> the second one! dun wan ot and stress lah.

tam> actually for me, weekends sometimes we also drag her sleeping time til 8plus 9plus if there's some real event. if it's just us, then we'll eat earlier. then aft that yah, mon and tue have to adjust back like 8pm, then 730pm but she seems quite adaptable esp now that she's older. we still try not to if possible cos we ourselves want to nua at home. haha

Firipy, thanks, I'll take special note of Royal Plaza and YL's Prudential next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now with 2 kids in tow, I don't dare to play play with hotel. In case weather is bad or if the kids are super sticky, at least one of us can stay with the kids, and one of us can just go downstairs to jalan jalan. One thing I must have when we stay in hotel is the bathtub cos my kids love to 'swim' in it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Previously, I stayed at Kimberly hotel many years ago but find the upslope walk quite tiring, rooms r also v small. Metropark Mongkok I stayed there in 2008, but the walls are very thin, very noisy at night so it really feels like a 3 star hotel, no shopping nearby too, only a few cha chan teng. :p

Melissa, yes, her weekday naps at ILs place was 2.5-3hrs, most of the time, until 5pm, sometimes even 6pm. How to sleep train her to sleep early like that? Forget it lor. Anyway, kids grow up so fast, after that I can have all the 'me' time I want, that's how I console myself. kekeke.


Thanks! It' a lot of hard work, persistence & patience! But the results are very rewarding[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Like when i compare Aly to her peers, i am certainly very proud of her[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. It takes a lot of faith to believe GF's words. Like for the milk intake, a lot of mums have been giving me comments like what, she drinks so little milk, where got enough?? Are you sure she is getting enough nutrition this way? Oh well, Aly's growth charts have been excellent all this while, so I guess i must be doing something right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I am sure you will have a more rewarding & better time with no 2 with GF & experience with no 1 to back u up[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I realised is a quiet routine prior to bedtime is crucial to getting them to sleep early & sleep well. We hardly go home later than 8pm if we bring Aly out in the evenings. We have tried inviting friends over to our place instead but ended up, they made so much noise that Aly woke up from her sleep at 8.30pm & refused to go back to sleep till like 11.30pm? Next morning, woke up at 8am & was cranky throughout the day. So after that one incident, no more inviting of friends over to our place for dinner[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

C Yang:

Thanks for mentioning abt the FORK! I was so frustrated with this self spoonfeeding & also reading up on my own stuff that I totally forgot abt the fork! Anyway, i let Aly tried using the fork for dinner tonight & she's proficient in using it! Can pierce her food and bring it to her mouth with minimal mess! And she was so happy with her new tool that she finished up all her meal without putting up a struggle & even asked for more food!

Regardng SA, u r lucky!!! i am still experiencing SA with Aly though it's getting better. At least she doesnt wake up as often in the night anymore & would allow us to put her back into her cot. Hope it's over for me soon!

As for 2.30pm milk feed/snack, i give her 120ml of milk at 2.30pm followed by a small snack at 3pm. Prev, on 150ml of milk, she was having brekkie challenges, so i cut her 2.30pm milk feed. Even though brekkie is still challenging on some days, but i am not keen to increase that milk feed cuz the eventual aim is to cut that out altog. I have to give her a small snack cuz she cant get thru to dinner at 5pm w/o one & would ask for food at abt 4pm? And cuz giving a snack then would affect appetite during dinner, so i opt to give a small snack at 3pm.

Like Renee, Aly also signs, understands & can execute instructions. But not much into real speech? I have not been a real fan of signing so i dun actively teach her signs. Only when i noticed that she was signing that i gave meaning to those signs that she's displaying. Anyway, her babbling is more "speech-like" now, so i am just going to let nature take its course and let her speak on her own in due time.


Like you, i totally cant stand mess! So this self-feeding thingie with utensils is really driving me nuts! Anyway, if Enxi shows interest in utensils, think gd idea to let her learn to use them & tolerate the mess!!! Cuz i have seen kids who were discouraged from self-feeding cuz of the mess involved and till sec 1, still being fed or demands to be fed!

Hee, do post if you have spare time, the "topics" u post make for interesting discussion[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah so many posts tdy ! And topics are on sleeping early/late n tour...


Same as u I haven't gone out for dinner for a LONG time ! But I dun mind n I feel the sacrifice is worth it plus can save some $$ ..haha...

Ya sometimes when we hang out late my boy also gets cranky n keep crying as he wants to sleep ! Like your gal, my boy rarely cries n always a happy baby so we also felt bad if we deprived him of his sleep !


Your cousins kids behavior is normal n I've heard cases like this too. The kid get to see his parents only on wkends n for a period of 4 yrs ! U can count how many times the kids get to see his parents !

For me it's different, my parents look after my two kids n we all stay together so every morning the kids get to see us even though it's a short maybe 20mins ? While we prepare for work n carry them for a few mins also is bonding !

So all depends each individual family's arrangements n wat suits them best n their lifestyles plus as long as it work out for them n everyone is happy Tats the most important lor...

Little lamb

I haven't let my boy try using cup yet ! It will probably be like your case making a mess ! But I hv to let him try n to let him practice to make it perfect ! U are doing the rite thing by increasing his lunch n dinner n reduced her 2.30pm feed, she will soon drop the 2.30 feed.

For snacks, there r many ideas n recipes on websites which u can easily make them. Or give a small pot of yoghurt or a slice of cheese is the same as giving her the 2.30 feed.

whoa, so many posts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

there's sales at bata at bedok central. toddler shoes only $9. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can check out other outlets.

just received the bareshoes and realised that should have bought the exact size as it's like socks. sighz. now must wait for mattias to grow into them.

abt car seat> in aust they are even more strict on car seat. my friend dont even dare to drive us ard if no car seat. have to borrow a car deat. and most taxis have car seat in their boot. think if we really serious the taxis should also have car seat.

furby> we've gone without a car seat for a long long time too. hee. just started the car seat coz daddy will need it when he go fetch me from work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline> tt's what hb says too. children will grow up very fast. better enjoy them now. when they still want you. haha.

hope you and your hb fully recover by your trip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

on feeding> spoon feeding til sec 1 sounds terrible. my aim is for him to self-feed by 2yo. mattias likes to use the fork too. but i have to pierce for him. the satisfied look when he put food in his mouth is just so rewarding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but spoon he still cannot make it and i so so scared of him making a big huge mess. any of you tried to let your child practice scooping by using uncooked rice or green beans? i've been toying with that idea for some time.

mattias having more and more of his own mind liaoz. today, he grabbed his cup and when i tried to take it back, alot of milk spilt. sighz. in the morning, he wants his milk from adult cup and not his kiddy cup. and i cant hold the cup for him. must secretly hold the bottom. can faint.

(now he drinks milk through yakult straw and vitagen straw. anyone got vitagen straw to donate? :p)

kokamee, yup, now my cousin's family moved into this aunt's house in the end cos they registered the boy for the primary school near her home so that she can continue to look after him. You are very lucky that your parents are both willing and physically able to look after your kids at your house. Not many grandparents are willing to do that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually, my ILs were nice and willing to look after my no. 1 at night when she was a baby. Cos they know my hubby works very long hours and needs to get up v early for work. Hubby was more than happy but I told him I don't want to be a weekend parent. Told him my cousin is a very good example. :p

Xin, it's true. Other than being difficult to put to sleep, my no. 1 is getting more independent. Previously, she'll cry and tear the house down if we go out without her so we always had to sneak out. But now sometimes, we can go out, leave her at home with the maid and her mei mei and she's ok. :p

Our two car seats are collecting dust now cos not buying car in short term. COE just shot up to $62k, it's crazy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cyang> signing times really have a song for everything. haha. the story behing signing times is quite touching. i sign quite alot with mattias actually. try to sign all significant words. about speech, the signing books all say that it actually doesn't impede speech but might actually encourage the children to speak more and increase their vocabulary. but dont worry ba. i'm sure renee will talk in her due time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mattias still havent said anything understandable yet. :p

when mattias sign for milk to latch to sleep, sometimes, i'll tell him no more milk. then he will just make do with patting to sleep. haha

tyl> usually i pat mattias to sleep. only when i very tired then i just lie down beside him and let him sleep on his own. like jessie, i find that when he falls asleep on his own he can sleep better. if latch to sleep, sometimes within an hr will wake up.

jessie> your ah yi really good hor. teach arwen alot of things. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy> we have to off all lights and be quiet then mattias will sleep. haha. if you want more time with ayden then choose the one that has less ot lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope you get a good job. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

furby> my friend just told me that her girl was 7.7kg at 15mths. so guess our children not too light ba. mattias 300g heavier than xyii. hope xyii gets well soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlelamb> we also seldom go out late. but nowadays mattias sleeping later and later. dunno if i shd cut his nap. but if he don't nap means i got no time to prep his meals. :p

after gg sydney, i think i wont bring mattias or his younger siblings overseas unless absolutely necessary. when go hols of course we want to maximise the time there. then baby wont have his proper naps and bedtimes, somehow i feel that sleeping in carrier the sleep is not as good as sleeping on the bed. :p. food still not too bad. we managed to cook simple meals for him and some jar food. a resort style holiday will definitely be better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luvbabe> hope lucas gets well soon. not sure if i shared how my hb feed mattias med. his parenting philosophy is getting the child involved. even feeding medicine, we let mattias hodl the bottle. see us syringe out. then entice him slowly, so far mattias loves all his medicine. :p

thks gals,after talking to my hb n my dad I decide that I will jus turn dwn the offer. Nt as tho the 1st job is paying me a huge increase in $. Its abt the same as my ex-job....my mum tinks I m picky, nag at me, told her my priority nw is to earn enuff to finance my insurance n hp bill plus buy things when I like for myself n A. I m nt keen to pia for my career since planning for #2 in the next 2 yrs. I shall keep going for interview again n see if I can get something which fits more to my pref

sp_calallily> I tink we are very guilty of having meals outside n inviting ppl over, tats y the lil fella is the mirror image of us. Ooops! hehe. We try to set a quiet routine b4 bedtime n the lil fella can start singing, dancing in the dark, climb up n down the pillows etc.Purposely giggle to "entice" us to play!

xin> they will start to show more of their character when they have more mobility. A start his nonsense by refusing us to carry him nowadays, starts walking n running in public. There was a day abt 1-2 mths ago where he insists he feed himself,refused to open mouth when we spoon feed him.....I scope his food for him n hold his hand while he feeds himself oso can't. He insists he must scope fr the bowl n put spoon in his mouth himself. End up the food gets into his nose, chin etc n all over the high chair n floor.

kokamee> u r lucky to have ur parents staying with u n helpin u look after ur child. Want my mum to help me oso I must plot n plan for 6 mths lo, by quitting my job totally n making her worried

lamb...i do agree wt you on the double standard for not having car seats in taxi...

xin...bareshoes- i received mine too...i ordered size 7, a bit too big for HW, keep coming out...shd hv ordered size 6.


Mine looks too big to put on him...

should have ordered size 5 in order to wear them immediately... i order size 7 too...


Pauline>the bathtub at Prudential quite big. Enough for Ayden and Law to go in together and still have space. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Its also attached to a shopping centre and got lots of shops and food nearby so can consider next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I stayed at Royal Plaza on the trip where you stayed at Kimberley and we bumped into each other in HK! :p Don't remember much about it except its quite nice and location is convenient, esp if you're going Macau.

xin>we've to switch off all the lights and pretend to sleep before ayden will sleep too. But for the last 2 days, he refused to take him afternoon nap, so ended up exhausted by 7.30 and fall asleep after drinking a bit of milk.

firipy>good luck finding a job you like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

