(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


Pls take gd care n pray tat u got a speedy recovery ! Stay positive n cheerful as it will create good cells to help to heal faster !

Furby n megan

Hope both of u are ok too.


Pauline, do take care, hope you will recover soon..

Megan/Furby, you guys take care too..

This rainy season always caused lots of accidents and heavy jam on the road, really must be careful..

Hi mummies,

It's been a long time since I came in. Have been very busy with work. Have to stay back quite late in office and concuss when I reach home. Need some urgent advice here. How do you all celebrate 1st lunar birthday for your baby? Today is my son's lunar birthday and I wanna let him choose the things to see what he'll be next time, just for fun. What other things can I do? Thanks a lot.

pauline - Logged in this morning to read about what happened. Oh no ... Rest well, k? Luckily the 2 babies were not in the car!!!

Hey mommies,

Haven't logged in in a while. This forum also has been rather quiet. Think most mommies busy planning for their LO's birthday celebrations? I dunno why ... these few weeks, my whole family have been plagued with sickness. It's so nitemarish. Starting from last Sunday with DH and then to Nat and then to me.

All taking turns to fall sick. And just when I think Nat's fever was over, she started coughing. And I am sneezing AND coughing. This bug is just so persistent. I wished I had other things to update but nothing at all coz' I've been so busy and tired taking care of everyone including myself. *sigh* And on top of that, I still have to ensure that things are in order at home, that Nat gets her 3 meals and milk.

And Nat also somehow, been rather needy. I also dunno what happened. I dunno why but somehow today, I got rather nostalgic. Was reading some other threads about their newborns and I thought back about the days when Nat was a newborn in my arms. Now ... although she has yet to walk, I feel as if she's trying to assert her own independence and wants to do things in her way. She tends to babble a lot with a lot of emotions on her face, as if she's expressing a very strong opinion about something.

And I think to myself ... the baby in her has gone ... she's starting to have a mind of her own. And very soon, she'll be going to school. Oh man ... I'm so gonna miss her so much then. And then recently, on and off at nites, she just refuses to sleep and keeps whining in bed. I dunno what's wrong. Dun think it's teething.

Cradle her, she doesn't want, goes to zzz for a while and then wakes up whining. The process can go on and off for like 10 times or more! From 7pm all the way to 1am! Gosh ... I am so zombified also. I really dunno what's with her leh. Any other mommies experiencing the same?

thanks Kokamee, ET, bryest, littlelamb, I will try my best to stay positive for my gals. quite restrictive n uncomfortable cos of the brace so cannot do the things that I took for granted eg. carry baby, watch tv, surf net etc. :p

Shit, dunno why my acct suspended again...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pauline : u had an accident ?

Take gd care & hv a gd rest.

Hope u recover soon.

Take it as a break for u from yr work.....;p

oh gosh.. Pauline.. glad that you n hubby are well now.. Thank God..

Something that m going through again is our insurance.. Me n hubby are going to increase our insurance premium.. just in case if anything happened to any one of us.. at least the other party will be financially stable ...

31 Dec 2010.. i heard a very sad news from my sister. My sister went Bali with a group of good friends.. n one of them was drowned.. my sister watched him died.. he was swept away by under current.. it was very sad..

He was just 39yrs old.. with a 2yrs old boy n his wife is 4 months pregnant (baby girl) n the wife is SAHM and was only 29 yrs old..

This is very very sad.. To me.. this is a alarm call.. telling me that we have to prepare for the worst.. at least must tahan through the first few years..

Pauline.. take care k! and get will soon!

mindy : so sad.... so so sad... is there anything you think we can do for them... they need help? If they need some help with baby things, I can help to donate leh...

That is why, when we all go to Tokyo, I let my sister know all my insurance and bank account so in event anything happen, at least Arwen will be taken care of. People always say I am very morbid but maybe because I was a nurse,see too much liao. I rather be very well prepare than live in hope . I also plan to take out another insurance for Arwen in event something happen to me.

Lamb: The bloody cold lah! SIBEI SIAN LOR! I feel so snow in even tho no snow. IMPOSSIBLE to bring Arwen out even if I wrap her up like mad. Please take care and don't be discouraged, it will pass one, just look forward to going home! You need any help, let me know yah!

Arwen was like that when she just turn one, always like dreaming and making noise every hour also!!! Sometimes waking up for no reason at 2am or 4am! What to do, we just fed her a little bit of milk, pat and sing her to sleep but sometimes she just cannot sleep leh! This week abit better, thank God cos it was taking a toil on us too!

mindy : Hope you don't mind me jumping into conclusion your sister's friends need help. Perhaps this week is a bit of a downer to me. I have another forum who friend's sister die in childbirth. Extreme sad.. and we are helping her abit . Last time I would not have bother but being a mother now, I get very emotional when I heard such news..

Lamb and ladies : Ahh forgot to tell you a TALL tale. Can you guess this and last Sunday what I have been doing?


Can you imagine a cosmopolitan girl ( ahem .. me) in a uber metropolitan world on all fours chipping ice using a hammer and ice pick!

It is so cold until my central heating unit which is fixed at my back balcony , blowing out cold air and mix with the already very cold temp , reduce my sealed balcony temp to about - 5 or -7 degrees. Which means the water outlet of the said heating unit freezes within mins as it drains out to the drain in the balcony. In 1 week, the ice covering the balcony is approx 3 cm!!!!!!

I did not at first noticed as we hardly use that balcony, it is only until I near skidded when I went to take something then I saw the ice.

So .. chip chip chip I did, I tell you , I was cursing and swearing as I did. I feel like a bloody construction worker BUT as I like to do to make things fun, I pretend I am an ice sculptor , making a piece of artwork, that makes it more bearable.

THEN! Cos so cold, cannot use washing machine ( I outsourced my laundry during this time), the pipes all froze and my DH who try to help accidently hit the already very frozen pipe and the whole bloody thing with the tap came off and I got an instant man made water sprinker , like the one in Bugis Junction about 2 meters high in my balcony. We just stare in disbelief.. waterfall in a densely populated city in winter..

Could be a beautiful thing if I throw some torch and some music but alas, the whole bloody thing flood the floor and we had to call in the plumber who then fixed it for.. TA DAH SGD 4!!! The beauty about China is, I can get things fixed fast and cheap eh BUT what caused this in the first place? Lousy construction and interior planning lah!

Funny thing is.. with the water sprouting , the plumber was like " to use the right faucet, it is VERY EXPENSIVE .....don't know if you guys are okay with it or not.." we are like " how much ????" He reply "50 RMB " or SGD 10. I mean.. DUHZ! Of cos can lah! SGD 100 also must buy right!!! So he hurry get it for us and get it fixed.

I told DH, even if I tell people this episode today .. dun know they think I lying or not. LOL!

bigfoot / MamaD : Thanks for the article. Hmm.. but Nanyang leh... I can understand it. The thing is , those kind of school er..... not easy to get in eh. Think need abit of connection right? I mean at least one parent must be from that school before right?

I actually feel going to a good school is very important but if I need to erm do volunteer work or join this and that to win "points" to get my kid in, I will not do it. I feel like abit cheating like that. But I can understand why the parents q up and totally support their efforts.

Thanks, Mstan and Mindy.

Yup, Mindy, insurance very impt. After this accident, I realise that I should have bought rider for my hosp policy cos I still have to pay $3k plus on my own. Ins only pays less than $1k. But riders are not cheap so we bought for the 2 gals last year thinking it's more likely for the kids to be hospitalised than adults. How wrong we were. :p

Also, hubby needs to get a term insurance cos his death and perm disability protection is not enough. For me, still ok cos I'm SAHM so no income. But for him, very impt. Whole life policy too exp so better to add a term insurance.

Will have to speak to my agent after this.

Pauline - gonna be real tough for u that no one is helping around in the house. Yup, good choice to outsource whatever is possible before your helper crashes too...

Lamb - Bryan has been cranky on and off for the past nights as well. He just want me to carry him and stand by the window and it always happen between 1-3am. Each time can stand to an hour before he gets tired again. I am already like a walking zombie.

Jessie - admire your positive spirit despite the silly cold weather you have. Damn funny when I read your post and I burst out laughing in the train. It's so funny reading it, but the truth is, yes, such things are highly possible.

Jessie - that nanyang kindergarten has no connection with the primary school and so on though... Just that it has been attended by PM lee and his children, as well as, many famous others whom I have yet to know who. Ya, I feel that it is cheating through those volunteer works and donations and so forth. However, this is so common now. What the... Nevertheless, I do hope that Bryan can get into a good school too cos it seriously sets the foundation to his education path.


talking about sleep. Nowadays, my bb also play in the bedroom for very long. Like last night, she was looking tired already at 9pm+, so I brought her to the bedroom to put her to sleep. But at 11pm+ she was still awake playing a fool and babbling in the dark. Unlike her brother and sis, they can go to sleep with pacifier. But this one ahhhh, self wean from paci 2 months ago. So now quite difficult to make her sleep.


With young kids, it is common that they take turns to fall sick. Like sometimes, the bug will pass from hub, to kid1, to kid 2, kid 3, then to maid, then me. So it's constant visit to doc, and total takes at least 4-5 weeks to run its course. It's tough, Hang in there.


Oh wow! Yeah, it was freaking cold last week and this week to come too! My clothes outside, went dripping wet to hang, the moment the water touched to floor, it turned to ice, that was how bad it is. And there's no way we can turn off the heater at home coz' it's too cold. And because of that, the air is so dry. Nat's having dry lips, i have to keep letting her drink water.

And now her dry cough has progressed to the phlegmy cough. *sigh* It's just so awful. I really wanna bring forward my home trip but due to DH's work commitment, we can't. Again ... I asked him ... is this all worth it just for his job. And then again, he asked me in return, if we go back to Singapore, will we not have a different set of challenges to deal with? *sigh* It was just a very emo weekend for me, I guess.

furby - Thanks ... yeah, i've often seen how my friends with kids take turns in the family to fall ill. I guess it gets tiring being all the way here and no extended family support. I do have good friends here but they, too, have kids. I can't quite expect them to take care of us for fear of passing on the germies.

Gd morning all!!

Pauline> Do take care!

Mindy> Ur sis fren itz stay @ Jurong? Cos hubby fren BIL drown in bali too.. might be the same person cos i knew he had a nephew quite young. Heard the water jus at waist level.

Its really sad to hear such kind of news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Afternoon mummies....

Pauline, furby, Megan> Take care! Speedy recovery!

Jessie> Haha, Luis views his little bro as a destroyer. Coz Lucas always like to smash all the building blocks which Luis has built or smash away all the cars which he had laid nicely....

Mummies, not sure if you gals believe in fengshui...But hor, most fengshui books and masters say that 2010 till 2013 at least, there is lack of water so therefore the floods come furiously and drownings, and in 2011 which is Metal Rabbit year, clashing metals rule, so bound to have lots of accidents, etc... Please be extra extra cautious!

Mindy, CY> So sad to hear such news!

Lamb, furby> I do experience Lucas whining, rolling around in the middle of the night too at times too...However, thank god, most of the time, just a little whining and I pop paci into his mouth, pat a little, he will sleep thru liao.

luvbabe11 - Yeah, Nat does these 'antics' too. But these few nites seem to be more 'serious'. I wonder if separation anxiety has made a comeback. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies! Sorry to interrupt. I'm from the Feb thread, but have been a silent reader of this thread since pregnancy days as my first EDD given then was in Jan.

I've set up a new blogshop selling ladies' apparel. This is my first step to become a work-from-home mum (crossing fingers this will work out somehow so that I can spend more time with my dear son instead of holding a full-time job).


For all Jan/Feb mums here, there'll be an additional 5% off the current promo or first purchase next time. Just quote "SMH Jan/Feb10" in your order.

I'll greatly appreciate if you could also help me "advertise" by posting my shop link to your facebook news feed. My FB is [email protected], will be glad to make more mummy friends. Thank you very much in advance for your support!

And Happy Birthday to all the babies! I'm sure we're all terribly busy with their first year party!

hi parents!

some shots from ayden's birthday yesterday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]





and the ladies!



CY.. my fren used to stay in Jurong.. but after got married they stayed in Newton..

yah i think is the same guy we talking about.. Alan Choo right?

Yes.. the water level was just at waist height..

4 was swept away and only one who cannot make it..

Do you know the saddest thing is they are going home that very day it happened.. from the restaurant to the beach n he was drowned was like less than 15mins.. that's what my sister told me..

I feel so sorry for the wife.. but i think financially should be okay for time being bah.. as they seems to be quite well to do one..

My sister is staying over at her place every weekend to accompany her.. heard that her family n a group of friends are with her most of the time too.. i think this kinda thing will take long time to heal.. Just keep her in our daily prayers.. n hope she can be strong and move on with her life..

Dear mummies

Will be going to bangkok over a weekend in Feb. Need some help on where to buy baby clothes such as carters. TIA

Jessie....your chipping ice story so entertaining ! Haha.... (no offended hor) at least in such cold n painful weather u are still so cheerful n positive. Heng u got such attitude or else sure feel very miserable one.... Jia you lah ;-)

pauline> thk god the kids not in the car. thk god both u n DH are recuperating! My DH oso got into 2 car accidents last year.. 1 when bb n myself sitting at the back n he lacked of zzz n banged onto a van but veri minor n we r all safe n i thk God for protecting us! the 2nd one is my DH was banged and he came home to take care of us before he went to hospital to be admitted the next day..hope u be strong n God bless yr family.

so sad to hear abt the drowning n the unborn child..i'm really veri emotional nw n tinking abt hw unexpected things are..

My DH attended 2 funerals in a day..1 is colli's mother die of cancer, 1 has comitted suicide..i'm so sad for all these people n their family..gosh...

Pauline,take care and thank god u all are fine!!! My heart skip a bit after looking at ur post

Lamb/luvbabe/furby, my boy had been having nitemares the past week,cry till tears rolling down n pacifier oso can't help. He can walk up n down holding on to the things in the rm, roll n play in the rm for 1-2 hrs then willing to slp!

luvbabe,my mum n mil said b4 cny alot of funerals one, dunno y.....

Jessie,I like to read ur stories cos its always so happening cos u made it sound fun rather than all so gloomy! So positive,Arwen sounds so cute (of cos she looks n am cute) the way ur describe wat she does.

When my boy starts to "join in" our conversation I realise he really has grown up. I was talking to my mum n askin her to pass me the phone n there my lil kaypo crawl, took the cordless phonen pass to me! Nowadays,I dun dare to converse in eng,chinese with mil/mum/hb in front of him for things that I dowan to let bb know. I told my hb nt to show him the bubble tea cos bb will wanna snatch n drink, I was carrying bb,he can immediately he turn to his father n want his dad to carry him. Cry n shout so loud at the mall!

He had been very cranky these days, can refuse to drink milk for whole day, only drink b4 he nap n b4 he slp, so only drink twice a day n sometimes 3 times when we dreamfeed!

smalldreams, u there??? my fil told me exactly the same thing abt keep talking to ur kids, he said he saw a documentary on a professor with genius kids, he said he start "teaching" the kids since the wife preggy n he does it by explaining everything n anything they do, like vacuuming the hse...

Thanks, MamaD and Firipy. Just read of someone being killed on the road by a car driven by 19 year old. Didn't get to read the whole story cos my MIL brought the newspaper home. So poor thing. Yes, life is unpredictable, must really cherish our loved ones and be extra careful on the roads. :p

Roger, no, I would love to go but couldn't. By right, because hubby has a regular tuition assignment on Sunday. But turned out, we can't go cos both of us are in brace and cast after the car accident so not mobile. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nice pics, would have loved to get you as photographer for Raelynn's party but too bad you were overseas that time. :p

Pauline>> rest well.. Eat lots of protein and iron food..

The weather nowadays is really a hazard to everyone. And we must b really careful and to take care of ourselves!!

Oh dear, din log in for the longest time and read so many bad news... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pauline, Hope you and your hubby recover well and fast. Glad the girls are not in the car...

Megan and Furby, glad both of you are ok too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, nice experience chipping the ice lah...

be positive and everything will be fine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I love your super positive attitude...

and I also wont do so much for my child to attend to good sch lah...

I still believe that as parents, as long as we guide them on the right path, instead of leaving everything to the sch... Upbringing plays a huge part in the children's life.

Lamb, dun be sad... It's the cold that cause all these. Nat will recover and becomes stronger too...

Mindy, CY, aiyo so sad to hear drowning incidents lor. Hope the wife stay strong for her son and her unborn bb...

Roger, thanks a lot... for a moment, i cant recognise my son lor... hahahaha...

another nice papa in the forum....

Thanks YL for the nice party...

Love the birthday cake...


Rest well. Lucky you've got a helper.

When can you remove the back brace?


I agree with the others. A positive attitude really helps! I can be negative at times but recently I try to be more positive. It really helps shape a better frame of mind.


The trouble is, I find it weird talking to baby, lol. But sometimes I try lah. I also learnt from a teacher friend, to get kids to love books, just surround them with books, books, everywhere. Let's see if that method works. haha.


When's Shayne's party?

Little Lamb

It's inevitable lor, this flu bug thing. But Nat'll be stronger next time round. You take lots of Vit C & nap when Nat naps ok? You need to rest & get well soon to hold the fort.

febie>you're welcome! paiseh didn't get much time to chat with the moms. Blur me forgot to take more group photos with the moms and other babies.

roger>thanks for the nice photos. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ayden was so excited when we showed him the video yesterday.

haven't had time to read most of the posts recently. Hope everyone is well.

Thanks febie, brainkuku, smalldreams, got to keep it on for 6 weeks. :p yup, without grandparents' support, helper is really essential. but even the helper was sick on sat pm but luckily my bro helped to send her to 24 hr clinic.

Yl, happy birthday to Ayden! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wa, got video too. So nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Small dreams,

does it works?

I'm goin to bring out all the books for Shayne tonight... i pass him books and he refused to even flip it...

his party is next sun...

din invite alot of people cos family quite huge and plus some family friends...

Febie, that's Shane? I din regonise him also hahaha! But the pix r all so nice! Smalldreams, I find it weird too but I treat it like he is my companion n talk, I used to do it to my pet, they won't respond by talking bk n most of time staring bk at me but I can say they r rather welltrained. Hahaha! Books ah? A ald tore a pg of his lift to reveal book of less than 1 day old. He treat his books like Lego!

Huh? Like that count as positive ah ? I mean you have not seen me cursing and swearing the day and lament to myself for marrying DH and then being drag to this shit hole . MUAHAHAHAA I mean it is tough, chipping ice when it is sibei cold and my fingers are frozen . I was about to give up halfway and just let the nanny do it but I know it is for Arwen's good. I mean if the ice become too much, it might spoil the heater or if her nanny slip on the ice, she can't take care of Arwen etc.

smalldream , I was very negative sometimes and even my good friend was like " you REALLY complain alot ah !". I am very opinionated I guess but I think that ice chipping episode, it is like I really being push to the brink liao so if I don't make it into something funny, I would start crying in frustrating.

Lamb: Yah, I know the feeling. Many times wondering if staying here is good for Arwen but your DH is right also, going to SG does not mean there would be less problems too.

I guess my mindset now is ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. I mean with a baby in tow now, like one minute also cannot truly relax. Sometimes Arwen can be very fine one day and then the next, she would be coughing again and I would give her meds. Like today is fine doesn't mean tomorrow will be too. Been a tough year for a lot of us but instead of hoping next year would be better, perhaps better to change mindset and be open to any situations and choose to be flexible and positive about them.

Small dreams,

does it works?

I'm goin to bring out all the books for Shayne tonight... i pass him books and he refused to even flip it...

his party is next sun...

din invite alot of people cos family quite huge and plus some family friends...

from Bryan onwards, all can see the bottom 2 teeth... hehehee...

Firipy... hahaha...

cannot blame u lor... even the mummy cant recognise him at first...

dun believe that he pose so nice and behave so well for uncle roger to take his pic...

febie>you go fb see. got 1 photo of Shayne and you that's v nice! I tag you le.

books>maybe can do more reading in front of the bb. My family always read newspapers in front of ayden so he likes to flip books v much. Its good cos it can mean 5-15 mins of peace for us. Donno how much he understands but as long as it occupies him. :p

Mindy> Yeah tat's my notti gal !!

I dun know his name but if his wife surname is Teng than should be same person lor. Its really sad to hear such news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

TYL> Ayden's birthday pics so nicely taken by photographer, maybe we should plan a photography session together for our toddlers!!

cindy>ya, v happy with the photos.

really like the photo of Leticia posted above. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roger>thanks again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you can give us good rate if we want a joint photography session for our bbs? :p


YL, ok heading back now...

will go back and see soon...

cant wait...

cy, i wanna ask Roger do Shayne's studio leh...

the one we won was not done nicely with the other studio...

ask for joint photography leh...

i'm keen too....

