(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

yah my boys also dun really look alike.. i was jus looking at yr pics on FB. haha your captions are all so funny..i like the delicious gorgor one.
he does look 'succulent' u know!
oh and i am gonna get the camera from sim lim as well.. i found the perfect reason. i told hb i miss my boys too much at work, so i wanna be able to see them while working! true ma rite mommy sure miss babies rite.

i like the photo shoot u took of yr kids! very very lovely.

LOL gd one! i nearly choke on my chee cheong fun. shall say that to the next person. reading these really helps me to pass the workday faster so i can go home to my babies.

momme/ spiffy
which pump do u use?

MomMe it's been a very diff decision for me to stop expressing but I feel it'll allow me more time to enjoy them. Moreover I don't have a helper so a bit stressed if one cries when I'm in the middle of expressing.

Imakeitrain, I have the medela pump in style and the medela swing.

So to close the manyue chapter, did no one hold one?
I'm thinking if I am 'forced' by my husband's family to bring the bbs to a family gathering, is it too much to request everyone (who wants to carry) to wash their hands..?

Today we visited the pediatrician.. They had to lie here and there to get tested, weighed etc and I threw everything in the wash when I came home. My hubby thinks I'm paranoid.
No man yue for me..so no expereince to share.. And yes, i think a bit too much to ask pple to wash hand...coz by agreeing to a gathering, its implied that you 'allow' them to carry le mah.....thats my opinion lah...i mean if you go to bb gathering, wun you want to hold bbs? if you are told to wash hands, then funni rgt and some may be offended..hahahhaa.
Hi All,

I have been a slient reader ever since i got pregnant with twins.. now my twin gals are already 9 months.

Time really flies. =)

Coming in today is hope to get to know more friends with twins to share ideas..
I did my twins man yue at a restaurant. I wanted to just go, eat and go home. Otherwise if have the buffet at home, people will come and go any time they like. I will have less time to rest.
It was alright as it was a sit down lunch with only family members and very close friends. After that went home and all was ok.
Daphne , welcome welcome !!!!

Spiffy , I use the madeka pump in style advanced dual pump. It's efficient , fast n as it's dual pump , can be done in 10 / 15 mins.
Hi Daphne!

imakeitrain -- I wanna go for another photoshoot when the twins are older heh heh. But with another photog so must start searching for one soon.

Spiffy -- No you're not paranoid. I was like that in the beginning too. My husband also thinks i'm paranoid and xiao because he has ang moh mentality that germs/dirt are good for babies. But anyway now i'm getting lazier and lazier so sometimes I close one eye.

Re: Manyue, I also didnt hold one for the babies but I had lots of friends and relatives visit us anyway. Quite a lot of them were zhi dong and would wash their hands before touching/carrying the babies. Those that didn't, if they were close friends/relatives we would say "Eh pls wash hands first hor!!" hahaha. For the more "senior" relatives and family friends we had no choice but to close one eye but thankfully there werent that many of them.

Wah am very impressed you are managing the twins without additional help aside from your mom who helps for a few hours!
Spiffy -- About expressing. I'm using the Medela Freestyle. I think it is one of my best investments to date (this and the LG play mat) because I use it everyday and while expressing my hands are free and I can do stuff like surf the internet and post on the forum like I'm doing now hahaha. I gave up latching after 2 weeks cos I had no patience and have been expressing ever since. Wanted to give up on expressing in the first month too but told myself to try and continue till 3 months. 3 months came and I told myself to express till 4 months. 4 months came and I told myself ok let's try to hit the 6 months mark. So this is my story ... everyday I feel like quiting but I tell myself just do it for awhile more....
i feel the same way!! my babies jus hit 6 mths.. i want to stop but very mao dun.. dunno what to do..and yah everyday when i i take the funnel from the steriliser, i will have the 'wah i wanna stop liao' feeling, but then when now i realise my ss going down i start to panic also.. how ah like that, will never stop?!

i think in the first 3 mths must be super paranoid. better be safe than sorry. i went to buy 5 bottles of the alcohol hand rubbing thing they use in hospital. i put at my main door, kitchen, beside baby's cot, everywhere! so that when pple visit n ask to carry( i was quite lucky, most pple didnt dare to carry my babies cos they were small) i will ask them to use that first.
i agree with you tho, last time there were times when i looked after my boys alone, then when expressing milk i will get stressed cos im so afraid one of them will start to cry, which they do.

i use the PIS too! its v good right..in 15 mins can finish it off liao. last time i used the medela mini electric dual pump.. wah can die..use hand to squeeze while pumping till my fingers sore. lol.
do u have fb?
Chameleon/imakeitrain do you pump round the clock still?

I like the hand alcohol sanitizer idea! Subtle yet they'll get the idea what to do.. Useful even for me.. My DH is a med professional so maybe I get him to put on his most serious voice and ask them to.. Haha.

And thanks, chameleon, I feel a full time helper can't add tremendous value to our lives yet so have held off having one. Have part time cleaner tho.
Imakeitrain, yes I am on fb. Will pm u ya ???
I still pumping milk. But my supply is getting lower so o may be quitting breastfeeding in time to come . Want to continue , but gal still on breast strike , boy never really got on direct latch on , so both rely on ebm only. No natural suckle to make more milk. And dunno why , I see the pump now , I yawn ........maybe 1 yr of feeds r enuf, my body tells me .....

I want to increase it by pumping more , but my spirit and body is tired ....

I have put up my Pump in style for sale though .....It takes a while to get a buyer anyway , so put up lor ... By time I find buyer , my milk already dry up .... Keke ...
its a good idea i think, cos even now, before i change my babies' diapers i will use, and it has become a habit for everyone in the house as well. lol i was abit extreme the first few days when they came back from NICU, i actually made my MIL, hb, n myself wear the nano mask. but my situation abit diff cos my MIL smokes, so i insist she must wear. bleh.

yah i still pump daily, used to pump 3 hrly, then 2 weeks before gg back to work switch to 4 hrly, now working only pump once when wake up, then 12pm lunchtime, then 5 pm, then 8 plus then last pump try to drag as late as i possibly can tong. cos at nite i look after my two rascals who still wake up for milk, so abit siong! weekend i will pump more frequently, like will wake up at 3 am to pump. i realise that after skipping the 3am session, ss really drop significantly.
Imakeatrain, sorry ... I super blur. Pm u but forget to put my email add in it ... Sorry ..... He he.. U found me !!!
How much are u selling yr PIS? I am using medela swing.. only single pump.. take up so much time each time I pump. Really regret not going for a dual pump back then.

Actually I dread going back to work coz I think I will lose the supply I have tried to build up these 2 months with the lack in latching and pumping time. I have finally start to freeze my EBM 2 days ago. Hope can have a bit of supply for them when I return to work end June.
I'm using mdela pis but I need to pump 30 min le. At end I still hand pump to squueze dry. Ha!

Wow so many of u also express?

so u r taking care alone in the day? Must b v tough.
my twins is having flu.. running nose and coughing.. heart pain seeing them cant breath properly and bad cough... drink milk only little bit like 70ml but lucky still have the interest in eating.. so last weekend made them cereal with pumpkin, cereal with carrot.

then my son having is rashes at his groin.. and its quite bad now, when to 2 different clinic. and now my friend told me about the neoderm and see pd requested for that.. hope it work!!

the thread is moving fast!!!!
MomMe it's okay la. My mother comes around 2 days of the week. The babies are quite good during the day so I've time to do laundry and cook if I'm alone.

You can take heart and be encouraged by the mothers here who're still expressing. There's nothing wrong with stopping too cos any length of time of providing breast milk is good. Moreover with a toddler, it must be taxing. At night can yr helper feed the babies?

The support group is Singapore Premmies if anyone is interested.

Any babies on Nan Pro2? Have a can but expiring in Oct 2010.

Celebrating my gals' birthday on 19 jun
xiaofu, i have pm u...

My bbs half fm, half ebm. very soon 3/4 fm from the rate my tap is gg.....sigh....
U only use breast milk rite? clap clap!!! Yr bbs on FB look lovely! U look like a young bride hor!!!
Juliana -- Hope your twins get well soon. My boy had quite a bad rash on his body a few weeks ago too and the pd prescribed neoderm. Worked well and his rash subsided after a few days.

imakeitrain -- I super feel like quiting now lor. Really trying to slug it out for another 1 mth so I can hit the 6 mths mark.

Spiffy -- I used to pump quite religiously in the daytime. Every 3-4 hrs. At night I will sleep thru and only pump in the morning after their 1st feed. Recently I have been less diligent abt pumping in the daytime even and my ss has dropped a little. But i'm not hung up over it cos so long as I can provide some bm, I'm satisfied. They were never on 100% bm anyway.
I wish I met you guys sooner. Do you know how much I've stressed over pumping amounts? Normal singleton mum friends and the older relatives put so much pressure on me re breastfeeding. I hate it when ppl ask if i'm breastfeeding and got enough or not. Makes me even more anxious.. Some ask everytime they see me. Why?? Ugh.

Yes, i agree....pple like to ask if i am still nursing them. At church, at the room where bbs and parents are, everyone jus whip out their clothes to bf the bbs. Very rarely, u see anyone bottle feeding. So, in the beginning, i also stress.

But now, i dun care.

I think the most stresful time for me for breastmilk was when bbs were at nicu and Special care. Nurses keep upping the intake, they will keep asking u to supply.

Beginning stage not nuch some more, compounded by post c sec pain and tiredness, i was so stressed.

At that time my bbs at special care, once not enuf bm, they will jus give formula. So, i lagi stress as at that time i didnt want to give fm when they still not discharged...

Anway, its been a year!!! I have survived it so will u mummies!!! whoohoo!
Ha.... U guys give me hope that Solely expressing is doable.
Dunno is it my bm v liquid but the gals get hungry v fast sometimes by 1.5 hr they crying for milk.

Find it v tough to increase their intake coz they can't seem to drink anymore than 60 ml at one go so this few days the feeding interval is getting closer n closer.:p
MomMe yes it's hard not to give in when they start rooting and cry..I have sucumbed on occasion but I try to maintain the three hr interval.
Do you pump till breasts r empty? So that you get all the richer hind milk?
MomMe, I feed on demand. But doing this, means u will will have a bb on yr breast all day.... I started wif this wif my gal, so she drink abit, distracted then stop. And continue again to drink a while later. I knew she didnt drink enuf so I bo pian have to continue to give her milk.
So, i guess a structured feeding time may work for u...

As a result, my bbs still dun drink much at one go now, at 11 mths. Only 120 to 150 mlks. But they drink frequently.
Hi MomMe, my twins at 6 weeks are drinking 60mls every 3 hours...but mine are premies. I weigh them every 3 days to check they're gaining weight. My pd said to up the feeds by 5mls per week.

I forgot - which week were your bbs born?
Hi mummies
can i check if anyone of you feed heinz or those bottled puree..any idea if it contains preservatives? I read the label. its says no..but then i wonder how they sterile the bottle adn keep for so long?
i've always wondered abt that too...so many times i wanna buy but then i stop when i see that its like imported from australia or sthg.. im jus thinking if dun have preservatives how to tahan so long rite? in the end i dun buy.. but alot of pple say its ok n argue that ang mo babies jus eat it too..so im not sure.

i know how you feel.. im also trying to make it to the 6 mth mark (for RA) which means another 2 mths.

i'm just lucky to have enough for 2 of them so far so dun need supplement yet..but gonna have to soon, my frozen packs also running low..

i couldnt manage feeding on demand too cos they would always fall asleep while drinking, then need to drink really soon.. v taxing. last time what i used to do was to latch T1 on., then after he's done, still pump out clean, then do that for T2 also on other breast.
76, imaketrain ,

I cook my own veg purée , put in my own fish but add in a jar food everyday . The jar food is normally something I dun cook like beef . So I use Heinz organic beef in a jar to add in everyday .

But now , I use the frozen solutions ( jars) from a baby restaurant that opened in united square . It's very popular and lots of their food get out of stock .

It's completely no preservatives , it's deep freezed after cooking n their selections r really unique. They dun come cheap though . It's 3 ounce jar cost b/w $3.50 to $4. They sell in a set of 2.

They have food for bbs from 4 mths old . Then they have diff food texture for bb who can or cannot chew .

Chk out the shop " petit bowl". U can also dine in bit most pple take away n store it .

Coming bk to the regular jar food in the supermarket. , I have tried all the brands so I am a good spokesman .
Bbs tried healthy times , gerber , Heinz.

I never use their veg in jar though . I use normally their chicken and pasta , or beef wif tomatoes . I occasionally use these bottles to change the taste of the porridge as I scared they get sick of my tri coloured porridge ( green yellow n orange ). Keke ...

I just self made salmon, toufu n sweet potato . I think my bbs like it . Finished quickly .
Dear mummies, I am wondering my one is identical or fracternal. First scan only see one white dot then second time see two heartbeat meaning what?
Morning mommies. Wanna check if any of your kids suck their thumbs? My girl is a super 'sucker'. I'm worried that it may affect her teeth later. But since it comforts her, I also dont want to stop her. How?
Sophia , my girl sucked her thumb b/w 1 mth to 4 mth old . Nothing could replace it . In the day when she sucked it , I'll given her a teething ring to put into het mouth to replace thumb but she will still find her thumb n drop the ring .

After 4 mths , she suddenly stopped sucking her thumb and sucked the Palm or her the whole hand . She was drooling so much and at 5 mth plus , her teeth cut thru .

Some bbs may outgrow their thumb sucking habit , some may not , becoming a comfort suck to sleep in the later mths .

Some mummies use the paci to replace thumb but that too , u will have to wean it off in time to come .
i dont mind if my fussy infant sucks his thumb! He keeps pushing the pacifier out (inborn reflex) but once in a while when he manages to keep it in, it keeps him happy for a while.
i was a chronic thumb sucker.. sucked my thumb in my sleep until kindergarten i think... heh heh heh! my teeth are straight la..
She sucks both her thumbs all the time. Even more when she wants to sleep. Actually I find it more convenient for me as she gets to self soothe easily as compared to her bro. He is super fussy and sucking his fingers doesnt seem to help.
So I dont have to worry too much about the crooked teeth?
my sons have the same problem with pacifiers! they can't seem to keep the pacifiers in, in fact sometimes cos that it makes them more frustrated. so in the end i let them eat their hands..
can i check for mummies with maids, how many times does the maid bathe per day? My maid usually finishes her housework by 10am, then she will bathe. Only when she bathe, then we let her be close to bbs, if need to... Then after dinner, she will wipe her body coz sometimes she cooks..and after 1 day, if she dun cook, she also feels hot..but i dunno if shld make it a rule to let her bathe 2x or not...a bit waste wter..my bill already $190 for 6pax including 2 bbs..last time only 2 of us, $60 only....

I tell me maid to bathe at least twice a day - morning and night. And even told her if she feels v hot in the afternoon to shower in the afternooon too. :p
