(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

yah, our darlings been thru so much..sometimes when i think of those days at night, i will cry and sob...My younger boy had hernia op when he was 2mths old. After op, he was placed in ICU for further observation in case lah..coz premmies mah...Op went well and everything was ok till this icu young doc on duty gave him morphine to stop the pain when i complain he was crying non stop... then my boy couldnt take it...and had difficulty breathing..i was told to leave the ICU room while the team went in to 'resuscitate' him...those were my darkest moments as a mum..my fren was visiting then and she witnessed how rude that young lady doc was..initialy, i din want the morphne coz i was nt sure of the effect of morphne on a young bb...but she said well, if you dun wan, then it will affect his feeding coz he is now in pain..thereofre, he wun feed well. so i agreed to her doctor's judgement and she administered it. Luckily, he was saved lor... but after that, i wrote a complaint letter to CEO of the hospital adn later to the medical council to complain abt that stupid doctor... I dun care liao..Ever since my boys born, i discovered i have become more daring and outspoken in speaking up for their rights and well-being.. There was once, my downstairs neighbour renovating, v noisy, i everyday sms the renovation contractor to complain..and went down to complain till the bangadesh worker closed the door when they see me and my mother... i dunno lah, i have become more protective too...sigh... anyway, sorry forbeing emo here.. just wana let my tots out... we have really come a long way, each and every premmie mother....ours really not the same as happy full term bbs...

Have any of you mommies experience this:
My boy seems to be getting bad 'nightmares' lately. Yesterday he woke up after just getting to bed around 6pm. He started crying and it escalated to screams. Non stop crying about became breathless. No matter what I did also can calm him. I even gave gripe water and pat him also cannot.
He continued screaming and crying for almost an hour. Both Daddy and I took turns to carry him. He only calmed down becoz was very tired.
I really dont know what happen leh. Veery heart pain to hear him cry and scream like this.
you are not alone my boy too like that.. last night he cried ard 3.30am till 4.00am. hand cradle him same thing.
both of them ever cry in the car thru out the journey we are heading till in the end we detour and go back home...
i'm thinking of doing my twins birthday parties at aloha pasir ris chalet.. what are the things i should look out for?

what are the rough planning???
My boys had this before but rarely. It's like kenna bitten by a ghost that kind of wail, followed by non stop crying. Mum alwyas tells me the following and i always follow:
1) FOr v young bbs, always feed them at 1 place. For me, my bbs are only fed in my bedroom or my mums room till 4mths old.. Not even in the living room..otherwise they will be scared of new places. My ILs, if they wana see, come to my house weekly to visit the boys..yes, till 4mths...heck them.
2) I dun bring my boys out till 4mths old, not even to IL house. Except to hospital for checkups
3) No mirror. I know ang mo like to teach and expose kids to look at mirror to amuse themselves and learn dunno whaat skills lah..for me, no mirror till now..unless accidentally they see the mirror...coz they see themselves will be scared de.Similarly, no water reflections.

I know the above sounds weird and maybe illogical to some..but i try to link what the old folks say to scientific reasoning..the reason i can think of is 'overstimulation'...some bbs are overstimulated in the daytime therefore at night, they think abt it..and are jolted awake...I have been following the above...hope it helps..
forgot to add: No going home too late at night...i usually go home with bbs before 830pm..even then my frens say this is too late...must go home before dark... my boys now 9mths old..so 830pm is fine with me..of coz if nothing happens, good and well...if bbs start having nightmare and stuff, i think time to make adjustment to their environment adn habits..to stabilise and calm them...coz remember, premmies are called premmies becoz they are not supposed to be out so soon..supposed to be in the warm comfort of mummy's tummy...then 2, 3 mths start going shopping centre for e.g..could be too stimulating... i am just quoting eg..no offence to anybody.
I've followed everything.....I've heard of these things as well and in a way believe it lor.
Really scared leh if baby is disturbed by those things.
Sophia, hmm... My bbs ever did the screaming thing. I remember it was pretty recently my gal had it. I carried her , but still carried on crying. I checked for bites (haha... Mosquitos I mean, not those scary scary things), but dun have. I at that time brushed it off to be some bad dream or too much laughter ( My bbs are crazy n amused most of the time by my elder boy) before they sleep.

Cried for a good 10 mins before falling asleep.
As what 76 mentioned , go wif the flow or the beliefs if it helps the bb.
For me personally , because of our lifestyle (boy's 101 classes, our social life, church ... We could not help but bringing them out after they turned 2 mths.
We are only thankful they were strong enuf the early mths (touch wood ) , not to catch the common flu and such. If not necessary , then as wat 76 mentioned , keep them home till they reach 4 mths is a good idea
. For my case , it is hard la. Cos my older boy had been my
only child for 7yrs. Suddenly dun bring him zoo , science centre, shopping or jus chilling out, scared he jeleous. So Bo
we decided to go to "safe places" wif the bbs n the boy for family outings. Anyway we do that only on weekends.

Bbs are generally sensitive to noises n new places, so perhaps wrap them up in a swaddle in the early mths would be a good idea.

76, I never heard of feeding them in one place lei... Keke..But luckily I have been feeding them mostly in one place ( my fave sofa) out of coincidence !!!! Phew !

Juliana, I am planning for my bbs bash at the end of this mth . So, hey !!! I can advice u !!! What info u need? I got the banners n balloons fro babyterror bp. Cakes from either frm pine garden, personalised kit Kat bars, fusion catering from
gustos , and a balloon scrulpting service, etc... I love planning parties so this comes naturally for me. Any help I'll be most happy to help .
hi poko, i checked, the bbs have appts first with Dr Vidya and then Dr PL Tan. Dont know why 2 doctors, maybe one is on leave. who's yr dr?

76, wow you sheltered your bbs quite a bit. I take them on tours of the house, even sitting in my balcony in the morning when the birds are chirping. And they are technically only in their 36th week in the womb now.

My 2nd twin is finally home! this one is a sleeper.. which is good cos the other is a crier.
Spiffy , my bbs dr is dr pradeep. Congrats all ur bbs home !!!!
Hee.... I took them ard the house too , like orientation tour. They were very keen in knowing the surroundings, feed them , they will be staring ard.

We will be gg on our 2nd holiday wif our bbs in june (Sch hol). Gg for a cruise. Now they on solid, wondering how to cook porridge, or if I shd bring a slow cooker for their porridge.
Hi all
Yah, just do whatever is helpful lor...I use old wives tale, some heard of, some unheard of...but i think some make sense lor, so i follow...i also took them on orientation tour round the house when they were ready, around 3-4mths..I do admire and peifu mummies who bring kids around outside, seriously..no sarcasm meant..really envy..coz i cant do and manage and cant tahan the crying def in public..
My boy seemed ok last night. Maybe he played too much in school? K checked with the teacher and she said he was very interested in the new toys they had and didn't really had a good nap in the afternoon. Hmmm.....

Got a question for mommies: Since my kids are coming to 6 months soon, they can also progress to Nan 2. Was wondering if I can give them the new milk straight away or must slowly introduce to them?

Poko: I like the personalise Kit Kat bars, how you get the lobang?
Not sure abt Nan. But when Mead Johnson called me to update me abt their new packaging for Enfa, i asked about progresing to follow on milk. This is what she said. For the first 3 days, out of 5 feeds, try 1 feed stage 2 and 4 feeds stage 1. If ok, then next 3 days, try 2 feeds stage 2 and 3 feeds stage 1 and so on...till all 5 feeds are stage 2. Btw, you may also wanaa check if ok to proceed to stage 2 since ours premature bbs.. i usually go for their corected age..coz their tummy may not be ready..I will be staying on stage 1 enfalac till 1yr old...same for solids..i started at 5-6 mths plus (corrected) on solids coz their systems may not be mature for solid food tho their physical signs are there...even then, till now, i only give porrdge and pumpkin..they are 9mths now.Maybe i am vvv protective liao... sigh again.But i always believe observe slowly better than rushing it and then somethign happens and i feel guilty...
Like my mum always says, you scared next time they no chance to eat porridge ah...or she will go "you scared next time they no chance to go shopping ah"..or "you scared next time they no chance to watch TV ah"..lalalalalala
would like to ask if any mummies have started to use 'toothbrush' or 'toothpaste' for your bbs? What brand? And when shld we start using?my bbs now have 2 teeth each.
hi all, decided to separate the bbs at night, as in diff rooms. One is waaay more alert than the other and he disturbs his brother..and also wakes easily when his brother gurgles. in my womb he was also very very active.

poko was it you who took them on a club med trip? my sis is travelling w her toddler soon and bringing a small cooker. dont forget adapter..

I use those toothbrush that u slipped into yr finger. U can get it from a few brands. There is a particulat brand at Robinson that has this finger toothbrush n toothpaste for bbs above 9 mths. But I haven tried the toothpaste yet. I know bb paste no floride but them putting into their mouth w/o rinsing is strange to me. I'll prob intro paste when they 1 and a half ( like my
older boy)

Sophia , will give u the link to my kit kat indiv wrappers later . Mine is a solid good "kang tow " ( read : good price) . If u tune in my fb after 30 may , u can take a look at it .

Spiffy , yes I was the one that took them club med at 6 mths. That time they have not started solids yet so it was easy. Now not here , not there .... I mean they eat porridge. They occasionally take a bit of solid rice from mr , but jus a few grains here n there , so I dun think they ready for a bowl of rice . My hubb says bring slow cooker super drama, sure their bf got porridge so put into thermal ware to keep warm for lunch n dnr. My parents tell me can even "bribe" the cooks wif $ to ask them cook porridge . Hmmm ... Will try out and let u guys know so if u thinking of gg Virgo cruise , u will know what to do ..
poko, true but what if their breakfast porridge isn't plain but with added salt and other ingredients? And what if you can't get hold of a cook..or they're behind the counter busy..

Amazing that you're bringing them on a trip actually. I dont think i will until i'm very sure they wont have any meltdowns. And flights, forget it! My sis went to UK in December and there were a row of parents with their babies..there was this one baby who kept crying all the way. His dad looked stressed. And when the cabin smelled funky, all the parents would sniff at their babies.. hahaha.
Spiffy , yeah...my line of work till 5 yrs ago , required me to travel lots. Thus I am very used to seeing bbs in the planes wif their tempers during turbulations , meal times n stuff...I have actually seen mummies wif 3 small ones travelling inter continental flights without their hubbs , just using the flight attendents helps when really necessary.

We won't do a too far a flight wif the bbs yet. I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I have an older son. We have been doing 2 trips a yr when i only had him ad a child. So we somehow decided to continue this lifestyle but not to faraway places as we did last time . We have decided that the places best for all now are where we dun need public transport to get ard the city / place. Also a prog to keep the older one busy.

Thus , our conclusion.... Club med bintan n cuise. Hee hee ...

We also quite thick skin and jus do our best to prevent melt downs by knowing their schedule n agar agar the timings they will likely feel bored or tired.

It is not sooooo diff to travel wif the twins when u think they (and yourself ) are ready . It jus takes patience , lots of cooperation from yr hubb to help , closing yr ears to their cries , and smiling at those strangers who shake their head in disbelief that we r coping wif the twins all on their own !!! Keke ... Once u done once, u will know what to expect the next .

I guess I'll bring my slow cooker then ... Sigh.... Added weight.
Poko, slow cooker ah? that's quite heavy. my sis's bringing a small rice cooker. lighter, no?

Re: holidays, I know what you mean. hubby and i went to the US in Dec as a last holiday before the twins came. It's so challenging for you with another one in tow though! i like the idea of a club med holiday but only when they are 2-3 years old and can participate in the fun and games.
Are you a SAHM?
All this talk abt holidays is making me really itch for one!!! My mom keeps asking me to plan a short holiday, just me and hubby, cos she is willing to babysit the twins. But I want to wait till I stop expressing bm (target date at least another 1.5 mths).

Sometimes I kinda miss the pre-baby days where we could just up and go on holidays. But then again, I wouldnt trade my babies for anything in the world!
Yah lor..my frens aalso went for hols without bbs..i hinted mum..she said i go lor..ask me not to worry...but hor..i really worry leh..if i go, then how she and maid manage..how she going market? Leave maid alone at home? Hmmm...
76 well if it's for a short while, i think it's alright to leave them with the maid. I hope my mum doesn't get fatigued looking after them when i start work. She declined my offer to get a maid for her.
Holidays : it's great to have a break , even jus a few days - jus u n hubb. Nice to rekindle those just two of u times cos now , I bet - most of our conversations r based on bbs like how they eat / poo / behave that day . But anyway, I think if go hol w/o bbs , yr conversations wil be "I wonder how bbs ah , they ok or not , etc etc...
At least that is for me.

And yes , spiffy, i am a "lor sor" stay home mama. Keke... As
such , I dun even have office politics or gossips to share wif my hubb. Thus , my daily topics r son studies / grades and bbs daily activities. Sigh.

But seriously , if yr parents r still abled bodies n yr maid is ok , take a short break shd be ok. U wil prob be recharged. Go places where got spa lor .... Then yr body can melt in luxury .

For me, I have to take them along wherver I go. Cos my
parents not so young. Can't leave them at home. That is also why I decide to take the whole pkg (kids) when we travel.

76, yr mum look young ma, on fb. Can la, she can handle la. Very most go mktg b4 trip lor , to last that few days.

Those dun wan travel far , then stay at sentosa universal studios resort hotel lor !!!! It's over the "ocean" yet close enuf to come bk if need anything .... Have a staycation. :p
Spiffy , whoo !!!! Yr mum taking care of the bbs w/o maid !??? Solid !!! Clap clap !!!! That is gd. Got maid also got prob....

R u doing tandem breastfeeding now that
both r home ?
The way you say make me itchy leh...Hmmm....Btw, my mum is 61 yrs old liao lor..Senior citizen liaoz.
Wow impresed with your mum leh.Do alone ah..is she young?Got to do housework and take care of bbs not ez wor...Maybe can consider part time helper? I wish i dun need a maid..feels weird to have a stranger in my house..told mum if she can cope, maybe after this maid contracts expires next Oct, no maid liao..By then my boys 2 yrs plus...will send them to half day childcare or whatever care you call..and i will employ part time helper to come in 3x a week... At least mum can rest for that half a day...
Yah lah, you notti lah...u wan me smack you is it? You intend to send your twinnies to childcare? or jit tao to prenursery...
Holiday....... longing for one especially June hols coming. It's been a routine for hubbi and me to go away every holiday, but this year cannot! Dont care, planned and booked tickets for HK for the two of us during the Aug national day weekend liao. My mom and maid will take care of the twins. Cant wait.

So, you mean the milk cannot one shot give Nan2? Better to give a little at a time to be on the safe side? Wow, 76, you really careful. My twins oredi tried spinach, pumpkin, potato, avocado, sweet potato and cereal.Next to try will be peas. So far all cleared, no allergy.
Very good leh, you...but good lah to try early and know all cleared..then you can be more adventurous liao with your kiddos. Wow...another mummy go holidays..maybe i shld test out the idea with hubby and mum again.
Btw, i heard usually pple dun go taaiwan in August coz of typhoon...how abt HK? Nearby, will affect?Not to dampen ur mood...hhehee
Sophia , july n aug , lots of sales in Hk !!!! Hmm.... Not sure got typhoon in hk ard this time , I normally go hk around these 2 mths. Hmmm... I miss hk food . Yummy!
Wah!!! Ok now I'm VERY motivated to go renew my passport cos less than 6 months validity already. Tonight will ask my husband again abt possible holiday dates and destinations heh heh. Probably either HK/Beijing where we were for 2 yrs to settle some personal errands and buy cheap cheap baby clothes or a nice beach getaway. Ok I'm getting very excited abt a holiday now hahah

76 -- Ask your mom to stock up on food lor. So she doesnt need to go marketing during the days she is helping to babysit while you and your husband go on a short but romantic holiday heh heh heh
Poko / 76 - my mum is in her 50s but she has loads of energy. we used to have a maid when i was in school, but ironically now she feels its unnecessary and does everything herself.

poko, sadly one twin prefers bottle to breast and the other is very poor at sucking, prefers to sleep. so i dont stress myself out..just give them EBM. Can't say i didn't try..
Spiffy , yes , do take it easy abt breastfeeding. I myself used to be so hung up on breastfeedlg that I think I tried too hard , turn out supply lower than expected . Sigh ... Thus I tried domiperone , fenugreek , lots of soup but still didn't bring up the supply. I think I was too stressed on jus wanting to offer the breast .

Later on , I then decided it made me feel less pressured if I did both all of these tog : ebm , formula n breast . I then began to enjoy them more (at least the feeds).

So take heart , at least u tried !!!

Now that my gal is entirely not latching on as i shouted out in
pain one day when she bit me, and prob giving her a scare , my supply has dropped drastically . Sigh .....
typhoon in Aug? Don't care liao. Just need a break, even have to stay in the hotel room the whole day to sleep also good.

This June hols, aim to bring my kids out more often. I find that they are starting to recognise people and surroundings. Even the teachers in school say that when a new and unfamiliar teacher handles my twins, they sometimes get upset and will cry nonstop.
poko if you dont mind me asking, was yr supply previously sufficient with the 1 baby, just insuff with twins? i wont be continuing to express much longer, just a few weeks.. too much to handle.. half the time i'm alone in the day.
Spiffy , u see, when i just had my elder boy , he was my only son and all my time and attention was to him only. So I could latch him on whole day , and total breastfeed for a year and still have a few mths supply frozen when I went bk to work .

It was easy that time as I didn't have to share my time eif anyone . If I can explain to u how much milk I had that time , I can only describe it as breast always full , when I shower , it will be spraying all ard. When I go out , I needed to squeeze it to spray on a tissue first , else it will spray all over his face .
So u get the pic....

I tot it will be the same this time round , but was disappointed that it was just not the same quantity .

I personsally feel it is bcos now I have a pri 2 boy , I need to jaga his Sch work , teach him , send him for this and that class , that I did not preserve to feed them direct or pump.

My supply is abt half of what each needs in a day . The gal was on full breastfed for the first few mths though as she takes the breast wonderfully .

My baby son on the other hand , took a while to be on the breast as at nicu for nearly a mth, both tube n bottle fed.
I suddenly remembered i cant go anywhere for hols coz i am going for my studies..There goes my dream...dashed and crashed...

Poko, the way you described the milk ss v funni leh, so visual some more....
wow poko, truly contrasting experiences.. too much milk is nice.. no need to worry. So they're still on breast milk now - that's pretty commendable. When do you intend to stop?

Ironically while i want to stop expressing milk,the idea gives me anxiety. Guilt issues perhaps. But i've been falling asleep expressing the past few days. And during the day some days I'm all alone, have to wash, cook and look after kiddies..
Spiffy , yr busyness in the day is somewhat like mine. Jus that I leave the cleaning to my helper, but busy wif son prep for test / hw n exams. And somtimes the ferrying in b/w.

Thus , I am so tired that pumping is abso is the last thing on my mind. Even if I do it , it's not quite the same feeling as my first breastfeeding exp. At that time , I had the world in my hands n the supply at every pump was constant.

Now , I see the pump , haha .... I get tired . But I still am preserving . Jus that I still take fenugreek to keep supply and have been taking since they born . Dunno if that is ok . But once I stop fenu. , my supplies drop too .

Will prob hang in there till a month or 2, or so ...
Hi all mummies.

I share the same feelings as some as our babies stay in NICU/SCN. Envy of those who can discharge with their babies. My first 4 months was quite horrid. There is a support group and FB on premmies. Some really inspirational stories. Makes me feel everything I am doing for the babies are worthwhile.

Also yearned to go on holidays. Got rejected by my mum. She is getting old. Accelerated by taking care of babies. But she finally relented. Hee. Going to Bali for some coupletime. Thought I can leave the babies behind and enjoy myself happily. Just found out younger gal got to go for 2 surgeries - for PDA and tongue tie. Heart sunk again. I guess mums have endless worries.

I am also holding my gals' 1 year old party at aloha loyang. Heard can bring in any caterer. But minor note is overuse of aircon is chargeable. Is babyterror cheaper than kidzparty? Thinking of 2 balloon bouquet from terror and banner from kidz. Cake- maybe Emicake cos they have caricature cake. Looks cute though seriously don't think will be 90% alike. Any DIY decor ideas? Wanna spend minimum amount to do up the place. Party favours - maybe will pass it to cut costs. Keke.
Newbride ,

Hi hi. How old r yr bbs ? I am celebrating my bbs birthday on 30 may !!!! When is yrs ???

I chked kids party but found them a bit more exp. Not sure , maybe u double chk . My pkg is a personalised banner n 30 helium balloons. The actual pkg is actually a jumbo balloons decor wif the 30 heliums, but I didn't want the jumbo balloons so opted for banner (can keep for their rm deco ).

I also bought another 60 mylar n latex baloons From overseas spree , to be blown so they will charge accordingly .

It's exciting to plan isn't it ?

I got a 2 tier cake , top is my boy 's name n the lower tier , the gal's name. Caricature cakes sounds new !!!! Cool !!!
Post it after their birthday for us to see ok ?

Party favours - hard to decide what to get initially. Cos it is a one yr old party , and so the children attending is a mix of ages. Example , not like a 4 yr old party , where kinder friends all 4 yrs may attend make it easier to plan . Rite ??
I totally agree with you, the part about being more outspoken and protective of our babies after ecoming a mommy. When my son was in KK then they wanted to put him in the cagelike cot for risk of falling (he was only CA 3 mths, RA 1 mth) i refused cos i wanted to hug my poor boy to sleep cos he was already traumatised by the gastric lavage. the head nurse refused and i asked them to transfer me to NUH immediately, until the MO came n told me ok, i will upgrade you to A class so that u can sleep with yr baby. I wasnt being difficult lor, but i jus think that i know my boy best, n the only way he wld be secure is for me to sleep beside him.
then u know the usual MIL problems, so one day i told her n the whole house, my husband included that i cannot be bothered to be a good DIL. My responsibility is to protect and nurture my kids the way i know best, so please leave yr useless opinions at the door.

76/ chameleon
i saw yr pics on fb!! aiyoh, really, one day we must organise a meet up, i think im falling in love with yr babies! haha i am abit weird, i always think other pple's children are more adorable than my own, my mom always scold me cos she say i'm so sweet when i talk to other pples babies, but so fierce to my own. lol. bad mommy.
seems like with twins, there's always a sleeper n one that cries more.. my boys were like that too. so you are looking after them with yr mom? i was dg that too except with MIL, and it was quite tough for me esp the expressing milk part. hang in there tho, and personally i feel that not stressing about it is the best solution. For me, when the boys were in NICU i expressed diligently every 3 hrs since i was basically quite free, so i established quite a good supply. i still rem the first few days both were back from NICU and i had to feed them then stumble out of bed to pump milk in the wee hrs of morning, i remember thinking "oh dear i have to do this for the next 6 mths at least." how time flies, i've managed to survive the 6 mths and glad to say my boys have exclusively been on bm.
are u gg back to work or gonna be a SAHM
talking about getaways, i need them too.. but i'm trasfering to Estimating Department this monday.. And expect more bidding, more late work.. which i had most..

i tot of resigning, but i cant!! even if i resign now, for sure need to find work and start working again within a month.

I'm planning for a short get away.. This long weekend maybe to Jakarta, Bintan, Hong Kong or near by Malaysia. Then Hari Raya gonna take 1 week break and bring my twins to my in-laws.

Next is planning for my twins birthday, will be at Aloha Loyang Chalet...
Poko, reading about you wanting to express for another month or two gives me some strength to continue. i actually googled websites this morning about ending milk production! i'm that exhausted.

newbride, what's the link to the FB support group?

imakeitrain -
yeah looking after them with my mom, who helps feed them and cook, when she's here on some days of the week. After i go back to work, it'll be all hers. If she gets fatigued looking after them, infantcare is the next option but i'm still on the waiting list for my choice centres and they all say no vacancies this year.

Are you expressing or are they latching on? Either way i think it's really a commitment on mommies' part.

Some nights one of the twins acts up and fusses and cries for a long stretch at a time and i wonder if all parents go through this. Cos IT IS BLOODY DRAINING la. Right now the thought of having to go back to work depresses me though i know some people cant wait to get back after ML. But i wont get to be there for them. In a sense. I'm not a control freak but I can't bear the thought of other people handling them right now.
imakeitrain - i'm in awe how you handled your MIL. How is yr relationship now? Mine just smses me a lot asking how are the boys everyday. Most times I read it too late and then just ignore it. I think she's afraid of me.

hey spiffy, I know what you mean about the night fussyness. Somemore i'm back at work and need to get up early, really can be very tiring.

I used to be a control freak as well and want to be the main care giver for them. But after a while had to let go coz I was going crazy. Now that they are at infant care, I'm happier and I think as are they.
