(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be


I give a single grain cereal, either brown rice or barley (Healthy Times) and add in my own fruits of either papaya, avacado, apple or pear puree.

For fruit purees, what i do is to steam the fruit first (skin cut off for pears, peaches and apples), then grind it into my electric grinder. I normally steam and grind 1 fruit for both bbs to share. And i put it into those used baby jar food bottles. If imake more, i will then put these bottles and freeze it for the next day consumption.

I have a hand held mumchkin grinder that u manually must turn and turn. I use this for small quantities for 1 meal. For instance spinish or carrots.

I hand mash pumpkin and sweet potato as they are rather soft.

Hey Juliana,
My twins are bigger than yours. My girl is about 5 kg and can wear 3-6 months Mothercare clothing quite comfortably. My boy is 5.6kg and those clothes also can fit him well. My girl drinking 130ml and usually she can finish at one go. My boy is the problematic one. Give him 130ml also cannot finish at one go. Must split into several feeds. The IFC teachers always 'complain' to me about that. Don't worry about their growth too much. DOn't forget, we have special premies. When the time comes, they will shoot up and catch up with the others.

For their diapers, my boy wear Drypers M and my girl Pet Pet M. My girl more slim figure so the Pet Pet diapers (smaller cutting) fits her better. My boy chubby and fleshy so Drypers better for him. I cannot afford Pampers, but I really like those the best.

Thanks Poko for the tips on preparing semi solids. I have a feeling my boy would start on semi solids soon. His tongue seems to be able to move in and out and he has good control of his head. Somemore play saliva all the time. I might test out when he hits 5 months. Maybe should invest in the Philips handheld blender? Looks like it's quite convenient to use.
Wanna ask mommies out there, if your kids are starting on solids, then how to feed their milk? I mean, do we still give 3-4 hourly? What about the amount of milk? Same or reduce? How often do you feed them cereal in a day?
Wow, how old are your bbs? sounds healthy weight. Mine coming 7mths, still drinking 140ml and 150ml and sometimes cant finish. The elder one is 9kg..At 5mth, the small one only 5.7kg...their milk vol has not increased much...
any recommendation of good books to read on parenting or bb related stuff? Also, at the bb fairs, what are usually good buys..I have not been to any bb fairs leh, even tho i was preggy..coz by the time i was ready to buy bb stuff, i was already confined to bedrest....so, hubby got it from the shops.
My twins are 14 weeks this week. Looks like they are gaining weight fast.... or too fast??

I'm currently reading What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff. It breaks down a month to month of expectations from the baby's development to what to look out for etc. Some good points but very Westernise. So some of their ideas must take with a pinch of salt.

I will be looking out for teething toys, bowls & spoons, diaper rash cream, swimming wear and anything that will be useful for 6 months and beyond. Actually some of these stuff must consider carefully, not everything is really that cheap. I find that you can get cheaper stuff from the HDB shops and of better quality.
Am considering if i shld work part time to be with my kids...I am a teacher so if really want, then need to work out with my school. what r your comments?really wana be with my kids esp during 1st few yrs of their lives..but then again, $$$ is the issue...how do working mums cope? Now i am on 6mth NPL, enjoying every single day, filming them, knowing how much milk they din drink, what colour is their poo, how much they sleep, and which toy they like, and look out for signs of discomfort etc..i scared i go back working, then i lose all these..Btw, after June, i will be going for my Masters for another yr till Jun11..so effectively, my boys will come to be 2 yrs old by then..dunno if i shld still harbour the tot of part time or go back to work and try full time. I see my SIL teach her son, i really shake my head and as an educator, dunwan to end up like her...keep criticzing abt other pple, then own children dunno how to teach.
Hello mummies, so busy to be here, I miss my computer =) My boys have different weight, they are 4mth + now , one (breastfeeding) is 6.2kg other one (formula feeding) is 8.8kg. Is any one have same problem? They are sooo different! Heee, they can't wear same cloths which I bought last tame....

Is anyone went to Club Med Bintan? Planing our spring holiday.

76, 2 years still small to leave them, if you have chance stay with them it is better for your babies. Mother is the best teacher for children! My older one is 3 an a half, and I feel that now he needs me more and more then before.

We went club med bintan wif our twins at 6 mths, and an older child during the dec hols.

It is great, and i cannot tell u how child friendly it is.

We were there for 5 days 4 nites, and we didnt take our helper along.

They gave us 2 bb cots, a steriliser was provided in the room, even had a potty which my elder son too big for lah...They even have strollers for u (we took theirs to bring bbs to beach as we didnt want our own pram all sandy).

For families of 5 and more (bbs incl), club med provides 2 rooms connecting at no extra charge! It was good as there were much more space for us!

They provide bb toiletries as well.

The food was excellent and at its best as we were there for xmas eve and xmas. They had wagyu beef, lobsters, etc.

But even on a normal day (non festive occasion), the food is pretty good too!

They have a kids club which yr older child might like. My son loved it, n was taken care very well by those "ambassadors".

No need to take yr maid i feel, as they have nannies at $5 per hr! So even if u take the nanny frm 9 till 6 pm in the evening, it is only $45 per day. Compared to paying 1K for her. This is my personal opinion.

We took the nanny so that one of us could go to spa, sailing, golf, etc.

Of course dun leave yr bbs alone wif them, but to have one to help u out when the spouse is busy.

For swimming, the south china sea blows cold wind (in dec at least) so we didnt swim in the main pool. We swam in the kids club pool where its covered, but no fun there.

Any queries, feel free as me...

Yr formula fed baby at 4 mths heavier than my 9 old bb hor!!!
My lighter twin at birth, now at 9 mths is abt 7 kg.

The other twin is 8 plus kg...

Hey!like u, I am a stay home mum too!!!!
76, or any other mummies,

Do u "teach" yr bbs ? I have been doing flash cards wif them since they 2 mths old. But everyday more or less same flash cards frm shichida (my elder son was there for 4 yrs so many cards). I use the math dot ones, occupation, feelings flash card. The easier ones i mean. But now they sometimes dun even look at it. But i still read out....sigh..Any bbs the same?

I have juz ordered monterssori toys frm the SMH forum for them to explore. Kiasu me? keke...

Also, i am announcing that we have registered our bbs for pre nursery and we r on waiting list!!!! haha!! Serious!!!
hi mummies.. i think i'm the only one who doesn't go through all that trouble when preparing baby food. for normal snacking, i just scrape apple/pear using a metal spoon and feed them. once when i was eating sliced apple, my elder baby took over the fork from me and nibbled on the apple while holding on to the fork! for cherries, i just cut in half and let them suck the juicy part. smaller twin doesn't seem to like fruits that much cos he will give that "EWWWWW" face whenever i feed him something new..

annfresh, how come your twins are fed different milk? is it because they have different tastes??

76, sen sen's lower teeth is out already and i feel that i am missing out on so much nowadays. very sad leh.. i reached home at 10pm today and both of them were sleeping soundly already. hope i can come home earlier tomorrow to play with them.. and yes, i've been taking very little photos of the babies lately.. really miss my ML days when i took hundreds of photos everyday to document their lives..
i used to clip the cards onn their cot thn whn i chnge diaper, i will saythe name of the pic...after a while they nt interested, so i took it out. you enrol for nanyang? or saint something pre nursery...hrd long waiting queu..2-3 yrs type.
tooth out so fast ah...mine these few days more biting fnger n keep pushin cloth eg my sleeve, bolster casing into their mouth n rub their gum...dunno if this is symtom.. n yest ethan v mun cham..dunno if it is a sign
76/CJ, Mattea's bottom 2 teeth were out at least 2 wks ago.. n Keona's are out few days ago. so for yurs...prolly abt time nw oso.

both my girls now at about 7mth 1wk, still only 7.5kg-8kg range.

CJ, i oso super lazy de la.. all their food bought off shelves.. plus, i din even give them fresh fruits can!

POKO, may i noe wat brand/model food jar u got for your twins (to bring porridge out)?

my girls r so not interested in books or flash cards, they just want to tear n eat them!

oh my gosh, both my girls..especially the elder (Mattea).. is a gifted wall/rock-climber i think.. they r crawling ard their queen-size bed like ants.. n Mattea will climb up the pillows laid at the saftely rails..stand up..n wana climb over it!
as i hv a big dog at hm.. i duno whr else i can contain them. (means, cant juz let them crawl ard on the floor)..
they take turns to be in the jumperoo.. but cant possibly let them bounce the entire day!
hv a play pen.. but they disliked to be in the enclosure!! haha.
*faintz* very cho lor.. i tink some boys oso more guai lar!
Both boys were on breastfeeding on first mth, then I try to give formula milk and after that Zahar doesn't want to take milk from breast till now. So since that time they are on different feeding. Serafim can't drink from bottle. They look like 4mth baby and 9mth baby )

I talk to them a lot and singing all the time, when tired to talk - reading. Thay like lay down on a play mat and play with a toys. Enjoying tummy time. Seldom look to each other most of the time busy by them self)
I bring them out twice a day morning and after 4pm. They like to look to the trees) even can stay on playground some time with no crying when I play with my older son.

Poko1, thank you for your comments about hotel. We are going there in the end of April, boys will be 6 mth old. We are planing bring our buggy.Is it easy to walk with stroller around hotel territory?
What time was you ferry? Did they charge extra if early check-in or late check-out? do we need bring pampers or we can buy there? Is any think you could advice us? It will be our first holiday with all of us =)
hey 76 I'm a teacher too! I will be going back to work in 2 weeks time. Didnt take NPL coz of money. Since my twins are in IFC, really can't afford to stop work. These few days, I've been crying myself to sleep as I miss those moments that my kids are smiling and talking to the teachers instead of to me. I only get a report from the teachers and to see the teachers so excited about them is so heart wrenching for me.
However, I know myself very well too. I am not a SAHM but a workaholic..... I can only be at home for only a couple of days and then, it's longing to go back to work for me. I treasure weekends the most. That's why can't stand wasting time going to MIL's house.....
I'm looking for alphabet flash cards (big ones) for teaching. Can't seem to find them anywhere. Any idea where else besides Popular and Times Bookshop? I thought of doing it myself but just cant get the right font size.....
Hi Hi....I am back frm Taka bb sale....to me, it is juz so so. I dunno why, but i tot last year's one was better!!!

I got a potty from the sale. I want to let them have the habit of using potty soon. I trained my elder boy at 9 mths to use potty and he did not use diapers after 18 mths or so. I hope my bbs will get trained to be w/o diapers by 2 yrs old too. (just my wishful thinking...)

Annfresh's coming Holiday:
The club med hol was great. It will be a gd time to go in April as it will not be monsoon season. I was there in Dec, and i cannot tell u how terrifying and rocky the boat ride is.

Surpisingly the bbs loved the rocking and was sleeping throughout. Me and my son were like "merlioning" all the way on the boat. Even tiger balm cannot help.

The hotel has friendly staff.... They will welcome u to the resort once they see the Bintan bus arive. The hotel was VERY STRICT wif the check in and out time as I was there on Xmas season so it was full house. No way to extend. But maybe April it will be ok..

I took the 9.30 am ferry. Reached there also 9 plus due to time difference. U can put lugg at the conceirge while u makan at the restaurants.

They sell pampers there but exp lah. Bintan everything in Sin dollars. Even in Ruppiah, it is tagged to Sin $. Bring yr own wil be a better choice.

There is free bb jar food there, and porridge is available there too. But i had not introduced them solids at that time, so i did not try their bb food. I brought home some heinz food jars though as it is provided in the restaurants. keke..

U can use yr buggy in the hotel compound. But i wouldnt recommend u to use it at the beach cos very sandy. I used club med's pram whenever we went to beach, and used ours in he hotel.

R U on FB? If u are, send me a personal msg how to tag u. I have lots of club med pics u can see!

My bbs cut their bottom 2 teeth at 6 mths. Now at 9 mths, my boy has just cut his upper 2 teeth too..

Have bought them those glove in the finger type of toothbrush to massage their teeth and also to have them get use to me cleaning their tooth.

Way to go being gals!!!! I have u as my full admiration for being educators!!! I sometimes get so "pek chek" when i teach my son..Ah yo....I cant ever imagine myself ever being a tutor or teacher!! "pat on the back" to 76 and Sophia!!!

Fat bobo:
I use a "no brand one " food jar. It was given as a staff employee gift when i was still working 2 yrs ago. I hear Tiger brand is gd though....There are BP's on food jars on SMH that u can check out!

Yeap - Nanyang Kindergarten for 2012 pre nursery..

Sorry long winded post!
bobo, i have a tiger food jar which i bought from isetan private sale last yr. Haven't used it yet cos so far i've only brought milk when i bring the babies out. There's another private sale tomolo, u might wanna go and see cos it's quite cheap.

Poko, when should i start to use the finger toothbrush? Currently i use small towel to clean babies' mouth every morning. I'm wondering if i should clean after their last feed at night cos i'm worried about tooth decay

Can use the finger toothbrush as soon as u see a tooth sprouting. My Pd says use towel also as long as it is a dedicated cloth of cleaning teeth and not mix it wif wash face, etc....He also said can use those square cotton as long as it does not come loose.

I like the finger toothbrush though....Can feel their gummies and makes them giggle when i tickle their gums!

And yes, do catch the press conference of Jack Neo on You Tube for some laughter!!! Faintz!!!!
hi ladies,
I went taka fair today with my bbs, i can say they are well behave..its my last weekday shopping as next mon onwards i'll be starting working again.. i spend half a day at orchard road, shopping and sight seeing...
Did bought spoons, bowls, training bottles, clothings rompers at 2 for $9.90, bottle cleaner brand anakku at 2 for $9.90 and some books n toys, teething stuff so they can bite rather than putiing his hands in the mouth (esp my son).
For swimming stuff, i will get at chong pang or some neighbourhood shops..

do you know where i can get flash cards, at mother works in great world city cost a bomb $40 plus.. I tot i want to do it but.. I'm starting work soon and dun think i have the time especially i'm in oil n gas industries, sure come back home late..

I saw at taka fair, they have a set of flash and some activities wow it cost $200...

i saw the walker at taka cost $100plus, then playmat also $100plus... Very ex leh...
i bought my playmat frm this angmoh secondhand at $30 only but too bad both kids have to take turn and learn to share.. Even their rockers, i bought at salvation army, some are brand new like used once or twice.
I think i will get normal walker at shop selling or repair bicycle, shd be cheaper..
My girl now like to stand, play bubbles and very alert and kpo... Boy likes to play bubbles, talk by himself like oohh ahhh eee smile and laugh also alert n kpo.. Both will know if we r taking abt them...
Hi Juliana,

I was at the take fair too! Just wondering r u the one who had the twins in this huge black beautiful pram?? The bbs were like 3 mths old???? I was looking at the bbs ealier.

Just just wondering if the mummy was you

I bought some little Einstein flash cards at Taka sale. But they are really not the size i like.

Rent the toys or whatever u need then!! Then no need buy them!!!
Hehehe... That me i guess... the prams dark blue colour....
Me worn mustard tank top with white t and jean, that me lah!!
oh CJ.. yur food jar is 0.70L or 0.90L??
i tink the isetan sale today oni the 0.70L de..
i wld like to tink we need a 0.90L?? hehe.

poko: your 'no brand' jar.. is wat capacity? lalala~
Dun think avent having sale... Its better to get at kiddy palace if u hv the member.. My kids are used to tommee tippee, nuk and pigeon seems they dun really like avent teat.s now the avent bottles maybe i will be it when they are 1 year old.
bobo, mine is 0.9L de, 59.90 after discount. 0.9L already very small, i can't imagine how to use the 0.7L de.. Think can wait for future private sale cos they always have such lobang. Last sale i bought magic cooker to cook porridge for babies also, but till now still haven't used it for this purpose yet.. Haha..

Mine brandless jar does not state how many litres it can take. But i can tell you that it comes up to half of the jar for the 2 of them. It means 2 spoonsful of rice (b4 cooking) wif water and the other ingredients.

It can keep the porride hot enuf for 4 hrs.
errh, i m being sua ku here...y need the tiger jar? cant we feed thm befre going out instead of hving hassle of feeding thm outsde? even milk, i feed thm befre go IL hse.. thn if IL hse still hungry, thn boh pian tke out milk powder..otherwse, lao niang usually dun like to reveal my gungfu of feeding my kids w many eyes watching my gungfu.
76, I ta pao porridge out as I hang outside alot. On sun, we leave house at 9am for church and back about 5pm after meeting friends or just shopping. On such a day , I ta pao and feed outside. I dun fancy feeding them outside either as it's firstly very messy and lots of people looking at us feeding 2 tiny ones. Also sometimes my maid off , so just 2 of us coping wif the bowls and towels, etc. But no choice lah. So we feed them quieter place.
alamak the baby fair was sooo crowded i didn't go into the main area! So funny to see so many prams and babies today! Saw someone with maclaren twin stroller and i very kaypo went to front to see babies but it was empty! Feel kinda sad..

76, yup i think the food jar is for pp who go out for long period during the day. Maybe next time when your boys take regular meals u'll need to bring porridge out too!
See Jay
I went at 1130am, not many pple. In the end, bought $70+ worth of clothes for them...all seem cheap cheap e.g. 2 for $9.90...but i dunno how i end up with $70+
But hor, not many things also...mainly stroller, cots, toys and bfg stuff, mainly for mummies-to-be.
Btw, my bbs seem to be teething le..cranky and can see 2 little rectangular teeth at the lower gum..thinking of not takign them to IL house next few weeks, since they will be crying coz of teething, and nobody can take care of them for me and soothe them...You all say, i like that think, correct boh? I v fed up leh, everytime go there, machiam like i am the clown... I used to feed them there...but ever since pple start to comment and ask why my boys dun finish milk, why my boys fuss...i have stopped milking them there..coz i hv to manage my wormy son, and yet got to entertain qns..i see bey 'jua'..their house is hot like oven type..everytime go there is a torture..but still got to plaster a smile for ah gong and ah ma who are totally useless.Am i being guo fen?
Hi! More shopping news for you!!!!

I just came back frm the Mattel moving out sale. The sale carries lots of Fisherprice toys, Barney, etc.

They have also toys for toddlers and older children.

The FP toys are from $5 to $30. Most of it being $10 though. The $30 ones are very big boxes of Little People toys (for 1 half yr old onwards).

I bought 7 boxes of FP toys, outside retail costing much much more, but got them at $5 and $10.

Crowded, no baskets provided so bring yr own box or bag to contain yr stuff cos lots of bb stuff.

It is very very far at Boonlay. I think may need a car to go there cos no taxis ard at all.
More convenient for those staying in the West but the FP stuff really cheap. It comes in boxes not so pretty as box is dented or torn. As long inside works that its ok for me.

I doubt anyone will "keep" these as gifts due to the pkg but if u buy for yr own bb, is is perfectly ok!

They also sell swing, rockers, potty, dolls, crib mobiles, play gym and more.

I dun know if they replinish their stuff but these were as seen today evening.

Here is the link to it!!!

Hi mummies!

I went to taka baby fair too. Avent certain items on sale. All bottles are BPA free now. The VIA cups are a steal at $15 for 10. Bought 2 leapfrog toys. Like leapfrog toys but expensive

Guess wat poko1. I went Mattel sale today too. Ha ha. Hot and dusty. But pretty good buys. Would have bought more if not for my hubby. Not sure if they replenish the stock. Else, will go again :p
Hi. Yes the Martel sale was hot and dusty. But fisherprice so cheap , I can't resist going back to tomorro wif my hubb and some friends. Will leave babes at in law house so I don't get stressed they are waiting. Will let you know got more goodies or not.
76, you are not guo fen feeling this way about your inlaws. I also went yesterday for lunch with my boy and also like you when feeding him, ah ma wants to do it. But when he becomes fussy, she keeps asking why ah? Then ask why he never his milk etc.... My FIL then off the fans in the house because my MIL went into the room with my son. But I'm still sitting there!!! Am I not human? Won't I sweat??? Wah lao, cant stand it man. My son in the room put on the bed so that she can see if he can turn from his stomach to his back. Machiam my boy is an animal for entertainment??!! Lucky rain, used that as an excuse to go home.

When the Mattel sale end?
omg sophia! wat a welcoming treatment there!!!!

last evng at my IL's... my MIL said she bought toys for my girls..(some stacker tingy from FP).. then without asking me, she gave my elder girls the toys to play! (i bought my younger girl into the room for chg cos she poo-ed in the car.) WAH LAO AEH.. at this stage, the bbs will put everything in their mouth de lor.. she (MIL) bloody hell... just give the toys like that..what's so bloody big deal about toys she bought! no need to wash arh??? she then said she washed le..i asked with what.. she said water (fei hua..den with milk arh?!?) and soap... then i asked what soap..she said normal soap! to me.. ALSO CANNOT LOR!!!!! im not so fuss about daily or weekly wash.. but the initial wash.. must be thorough lor! then hb said nvrmind la.. so i lan lan...ok lor..nvm lor.

sorry my language.. i dun tink any little kids reading this hor!!!

wah lao.. seems every mon especially, we hv lots of ILs story to tell huh! sometimes i really dislike wk'n..esp sunday cos of THEM!
Aiyoh, so drama ah...u shld answer back "Oh i din know can wash with milk..." coz her answer of washiing with water seems so fei..I wonder any silent reader reading our IL complaint shaking their heads and wondering why we so petty...
I rented another 2 toys...wahhahah...some monkey piano and rainforest jumperoo...
Aiyah, that's why I like coming here to vent and let off steam. Only people like us going through this can understand de. At least your MIL got buy toys for your kids, my one only know how to baby talk nonsense to them. I mean, they are oredi 4 months, for goodness sake talk to them more proper sentences!!! Everytime, ang goo goo, really treat my twins like animals. I also cant stand them going into their rooms and lying on the beds. They do not wash their bedsheets often and I always worry what kind of germs get onto my kids.
Just came back from Taka. Nothing much leh. LL buy some stuff to make up to $120 so that I can use up the $10 voucher. Acutally the bowls and spoons damn exp. And only for kids use.... Even the toys for attaching to the cots are so exp!! Maybe get from Ikea and Tupperware better.
My personal opinion abt bowls and spoons. Ok with get bbs' spoons to feed them, in fact better to get coz the size of the spoon tailor made for bbs mouth size...but for bowls, maybe more suitable when they cn feed themselves...coz got colourful ang gong to attract attention to quick quick finish their food...if buy bowl now, most prob i will be the one looking at the ang gong lor...unles you want to have a dedicated set for them in terms of washing intructions..(no mamalemon, sterilise etc)..for me, i only wash my bb spoon with tolly...but someitmes forget then wash with mamalemon...but i instructed everyone in the household cannot use the sponge for our cutlery coz quite dirty ( i mean dirty coz adults food and stuff mah...only use hand and rub with the tolly or mamalemon.
OIC, 76. Yah, agree with you about the spoon. I bought one set from Munchkin, got about 6 spoons in the pack. YOu are right about the bowl, right now, only I see the colours so, aiyah qin chai lah.
I will also do the same and use only a dedicated sponge and soap for the kids bowls and things. Until they are older, then will mix.
i also bought spoon frm munchkins.. and also the bowl.. i totally forget abt ikea... they have colourful bowls..

Today i start my work, and i miss my kids..
aiyoh, i use baby spoon for feeding, but nowadays i'm using normal ricebowl. because the washing up is done by my maid (and i prefer not to see how she does it else my blood may boil), i always wash the bowl and spoon AND rinse them in hot water before using..

i think this is a good place to let off steam. me quite lucky compared to you girls cos the only gone-wrong thing that happened was when my fil gave the teether back to my son after he dropped it on the floor. i quickly took it from the baby and washed it. but he didn't say anything also lah.. sigh..
Hehe I cant participate in IL rant coz my hubby read! ;P And he complain y no search under userID, coz he wanna see what I posted.. DUHZ...

My elder twin suddenly sleep alot these 2 days. Have to wake her for her sleep then she drifted back to sleep before finishing her milk. Is it ok for babies to sleep alot? My younger twin will wake up when u put her down... sigh.. is it because I've been putting them side by side then the sleep bug all crossed over to my elder twin?? ...

Sleep also worry... dun sleep also worry... ;X
i feel so lousy leh..till now i cant make my bbs sleep by carrying unless i throw them in sarong..When they were younger, i could still carrt them coz younger and they drink milk liao will be drowsy..but now cannot liaao.. and coz i only have 1 sarong, i can only throw 1. My maid does the job of making the other one sleep, usually the younger one. I cant carry and make him sleep de coz i would be so sweaty by the end of it and he stil not asleep and he will be so affected by my heat and not sleep...I also no strength to tahan carrying till he sleep... Feel really terrible.. machiam like only maid can make him sleep. Will they outgrow this carrying stage?2 yrs old still want to carry how? Any tips?
76, here's what i do now.. dun let them nap after 7pm. after evening bath, turn on air con in babies' bedroom and put on their pyjamas for them. then play with them or let them play with each other until they show signs of fatigue. give milk when they start crying and fussing. after that, i sometimes turn off the lights and let them fall asleep on their own. if i suay suay kena babies that cannot sleep, i will go in and pat them to sleep lor.. i think my wrists will break if i carry them to sleep now.. your boys also very heavy already right? must stop this carrying habit. last time my massage lady told me she once saw a 2-yr-old girl who had to be carried to sleep every night because the maid has been doing that since day one! the first few days will be very tough and frustrating but the effort is worth it!! jiayou!

I also scared my boys 2yr old still wan carry, i peng san lor... my boys nap end at 5-6pm..after that, its night sleep liao around 7plus..but they will wake up for milk around 10pm-12am and again around 3am...okok, i will jia you.
