(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

hi alyssa
my bbs had ttts (twin twin transfusion symdrome), so i had the risk of losing the babies as the small one was not grwing well..docs prognosis was bad. in fact, my gynae at glens said most likely my younger twin wun make it...depending on whn it 'die' in my uterus, if too early, thn my elder twin will b affected n absrbed all the poisonnous gas n oso mati..n b mummified...that was only week 21 whn i heard it lor.. lucky 'dong' till week 32..so my gynae advsed me to deliver at nuh, coz nicu cheaper at govt...in nuh nicu, 2 visitors allowed, but kept to parents n grandparents..so sometime 4 of us went so take turns to go in 2at a time. N yes, you will b able to claim for the ivf insrance if yur babes stay in icu.. but must send the form to your doc to verify n certify..u pay first then claim, but they only allow u to claim under the icu portion of bill, not nursery portion of bill coz the insurance you bought is for icu rgt?wch hospital you delivering?

Alyssa, my babies only hit 2kg and 2.2kg at 35 wks. they were born at 37 wks and weighed about 2.6kg each so i think there will be some growth spurt in the last 2 wks if you're lucky. my diet that time was mainly milk, ice-cream, fish, and lean meat (pork, beef, chicken). i ate ice-cream everyday throughout the pregnancy, not sure if it helped babies to gain weight. i didn't try durians but from what i read here, it seems to work!

xiaofu, find a more convenient place for yourself. i chose polyclinic cos it's a 3 minute ride away compared to KKH, which is about 15 mins ride away.. i think i posted the pricing at polyclinic sometime back also.. for rotavirus, i had it done at the GP at my void deck, about $103 per baby for each dose. can understand the part about "telling mil not to come" cos it happened to me once and i think i'm not gonna offer such suggestions again! cos my hubby got angry and asked me "why my mum cannot visit her grandsons??!!!" blah blah blah.. HR work is so irritating after we become mummies.. *sigh*
See Jay
I din eat cold stuff for my entire preggy coz TTTS dare not risk it..then in 3rd trimester, told myself must cheong liao..coz babies still small size...and heard pple say must eat durian and whatever not...so, i anyhow eat lor..started durian, ice cream, bird nest only in 3rd trimester...but suay suay, or heng heng, kenna early labour...contraction in week 32 3am..only delivred 9pm on the same evening...coz i must wait for the 2 steroid jabs (to be taken 12 hours apart) to mature bbs lungs before docs can operate on me...how much i suffered..initially supposed to plan happily and just choose a date for c-section, in the end, got to endure labour pain and at the same time, op pain..i think i got the worst deal out of this whole pregnancy.
Seejay, I don't mean mil cannot come.. but not come everyday like during confinement... Coz now she come daily ard 10+ am then go back 6+pm. My mum has to cook not only for me, but also her dinner for her to bring back for FIL. While she's here sometimes she help to carry/ pacify or feed the babies, mop floor.. other times she is either watching tv, reading, dozing or on the phone. These couple of days I realise she didn't even give the babies their evening bath like she used to.

I am hoping in time to come, she'll only drop by a couple of days weekly... eg, twice a week or something, to juz look at how the babies are doing, play with them etc. I do not need her to busy herself in the house packing or mopping etc.

That's what my mum has been doing for my bro. She never interfer in care giving whenever she visits my bro's place to visit my niece when his MIL is around. She merely play with my niece or sit around. I think this show mutual respect and trust for each other, that they trust each other that they have the ability to care for the baby.
76, my in laws also same pattern asv yours. take damn long to cook n by the time we eat i die n gone to heaven liao. My mil vegetarian somemore so the meat dishes are very few and got no taste as she doesnt taste the food. The few vegetable dishes also very salty one. So every Sunday go there, I always eat a snack first otherwise can die of hunger or excessive salt. :p
Alyssa, my twins were born at 36 weeks both about 2.3kg. They were also under weight at the early stages of the 3rd tri. I loaded myself with meat like beef and cheese. But since you have high protein, be careful about this overloading. Have you checked with dr loh? I think durians also good. Not only for weight, also to prevent constipation (which I suffered from throughout the pregnancy).
my mum used to tell me befre go their house, eat snack first, but i scared i fat, so i tahan lor...lucky nowadays better coz dinner ready by 6pm coz my bbs must b home befre 830pm...dun go out too late so they know..as to wat time she started cooking to prep dinner by 6pm...mayb after she finsh lunch, must start preparg liao lor...LOL
talking abt durian, think dun overeat too, coz wait got high sugar..anothr problem
hi all,

thank u so much for ur advise. will try to eat more, and not take too much protein too. will try to stay calm to reduce high blood.

76: i will be delivering in kk. i have a big family. siblings and in-laws. quite sad if they cant visit if baby in NICU.

POKO: how long must ur baby stay in
NICU, how much cash did u fork out after medisave? and which ward were u in?

will update u guys after my visit with dr loh this tues. all of u taka care too k. thanks
76 to solve the fat problem, I eat only 1/4 bowl of rice. Drink lots of soup and pretend that I dont have much appetite. During pregnancy can really bluff as everyone thinks I'm sick. But now, since we moved the Sunday makan to lunch, my other excuse is that breakfast was late.
Yah, you very funny, like that your MIL never seems to leave the kitchen. Whole day just cooking for the next meal. Haha....
xiaofu, yah i get what you mean. that particular day i asked my mil not to come cos it was late afternoon and she was working part-time at that time so i scared she too tired and need to rest.. who knows she misunderstood me and told my hubby i told her not to visit.. faintz!!
see jay
maybe you shld paste da zi bao (4 4 4) outside her door so that it is more explicit and no more misundertsanding. Or sms her, got evidence.
HAHA! actually after talking to my married friends, i think my mil is already very good compared to theirs leh.. haha.. cos she's those career woman type so i guess when we grow old we'll become like her.. but of cos i will not shake my grandchildren like they're some sort of cocktail or bubble tea lah!

sigh.. now i dun even dare to tell her to go home to rest cos i know they will somehow think that i don't want her to come.. walao, if i paste da zi bao i think will really end up in divorce leh! HAHA!

Hi..when my bbs were delivered 7 mths ago, it was STRICTLY only parents of the bbs who can see them. No bbbs grandparents or siblings allowed.

Last week, when i went to kk for checkup, in the lift stated only parents of nicu pts can see them, due to possible infec.

I guess maybe the nicu reinforcement r pretty much to stay unfortunetly.

There are a few nurses or admin staff jaga the special care n nicu unit of kk . They will prob stop those that do not have the visitor tag on them.

My son was at nicu n special care for 3 over weeks. His bill was slightly ard 2O K. My gal at special care was abt 8k, cant remember. I was in class A1, but due to high bills, they gave me a B1 status. Still private paying.

They could not lower it to C class as i stay pte residence, though i begged them
There is means testing at pte hospitals.
Wow Poko
You stayed in A class...shiong hor? When i was admitted to NUH, i asked for A too thinking govt hospital mah, cheap cheap..then they advise me to take the cheapest..coz my bbs going to be premature and i wun be able to dwngrade if i had chosen a higher class..so i took B2. Heng heng lor...my bbs stayed inside for 4 weeks adn 6 weeks and the bill came up to be 22k younger son(17k subsidsed by govt) and 15k (12k subsidized by govt)something like that..moral of the story, since mummy i.e. me, stay in hospital only 3-4days nia, no need to stay so good lah..babies more impt..and of coz their bill...You lucky they allow u to change to B1 status
i dun think they allow sis, bro etc in icu... coz basically v strict, n my close relatves eg bil, sil, bro, only saw boys thru pics that we took. Anyway, dun think too much...mayb yours no nid go icu afterall
ya lor.. Alyssa, if doc never warn tat your babies will be premature then u can concentrate on 'conditioning' them to come out at 37wks. By then they'll be matured and enough weight!

Yeap the bill was quite siong. However, in kkh, my dr catagory only allows A1 or B1 classes (bot pte paying). Cant go below B1 unless go to another panel of drs.

But can downgrade to class to b2 or C after mummy discharges thru means testing. But social worker only looked at one thing - residence and said this is the best they can do (B1). sigh.......

My hubb say since he want to stay to help bring me toilet and stuff after c sec, we took A1 lor. But also we didnt know stay so long as my gynae said they may be admitted only less than 2 weeks, who knows become 3 weeks over wor!!!!!

Anyway, enjoy the last stage of yr preg now....Dun worry too much abt cost or prem bbs.

My friend delivered twins at 34 weeks, one of the bb at 1.8 kg, went home wif mumma!!! The other 2 kg plus, went home few days later cos jaundice, but otherwise fine.

Anyway, scans can only show u roughly how much a bb weighs. Its like length x breath formula. Thus bb could actually be slightly heavier when born!!!! gd luck!
Agree with Poko..the measurement is just an estimate... BBs will actually be bigger..and every week they grow by 200g-300g at least..so not a problem...just 'dong' adn very soon, they will be over 2kg!! Me also survived...1.4kg leh, like a little kitten..the whole body is slightly bigger than my hubby's palm nia...poor thing.
pardon me for saying...but your formula of length x breath formula sounds like a rectangle formula to me..hahahahah...i cant help imagining and laughing..paiseh, i got a wild imagination...
my 'dimensions' were not accurate too...was smaller on "tv"...(like how actress will appear on TV)...come out still bigger...but 1.4kg n 1.7kg lah..not say damn big...lol
hi all,

thank u so much for ue advice. i am so comforted by your encouragement. will definitely try to tahan till 37 weeks. drinking a lot of milk now. hope it helps.

thank u again. i really appreciate.

Dont worried about prem bb and the cost.

I was warded in ICU when i delivered, the first thing my hubby told the Counselor was he is worried about the cost and in the end the business center tell him what he need to do to reduces the costs. Or else i think my bill can total up to 30K and above, My bill is like 10 pages. In the end my bill is abt 18K (including 4 days in ICU, 3 days in normal wards, my boy in Special Care and my girl in NICU charges) after deduction here and there. And yes we can claim from insurance. The one you bought when sign for IVF. I have successfully claim mine. It is not a large amount but better than nothing.

More bed rest and monitor your blood pressure closely.
thanks Ximi,

really appreciate ur advise. will monitor my blood pressure and rest more.

u take care too and enjoy e company of ur twins
Hi ladies,
Today was my first time bringing out one of my twin. Damn stress man. Met some friends for lunch and wanted to bring one out so that my MIL cannot complain that I always go out. Went to J8 and my goodness, really child unfriendly place. The escalator from B1 to first floor is the normal types with steps, so I scared and wanted to look for the lift. Cannot find! So had to use escalator. I was so scared I would drop the stroller. Then when I wanted to use the bathroom to change my girl's diapers, can die man. So dirty and don't even have a proper room/space. So exposed! In the end, never change. Even the restaurant also not child friendly. Little space to move my stroller. Any suggestions where are some eating places/ shopping centres that are child friendly especially when alone and have to use stroller?
Hi all

from what I know, the baby follows the mum. ie Ward A for mum = Ward A for baby. But Ward A for baby gets the same treatment as any other wards in SCN and NICU. To keep costs down, mummy got to suffer a bit and stay C ward. At least pay less if it is going to be a long stay. My younger gal stayed almost 1 month in NICU/SCN. Elder one around 2 weeks in SCN.
Personally, I feel birth weight is quite important to health being of babies. My gals borned at 2 and 2.5kg at 34weeks. Still feel guilty about letting them be premature babies. I ate a lot (lots of beef) cos I am worried abt them being premature. But from 30 weeks, all the food went to my waistline instead of them. The elder one grew only 100gm and the younger one is not putting on weight. So in the end at week 34, water bag burst : (
hi sophia
hw old r ur twins? me oso intend to try to bring my 6mth old twins out. so far, only go dwmstairs playground 2x only...thats all..n to MIL house..hw u manage? i scared bbs misbehve n i kenna stared at. i knw taka, tanglin mall, vivo quite ok...
Hi 76 and sophia,

I have been bringing mt bbs out since they turn 2 mths old exactly. We decided that they will go out wif us when they are 3 kg minimum.

Every Fri nite starts my off and so we will go out for dinner. Sat sure sure go out one. Somemore to everywhere like Ion, Suntec, u name it , sure we been! Sun we go church, and then either shop, go zoo or fly a kite at some park (really).

In other words, we do take them out alot, and we bring them everywhere. U see, i got an older son so we still need to take him activities and even enrichment classes. Thus, we all accompany him, then go kai kai. I am those cannot stay home so we do spend a fai bit of time outside.

Frm my experience, Ion (if u park there, n dun mind crowds) have a pretty big nursing /changing room. Its clean and nice.

Isetan Scotts is pretty ok too...has a large bb room and 2 nursing rooms.

Next in line is Taka. However i have a twin pram. The baby dept can't fit my twin pram in. So, that inconvenience me. But the bb room is big, lotsa tables to change bb.

I also find Paragon a pleasant place wif lotsa bb shops, and a new bb room at level 5.

U muz be wondering why i name Orchard only rite? We normally hang out there u see. Actually suntec is ok too, but the bb room is located near toys r us so quite a far walk if u are at other corners. But otherwise ok.

If u stay at the west, IMM is ok too, but bb rooms not at every level. Vivo i like too!!! Quite spacious. Lots of bbs there on weekends.

For all the department shops i mentioned, the lifts are to every floor and quite big (at least big enough for my twin pram).

They may or may not sit quietly in the pram. Sometimes they make noise, so i may sling one bb. Normally when both make alot of noise, i notice pple are amused rather than get upset my their crying.

Cos they will say things like "ah yo, the twins even cry together..wakakakaa", or they busy comparing "u see...one twin so kuai..the other one naughy naughy hor"...Stuff like this lor!!

If further queries, pls do ask me!!!! Yeah! Shopping here we come!!!!!!!! But if u are concerned abt crowds, juz to tell u they are pretty crowded over weekends.
haha! Poko is the experienced one! I haven't brought babies shopping in twin stroller yet. find it too heavy and bulky cos i take public transport when going gai gai. Have been using baby carrier while going shopping, la kopi with frens, eyebrow shaping and once i even had to go toilet and with a baby strapped to my chest. Yes, i am a disgusting mummy! Luckily he didn't cry.. Overall i prefer the freedom of baby carrier compared to using twin stroller but back will feel like breaking after that lah..

Poko, I really admire you for bringing your 3 kids to 'par par zao'
you inspired me leh..ok, i jue ding..i will take the twins to........drumroll....the Botanic garden on the third day of CNY!! haha, not so exciting...but at least only the birds will see them if they shout...hehehe
WOW !! Poko, you are really steady siak. My first day out with babies was last Saturday to taka. Only 4 hours already burn me out totally. What do you normally bring when you are out especially for one whole day?


How do you spend time with both babies.. doing some activities? Sometime i feel i spend more time with one baby and neglected the other. Especially when both are crying at the same time, i can only carry one and the other one has to cry super loud till my maid come and pick her up.

Just now my girl is crying loudly in another room and i am preparing my boy for his bath. no one came to help me, my mil is in the living room choosing her oranges and my maid is preparing the water. In the end, i have to leave a half naked boy on the bed and attend to my girl. My mil still choosing her precious oranges. I am really pissed off and tired. I been telling my hubby that i dont feel like a good mummy at all lately. I dont know how to toggle times btw both of them. how did you all do?
Poko you are my inspiration!!! I still dont have the courage to bring both out on my own. Also no strength to. I have two single strollers and a covertible car ( I know, still resisting the fact that I need to change car with two of them) so it's impossible to bring both out. Your list of Orchard malls is extremely useful. Will try to bring them with hubbi on weekends. My hubbi very bad, will be paiseh when they cry so the only time we go out is to church which is near my house, and we sit last pew somemore. So if they cry, he wants to go home.Hia.....
So I more daring liao.
76, my twins are 10 weeks. I also will bring them to Bishan Park that new year week since hubbi on leave. I hope they can behave themselves.
i got 3 person in the house at one time, so help is available but hor, my left wrist pain, went to Changi hospital to do a wrist splint..so am wearing it...doc say i must rest my hand,cant carry babies..so maid caries my smal one while mum carry big one..i am the emergency hand..if really bo pian then i carry..how can dun carry right, i still carry lah..sometimes i also feel i useless..As for activities, i read to them lor, carry them and talk to them on what they see, walker, hi chair with toys, sit on bumbo and hit the activity gym toys, or just gong gong stare at mobile if they dun make noise...just rotate the games lor, then when they engaged doing things, i quickly go adn do my work aka, come online, bathe, eat etc...hahahahahah.
Ximi, when I carry one and the other is crying, I scream for the maid to come. Otherwise she pretend to be deaf when the deaf one is my MIL. Sometimes I feel like you too. Especially at night, my girl has colic from 7-9pm. She will cry nonstop. Some nights, my boy also awake and cry like her too. That's when I really lose it. I've even smack her backside and then regret.Aiyah, it's all part and parcel of being a parent. Learn on the job is the only way we gain experience. Don't worry the kids wont blame you.
Poko you are really my inspiration too!

My twins absolutely hate their car seats and with 2 car seats at the back, its impossible for anyone to sit behind so they are left on their own while my husband and I sit infront. And they cry non-stop thruout the car ride screaming their lungs out! Very traumatic for them and for me! We only went out once with them to the PD and after that experience, I really dont dare bring them out even tho I really really want to do so ... but I dont know how to survive car rides with them
hw old r your twinnies?i think mine shld b d most kuku of the lot coz ordi 6mth n not much outings..they so deprived...
Hi all, I am VERY happy
I inspired all of u to go spend more time out wif yr bbs!!!!! It takes getting used in the beginning, and it will be helpful if yr hubby or maid is super pro active in helping out.

There is really lotsa to bring out. Unless u are doing total breatsfeeding, u may have less to take wif u. I do both breast and bottle, and most of our activities are beyond 6 hours, so we have to take out lots of things.

We take 6 bottles out, formula for 6-7 feeds, puffs for bbs to munch on, at least 5 pampers, diaper changing mat, wet tissue, breastfeeding bib, carrier, hot water container, some jiggly toys to entertain them, and blankets to keep them from prying eyes when they sleeping.

I honestly find that putting them in twin prams can raise to some curiosity and even questions. Sometimes they ask funny stuff like how to "make 1 boy and 1 gal, ah", how i felt wif 2 in my tummy, how come they look different, etc etc.....i take it mostly in my stride, sometimes wif silly answers to them too!!!!! keke

We have even took them on a holiday last month. We went to Club med Bintan. Club Med is an amazing family place. We had the baby bath tub wif baby toiletries, potty (my son too big for it already lah), 2 b cots, and a pigeon steriliser!!! They can make plain porridge for bbs to eat. But my bbs not on solids yet so never got to try it. They have lots of gerber/heinz bb food available for free, for u to take.

Anyway, we took the ferry..Monsoon season, choppy ride, I nearly vomitted my guts out. My poor son was also sick but could not do anything as I carry 1 bb, my hubb carry the other bb. Amazingly, both bbs slept soundly, they obviously enjoyed the rocking!

Anyway, we arrived at club med wif out twin pram, and 2 luggages on our own!!!! NO STAFF at Bintan offered to help us seeing us like octopus like that....But somehow we managed to take 2 bbs up, a son, 2 luggages and a haversack of milk and pampers from the customs to the ferry transport.

To keep the story short, We made it there at Club Med and was there for 4 nites!!!! Dunno how we did it, but still managed to enjoy it very much!!!! So, friends, do take yr bbs out for a break if u feel u need one!

Plan yr hol properly, and mostly u will all be fine.

We will plan for another hol for the June sch hols. Prob to HK....Hmm.......i cant't wait!!!
76 - My twins are 6 weeks old...I really want to bring them out but dont know how to solve the car seat issue. Not sure if its the car seat itself -- we are using Britax rear-facing -- and if we shld buy the bucket seat type like Maxi Cosi.

Poko, you are truely my inspiration ... a holiday even when the twins are under 6 months!!
oops.. i am a bad mummy.. i haven't installed my car seats at all and rely on human-seats (myself and mil/maid) when we drive with babies in tow. normally i just take bus or cab cos i find it more convenient
see jay
my bbs always sit car seat..coz i dun trust my human car seat aka maid.. oso to train thm lah, in case nxt time they can crawl n walk, they wana walk out of seat.
bbs still on reverse car seat...they can tahan me for 1 yr..
chameleon, must persist on even though they are crying. Once they get used to it, they will realise and get used deh. Otherwise like wat fat Bobo say, will kena fine and deduct points. Safety also another issue. I also have the Britax car seats in hubbi's car. Now it's rear facing, later can change to facing the front. From day 1 ( discharge from hospital) we put them in liao. Hubi arrange the seats behind driver and centre so there is one seat behind passenger. I will take that small space and will entertain them as he drives. Sing to them, use the rattle etc. Hubbi also play classical music which i belive helps to soothe them. My twins also like Jazz music.
This week my boy (10 weeks old) turned 3 times on his own!! I couldnt believe it. Happy and worried at the same time. Now must be extra careful and must make sure the cot is safe. So sad also as once I leave them at infant care, I will miss all these special moments.
poko, your holiday to bintan as really urged me to bring them out even more. How old were they when you bought them to club med? The last time I went to club med was still only me n hubbi. The activites were all for two people like spa, golf.... Now, it will be totally different.

Thinking of going to Perth in Dec when they turn one. Any tips for flying and driving overseas?
Sophia, i brought my babes last month to club med. They were 6 months..Not much activities for them, besides swimming.

I had a baby sitter on the last day - terribly cheap at $5 per hr! One of us was always wif her of course (never leave yr bbs alone wif them. Indonesia is very big hor) so that either of us could do the spa, or sailing or archery....It is def Cheaper than bringing yr maid there.

The hol was more for my elder boy. He joined the kids club so was kept busy while we were busy wif the babes...

We have taken our elder boy overseas alot since he was a couple of mths old. I feel after 1 yrs, has its own set of issues. It gets better after 2 yrs. The following is juz my personal opinion..

Firstly, travelling wif a bb before 1 y old, they firstly had started eating semi solids or porridge recently (depending on which mth u take them). Thus, u can feed them cereal and they prob have no probs wif them as they were not so exposed to table food.

After 1 yr old, some mummies may have exposed them to table food, and the bbs may be wanting to eat whatever u eat.

So depending on the country u go to (aussie is ok though), u may need to find porridge or similarly eaten food at home. My friends and relatives often take along their food masher, some rice, slow cooker, and find some veg and meet in the country to meet their bbs needs.

That is what i did too, and boy - is the luggage heavy!!!!!

After 2 yrs, i find, they are able to try out most food (though there may be rejections)and bread can also be an option. This juz ny opinion lah.....u may find it easier!!!!

Drin=ving on a campervan is great wif bbs!!!! U can cook at stop stations, n its free n easy!!!
Get bb food onboard, n 2 bassinets. Basinetts can carry till 15 kg normally....
your hols sounds adventurous e.g self drive with bbs which i will never be able to do or think of..so i will still peifu you.Think i will only take them overseas at least when 4-5yrs old coz i doubt i will be able to enjoy myself..think i will be maid to them in the journey instead.My hubby wanted to take them when they are P6..i told him i dunwan my kids to be kuku...
i wonder hor...if own car needs car seat, then take taxi how? no need car seat?
I only take my kids out on weekends coz my ah lao working weekdays mah..so weekdays i only take them downstairs jalan..For weekends to IL house, we activate our weekend car which is a Mazda5..so 2nd row sit 2 seats and an adult in the middle...Btw, can i ask, do you all take 2 bbs to IL house at the same time, if yes, how you all manage? mine milk already wana sleep...then must make them sleep, i cant have proper meal at IL house...and worse, my 3rd SIL 22mth son there wrecking havoc shouting adn screaming, my boys totally cant sleep..and TV show "Love" on sat screened vvvvv loud...so now i only take 1 bb there alternate weekend...Please advise if not, i will 'wa moon ti, wa moon ti" (ask heaven)hahahaha


We drive a CRV, but i not small size lei, so i cant squeeze in between 2 car seats. Thus, we use a combi baby seat, and carry the other via human seat.... I have trained the boy to be on the seat. But of course, somtimes pattern leow leow....want to be carried.

I normally have the gal on my lap. If 2 cry and want to be carried, if my maid wif us, she carry one. If not, my dear 7 yr old helps me carry or talk to them.

Taxi, no car seat lah...I ever ask a driver, he say where got space to keep in boot as sometimes carry wheelchair or lugguges.

Most of the taxi drivers i meet (i hope i dun offend), really one kind. My maid has to close the pram, so she will pass 2 bbs to me to carry for a while. Twin pram hard to close so i doubt cabbies know how to close it anyway. , Mostly, they dun get off their seats to help. Tsk...
