(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

May- Later I go gap fb n vote for zachy

Beside what all these egg white about?? What jab consist of egg white?? Can smone enlighten me?

Gosh I have skip the flu jab for beng.. Think it 2-3 mths never go pd for beng full checkup... The next jab will be when he 18 month... Do I need to visit pd these inbetween period for checkup delevopment review??

Augleo, i didn't know mmr is free. hehe

shokel, i tried to make keith watch cartoons but he won't stay still for long. let alone read to him! but sometimes he'll read his cloth books silently, for awhile only.. i've got a push walker too. but he seems more interested with the side gadgets then walking around with it. Ash is so fast! can roam with it.. my last straw is bringing him to corridor too. i try not to make it a habit cuz he'll cry if i bring him to the door but never step out.. nothing seems to keep him occupied for more then 10mins. unless bring him out..

weiting, happymummy, i stock up from luvbabies too..
Sarah, we're talking about the MMR jab. it contains egg white substance. therefore need to try to feed your bb whole egg to make sure he/she is not allergic to it before taking the jab.
Jeanie.. Beng aso will not be occupied for more than 10 mins!! I try making him walk abit but like 3-4 steps he will hop like rabbit n after dat he either want to crawl on the floor or want to be carry.. "faint"
jeanie: sometimes ashton also canot watch /read for long.. siao siao one.. haha...

mmr is free only at polyclinic leh.. my pd there need $$ , wana take together w chicken pox jab..
but im gg bk to poly for mmr n pnue then gg to PD for chicken pox jab...
Ains, err.. sometimes shay also nap just once. I duno if its ok, but can see that she's more cranky when she didnt nap twice.

Weiting, their store is at Teck Whye.
mummies, i am planning to bring my boys to sentosa for 1 nite stay. any idea which hotel is the closest to the beach as in walking distance?
what is MMR jab?

sarah, thanks!

btw, mummies, any good shopping or eating places to recommend for hk? yay.. finally the holiday is in sight!
ya, mushloom, siloso beach resort is the nearest to the beach @ the moment.
u'll hve another choice when the renovated rasa sentosa reopens early nxt yr.
oh yes, sandy said tt she has some prob posting on the forum.
she has some msgs for some of u.

happymummy, sandy nds ur addy to mail ur item, pls pm her.

akk &amp; jesline, she has oredi mailed ur items.

the rest of us who had ordered frm her, shipment is on the way, shld reach her by fri.
thank ling lee and may.

ya waiting for rasa to reopen. was tinking of walking dist from beach so when the boys are tired can juz walk back to hotel instead of taking bus
ivy: my girl attended Julia Gabriel Bilingual Playclub weekly since 18 months old. Personally I like it as its learning through play and she thoroughly enjoys her lesson and always looks forward to classes. She has just stopped after her 3rd term as I will be putting her to daily half day playgroup. My boy will be attending that too when he turns 18 months old. But currently he is still on wait list. So anyone who wants to enrol in JG, better put on wait list now.
ivy my boy also in JG playclub. will be "upgrading" him to edudrama nx term. hopefully he can manage on his own. so far i tink he quite enjoy the lesson. esp the songs and stories.

calamari wow so fast on waiting list liao... hmmm

happymummy it is not childcare. it is a 2h lesson with parent accompanying the kid.
agree that the kids love songs at this age. Zach burst into mega smiles when we sing or his teachers sing to him.

he's now very into 'head, shoulders,knees and toes'.
JG not the same as shicida those kind of right brain school right? I have a fren also ask me to go attend. So u bring ur boy there once a week?

its once a week thing?

Im looking to bring my girl to try some once a week class, cos sat bit boring hehe.
ivy: No its not the same as shichida. I will be bringing my boy there when he turns 18 months old provided he gets the space!
ya i was tinking of not so much edu thing, more play thing for my girl now. So its a once a week thing right. Ya i heard the waiting list is super long.
ivy ya once a week. i tink they have weekdays lessons too. mainly focusing on 1 language. for bilingual will be on sat and sun.

calamari do they give u priority coz ur kayla is in there?
Calamari- sounds interesting!! Mi oso tinking of enrolling chubby!! So fast on waiting list?? Sianz!! Can call to place on waiting list or must go down personally??
Miu: think must go down personally. I enrolled him for the Sat 2pm Evans Rd branch class. Evans branch has got outdoor play, swim and water play.

Mushloom: nope. No priority wor
Jo: er i dunno about cruise prices now heheheheh. As for sentosa, you can consider Festive Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, Amara Sanctuary? Or if want to splurge a bit, can try Capella. Some mummies here have stayed in these hotels before. Heard HRH has a good pool.
jo, hard rock hotel has an artificial beach.
my kids love them when i brought them there in jul.
however, we stayed in festive hotel, coz we nd a bigger rm to accommodate 2 adults, 2 children &amp; an infant.
will b going bk nxt wed-fri.

btw, members' rate is much lower than the published rate, so try to book as a genting member.
ling lee wow u juz answered my prayers... hee wanted a hotel with walking distance to the beach. was looking at siloso beach hotel where they mentioned rooms facing beachfront but i don know if the beach is far or not
any parents shopping for insurance or already bought something for their kid already? any tips or advice to share? met an aia agent already and want to see what else in the mkt that is a good plan.
Roger, u bought insurance for Urself? I think it's more impt the parents Gt insurance. Cos if 'touchwood' anything happens to the kid, we still r able to support ourselves as adults. Bt if 'touchwood' anything happens to us, the kid cnt survive on their own. So if we buy insurance for ourselves, at least the kid dun hv to worry. Or we Wun burden the kid..

Bt I oso bought a few insurance for both nn n Bb oso. Forgt wat le. Hehe
dolly: thanks. gonna check out GE then.

ainsley: for kids, u can attach a payor benefit rider to the plan so that in the event something happens to the person paying aka the parent, the plan will still be in force and the rider will pay for the premium.
roger: i was from AIA in 04 !! haha.. i bought for ashton ins too.. but from PRU n AIG.. cos i wanted to switch to PRU after i left AIA.. in the end nv..
my own policy is from AIA n PRU...
yes, cala is right.. for childrens plan, normally wil attached payor benefit rider...
i bought the ins for ashton when he is 1 mth old!!!
shokel, same here.. zach got insurance since 1st mth. heh

roger, think u gotta get life policy, some children's illness (duno what policy), the hospital rider (most impt).. we also got child accident policy (from AIA). the earlier mentioned policies were all from GE.
wow.... JG seems popular.. Is it ex?

Oh dear, i had yet to get an insurance for my boy and he's getting many bruises these days. Any 1 heard of Manulife? My hubby kept wanting me to change to manulife so that baby get's free insurance.

einnoc: About $50 per lesson

Re: insurance
My kids also got insurance at 1st month. Hubby and I review our insurance plans regularly as priorities and needs change over time.
