(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

MTDT, Happy Birthday.

Hairloss, me also getting worst. Thinking of chopping it.

Long time never post cos so busy everyday but still try to log on to read for a while before bedtime daily but lazy to post with HP.

Angkuku, let me know abt the Raycon aft trying. Am currently using Rainbow but super heavy and bulky. So very good. Thinking of getting something easier if have as me and my boys have very sensitive skin, nose etc. Thomas should know by now that I am a cleanliness freak. Haha
Finally managed to recover the photos using ZAR. Just saw the recovered pics, some are cropped halfway and all of them are mixed up, not by earliest date and time. Think it will take me weeks to plough through and reorganise cos I don't remember which came first. Faint! :p

Nice Meeting you all gals..

Ivy... me not youngest laaa... Alicia is the youngest follow by Yunzz. I transfer S$ to you when knock off .

Jaclee.. will also transfer the $$ too for the peacock to you when i knock off.

Calamari ... waiting to see yr gal clothing.

Happy Birthday MTDT!!!!

Let's have lunch gathering again with cala n miumiu and all mummies near by... stay at home mummies also can join...
pauline, anny, sure no prob..

arisz, we are ordering the lamaze peacock from babymallonline (US$8.79 after discount). something for our little ones to play with. here is a description of the peacock from amazon:

if you are interested to get any babymallonline stuff, you are welcome too..

i'm also ordering the lamaze lion for weiting, if anyone want to chip in, also welcome.

Weiting, PM you.

do u stay in toa payoh? i stay in toa payoh but work in chinatown, unless i off then near for me. or like today lor, eat lunch then go to work.. end up so late haha.

anny can anytime.
1xmummy, nope you are not late..
i've included u in the list.. will PM you the payment details. thanks!

update for order for peacock:
1. genesis
2. yuki
3. pauline
4. Lsntyl (paid)
5. Gltan
6. Anny
7. claudina
8. 1xMummy
Hello mummies. Haven't been following the thread..Any mummies here with their babies still on tbf? Mine is still on full time latching. But I think have to start him on solids soon. He is turning 6 months in another 4 weeks time. Need help on couple of questions:

1)For mummies starting your babies on solids at around 4 months, can your baby sit up already? I read that the baby must be able to sit up to feed him properly. True?

2)What brands of cereal are good? I went to the supermarket to take a look and most of them have preservatives, chemicals added.

3)When can we start them on pureed food like potato?
MTDT, have birthday

Jaclee, i am having problem with the internet transfer. can help me order first? I will try to transfer by today or latest tmr ok?

roxy, my gal also keep flipping and try to crawl ard the bed ...sometime i so afraid to leave her alone even i block all edges.

lynn, i am working at Inland Revenue building, quite near you
but my lunchtime alway pumping

genesis28, congrat on Jaylen winning of pic of the week
...me, i plan to continue bf until bb 1 year if possible but nowaday keep kana lump ...so painful

hemmie, my gal still on tbf but now only latching on weekend and rest of the time baby on EBM. i plan to start solid when she turned 6mths
Hi AngKuKu, I do not have stock right now so you might like to get from carrefour first. You were right, it is from Korea.

To answer some of the question. There is no bag and only 1 washable filter and 1 HEPA filter. It is not so much of a vacuum and that explains the poor suction. It is suppose to pick up the mites after loosening by the vibration and kills by the UV light. If I remember correctly, it cost $35/$39 for 3 washable filter.
Wah!! The lunch sounds fun!! Next time must wait for mi!!

Ivy- too bad mi didn't go.. Or else u wun b the oldest mummy!! Ha!!

Genesis - congrats!! Jaylen cute cute!!

Mtdt- hairpee bird day!!

All mummies- mi officially heartbroken!! Juz now bb kept crying n mi carry n try to coax him but to no avail.. But once mil took over.. He stopped.. Tink he prefer po po than mummy lo!! Sad!!
yuki, can check out the reviews here. (http://strollers.baby-gaga.com/reviews/umbrella-strollers.php). Will depend on when you will use stroller also. Umbrella strollers are light weight so more manageable if you are alone or take public transport, but downside is that usually a bit more flimsy, not much storage and cannot fully recline.

If you only use stroller when you are with hubby and are driving, can probably get a standard stroller. Those are more comfortable for bb lor coz they are usually more roomy and can let bb lie down fully and sleep inside.

Personally, I have a Maclaren quest. Quite nice and easy to maneuver, but really no space to put diaper bag etc. Still prefer to carry him around in my ergo when we shop, except hard to eat with him in the carrier... =\
ndy u got any nice clothes for 2yr old boy? i also have alot of 0 - 1.5 yr old boy clothes now some still wif tag n not even worn but as sis nt pregnant yet am keepg for them...

hks all mummies for their concern... my mum sleep wif her on a bed n she use a playpen to block 1 side... as we just took e bassinet away fr e playpen it became quite light n ariel kept sleepg n pushg towards it n i tink it slowly moved away fr e bed n she fell down.... my mum woke up to hear her cryg n discovered her on floor.. luckily she appears fine... din noe she has so much strength to push e playpen away
mstan i trf e cereals money to u tmr ah? i left ib device in office...

pauline sorry i will trf tmr oso been busy at wk

miu, oops dat must have hurt alot!!
Robovac, when u got stock? And u bringing in the new model?

Yuki ya forget to log in my own Acc -.-

miu, ya la keep asking u to come to make me not the oldest haha

after talking to alicia, I shall start buy clothes! I lost so much weight tat left only breast big. (ok when no milk not big la) left with 2 mango 3/4 pants cos the rest too lose. Jeans too hot cos walk to IFC perspire like mad. Wat if stop bf become fat... So I shall buy 1 or 2 1st wahaha. Retail therapy here I come!
update for order for peacock:
1. genesis
2. yuki
3. pauline
4. Lsntyl (paid)
5. Gltan
6. Anny (paid)
7. claudina
8. 1xMummy
9. weiting (+lion)

any more?
hemmie: wah very long never 'see' u...hehe. I try to answer your qs k? But basically I am also starting solids only when Noah turns 6 months old, which is another 4 to 5 more weeks as he is on tbm.

1) I also read that baby must be able to sit up properly, which i think means that when supported, they can maintain upright position. Head should not sway.

2) Try organic cereals instead. Most supermarkets sell Healthy Times. Cold Storage also sells Bellamys. Vitakids sell Organix and Earth's Best.

3) u can try puree-ing sweet potato instead of potato. The former has more nutrients

Hope it helps.
Yunzz-no la.. Mu back from work n dinner shd b abt 9pm then nid to pump .. Sterilize bottles etc.. Sigh.. By the time mi bathe bb oredi zzz.. Beli sad! But mi spend my weekends wif bb! Bb zz in the cot in my room.. Sigh.. Beli beli sad.. How u all spend more time wif bb? Anyone facing same prob as mine? Seems like all mummies bb prefer mummy.. Onli mine prefer mil.. Sianz!!
slowly, mother child attachment will never lost one. Esp when ur boy older, he stays awake longer, u will spend time with him, he will know u are his mommy wont distance from u.

my girl maybe in future closer to terence cos he so love her haha. He spend more time with her, at night i eat, shower, watch tv pump...
dun worry miu miu,

no matter wat you are still the mummy and baby is always close to own parents de.. maybe it's the way yr mil carry or sing to bb, it's not person preference.

u still latching bb? We also had no choice ma mon - fri working then come hm eat bath pump ect... then very late liao . slowly bb will always prefer mummy de.
Hi Ivy, I did not bring in any yet as I am not sure of the market. If you want I can get it within 10-14 days. The new cylone model cost $480.

calamari: PM me ur web link also leh, I like baby guess clothes, last time I even buy for myself to wear...haha. I buy the largest size under baby guess. We can all meet for lunch den u pass to me. tks!!

yunzz,anny &amp; Ivy: Nice meeting up with u guys during lunch....=)

btw, I duno wat is the bp for cute bibs, I saw it but didnt buy from there. I bought mine from bkk. haha.
Jac, just transferred to you.

Miumiu, I felt sad too when my no. 1 didn't want me and cried at the door when I carried her back from MIL house to go back to my home. Luckily we bought resale near MIL place so I rushed back from work everyday to eat at MIL place and go back with baby around 8-9pm. So I get to see her awake lar. That time, my MIL wanted to help me look after Mon-Fri but I die die don't want to be weekend parent and convinced my 'reluctant' hubby. Until now, my 2 year plus daughter doesn't sleep through unless we cosleep with her. Duh... :p

Roxy, it's ok. I don't know how much is postage and when I can go to PO also. :p Hopefully this Sat.
hi jaclee: ok tks then... if jus cot sheet, shippin lei?

hi calamari: hahha.. ok, no prob, i ask the BP abt the price ...lolz..
Ivy- reali? I reali hope so man!! Makes mi feel like faster giving up pumping so that no nid to sterilize tis n that then can spend more time wif bb.. Sigh!!

Anny- mi not latching Liao.. Sigh.. I Noe.. Mi oso console myself that st least I Noe my mil reali loves n take good care of bb!!

Pauline - so bb now attach to u more??
Miu, y dun u try latchin? C Tristan will latch? Mi also feel like givin up latchin but once think of the closeness to bb when latch make me to continue to persevere!
Pauline, i cant convince my 'reluctant' hubby to bring my baby back everyday as I am staying Woodlands and my baby at Tampines
so end up become weekend parent after starting work but i try to go over once or twice after work ...i am afraid next time bb dun wan me

baby seem unwilling to latch on much nowaday , duno izzit become on bottle most of the time since i start work ...
my mum is taking of my sister's bb and my bb. She's very tired. So everyday she will ask me to quickly come home after work and will throw bb to me once I reach home. So I gota eat my dinner while playing wif bb. Quickly bath and take care of bb. Then gota feed, change and put bb to sleep. So I take care of bb from 7pm to 7 am! So bb won forget me.. But super tiring lor!! ZEro personal time!! I cannot remember when was the last time I turned on my laptop to surf net lor.. Now I Tink I prefer to be weekend parent!
morning all wonderful mummies....

I dont mind to be weekend parent, but my hubby wants to bring bb home everyday...so end up we got a maid to look aft bb....
so we can see him at home every day!
Miumiu, no. 1 is still super sticky to me but no. 2 smiles at me but laughs when she sees the maid. hiaz, Bo bisn vos I only bf no. 2, rest of the time taken care by maid cos I need to look after no. 1 n rest too. :p

my son smiles at me but laughs when he sees his papa...dunno why oso cos' i spend more time with bb...and then my fil will go round telling everyone, bb likes his father more than mother in front of me lor...

but i think as they grow older, they will stick to mama more than anyone else cos' they know mama loves them most!
