(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Miu, nn also dun like water. Nw I give her a few sip with her spoon after her cereal. Omg, her expression is sooo funny n then spit out the water.. Tries to give her in sippy cup also same. She will get angry! Lol...

Ivy, yuyu woke up to play for for milk only?
roxy: is your gal ok from the fell? how come?

Now my boy keeps flipping back and fro from only one side (his rite hand). So he will roll from this end to the other end eventually after a few turns...I also scared one day he will hurt himself to the floor if he just rolls and rolls and rolls...
Wah lau, I super blur. Bought a pair of shoes last week, today first time wear. Found out I took one size big, the other foot size small :p.
Miu Ainsley,
I dunno wat she want leh, i see her diaper heavy so I change. Then she still ekek flip over dun wanna sleep. I touch her mouth got rooting reflex so I decided to give water. After some water I put her back on bed, then still ekek I give some more water... Still dun sleep then I put pacifier pat her she sleep.. Then I make a mistake, I tot she deep sleep I pull her pillow from under her, she woke up shit put pacifier back in n pat.. Finally slept, 3am to 4am, 1 hr drama altogether. Woke up 6am terence put pacifier I din know, if I know I might jus feed her. End up 7am I saw her on tummy haha, give pear she grab the spoon lol.
anymore orders for the peacock? mummies, kindly make payment by today, so that I can place order tonight.. thanks!
Will advise the shipping fee payment again when I get the peacocks.
hi MTDT,
Happy Birthday to you!

Hi, sorry i din keep track of the thread. Now i see u all have meeting up lunch today at TCC Robinson. Not far for me, i can walk down from Cecil Street.
But 12-1pm is my pumping time, then i ask my colleague to tabao lunch for me then i eat in.

haiz. sometimes, too troublesome have thoughts of giving up. But Baby Faith likes to latch and she will search for my breasts when i carry her every night.. Then its so easy to latch her than having to wake up and make milk powder milk for her..
i think i will have a hard time weaning her off, cos i enjoy the intimacy during breastfeeding..

Hope after 6 months, she take semi-solid liao, maybe her appetite will change..will then intro more milk powder to her.

Ok, haf a nice day.
Will check thread again soon =)
Jia you!
roxy, hope Ariel is fine. Just monitor for 72 hrs. So fast can crawl already! Wah, really cannot leave them on the bed/sofa/high places unattended already.
MTDT Happy Birthday! Enjoy ur special day

Calamari, Kayla's clothes all so nice, if i hv girl will surely tempted to buy ur pre-loved!

After almost 5 mths of taking care of bb, my body now like want to give way le. Body aching, sprained my wrist, headache all come together. Really feeling tired now. My body like not mine anymore. hmmm... Think i'm going for a swim later to relax my body. Hope dun rain...
Mtdt, happy birthday!!

Haiz! Finally my pump is fix cost 30 bucks! Forgot to bring my warranty card gotta pay hai yo!

My boy juz now naughty wana latch him b4 i bring him to IFC then he bite my nipple! Argghh....

Brought some rice cereal to the IFC for them to feed my boy liao... Hopefully my Bm will b sustainable till he reach 1 year.
wow.. roxy, ur ger start to crawl? so fast.. is she ok? did she hit her head? cos i hears babies' skull not fully formed until 1 year old, so better monitor closely lo.

miu miu.. y ur boss so discouraging one? luckily my boss still ok, as long as dun disrupt work..maybe u try to pump at times you do not hv to attend meeting?
my boy always change pattern 1.
for the past few days woke up 2+ 3am, some nites b4 2am up liao... so I duno wat's next whahaha....
but he's really up for milk coz my last feed @ 830pm n only manage to drink 120ml

ytd nite I din't dreamfeed him for fear that he may wake up more freq. I only tried it over the wkend but failed! 2day I took the opp. to change his 1st feed to 730am instead of 9am n will dreamfeed him tonite @ 1130pm so that he will get 5 full feed. let's hope it works!!!!

y not successful in using ergo?
I used it twice on my boy already. he's 4.5mths.
oh my boy is also trying to crawl since 2 weeks ago. he will flip n wriggle about. It's so funni watching him wriggling... like a worm lor.... his butt will go up n down whahahaha.....
N nw he like to stand so I rented FP jumperoo for him to play. but he sit in it awhile then dun wan liao....

I saw this Raycob product at Carrefour just now and got most of my questions answered after a demo. I am keened on this Raycop product now.

What's your best offer for this forum?

Few other questions:
1. I saw a print that it is Made in Korea. Is that the same as yours?

2. How about warranty?

3. Where is the collection/delivery?

4. Any freebies (the one at Carrfour came with an additional filter)

Just a few checks before I consider to go for yours or Carrefour. My intention is to get it latest by tmr.

Live reporting on north-east line: We finish our lunch am rushing to office, oh man today I start work at 2pm lol. My beef stew bit dry, forget to stab my fork into Alicia baked penne... Alicia in sexy black dress, Anny youngest got 2 kids liao, Gladys/yunnz same as me wanna stop bf liao. Photo on facebook later. Just realise I lunch with the 80s mommies, I'm the oldest born in 70s sob sob. Ok nebermind, I suck their youth like "Lao Lao" in "qian nu you Hun" (70s kid movie?) jus now wahaha!!
ivy - wahahhaa.. gd live reporting!

tat time during my home gathering, also all 80s mummies and me in 70s!! Feel like kicking them out! hahahhaa :p
liling: hehe...maybe when u have a girl, my clothes still havent sell

manunited: i havent posted on the web yet. Later i pm u k?
mnanunited - lots of toys rental website leh.
just type toys rental - at lesat 4 names will pop out

rent a toy
rent that toy
toy rental
ivy, u very funny leh.. live reporting.. good sia..

MTDT, so mean! 'kick them out'! i'm one of the 'them' that day! LOL... today your birthday i wun scold u.. keke..
hehe.. Sure MTDT, here's my reviews on Raycop:

Few questions:
1. is it eletricity or battery operated?
- electricity only (confirmed by Robovac also)

2. does it use any water (for steam effect, if any)?
- no (confirmed by Robovac also)

3. how frequent must we change the filter (if any)?
- There are 2 types of filter (cartridge filter and #M Hepa Micro filter)
- former is washable, as n when needed, latter has an alert indicator for replacement.

4. if there is a need to replace any parts (e.g. filter), where can I get it and how much?
- I saw the filter at the booth just now, but forgot to check the price. =p

5. do we have to remove the mattress cover for this cleaning? (sorry for this ignorant question as this kind of product is new to me)
- no need, as seen on the advertisement video

6. is this also effective for curtain cleaning?
- seems to be heavy to hold it vertically.
- the video clip showed that it can also kill the bacteria if it is held a few cm away from the surface. It uses the UV light to kill bateria. Personally I find it useful on soft toys and other non-flat areas.

7. Is there a bag to change?
- it was not mentioned, so I supposed no. I didn't explore much on the live set as I was captivated by the video clip. No sales staff there, I self-entertained myself. (luckily no auntie come over and ask me, "ah dee ah, this one ho yong boh?")

There's also some critics from other online users that the dust mites are so small, how do we actually justify if it really works? This one is really like, dunno what to say lah..

The online reviews that I've read are mostly positive, only a few negative ones mainly on the poor suction, no retraction to keep the cable and complicated startup steps (which I am not really sure on).
I leave it to our own judgement on how we take these online reviews, sometimes really dunno how true is it until we use it ourselves.

For me, I was actually convinced by the advertisement video (the japanese version (with English subtitle) - it has a TV showing the advertisement at Carrefour. There's English one also but I don't find it as convincing as the Japanese one).

It is quite heavy for a handheld vacuum. But on considering that I'll be "sliding" it to and fro, the weight is fine for me. I am considering this because it serves my needs on cleaning the bed (for dust mites) and it can also be used on other areas (e.g. soft-toys, diaper changing stn etc). And it is cheaper than other high-end products out there.

These are my observation as a consumer. Maybe all these comments will change after owning one.

I am not affiliated with this Raycop or its distributed ah. I am just a consumer and its my personal reviews only. Feel free to comment also ya. =)
But before u all decide to buy one, I think it's better to see the live set and get a demo first. Don't miss the advertisement video too.

Robovac, so how, got good offer for this forum or not?
Terence, tat time right eye, this time left eye. Bt nn's double eyelid stayed after her nap this time. Hope it's gonna stay for good! Lol..
ang ku ku
go back to suntec and see the price of filter? also dismantle the raycop and test? see got bag or not... Pretend to be the sales there hahaha.

btw shall i put the gathering photo here...
had a good lunch wif the gals, discussing motherhood n stuff!!
we should organise another lunch with cala and miumiu!

will transfer $$ to u tonight ok...my token is at home..will sms u after transfer..

juz now u mentioned u bought bibs from BP ar? wic BP is tat? gif me the link leh..i am looking for cute bibs!

u still busy chattting ar? shouldn't u be working? haha
Ivy, hehe.. ok I'll put a calendar reminder, to bring my toolbox (screwdriver and spanner) there tmr. =p i'll update again tmr ya. =)

Btw, I did test it, but it's only on a small area (like half of a ironing board). Maybe I'll also bring along some dust mites from home tmr.

I am also clearing my boy's clothes.. cos I am also closing factory liao.. and the 2 young ones are girl.. so don't intend to keep le..

I have from 0-about 5yo clothes ya.. cos my boy is very tall.. wearing about 7-8yo clothes..

Prefer to clear in bundle .. rather than pcs by pcs.. but don't worry ya.. will not pass the stain/torn ones to all..
Jac, got error with DBS website so still can't transfer. Please help order, I promise to transfer you the $ when I got time. May need to go to challenger tonight to try and recover data from my memory card so no time. :p

yunzz haha, ya fingers non-stop typing for quotation from last post, now got to go pump liao. Just transfer when u got time lah, our nite so busy with our bb sometimes.

angkuku, take some hair too... i have been dropping hair...
