(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

hi all mummies, i from mar10 thread.. can i check with you all those who give birth at mt alvernia, how much ur hospital charge for 4 bedded rm with epidural? how much cash need to pay for the deposit? thanks alot..

Dear mummies,

am originally a jan 10 mummy, but baby decided she wanted to come out earlier so have actually just delivered last nite via c-section cos of bleeding.

any mummies have any idea how many days will i have to stay in hospital after c-sect?
sorry, mummies, topic quite of place here.. But if you know any A level students who just completed their A levels or NS and are able to be a temp from Jan-Jun 10 at one of the Big 4 accounting firms, pls pm me. Thanks...
any kind mummies? pls help me as i need to prepare how much for the hospital bill?

hi all mummies, i from mar10 thread.. can i check with you all those who give birth at mt alvernia, how much ur hospital charge for 4 bedded rm with epidural? how much cash need to pay for the deposit? thanks alot..
Morning all!

Congrats Sam! Have a good rest!

Mummyfel, tmr going to induce and today you are still working! You should try to rest instead. All the best for your induction!
Congrats to all mummies who just popped!n those along the way, please jia you!!
Anyway i realized i have lesser breast milk le maybe bcos too lazy, have been supplement with formulae on n off :p
So which mummy is now total breastfeeding without supplement at all??
I'm counting down 7 days to end the confinement!! hohoho!!
sharon, I am still on total breastfeeding.. though can be tough at times especially when I don't know if she really has enough but I find it fulfilling also. lolx...
yup same here total breastfeed too...find it fulfiling n fruitful too looking at my little prince grow heavier n heavier =) haizzz...my right nipple is sore n abit bleeding from the sucking of my little prince...any mummies experiencing that?? roughly it take how long to heal? me applyin nipple cream to help it to heal asap. thinking of expressin out my right breast but scare tat supply will be low...as it kind of painful for my little one to suckle at my right breast now...

advice advice please....
genesis, bleeding could be due to incorrect latching. i had a bit of cracked nipple initially cos I forced them out of baby's mouth. I applied medela nipple cream and air the nipples after every feed. Healed in a few cycles. Don't use water to wash.. will dehydrate more
try squeezing out some breastmilk to apply on the sore, bleeding nipple...
breastmilk actually more effective

&amp; i think there're oso those breast/nipple shields that minimize direct contact when feeding or EBM
i'd nv try the breast/nipple shields b4 cuz usually heals quite fast for me using BM..
sori 4got to intro..i'm from Jan10 thread ;)
congrats sam!!

hi pauline
Dat's great to hear...
I only tried bf her whole day ydae... previous 1 week was cup feed her n i pump e rest... total latch really helps, not feeling so engorged now n lumps are smaller though still there... now im getting lazy to pump le hahaha... so after she latch i hand express, get abt 50 - 100ml after that..but hands super sore!!

congrats sharon!! confinement ending soon!! im likely celebrating her bb shower next weekend le, 1 week earlier but as her actual day falls on xmas eve which no one will attend so we bring it forward, my CL told me that baby shower for gal must be 1 day earlier, cannot be on actual day or later, if not the gal dun want to marry in future :p im on total bf-ing too... have frozen abt 10 over boots milk bag in fridge too in anticipation of my bali trip 1 mth later...now she drink little so i try to freeze more, next time when she drink more, afraid cannot meet her needs le...

hi miumiu
Sure, u can quote my name.. u let her see ur prince ask her your next birth is wat gender
genesis, yup like wat ainsley says, it could be due to incorrect latching... my nipples also super sore last week, realised i didnt latch her correctly... last week everyday apply nipple cream, now getting slightly better
wow Ainsley n genesis, salute*
My girl will latch for around 45min to 1 hr each time, so at nite very tired... so now i will pump out n supplement with formulae for nite feeding. daytime will let her latch on but maybe not total breastfeeding i realised milk seem lesser compared to last week...
shaine, if you want to continue successfully bfeed, should not supplement with FM, if you do, like you say you noticed the drop in supply. cos supply = demand, everytime you give FM, your body produce less that amount of milk.
sharon, my girl also latch for very long at times. Plus she always fall aslp during feeds, then have to try waking her up. And also have to change her diapers between feeds. She always wet her diaper during feeds. lolx.. But it's good that provide a chance for me to wake her up.. hehe.. Total latch on really helps in stimulating milk and also ease engorgement. save time and effort to prepare, wash, sterilise, etc also.. haha.. go out also small bag with my breastfeeding shawl only. lolx.. *lazy me*

Roxy, you going to bali with ur baby?
hi ainsley
No im gg alone with hubby n friends.. bad mummy, dump no 1 and 2 alone at home oops... so im pumping hard now to build up some frozen BM for her... so when im not around, she still has BM to drink....

hi pauline
Pls email me your address so i can mail the bag via registered post to u today....
Haiz no choice leh cause she fell on a higher chance of jaundice due to her blood group so gynae advise me to give her formulae as supplement at least once a day cause she will fell asleep while latching so just to make sure she have enough intake to pass out
so the rest of the time when she don't latch I will pump out but I not so on as in every 2 to 3 hrs, I only got time to pump out when she's sleeping so maybe that why lesser milk now. Fortunately I still have some chill one in my freezer so still manageable.

Roxy- I will be going jurong on Christmas day so maybe will pickup the milk tea from u if u're available n provided the milk tea had reached spore too
Cayenne- yeap so happy ;) anyway not big different for me cause I nv hired CL so now is my mum help me with cooking n washing. The rest like bathing baby, diapering n feeding all I do myself, somemore my girl cling on me very much so even pump BM also must wait for her to sleep ;o
Good luck Jo!

hi ladies, how many times do u pump out your breastmilk? Bb has problem latching on, sometimes is ok but sometime he simply can't latch, needs to give him FM to calm him down as he cries continuously if no milk is given to him. Am pumping out BM to feed him at him. Milk has started to kick in 2 days back and only pumped twice, managed to pump out 100ml+ yesterday. Is it too little???
Cayenne- ya i bath my girl myself using warm water, wash hand etc also use warm water :p
My confinement is more like a semi one , i sponge myself everyday n have the herb bath every week, spore too humid if dont bath then guess the BM will taste salty :p
Ainsley- where u got ur breastfeeding shawl? good? I have been using the normal shawl, wonder is there any different from breastfeeding shawl? I know the BF poncho is really gd
Hi Mummies

I have an extra box of Sealer diaper which consists of 6 packs (46 pieces per pack), size S (3-7Kg) to let go. It is retailing at S$11.5 per pack. I am selling it at S$60 per box and will deliver to Sengkang / Punggol / Hougang Area.

If interested, please PM me at [email protected]. Thanks.
Ainsley- ya i pin up for the normal shawl, hmmm i think i will check springmaternity one after confinement, thanks dear!
thanks mummies for the advice on crack n sore nipples = ) i've expressed out my right breast n bottle feed my little prince letting my right nipple rest from the crack n the soreness hopefully it can recover fast so can continue latching....hopefully it won't affect my supply...
hi Sharon!
Hi Mummies,
I just called Mdm Aida to ask her abt her massage session. She is available.

Btw, Have anyone started using Mdm aida's service? Pls share?
She was recommending that i take 7 sessions at one go, so that wind will not go in and will be ineffective if i do only once a week.. She will buy Jamu for me at SGD28. Then if i take whole 7 sessions it will be 378.(50/ session)

Have any one started the 7-day sessions with her?
Im very inexperienced with this massage thingy but my mum reminded me abt it ydae.
Hope someone here can advise.

Hi Roxy, i noted your recommendation on Auntie Su. Seems like we do not need to do 7 sessions at one go, u mean?

Baby Faith is week 40 liao. Edd is this Thursday. I think my gal very comfy inside.
Will update after i see Dr Heng later in the afternoon - dunno whether she is safe inside to stay until 10th or not..

Getting me worried at the same time. Dunno if she will poo or need to induce or not.. Haiz..
1xmummy : i've booked mdm Aida based on Juliana's recommendation. Same price. She is coming to my place tomorrow to start my sessions. You wanna wait for me to try first?
Hi Canopyhaze,
Yes. Do update us after your session with her tml. =)
Are you taking one session or take 7 sessions at one go?

Look forward to your updates! =)
Thank you!!
1 x mummy
Hi 1XMummy, wah Faith is really very comfy inside sia :p Anyway see ya at Dr. Heng's clinic ya!

Ainsley- icic, i think sew one better too cause pin still got loop hole :p
any mummies whose confinement is ending soon and want to recommend her CL? We din book a CL as hubby was not keen to have a person staying over at nite..

however, he's half-hearted now..

ask me to see if got any contacts of good CL so that in case my mum n MIL cant cope, at least we can give them a call...
1xmummy : sure do, most likely will take the 7 sessions depending on her skills. She is coming @ 5pm, so will update in the evening or at nite.
Lazy ard on bed as going to miss my private n quiet time soon. Haha. Suddenly miss the quiet time wif my no 1 also. Hope he will be coping fine.
hi valkyriegal
I tink the no of sessions really depend on indiv... auntie su charges on a per visit basis, last time she only did 3 sessions for me and stopped le as she says i have no more wind... and I found dat very honest of her.. she could have continued to charge me more sessions n earn more but she didnt... and her session is 2 hrs each but only charges $50 per session...

hi canopy
100ml per pump is very good le... jia you!!

hi ainsley
Hee, yeah hor, bad mummy.. last time for no1 we also went bkk 1 mth after delivery... was still bf so expressed and bring back the frozen ebm.. tink will do the same this time round

hi ice
My CL is not bad.. she's 60 yrs old but still strong and hearty and she knows alot abt bb, so she advises us alot on bb... i do find her cooking so so only, not as good as my previous CL but this CL has more positive attitude and lotsa experience... u might want to consider her
hi roxy,
Thanks for sharing.
How is Auntie Su's massage like?
Is it for whole body or just the tummy and then the wrap?
I also understand Jamu has a ginger like smell. Will our baby dislike to latch on becos of the smell left on our body after the session?

Thanks to advise.
roxy, when's ur confinement ending? does she help in household chores as well? Can PM me how much she charging and her contact? Want to standby.. :p

tks a million..
genesis, if you're exclusively latching and only occasionally pumping, it wont affect your supply and will help to increase it. BM supply is not fixed in the 1st 3 mths after birth so try to ensure that you latch (and/or pump) as much as possible to maximize supply. basically, you can't latch or pump too often, but too little will affect supply negatively.
Thks sleek.juz another question I'm actually waitin for my right nipple from soreness n slight bleedin to recover tat's y been pumpin startin today,intend to pump my right breast then feed baby it wouldn't affect much supply???

Btw how often n when do we pump when we latch baby??
it's up to you, if you're exclusively latching, you don't need to pump to keep up supply, but if you miss a latching then you should pump to ensure that your body knows that there was a feed. for myself, i was exclusively latching, so i didnt pump after feeds but just latch on demand according to bb's needs.

some more info for you on healing sore/ cracked nipples,

During the nursing session
* Breastfeed from the uninjured (or less injured) side first. Baby will tend to nurse more gently on the second side offered.
* The initial latch-on tends to hurt the worst - a brief application of ice right before latching can help to numb the area.
* Experiment with different breastfeeding positions to determine which is most comfortable.
* If breastfeeding is too painful, it is very important to express milk from the injured side to reduce the risk of mastitis and to maintain supply. If pumping is too painful, try hand expression.

Between nursings
* Keep nipples exposed to air when possible. When wearing a bra, use fresh disposable pads (change when damp). Some mothers use breast shells to protect the nipple from the dampness and friction of the bra.
* If there is a specific injury--like a bite--cold compresses (ice packs over a layer of cloth) may help: 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off; repeat as needed.
* Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) is compatible with breastfeeding.
* Once a day, use a non-antibacterial, non-perfumed soap to gently clean the wounded area, then rinse well under running water. Using soap on the nipple area is not recommended unless the skin is broken.


Hi mummies,

I am 2 weeks into my confinement. Baby still having jaundice, have stop bfing him for sometime cos PD said BF will make the jaundice last longer. Been trying to express milk but supply getting lesser and lesser to almost nothing now. It is so disheartening. Have anyone treat those teas to increase milk supply? Can recommend? I will really like to bf him after his jaundice is clear.
