(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

hi valkyriegal
Her massage is whole body... she dun use jamu but asks me to buy the nivea slimming body cream from watsons (costs abt S$18 per bottle) she will use that for entire body except breasts/nipple area...after the massage.. she will body wrap the tummy area...

hi ice
She charges S$1,800 per 28 days...u let me know if u r keen cause my CL has another job that starts mid/end Jan.. so need to check with her if u are keen... my confinement was meant to end 25 Dec... but if u are keen, i'll ask her to end mine on 20 Dec as im already having bb shower then...

hi nicnat
Try drinking papaya and fish soup n drink more red date water and hot soupy stuff, it helps to increase ss... and even if not latching, try to pump every 2-3 hrs once... it will help increase BM too... they say taking fenugreek n nursing tea helps too.. best is to latch or pump
afternoon mummies... mi online liao..
damn tired.. woke up 4 times last nite..

roxy - u damn good lor.. mi after latching can onli pump 10 ml from both breasts lor.. sigh..

noodles - thank you so much for ur advice man.. hee!! tks...
hi roxy,

will try expressing more often though there is hardly anything. heh heh ...

if we are taking those confinement food with glutinous rice, DOM etc. can we still BF? can baby take the expressed milk?

are you also 2 weeks into your confinement? when did you delivered your baby?
Roxy, I seem to have problem expressing milk with the freestyle. Anything I should take note? Am thinking maybe I not using it correctly. Wat level do u gals use usually? Thanks!
Hi 1Xmummy: I start mdm aida yesterday , so far ok, the wraping is very tight.

canopyhaze: you staying at bukit timah? doing your massage at 5 pm? she mention she starting one staying at bukit timah today. wondering is it you ;)
hi anny, thanks for sharing.
Are you doing it consecutively for 7 days in a roll too?
Any reaction from your baby when she latches on to drink milk?
Does Mdm Aida do whole body massage or just the tummy and then wrap us up?
Thanks for sharing =)
canophyhaze: she told me do at 3 cos actually is 330 one , cos mine do 3pm to 4pm the she can proceed to do the 5 pm one.

1Xmummu : i do at once 7 day start from yesterday to sunday.

mdm aida will recommend you at to wear the tight to tighten the stomache, or she can buy for us at $14.90. i us her to get one for mi.
oh my baby has some scratch &amp; minor cuts on skull, due to dr wong has to cut open my water bag, but i think there is no more water, so baby head very near to the edge and her skull got cuts... so poor thing.

btw anyone baby keep crying... mine keep crying whenever i dun let her latch on.. i wanted to be on exclusive breastfeeding and latching...
GG Lee: it take about one hour. haha, i only started yesterday have seen the effect yet leh. i took out the wrap and bath today at 1pm see my tummy still very sad.

1X Mummu: ya i doing 7 days in a roll, must latch baby using the laying down method cos when sitting like cannot breath leh cos the wrapping too tight liao, eat also eat little only no place for my stomach to bloated, only comfy method is laying down. she do whole body , take out everything only left with panty on. you need a mattress on the floor will do, don't need on the bed.
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congrats to ivy and samantha!!

yeah!! my milk finally kicks in le. managed to pump out 35ml just now. after 2 hrs, starts to leak. bb refuse to latch on. now i can only pump. and my breast feels abit hard too..
Jeanie, dats v good supply for 1st few days!

Ivy, huh? How come cut water bag? Thot usually use hook to break? But babies recover very fast one, so dun worry.

My bb keep scratching face and got cuts here and there 1st few day. Make sure u keep your bb hands inside secure mittens. Mine keep struggling his hands out of his mittens, then scratch his face!

Anny, ya lor, quite sad when see our tummy hor..sob sob..wonder how long then the linea negria will disappear...cannot bare belly liao..
jeanie- mine can latch.. but dunno he drinking enuf or not.. have started to express those milk after 15 mins of latching on each side.. hee!! but beli little onli.. sigh..
GG lee - mine oso. always managed to take out the mittens.. but mi cut his fingernails.. damn long man.. alamak..
Miumiu, I dun dare to cut his nails leh. How u cut? BB sure struggle right? I scared leh. Mine also super long and sharp...we wait till full month then cut.
hi Anny,
Thanks for the sharing! Canopy, still share with us your experience with Mdm Aida ok.
My main obj is to get rid of the wind and blood.

Hi Roxy, so yours is more of the slimming massage. since no need jamu. But the 2 hours massage is definitely v tempting =)

Ok, im gg to see gynae now.
Write back later =)
huh?? then will be beli long leh.. mi bot the bb's scissors to cut.. not too sharp kind.. when mi bf.. my hubby will hold his hand and cut.. bb wun move too much.. u can try.. or else.. beli dangerous.. scared will use fingers and touch his eyes..
Hello all..
im a aug mummy. and i would like to sell my
baby craft playpen at S$100
*red and gray color*
*with bassinet*
*hanging toys*
*mattress cover*
*basket holder*

as baby is sleeping with us and would not like to sleep in there, hence the play pen only use for storing baby stuff. any interested mummys can PM me or email me at [email protected]
thanks GG. maybe my gynae med works well. haha

i ask my mum to cut bb's fingernails. can cut when they are asleep to prevent struggling.
Miumiu, jeanie, I see. I also got but the bb scissors but dun dare to use. Maybe will try the method. Hey mummies planning to shave ur bb hair ma? I dun feel like leh. Can just yi si yi si cut a short strand after full month?

Any mummies bot insurance for bb yet? Thinking wat to get..any one buy already?
Congrats to many more mummies who have given birth!! i'm one of those waiting ...sigh... 37wks but gynea say my baby's head is low so can be anytime in the week. <excited>

cut baby's nails
i cut my no.1 fingernails when he is sleeping. He always scratch his face. For toenails dun cut too short, otherwise can cause ingrown nails in future.
gg.. initially i had problem with the freestyle too, then i realise its my membrane not put properly and the flanges... u must hear 3 clicks when u lock the flanges in (the white transparent thingy on top.. that fits the yellow membrane) i realise that if u keep dismantling the flange n membrane to sterilise n wash, it gets lose and affects the suction.. so now i only take out and wash/sterilise once a day only, not after each pump...if the suction still dun work, try pressing slightly on the flange when u express, that works for me.. im using level 3 for both modes..

hi nicnat
im 1.5wks, delivered bb on 26 nov... try to take dom after u express ur BM, so at least bb wun be drinking the alcohol... and if bb has jaundice, try not to include so much papaya or ginger into ur diet...drink lotsa water to increase ss, i make sure i drink at least 1 glass red dae tea once every hr to increase ss...n afternoon i always drink 1 big bowl of herbal soup...

hi miumiu
No ah, cause im 2nd time mummy, pple says 2nd time mummy has more BM n i try drink more water now...just now i latch bb for 30min.. she been sleeping 4hrs le without waking up for milk, im very happy finally latch can sustain her for so long but also duno y she dun want wake up so long le...
anny : The hair spray is for dry washing your hair, just spray and comb, i find it quite useful, bought it from the shop @ TMC, SGD14.90, and have 20% discount.
Yeap, I stay @ Bukit Timah, and having my massage 5pm tomorrow; how come she is saying today???

Roxy : Has transferred SGD300 to your account, please check. Thanks.
Congrats ivy &amp; carol.

Iris &amp; Jo, jiayou wor.

Hi Canopyhaze, so gd. u r able to express 100ml....It's been a week+ but i onli able to express 30ml at most

Well....i will be starting my Jamu massage w my neighbour, Auntie Fahezah next week. Update u gals again.
thanks canopy.... i'll courier to u tmr

hi ice, i just check with my CL she cannot take ur assignment as she has one in end jan and one in march... she needs to be in malaysia for 1 mth at least for immigration purposes, however her younger sis is free as she just finished doing a CL assignment.. if u keen then i'll askher to tie u all up.. also 1.8k but i duno how is her sister
Roxy, thanks. First time I use was ok, then I find after that suction like not so good. Will try out wat u say, thanks! Oh, how do u gals dry the parts after sterilising huh? The instruction says must ensure the membranes, shields etc are totally dry. Can leave outside to dry, then still considered sterile? If inside steriliser, will always be wet wet one leh.
Hi all mummies,

I've prepared most of bb stuff waiting for bb arrival. But was wondering if it is necessary to get BF pillow? Any mummy to advice me? Thanks!
Think I eat too much 'pu' food already+insufficient sleep nose abit stuffy n throat not doing good chiat luck....mummies do take care ya...when bb sleepin do grab some sleep dun b gung ho like me
So many mummies popped ler.. me still in the waiting game and suffering fr bad water retention &amp; SPD. 2mlr gng bk for check-up and hopefully bb engaged liao.

Congrat to all who popped and do rest well.
those mummies who had popped..
did u anyone do the metabbolism test for yr baby??

last time dun have de le..
my cousin who delivered @ mt e did for her ger.. but i not sure wat is it abt..
Conopyhaze - she say wednesday i remenber wrong kekee..

muimui - u manage to cut bb nails ar, i wanna cut but dun dare le cos she always wiggle. she like to stuggle her mittens out and scratch her face. Maybe will try to cut when she's asleep.

GG Lee - wondering when our tummy will disappear, now except doll dress war everything also not nice. haizzzz
Hi all mummies,
Please help to clear my doubts.

I have a question,
Can I know roughly how much ang bao $$ do you give to CL? And is it one ang bao on her arrival and one on the day she complete the confinement? Its my 1st time, so I don't want to give a wrong amt making CL feel bad.

Next question is,
anyone using BF pillow? Is it necessary to get one? Or anyone bought it and thinks that its not useful?
GG, i dunno what is use to break the bag, but the PD say its during the breaking of bag that cause the scratch, i guess its ok ba. Now i dunno how to sooth my baby without the use of pacifier... sian.
hi all, hw do u deal with unwanted advices ah? elders keeps saying must give water bt on total breastfeeding doesnt require tat.. omg.. vexed with those :"advices"
ainsley, i know how u feel..

when i had my #1, it's also like that..
we have only 2 choices:

1) let them do what they want..
2) insist on your way.. but the situation may turn quite ugly lar..

for me, for diff cases i will choose either 1 or 2.. can't be all cases, let them do wat they want.. n if u insist ur way, things may turn out ugly esp if the 'advise' comes from ur hubby side...

so in the end they said i very stubborn lor...

however, for water, i just let them be.. anyway, i just see them more during confinment, after tat, it's my way... haha.. but if u live with them, then abit more difficult..

it's all balancing lor..
