(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

canopyhaze, juz briefly read archive that you bought your quinny buzz already right! I'm drooling...haha! My hubby and I always take a second look when we are out shopping and see parents using quinny.

Yours is 3 or 4 wheels? Take a picture and show me leh!

roxy, yah yah.. my SIL mentioned infant rear facing, then grow up liaoz forward facing... kk, will look out for it next time.. so how old did ur kid use it until?
cayenne, haha! roxy already answered everything! If you read in internet or those brochures that talks about car seat, they will advice not to buy 2nd hand like what roxy had mentioned. Not safe.
linglee, we r allow to travel if there r no complications. But not advisable in 1st n last trimester. But my fren still went on holiday in her last trimester lar. Coz she feels ok mar.
cayenne, the only thing about those convertible car seat is, they don't come with a handle for you to carry like the infant seat where you can disassemble easily and carry your bb in the seat if every bb falls asleep in the infant seat. Roxy, please correct me if i'm wrong. =)
cayenne, depends on how you see it. My infant seat was used by my boy, then I pass to my sister for her daughter to use. Then now I'm taking it back to use for my no. 2 so for me quite worth it. =)
Cayenne, my car seat is for newborns till 4yo. I used it for my #2 and #3. Still using it now... keeping it for #4!
hi arisz
Spot on!!
cayenne, my current britax car seat also can be used for infant till abt 4 years.. however, i onli started using it when my gal is 1 year..

cos tat time i have already bought maxi-cosi so that it can be attached to my zapp. however, when she outgrown it, i bought this car seat during the taka promo.. they do have very good daily/ wekend special during their baby fair..
i tink i bought mine for less than $200..
mummies who have cars and more than 1 child, how do you put your car seat arh? I mean both at the back and u seat in the centre? or how?

Can car seat be put at the front seat?

Am thinking it will be rather cramp and weird to have 2 car seat at the back. What If I want to bf my other child, wouldn't it feel cramp?
no lar... no partying ler lah... i was just kidding with Cay... hahahah

eh, but idea ler... what if WE go to bala..hmmmm a group of pregnant women?? wahhh..
Gals, i had a fall juz now on my way home

cant help worrying now .......do u think i shld go to my gynae for checkup? but i juz went on Fri
ya yuki pls take care and if any signs of spotting do look for your gynae. if u still worried call them tommorow to check and inform them of your worries.

Bala = balaclava (think spelling wrong...heheh) its a drinking place with live band just in front of the entrance of Suntec.

ladies I need advice, I'm thinking once baby is born do I need 2 cots? one at my in laws place and the other one at my own home? or I just get one cot will do and place it at my in laws place and let baby sleep on a mattress at my own home?? I'm kind of confuse... hmmm.....
roxy, genesis28, thanks for your advise.
so far no spotting n feel ok.......i had dropped my gynae a email to ask if i shld go down ...

genesis, i am also thinking whether to get 2 cots ...most likely getting 2 coz i will be getting my mum to talk care of my baby and baby still small so better to sleep in cots.
yuki.. better monitor closely.. if anything not right, c gynae immediately oki?

tris.. bala is balaclava at suntec city..

chantal... mi miss vodka red bull and lychee martini at No 5!!
Hello everyone, i'm a new mum due in the same month too. Just heard from my mum that if giving breastfeeding, we cannot take tonic food like ginger and those wine confinement food, as it affected the milk, heard of it?
genesis, i put 3 cots, 1 at home, 1 at mum place and 1 at mil place... so there's place for bb to sleep comfortably and also play safely...

hi joe
dis the pix of boots milkbag..
yuki.. better wear flats liao.. esp when raining.. super dangerous man..

wow roxy.. so much things to tink and buy.. i havent started yet... sigh...
miumiu, yes... was going to get some but doc ask me to bedrest last week so din get any yet...

juz now got a bit brown spotting very worrying ...think better call my gynae
hi miumiu... take it slowly.. can buy 1 ting at a time. or take hand me downs from pple.. i also got alot hand me downs.. save $
Hihi, sharing my DS at 14.5 mth pix... We found his tshirt very cute and the slogan "Impossible is nothing" really suits him to a tee :p
<font color="aa00aa">Dear mummies-to-be,

Ever wonder what it's REALLY like once your bundle of joy has arrived?
What better way to learn about motherhood from recent new mums?
We're a group of new mummies who have just walked this exciting path and would like to share our experiences with you! We'll share our different delivery processes, adapting life changes with our new baby, useful (and often useless!) baby products and most importantly, how to prepare for baby's arrival in the first 30 days to 3 months. To assist you with this major transition in life, we have put together our workshop which will cover all the crucial knowledge in basic babycare and more importantly, the art of caring for yourselves.

Name: Baby Basics Workshop by mums4mums
Time: 3.00pm-4.30pm (90mins)
Date: 22 August 2009 (Saturday)
Fee : $20 per participant</font>

<font color="0000ff">Key Topics covered: (3 speakers)
1) Our delivery experiences
2) Breastfeeding baby (breastpumps recommendations, essential nursing accessories, etc.)
3) Formula feeding (types, bottles, sterilisers, other baby products &amp; brands we like, etc)
4) Baby time (transporting baby, baby activities, games to play and "trial-and-tested" baby necessities)
5) Mummy's time (care for self and family bonds)
6) Q&amp;A</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Workshop registration is based on a first come first, capped at the first 20 couples.
We'll provide afternoon tea, snacks and lotsa fun!
Takeaways will also include our workshop summary handouts and useful motherhood information sheets.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any enquiries &amp; we hope to see you then, thank you!</font>
Roxy, your son so cute and he quite tall

Yuki, last month I also brown discharge and quickly go down to check with gynae, but nothing lor,my gynae mentioned maybe is my old blood. so, better check with your gynae, take good care!
arisz, no la.. its near me.. lol... i think those staying tampines stay quite near.next time can go tampines mall shopping.. or MAHJONG!! lol...
Arisz, Ainsley, good idea! I'm staying at 700s, behind the new DBSS flats. Next time can go shopping together. I like mahjong but I seldom play so can never remember how to count the 'tai' and 'change wind/zhuang' :p

Cayenne, I share my super long bb list (used for my no. 1), I included prices for most items. Maybe,it'll help you and hubby just for reference.


For car seat, I bought maxi cosi front facing in the end, cos the salesman advised that for fully convertible car seat, it's better for bigger cars (mine is a Vios) because if you use it as rear facing, the cross section of the car seat is too long so the driver in front will be very cramped. Also, the height of the seat may be too short once your child grows into a toddler cos convertible car seats are usually shorter in height (to accomodate the babies).

Roxy, your boy so handsome. Love those big eyes!
Pauline, I also quite long nv play liao..
ever since i found out that i m pregnant. Morning sickness, fatigue kept me fr MJ!! so sad.. But hands itchy alr. nxt time bb born alr, even harder to play...
Xmasbaby09, previous week i had brown discharge too but was given the duphaston to take ...i juz stopped yesterday ....and had a fall ....haiz

cayenne, miumiu, thanks ...my gynae told me to rest over the night and if morning is ok then dun have to go down for a scan unless i wan too...i feel like going down for a scan but last fri juz scan ....my hubby feel like going gynae too often
morning mummies...
skinneybeenie mine havent pop out but is like closing...

by the way can we drink water chestnut herbal tea?
Josephine, mine also same ...din pop and seem like closing..

my mum told me not to take water chestnut drink often as it is quite 'cooling'
Josephine, normally i wear flat but yst went to meet client so wear a bit height but still low kind ...was walking duno y sudden seem like lose my balance ........
