(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

man havent pop out but i see inside very dirty haha... ya i havent wash haha... i scared post online the ppl see liao all faint...

then later closed up how? but like i said, maybe when your belly popped out, the dirt will also popped out itself..hahahhaaa
gals,anyone take egg with watery yolk?

today i order fried rice with egg but the egg served seem to be with watery yolk ....but no choice...
i hope will pop out then like u say dirt also out haha...

Angelbaby8 after i knew tat preg we cannot eat watery yolk then i dont take anymore
manu, mine is a girl...
nice...i love hoegarden, erdinger black.. i dont like liquor, i love beer or wine... Craviiiinnnnggggg droooooling..... Endurinnnnng.... ><
angelbaby, i just took those ya kun half boiled eggs + kaya toasts set last wk... ermmz... dun take occassionally shldnt be harmful horz? :p

chantel, it's cats &amp; dogs here too..
angelbaby, by right cannot.. but i couldnt help it sometimes, i like my yolk watery... so i had it recently in my maggie mee.. haha.

ITS STORM HERE>.. chinatown!
yar roxy, din realise we have the same gynae. Another 4 wks to see him.... Then can see my bb on the scanning machine. Can't wait to see my bb again leh. heehee

Hoegarden is nice. Not bitter at all.
ladies, any idea if they sell carseat suitable from 0 mths till a few yrs old in the market? my sis-in-law said there is.... but i'm not sure...
canopy, so most carseat actually can cater for infants till a few yrs ahz?

haha.. no no.. me no go bala.. i always reject the offer when my bosses jio me for drinks... not healthy for bb... haha
cayenne : i guess you've to look around, but i guess tho' it mentioned that the infant carrier can carry upto 15kg, i doubt it can last for 1yr.
hi, ladies.
any idea which is latest wk airline allow preggies to travel on plane?
may nd to travel for work ard wk 24.
think oso nd to chk with gynae if i can travel hor?
hi all, everyone go home already?

cayenne, like what canopyhaze mentioned, it depends on what kind of car seat you buy. If you buy those purely infant seat, then can only last less than 1 yr depending on the size of your baby. My boy outgrow his infant seat around 8-9 months.
Ling, I think usu within 1st - 2nd tri, they will allow but also depend on which airline. Guess you better check with the individual airline and also your gynae. I heard if let say your tummy is pretty big in 2nd tri, your gynae may have to write letter to prove that it is safe for you to travel.
arisz, actually i wanna get a 2nd hand infant carseat (coz i tot the bb will grow out of it very fast).. but my in-laws grumbling on why i wanna get 2nd hand stuffs for my first bb... "-_-

so now i'm wondering if mkt got sell those carseat suitable for newborn till say 2 yrs old... at least fully utilise the carseat...

my sis-in-law kept adding on to the fact tt last time her carseat is for newborn till 2-3yrs old... i wonder really got such carseat in the mkt not..

cayenne, got.. britax or also known as safe and sound.. must be convertible de.. when infant its rear facing, after 1 yr,its forward facing.. normal price abt $400+, i got it abt $370 at taka fair... carseats not recommended to get 2nd hand cause duno whether they were involved in accidents or not and hence might compromise safety.. i got 2nd hand strollers
