(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Hi all
Any idea for Oscar test, still must see Dr joceyln (as in consultation??) Or will just head to 4th floor TMC?

How long to know results of Oscar?? Same day?

I was told to see Dr after the scanning at 4th floor...She said if taken in the morning, end of day will know, if not tomorrow morning results will be known lo...
hi all
My friend is doing a BP on customised tshirts/bibs/rompers. I just received mine and it's really very well done. The printing is of very good quality, unlike those you see at those queensway shopping centre printers and the tshirt material is very soft and good. When I asked her abt the tshirt, she said its the same supplier as those who supplied baby gap, hence super soft and good. Please take a look and if keen, maybe we can ask her for some bulk discount.
Hi haitong
So we no need to wait there for results right ? I very scared her appointments always wait very long lor..

I think FBI card got discount for the tests? Should get the card before paying for the tests.
roxy, i wan to order the customised rompers! but will only order after knowing the gender of my unborn baby leh. i wan to customise for my no. 1 too so they can wear the same on CNY next yr. hehe
hi iris
Yes, its very sweet hor.. she did one for my no 1 birthday last sat... it said isaiah then babe magnet underneath :p material was very good... im asking her to consider doing for mum/dad too so can have matching

hi josephine
Now too early to do unless know gender and name..
fbi card has 1 time name of abt $150 and card is valid for 1 yr... subsequent births will be the SBI card...im not applying for SBI card le, cause my gynae done all his tests himself and there's no discount there...

hi gg
FBI card has discount for oscar, detailed scan etc if its done at 4th floor tmc lab... can apply for fbi card on same day, bring receipt and get discount...
GG, I will be doing my Oscar test on 27 may 9am in the morning and seeing my gynae at 4pm in the noon to take the result and also checkup. I heard from my friend that they take 2 tubes of blood.
GG, for mine is like that. The gynae told me she can issue me MC if I need. But I think you also can choose to take the report and checkup on another day.
No la, but if take MC my boss may start asking..

You gals start buying looser clothes yet? Quite lazy but think need to do so soon...waistline expand now very tight..
GG bought a few at spring but so ex... so thinking of getting online... tell yr boss mc means mc no need ask so much haha...

haitong i also no mood to work... just 1 2 stay hm n rot...
ya, sometimes me whole day do nothing cos lazy.....just wan the time to pass faster.....
But cant be SAHM lor.....so no choice....hehehee
Mummies-to-be : Have u started using stretch mark cream? Can recommend? I use Palmer's brand for my #1, but i still have the marks lei.. Im thinking of any other brands available in market??
gg im wearing maternity bottoms le, cun fit into normal ones... duno y for no 2, tummy is so big haiz... last time this tummy size only appeared at 4-5 mths...

hi ainsley
hi five my oscar is also 27th may.. let's pray everything is ok...

hi happymummy
actually stretchmark doesnt really work, its genes... :p
High Five!! Me also no mood to work everyday.

I'm on MC today. Feel so tired when I wake up this morning. Just don't wanna go to work. Then got slight flu n cough. So just see doc n get mc.

How I wish I can be a SAHM. Everyday go work must fight fire. Then sometimes the colleagues r so unreasonable &amp; demanding that they make me flare up and unhappy. I think if this continues it will affect my well being in the long run

Stretch mark cream - think the popular one is the palmer brand? I didn't really use.
hi all, jus went for my check up today. me n hub very happy
cos can see baby fist and leg.I"m currently 11wks. last nite panic alarm for a while cos got mld cramp for 30min. lucky doc say baby is ok.
jo, btway i"m going for my oscar nxt fri . tot u will b going 1st so can share the experience.
Hi Ladies

I am a Jan 09 mum.... sorry to interrupt... Just a quick note, I am selling my breast pump - Medela Freestyle, bought in Jan 09 from US, used for one month and stopped as my BM is low. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks.
hi all, i jus had my 1st check up yesterday... my bb ard 7 weeks plus.. me told doc i had slight spotting, so he did a check up on me.. realise my bb attachment is not as strong, put me on jab and medication.. shag.. me also puking lor, so uncomfortable... doc gave me MC and ask me to bed rest... me also not really gd appetite.. drink milk in the morning then also puke, think i cant take milk.. so smelly lor.. next week stil got to go bk and check up, hopefully better ba..

any mummy got this experience ma?
hello all, i went back to sleep yesterday after my last post, then today also MC... no mood to work lah..

Haitong, i also mth end doing oscar, worried man..
Hi Wai Chow,

Just to share my Gynae package.
Im with Dr Chen from Punggol.
It costs $1250nett and will start from 16weeks onwards.
All scan and medicine (Folic, calcium tablets) will be included in the Package.

As for the normal scan and routine checkup for the first 3months, estimated cost is about $173-$200 per trip. Not inclusive of the Down Syndrome test or other optional test.

Hope this will helps.
Hi Ainsley
Yes, my gynae is also at TMC... its w.c cheng and associate, the clinic at ground floor near tmc taxi stand.... maybe we can bump into each other!!

gg, yes those elastic waistband type..today i wore tighter fitting dress, can see tummy bulge out, so obvious!! actually my MS symptoms like subsiding.. still burp and want to throw up but dun really puke, duno is it bad or good... dis frid i might be gg to see Dr A L Lim,cause he's cheaper than my gynae unscheduled visit...i cannot bear to wait so long never see bb
Hi Roxy,
Me also...just hope to see dr so at least can confirm everything still ok....I feel like my bulge got smaller...like different each day...maybe depends on how bloated..
hi gg
Same here, i thought no 2 le will be less worried, but still as worried :p
Dun worry abt the bulge, prob it depends on wat u ate or din eat for that day...
Ya, me too....can u imagine from week 12 onwards (after 1st tri), can see bb oni once a month....unless i want to see doc every 2 weeks lo....
haitong, now my gynae already "forced" me to see him once a mth le, my last visit was 2 wks ago and im schedule to see him 2 weeks later... unless want to pay more
Roxyz : Your tummy showing?? I dont want to let too many ppl know so im still wearing my normal working clothes, still can fit in. My #1 also show at ard 4mths like that. Hope this one also..
morning ladies!

my next appt is 3 weeks apart from my 1st appt. i believe after that will be monthly visit liao.

my gynae package is $600 from 2nd trimester onwards which includes scheduled visits and supplements except fish oil and all other blood tests.

i think my tummy is showing too and have started wearing maternity bottoms.
Ivy : Think you are not the only one. Mi too, keep having a weird taste in my mouth after eating. Very uneasy lor, then keep wanting to puke. The feeling of keep wanting to vomit is <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">BAD</font></font> lor. I dont like it, then i will tell bb to be "guai guai" cos mummy still need to work.
happymummy, same same, my hubby every night tell bb to be guai guai haha.

Now counting down to oscar, who is going end of the mth ar... are u guys worried? or should we stay positive?
jos, i dun know if can eat frog leg or not but during my 1st pregnancy i did eat alot of frog legs.

oscar test - i did not do for my #1, only did the normal blood test. i think oscar test is an optional.

haitong, me now in 10 weeks.. gg oscar 27 may....

hi calamari, im seeing tc chang... sign package le, he ask me to see him every 4 weeks haiz... i should have signed with lc cheng instead

happymummy.. its showing le, for no 1, i also showed abt 4-5 mths, this one real fast.. no wonder they say for no 2, shows faster as tummy has expanded already..

josephine, u seeing al lim also ah? maid agency just told me maid arriving this friday so i duno whether want to go down see al lim or not... always need to q very long de.. have u seen him before?

gg, yes cause i sign package le, so must see him only once every 4 weeks, if unscheduled visit, i need to pay 100+ more per visit...
