(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Hi everyone,

I'm new here and a 2nd time mum.
Anyone a 2nd time mum too... juz wonder, do ur waist line expand faster for 2nd pregnancy. Im 8 weeks nw n hardly able to fit into my usual pants.

i think we must think positive but hai sometimes cannot help it... tomorrow gg for another checkup... hope everything is fine...
Hi Joanna,

You are not alone! Im a 2nd time mummy...feel so tight when I wore my Jeans...
Luckily, I still have jeans with bigger size- (after my birth of no.1 )

When is your EDD?
hehe, I never drank milk for my first pregnancy cos I can't stand the taste. But my gal still turned out to be 3.255kg at 38 weeks plus.

Anyone knows how much 1 unscheduled visit for Dr Joycelyn Wong will be after signing package?
Old Folks Tale:

Do not eat cuttlefish(Sotong)...as they think it resemble the cord and might strangle the baby inside our stomach.
Hello everyone

I'm new here, 1st time MTB with EDD 27-Dec. Hope to learn more from you gals here!

Anyone seeing gynae from KKH?

Saw a lot of you talking about Oscar... what is it for?
mummyfel, actually i can still wear my normal bottoms but wear maternity bottoms more comfortable mah.

for my 1st pregnancy, i also dun drink milk everyday. i drink soya milk and milk on alternate days. i gave birth early at 35weeks and my boy is 3.435kg.
I am a 2nd time mum. But my son is 5 yrs old already. For me ok. Still wearing my normal working clothes. I'm about 10 weeks today.

I am seeing KKH gynae. I'm seeing Benjamin Tham. U seeing KKH gynae too?
My first delivery was a nightmare..

I was admitted into Mount A on 22nd April at 11pm...and I deliver on 23rd April 930pm! Almost 24hrs of labour, without food and drinks...

I told my Gynae I have no strength to push so she ask the nurse for a cup of milo.

However as I had epidural, I am not allow to take any food or drinks, thus I sipped a few mouth of Milo..

After delivery, I vomitted the Milo immediately. Continuously throwing up until I was wheeled into my ward...still vomitting...Gosh!

A long labour I went through...
Yes, I'm seeing John Tee at KKH. Was also reommended Benjamin Tham previously but he was not available when I wanted to make 1st appt.

Just had scan yesterday, was so relieved to see heartbeat!
Hi everyone, thks for the response.

Fel, my EDD will be 25Dec... xmas but guess it will be due early since my1st was due 1 week early.

I wasn't comfortable w wearing maternity cloth to cloth nw cause i dun wish to annouce till 3 mths but everytng getting too tight.. signz

Iris, how many wks r u now?
is vomit a side effect of epidural? my 1st delivery was csect wi GA cos i got placenta previa which my gynae doesnt wan me to go for natural delivery as it is risky for me. advise me not to go for epidural cos if GA they can control my breathing. now for 2nd pregnancy, i am actually thinking to have c-sect with epidural so my hubby can go in. but i have heard stories of sides effects due to epidural.
juzamum, me coming to 8 weeks. EDD on 26dec. i only wear maternity bottoms now, top still normal so ppl wont suspect that i am pregnant. i also dun intend to let my colleagues know i am pregnant.
Hi Iris,

Yes, side effect of epidural is vomitting, shivering...
Unfortunately I kena both!

So far my Pregnancy news, only my reporting Manager knows about it coz she saw me drinking Milk! Haahaa..I told her only..
hehe, I'm not supposed to announce until past first trimester too but now my tummy so big, I got to wear loose elastic bottoms or maternity clothes liao. No need to announce also people can tell liao. ;P

Mummyfel, my symptoms for epidural is itching and vomitting after delivery but I thought the vomitting was due to the jab they jab at my thigh before they started sewing up?
Hi Pauline,

How come you need a jab on your thigh?
My Vomitting came after the delivery...instantly..I ask the nurse for a pail. She told me becoz I drank milo, so vomitted out.
I drank water also puke. Don't know leh, my gynae jab me with something before she started sewing. Supposed to be for pain relief bah. :p
Johanna, I travelled by coach to Malacca when preggie in 2nd trimester. Ok lar, still all right. Car should be better cos faster mah.
Now i think back the whole process..kinda scared!
Arhhh...especially after effect..the next day I was in pain...couldnt even sit!
Few of my ex-colleague had seen John Tee too. Quite positive feedback regarding him. I choose Benjamin cos my best friend &amp; her hubby highly recommend him. She seen him for her 2 deliveries.

We drove to Malacca during the last public holiday with my friends. It was quite ok. Cos I think the journey is quite fast and smooth except for the toll stops.
Hi Pauline... thks, hopefully. I'm heading to KL. For work, no choice... if knew i b preggy, would hv reject tis trip. Smore it an exhibiton, so we hv ppls fr even the US... with Swine Flu.. abit scary.
im trying to controll consuming too much cold stuff till bb past 4 mths. Tey said bb lung growing at tis period so too much cold stuff, nxt time tey tend to get more cough etc
I am a 2nd time mummy oso and have put on 2kg since, now at 8+ weeks. I have started wearing my old maternity pants they are way more comfortable and I feel I can breathe easier.

I still steal a cup of coffee every 3 days. I cannot help it lah..used to drink 3 cups of coffee a day. Gynae says max 1 cup a day.

I also did not drink milk during my 1st pregnancy and baby came out 3.52 kg, c-sec on EDD. Seemed now babies are born bigger.
joanne, i would suggest not to travel to malaysia, often my frens in malaysia say why we like to go malaysia, not safe, they keep targetting chinese.

BUT i heard malacca is quite safe.
As for food...some of the below food which are no-no are old wives' tales which I have heard of. Not sure which are true though...
- sotong (umbilical cord)
- crabs (next time baby very 'duo shou' <many>)
- chin chow (too cooling)
- Del Monte bananas (too cooling)
- coffee (caffeineted)
- shellfish
- excessive sharksfin (high mercury level, but I guess 1 bowl of soup is fine)
- excessive papaya (high carotene, makes babies yellowish)
Oh, I drink a cup of coffee everyday until now. Cannot don't drink. Will be very sleepy n even get headache if i don't drink :p

Any mummies drink coffee everyday?
ya me 2nd time mummy also. My normal pants a bit tight liao. ur edd 25 dec? My edd one day eariler than u. Haha we both christma and christma's eve baby.
Ivy, I dun really hv a choice. I heading to KL for work. Am travelling w 2 male colleague but meeting another team who is tey earlier. Hotel rm also book liao and tis task was agreed b4 i knew i was preggy.

Candice, where u giving birth? Tis 2nd preggy i feel more tired n more suck.

hi mummies,
please take me off yr list. My pregnancy is a blighted ovum n i did D&amp;C today. All the best to the rest of the mummies here. God Bless!
