(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Candice,thank you, hope everything will be fine, is my #1 so kinda of unsure what's going on


well i ever got one drop of blood when i poo for my first pregrancy, but i ask my gyane she said too heaty that why. dun need to worry so much de la. most important thing dun let ppl knock your tummy can liao. 10 weeks still not stable de.
yeap i have, started at week 6 till end of week 9, now only once a while when i cant stand certain smell
hi candice and sharon!

candice, it must be tiring for you as well given that your first is so young.

sharon, if you are really worried, call your gynae and ask about it. better to set your mind at ease. Can understand the anxieties of first-time mummies
Hi Candice,

my 1st child was early by 10days from EDD. I think this 2nd child will also be more or less earlier de.

Haha I really like giving birth in yr end the weather not as hot as now. Wont sweat so much during confinement.
Candice, my no. 1 is born in Jan 08 too.
My EDD was 1 Feb but she was born on 22 Jan. My gynae said if no. 1 is early, no. 2 will also be early. But not sure if it'll be same no. of days. :p

Sharon, I tried it at Kiddy palace, can't sure a thing so I don't find it useful. :p
Hi Chantel, Sharon,

i bought a prenatal listener during my first pregnancy. I must say that i cannot really hear anything. not sure if i never use properly, but anyway i think more useful for 3rd trimester? because you need to monitor baby's movement?

emm, when was your first day of last menses? for e.g if your first day of last menses was 1st April, then by now, you will be 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant. hope it helps. but first you need to test with home pregnancy test kit to confirm pregnant or not.
hi, need some mummies advise. it's very difficult trying to get my bb to sleep recently. has anyone try the crying out method on your bb ? pls kindly share with me. Thank you.
my 1st child was borned 3 days earlier than edd, and my 2nd one abt 2 wks earlier, but both same birth weight...
Hello Mommies &amp; MTB..

Happy Mother's Day

Understand that hormone will change when u r pregnant. My problem is the hormone change cause me outbreak on my face &amp; back. I feel very sad
Is there any remedy can help to reduce the outbreak through out the pregnancy period.
Sharon, I can hear a lot of weird sound from my tummy but it's actually too early to hear baby's heartbeat. Perhaps ard 4-5 mths will be clearer..

Kellie, I am having the same problem as you. There are many small small blemishes on my forehead. I think those are blocked pores cos we will secrete more oil during this period..
Happy Mothers' Day to all!

Hi Lovie.. Nice to have you here!

My 1st child was borned 2 days before EDD. Was a natural one and very very quick! I was like praying and praying for a smooth and quick delivery.

My son was borned when there was no one around. Doctor didn't even come yet. He just popped out. The whole process took 1 minute from the 2 pushes I made.

My son was borned at 5.53pm then the nurse came in she said not yet beacause I'm first time mother usually take longer. She say I will give birth around 8.
Hi all, my friend just gave birth at TMC on Sat and the couple gave me quite negative feedback on TMC's service. It's understaff because of that, they are like rushing thing to be done. Even when they pushed her up to ward, change pad, etc quite rough and rush and she was very scare because of her wound. It's kind of scaring me too....
Hmmm...sorry that your friends have negative feedback on TMC. On the contrary, I encountered excellent service there for my 5 days stay. The nurses were very helpful. They even helped me bathe and helped my hubby bring the gifts down to the car. Most importantly, they taught me how the right positions to breastfeed.
sharon: i did not find the prenatal listener useful at all. Made me more paranoid when I couldn't detect any heartbeat sounds, except my own....hahaha...

Anyway, if anyone wants to buy 2nd hand prenatal listener, let me know. I can let go at half the price..about $25? Used only 5x max.
hi iris
i bought it from www.hackleyhme.com.. i'll be getting another one for no 2, but not so soon... see whether got any friends going us can help me bring back.. if not shipping is another $50-$80...the pump itself cost me abt $350 plus converter...

hi pauline
Ic... I thought PIS was the most expensive le, still got freestyle more exp ah... im not really into pumps so duno... wow, u have so many pumps... u r right, makes more sense to put so many, if not, lug one to and fro office very troublesome...

btw, this wed robinsons sales have ameda pump on sale $350 only, plus $5 off and 5% off via robinson card rebate.... normally ameda pumps are $399

Hi gg, we spli expenses 50 - 50% or about there... he pays some, i pay some, we never really keep track
GG Lee: I used to use Clarins and Palmer's but no effect leh
I still look like a tiger ..so sad. This round, I bought Mustela one, hopefully can prevent more stripes
Oops! I was still thinking of Clarins...sigh, so doesn't work?? My gynae advised against Palmers. Where to get Mustela?
morning ladies!

i heard that stretch marks follow the genes of ur mummy leh. for my 1st pregnancy, i did not apply any cream and my skin still 'mei mei'. hopefully this one will be the same too. my friend apply Clarins and Palmers twice a day but she got lots of stretch marks on her breasts and tummy.
gg: i think it all depends on your skin. btw, y no palmer's? I asked my friend to get Mustela from Paris, cost less than half of what they sell in Sg. Think its available at Robinsons.
Lucky Iris!
I also heard depends on genes but applying cream may help a little by making skin more elastic. So i guess got apply still better then never apply at all lor.

My gynae has seen many cases who develop allergies after using Palmers so she say be careful if thinking of trying this brand.
hi all, me too is allergic to palmers. makes my tummy more itchy..disaster for me to use palmers. so suggest to do a patch test first just to make sure. i am using mustela n it's great for me.
Strange hor? Then its not really genes also? Many say look at your mum, if very nice, then you very safe. If your mum has, then most likely will have. My mum has lor, although not a lot. I very scared.

Thanks Iris, will go check out Mustela.
Hi, I m new here....anyone going to see Dr Joycelyn Wong this week? can help me to ask if lavender air refreshener put in the room ok?
hi, gg...

i used mustela for my 1st preg, managed to keep 'flawless' till 3 wks b4 birth...

guess my tummy was really big.
but breasts were ok...

since 1st one already 'disfigured' my tummy, for the 2nd one (being juz 4 mths after the 1st), i juz 'yi si yi si' applied...

now, 3rd one, the marks become much lighter after 5+yrs, so deciding btw mustela or palmers...

my sis used palmers, ok for her.
guess really depends on the skin of individuals...
manunited, am only seeing Dr wong end of the month.

Guys this week really very bad leh, from week 8 to 9. My tongue everything taste bitter, today i feel so miserable, constantly want to throw up, i cry in office today, really feel very uncomfortable. I cant even bother abt anything else liao.. by right i should start thinking of nipple cream, stretch mark cream, powder milk, which to buy right..
ivy, u feel terrible har? i jus bought 1 packet of sour plums to eat. this morning i almost puke when i smell coffee which my colleague drink.
Me also quite bad, just like what Joycelyn predicted (MS peak ard 9wks). Eat also don't feel good, don't eat also don't feel good, sit
long not good, sleep also not good. Everytime after eating got funny sourish taste in mouth. Can only console myself got MS is good, so just need to bear with it and hope 1st trim will be over soon...

Josephine, I tend to laze around more too.. lol.. In fact, I think I am going to take a nap in a while. hehe.. *yawn*

Anyway, I already gt stretchmarks from my #1 so I was think if I still need to apply stretchmark cream. Tot its already "stretchable". haha.. But my gynae said that there will be new ones so still need to apply. I am currently using Percutalfa emulsion. A sample which my gynae gave me.. Perhaps mummies who want to try out stretchmark cream, can ask your gynae for sample also.
