(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Miu, tats wat I knw la. N oso bananas r prone to phlegm n gas. laureen's son oso kenna constipation after banana. For me, I seldom give nn banana, especially nw she has phlegm. When is tristan's nxt appt for jab? Mayb u ask pd or wat. Bt think banana once a while is ok la. It has it's nutrients also mah.

Wei Ting,
you can try my fren's shop at Beluga @ The Cathay.
Their bermudas are nice too. I liked one of the bags series but over my budget liao.
Hi Cayenne, Yuki n Ice

K, lata i go make bookin for table of 4 at Daidomom United Sq.

So see u girls on monday @ 12.15pm.

Do you all know where is it or should I wait for u all somewhere? Maybe outside AngelSky or the 7-11 at United Sq?
hi, can i ask how much did you pay for the sophie teether? I know i m late and slow, tot of getting one, so m looking for one now....
canopyhaze, HFMD usually take abt 1 week to recover.. U too haf to take care, cos we adult can also kenna.. take care..

then ur ritz carlton stay can change date?
voted for yr gers liao.

Thx for the insurance info. I've got a few plans with AIA too and will try to call my Agent.
wei ting, the good is of cos the Tiger brand... For cheaper version, u may endo n chef gouret. Most dept stores will have it, e.g istean, taka..

i got mine at taka...
Thanks ladies!
Was a zoombie driver this morning! =p
Last night was hell! BB has cried non-stop till almost lost his voice, could see that he is in pain; hungry but couldn't eat due to the ulers.
Fever has subsided; abt 37.5-38deg. Luckily didn't bring him to swim last sunday, if not, the swimming pools will be contaminated.

Ice : No penalty as we have cancelled yesterday, normally if cancel 24hrs prior to check in is ok. Moreover, as we're using our marriott vacation club account to book, it will be waived even if there's charge.
So sorry to hear this canopy....

Can understand the pain he goes thru and how heartache you and hubby feel...

Can u apply gel or cream on the ulcer? Just like my boy was also crying in pain when milk time the other day (he is teething)..so i applied the teething gel on his gums..thereafter, he stopped crying and managed to finish his milk.
Enyu fall sick too fever n flu... Sigh

gg, can u start with 1 thin slide abt 1/8 of an avocado , if bb like increase to 1/4 n so on.
really TMD, ydae i type so long and kana IDC.. shitz! got to retype again...

janiz: ya lor, i went metro and see ma, cos i stay HG nia, so swing by for dinner also chk it out lor... the aunty say they dun carry BE brand one , only big promo then they bring in... anyway, a BP here is sellin the same price.. tomolo i go town n see if got sell..

ainsley: NN is so cute n pretty with her new set of dress! hehehe...

oops, bb wake up liao, got to feed liao. tok again!
I juz read all the postings...
Oh no canopyhaze, u r going thru wat o juz went thru last week. my gal n me juz recovered from hfmd. It's really a painful experience. Take care, my gal dun wana drink milk too due to ulcers so no choice I gotta latch her n I got it from her saliva. Mc for 10 days... So did u latch ur bb? B careful, muz wipe yr breast after that. Has ur fever gone down? It's though but jia you ok!
Ainsley: nn looks nice in her new dress

wats her weight now? My gal oso on lighter side, n she lost weight 200g due to hfmd last wk. Sad, she already so light. Now she's 6.3kg..
manunited, thanks! I hope all our babies stay healthy and good girls/boys.

GG, not alot i tink just nice. when i give 1/8, my girl still can take 160ml of milk.

Avocado is damn nice. Put in blender, Ice, milk, sugar syrup and blend. Top with chocolate sauce, it is damn nice! Terence make good one hohoho.
ainsley: lelong lei...? u can bear to meh? wahhahaha... i dun mind thou!!! hehehe...

weiting: okie! i let u knw again... if i cant find in town, then i will get from her.. since its the same price, jus tt got to pay postage nia.. whahah...
oh ya, i also lookin at thermal cooker, BP sellin thermos brand , super ex lei, ard $300 for a gd size one lei, if smal size for 1 meal hor, ard $99, borhua.. me go chk out tiger brand and see then update u .. u also wana get a thermal pot hor?

wahlau, weather super hot lor, jus came bk from downstairs then sweat liao, even after shower... sianz! gave bb a wipe then pat him to slp liao.. on a/c sia.. cant stand! finally got time to log in...

akk: u go PC fair, got gd deal bor?? im aiming IPHONE4 liao.. so many few features.. whahaha...cant wait for SG to launch lor...

alot of bb sick resently, must really tc ya...
wah lau.. ivy.. the way you put it make me drool.. ask terence to make one for me nei.. I also love to drink avocado... always buy the one at Redhill..
eh.. I only focus on what I want, cos I've got limited lunch hour. I was looking for a portable dvd player cum digital photoframe and I can't find a promotion there. LG has one of this product and I end up buying from Harvey Norman instead.

This time really like PC show, a lot of PCs, laptops and netbooks, although there are still booths selling other gadgets etc. If you are looking for other gadgets, might need to wait for COMEX or IT show.

But I might still miss out some good buys though.
You might also want to check out the online brocher here, to see if there is anything that interest you.

ManU. not watery. I mean she give bb 120ml of milk first, then followed by one quarter of an avocado. I a bit scared will bb be too full or not. Can't tell how much we should feed...like agar agar estimate one..

But hor, my mum say my bb dun like avocado...frown and frown with each spoonful..She say his face is as though she feeding him shit leh...so funny! Think is because new food to him...
yah shokel, i also considering the thermal pot, cos i never cook at home one mah, but if thermal pot is easy, i dont mind trying.. lol..

eh i dont think got sell iphone4, i also wanna buy! anyway akk is right, pc show is a bit smaller scale than march IT show &amp; sept COMEX.. if can wait you might want to wait for sept COMEX.. im in office now, going up to PC show in 5 mins time.. only upstairs above my office cos i work here mah.. hahah but crowd is crazy
skinneybeenie .. errr.. think the tiger market there.. where there are alot of workshop...

No.. I don't live there.. but hb used to work there.. and buy back for me.. hehehe
Sandy, she can? Lol.. Go ahead..

Alicia, she is super small. 6.2 only lor!! Her weight quite stagnant after she doubled her birth weight. Sigh~ calamari advice me tat dun need to b so worried abt her size.. Bt I jus cnt help it. Lol

Shokel, sometimes she drives me crazy by waking up every hr at nite then I wana lelong her. Lol. Recently she wants me to carry her when she slp. Open her eyes n find herself in bed, cry. Pat, cry. Once carry her, immediately rest her head on my shoulder n slp. Duno cry or laugh. Lol..
Sandy skinney it's damn nice lor,, one of my old gf teach us one.

GG, if I use it by tml, I keep the other half with seed still intact n cling wrap it n keep in fridge. If u wanna keep them in best condition this is way I read. Drop a few drops of lemon or lime into a bowl of water. Dip the slices of avocado very briefly, then freeze them. I freeze in small portion n take out the night before to the fridge to thaw. The lemon part can skip if u dun worry abt it turning brown.
shokel i dun even have iphone 3.. tink i must be the most outdated mummy here.. using super backward samsung hahaha...

ainsley, nn looks so sweet in her new outfit.. dun worry abt weight.. as long as healthy can le...

just brought ariel for her final 6mths 6-1 jab n n rotavirus ... she now weights 7.5kg,69 cm at 6.5mths.. .. overtaking her gor gor already... tinking of starting her on porridge n FM le... not much BM le..
<font color="0000ff"> ainsley: ya lor, when bb nottie, then lelong.. not nottie, keep urself wahahhaha...

roxy: me also nt using iphone lei, me using old nokia.. wahhahah.. erm, me also nt much BM liao lei... maybe thinkin of stopping too... so tired... haiz...
oh, ur bb is of gd weight lei!!! </font>
wow roxy: ur gal is of very gd weight! duno when will my gal hit 7kg.

seems like tonight is so quiet...not much postings...all go watch world cup? haha...
Hey my bb suddenly got black lower lips.. Seems like blue black.. Dunno isit he hit himself or wat.. Scary.. Anyone experience before?? Dunno wat to do..

GG, your description on your bb reaction very funny....quite similar to my boy when i 1st fed him too..but i still kept feeding...he no choice so hv to eat but head turn here and there..then i tried a teaspoon on the left over...wanna vomit at the taste (together with my bm) man!!!

Now he shld be ok with avocado..but my maid told me he prefers rice cereal to avocado..maybe cereal sweeter...
