(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

calarmari,the coffer n mateless will b heavy due to the hardware dey use.if u wan a big bag less heavy can try vitello lux large,thats the wan shokel posted but in large size.or vitello lux peggy. v nice oso.

carol: vitello lux cannot sling shoulder
wat i see dust mites?? no leh...

o carol, ya maybe will slowly introduce some semi-solids but she got use tongue push out leh..
Angkuku...my enfalac also from netherlands type..so wonder what happened. Will just be more vigilent to check next time before I make the milk.

O Carol, how u prepare the papaya/avocado huh? Just mash them? Need to use blender or not?

Rhyea, how to see bb got tongue thrust reflex? I also tempted to feed bb with semi solid but not sure how to see if bb ready or not?

Weiting, thanks. I heard Friso not bad..maybe next visit ask pd if I should switch. BB keeps getting green poo, wonder if anythg to do w the milk.
Gg- shit!! Mine oso enfa!! Better go check!! Jia lat!!

Calamari- ya heavy n big.. Dun wan la.. Get the smaller one!!
Grey is beli nice!! Hee!!

Mi pumping now!!
calamari, the vitello lox peggy can carry on shoulder, for the vitello lux,the small wan comes wiv shoulder strap,nt too sure bout large.but my friend carry the handel over her shoulder.mayb u can buy the shoulder strap is dun hav?

ivy sori read wrongly, is roxy see dust mites nt you hehe... sorry ah.quote sala. my gal oso use her tongue to push out initially,after a few try she can do better le.but b prepared for a big mess lar,cos the food all over her face and she wana grap the bowl and spoon. she even use her hand to touch the food and lick it off .dey say to encourage dem wen dey do this cos it means dey interested in the food.btw,the 1st few try is to let dem taste the food 1st,so it doesnt matter if dey eat v little,if dey like it dey will ask for more.like my gal will scream wen i gave her the last spoon.den i hav to giv her more hehee.

gg, no nid use blender la. initially i tot nid blender too. i jus use a sieve and mash the fruit thru to filter out the fibres. cos bb still small so gotta make sure dey dun choke.yesterday i let her hold a piece of papaya to suck end up today she poo poo out a piece of the papaya!!i tink if never mash dey cant absorb properly thru the digestive system. will use blender wen i introduce meat n fish.
Hi GG,

When I was using up the last bit of my Enfalac from the tin, I discover black specks too. I suspect maybe mould forming due to the humid weather. I opened up a new tin from the same batch that I bought, no black specks at all.
Hahahah...carol, u so funny!..u mean can see the papaya in the poo??

Your bb can sit on her own already? Else how do we feed? One person carry and one person feed?

Sounds so exciting..starting semi solids
Claudina, ya, I also suspect is because humid weather. I also open a new tin to see and confirm is fine. So now I know at least must really check now and then when making milk.

Thanks for sharing!
GG, thankfully our babies are fine. Now I super paranoid. Will check before making milk, especially towards the last quarter of the tin.
GG, just a wild guess, r u staying at some high humidity area (e.g low valley or close to vegetation or reservior)? My fren is staying near one of such area and always had problems with algae forming on the wall.

If humidity is a high suspect, maybe u can try this out:
- scope a bit of the milk powder (maybe a scoop or 2) and put it into a small bowl.
- leave it in the open (not concealed) where you normally store your fm powder.
- observe if there is any change on this powder over the next few days.
Dunno if this method can "catch" anything or not, just some thoughts that came into my mind..

If humidity is indeed the cause, u might need to try some "air-tighter" option.
Probably can try keeping the aluminium tin cover (Enfalac tin) and use it as "double-seal" along with the plastic cover.
wah.. so many posts today...

erm, wah, chanel is so tempting...mayb when my relative go milan then ask him chk it out for me..

erm, my miu miu tt i posted can be sling or shoulder carry as it comes with the shoulder strap...

i also got this bag but mine is in black, quite gd lei, can put alot of things.. i dun like coffer bcos of the plaided strap too.. carry for long nt comfy...

erm, i also got buy the toys from the BP lei... i think maybe she also duno tt its nt authentic ba...

miumiu: i also gt FTG, but mine is the new one with the removable panels for freezing, can last up to 10hrs, old one only up to 4-6hrs.. but hor, i stil will put additional cold pack inside...

ya lor papaya in her poo.at 1st i got a scare cos red red orangy wan,i tot blood or flesh!!! den i use tissue n poke .seems like papaya to me cos yesterday she was sucking on her own papaya.

i put bb in her bumbo wen i feed her. but i find it easier tat 1 person carry and 1 person feed.bcos she beli eager to get her food.she will keep leaning fwd til her body almost outside the chair! quite difficult to feed alone wiv her hands trying to grab the bowl and body keep leaning fwd.its actuaaly v fun to see her enjoying her food.
o carol, its ok, i just wondering haha. If i can see dust mites, i will die.. cos i very OCD >.<

ask u all something out of the usual conversation. Today i just wondering... so far into 5 mths motherhood, i seldom get taught wat to do.. my mother dun really comment anything, my MIL dun really care... so a lot of question or problems i try an error or ask on forums... i wonder does that make me a more stupid mother -.-. U all prefer to have older generation to advise or not ar?
Finally got my photos for the Bambini photo shoot on May Day at Changi Village Hotel and Changi beach. Like them very much. Got over 70 of them and the photos are too big to resize and post here. So, please visit my blog to see some favourite photos. www.anewpiggy.blogspot.com
ivy, many of us are 1st time mommies.. i guess it's perfectly fine for us to be ignorant. we may be asking stupid qns (to those with experiences), but watever we do, it's out of our care n concerns for our bbs... we're always learning, and next time we can apply and share wat we'd learned.

actually it's gd to have the older generation ard to provide advices.. but sometimes i'm quite upset with them in trying to enforce their beliefs in us.. i mean, WE are the mothers... why do they keep wanting us to do things their ways to our bbs?!
pauline - aiyo.. why ur blog only hv 4pics? i wan to see all! :p

talk abt bambini - i havent select my prints yet! hahahaha
GG, tongue thrust reflex is like what ivy said lor, keep using tongue to push the food out. It's a reflex to prevent them from choking. You can just try a bit and see how - make a small amount of watery cereal, then feed with spoon. If baby push the spoon out when you feed him means not ready. If he at least let you put in the mouth and push slightly with his tongue, then can probably start semi solids.

Ivy, it's nice to have older generation advice since they are more experienced. But the worse part is when they are misinformed and still insist on doing things their way. Like using talcum powder, feeding baby egg/dairy/bird's nest etc that might cause allergy. Best scenario is if they give advice but don't mind if we choose not to follow lor. Haha, I think that's very rare though.
calamari: any idea hw much this chanel cost? isit old design or classic collection? cos im nt a chanel person so i wana chk out the prices.. heheh...
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I have started my boy the rice cereal for a week already so far he seems fine...after taking the rice, he can tahan till his next feed 4 hrs later......
update for order for peacock:
1. genesis
2. yuki
3. pauline
4. Lsntyl
5. Gltan

robovac, after second day, my robot still can't dock properly..
Mu, i read tat we r nt suppose to replace milk with cereal at this age yet. Shd still give them milk as per normal.. I only give nn a teaspoon of cereal in between feed. Will increase week by week..
Mtdt, aiyoh! Where got time to resize one by one? As it is, I just showered, my no. 1's bedtime Kenna pushed back by half hour Liao. :p
Ivy- tink u can get most info from
forum n webby.. Dun reali nid the older generation advice.. Reali tired of hearing from them.. They can b damn irritating until u can stand it..

Shokel- nice!! I like the bag u posted in green!!
Hav u use the ftg? Good? Can keep milk frozen for ten hrs? U brot overseas before? The one mi gettin is new oso wig the removable panels n last 12 hrs.. Dunno can bring my bm back or not..
miumiu: erm, i also like but duno hw much its selling... erm, abt the ftg, yes , i tried before, but hor, it cant last the 12hrs as mentioned la, as in it wont stay so cold.. but after i put in 2 more ice packs, it will last longer, but hor, i nvr tried overseas before so duno if its safe? maybe u can standby cooler bag too... i also got buy daiso ice panels , nt bad... u can try...
Hi Sandy, I think it is because all the mites was force to the surface and the bedsheet was dirtied haha. Or maybe it's just me?
Jaclee, you might want to do a simple test. Place roomba infront of the dock and press the dock button to check whether the base is working. I think the problem you are facing is the same as Lileen. Both of you have a long narrow passage way which makes roomba lost it's way.
robovac, yes i have a narrow passage way. when i guide the robot back to the entrance of the room, it will go back already. but i can't be always guiding it back.. so how to solve this problem?

mummies, have PM you the payment details of the peacock. Will email u all again for the shipping cost, after i received the peacocks. thanks!
Hi GG Lee, Claudina, I think that is mould in the FM. so better throw away..

Ivy, I also put my FM in the fridge as advised by the PD. So I think should be no problem.

Weiting, similac also caused a bit of constipation. my boy used to poo 3 times a day when tbf but poo only once a week after taking similac once every night. but the stool is not very very hard, but also not watery like when we tbf.

ainsley, can i know how you feed only a teaspoon? meaning you only make that little bit ah? hmm.. i thot we should add the cereals in the milk for baby to drink? or should we spoon feed? I'm still clueless and don't dare to try yet.

my ss also gg down by quite alot after gg back to work. thought of stopping also.. but i see my colleague still bf though her ss is low i feel so ashamed. so i think maybe if we can continue bf no matter how much we have and supplement with FM and solids lo.
hi jaclee: if i wana get a beddin set from bbmallonline, can advise hw much is the shippin fees gg to cost? cos i see if its worth it to buy...? tks!
Haha miu I totally agree the older folks is really irritating at times...

Oh no my pump died on me! TMD! no choice tommorow gotta take urgent leave to fix man. My manual pump I use until my hand tired lor juz nw... Btw who use manual pump ah?? It seems like forever for the milk to flow out n dunno press how many times man.... Arrrggghhh.....
sandy u got pass by lot 1 after work bo? i can meet u then... keep forgetting our sunday dates. happily juz get my boys and forget ur item. u sms me ba
Genesis- mini died on u??!! Mi osi using lo!! How long u hav been using.. Damn scared it will die on mi!!!

Shokel n carol- reali? Sianz!! But ice panels heavy n bulky rite? Then can't put more milkbags hor? Sianz! Boring!! How to keep frozen for 10 hrs??? Mi beli sianz!! TAMADE!!
Miu, ya lor all of sudden the suction like no strength like tat. Tommorow going to service. if I use manual chiat luck man it's really so tiring lor
Hi Jaclee, mi interested in the peacock too, had add my name below, advise me how much to pay ya.. thanks

update for order for peacock:
1. genesis
2. yuki
3. pauline
4. Lsntyl
5. Gltan
6. Anny
