(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

hihi, long time no log in le. I staying in punggol. Let me noe of any outings too. Me at hm till bored. No 1 was sick n nv send him 2 sch on thurs n fri. Terrible handling both 4 the whole day myself. Super tired. So garang also. Tried bringing the 2 out to my office on fri by mrt. Lucky 1st outing wif the 2 by myself still ok. Rgd abt rash, if u guys afraid of cream cos poison, can try pearl powder. Buy the fresh type where they ground into powder fm the pearl in front of u. Gd for milk n heat rash. Common 4 bb to hv rash. I use this 4 both kids. Find more natural and also not afraid if they touch or eat. But cld be exp.

Min, me me me.. I stay in Tampines..

Ivy, my doc said 6-in-1 n 3-in-1 is almoSt same. They contain one thing tat cause fever. hep b doesn't, forgt wat liao. Bt 6-in-1 lesser chance to gt fever compared to 3-in-1 cos of duno wat. Duno isit manufacturing or wat.. Said it's modified, etc.... For the prevanar jab, I nt taking. My fren tld me it's recommended bt nt compulsory. Doc said gov implement bt nt yet strongly enforced..
Rashes - My boy hv heat rash and I suspect also milk rash for his face.

I used the Dr Lily's aloe vera gel. Works wonder! Heat rash totally gone... now left only milk rash...

My boy drinks until v messy at times.. so guess the milk rash hard to totally gone until he learns to drinks "cleanly" wahahah
Lileen - huh? why go office? just for fun I hope and not to work! :p
bored huh? you and I meet up loh! hehehe

Jabs - my no1 took 6-1 jabs... no fever. thus for no2 also going for tat... hope same as his bro.

Prevenar - I noe it's compulsory now. but can we delay till maybe 1yr or 2yr so that they only need to take 1-2jabs? if start to take now.. needs 4jabs leh! and yes, I also heard it's super painful and most prone to fever.
Lileen &amp; Mtdt- I can meet both of u, I live hougang nia ;p, can get tips from experienced mummies like both of u sia ;)
mtdt, me go to submit some doc. Sure, we can meet mtdt n shaine. Mtdt, find one day bring keanne go ur plc to play wif zav. Hehe. Go hv tea also. Stay hm till faint. Can go compass point 4 lunch. Haha.
mtdt, dr lily's aloe vera gel oso works well for my boy's heat rash.
Ivy, I oso went to parkway parade on Friday. First time bring bb out with hubby. Luckily bb well behaved, slept throughout. Haha

Luckily u wearing carrier when u fell. I carry bb without carrier/sling when on escalator or stairs leh. Isit ok ar? Like very dangerous hor.

Wat is avent via cups? Wat isit used for?

I oso stay in the east, at still road, near parkway parade.
Can meet up leh... :)
Morning Mummies..

Jeanie.... sure onnce you master liao. juz sms me..

I was also the jab will b compulsory le.. but won't let my gal take yet.. cos ya 4 jabs.. my goodness.. so poor thing..

will also b taking 6-in-1, chance of fever lesser..
Hi all, what's the diff between heat or milk rash ah, my poor boy just did his full mth celebration, n his cheeks so patchy n so ugly, tdy another round....use hazeline snow n avene spring water spray still liddat. N he shit at least 5 to 8 times a day lei, is it normal? N he hardly burp always fart n its super loud kind!Super worried he got like weak stomach

Finally, my Princess Baby Shower is over last nite. Was so tired thought it was onli 4hrs, was walking up n down the function rm chatting w frds, relative n colleague and my back ache like shit after tat.

I end up sleeping w 4 plasters on my back.
ainsley, din think of complain.. was just so shock and worry that bb is injured, and she was cranky before i fall cos time to eat, so all i want is go home and feed her in comfort.

Yunzz, with carrier or not, most impt is always hold on to baby. Lucky i was holding on to her too, cos 1st time use the MIM sarong and was feeling insecure. And also i was lucky to land on buttocks, and not fall forward, if fall forward will need to do spin to land on back haha.

Avent via cup is to store breast milk, also can direct put the avent teats to it. Bigger one can use to store food, cereals. I tot next time baby going infant care, just put the needed ML in the via cups.
Hi, am from March 08 thread. Am still breastfeeding so doesn't need so many milk bags. Any mummies interested to buy my 7 boxes of Blue Egg breastmilk storage bags. 25pcs/box.

Self collection at Jurong West area between 4th - 16th Feb. Selling at $8/box.

If interested, pls email me at [email protected]


You have time to post here 3 times a day but don't bother to get back to me for even once???


Hi mummies, btw i am so sorry to disrupt your thread here. Last posting here. Iris aka Siri left me with no choices but to post here.


If i do not hear from you latest by tmr afternoon 12pm, i will contact the moderator and get all your contact details &amp; take action against you. Even if is just a mere $6, i will still do it becos you are a simply most irresponsible BP seller here.

My email address : [email protected]
Ainsley, yah I know. Wkends at Tampines shopping areas is horrendous right!

I prefer weekday also coz #1 will be in childcare n I juz have to bring bb out only.
Ainsley, I am keen too. But can only join last min cos I won't know what time my no. 1 will wake up from nap. Also I may need to bring my maid along or I can't handle two.
ainsley, i dun mind but let me noe in advance so i can make arrangement as quite hard 4 me to go tampines mall fm punggol. Must find out how to get there wif a bulky pram n baby. Maybe lunch better also cos hv to rush back to cook dinner also. So high tea scare very rush. Can slowly eat, talk n handle our bb. Wif bb ard, also eat into our own sweet time.
Arisz, i oso more convenient cos my #1 go sch. Lol... We fixed on a weekday then.

U all like dim sum? Strongly recommend Imperial treasure at t1. Lol.. Can hv lunch ther then shop shop..

Pauline, u can make it for lunch?
Anisley, me stay in the west abit far lor...if you all meeting somewhere central let me know eh....

baby monitor

anybody using baby monitor? any idea which brand n model is good?
Ainsley, wed I can't leh. CL gg back on that day n hubby maybe gg overseas on tat day also.

I'm thinking of Fri coz Thu bringing bb for vaccination at Tamp Polyclinic.
Miu, I asked my hubby go pharmacy buy face rash cream for my bb. The pharmacist asked us to put the diaper rash cream (desitin).
Ainsley, if the rest ok, then u all go ahead n meet on tue or wed ba.
I can join another time coz like v troublesome to accomodate me.
ATTN!!! Fridge to go got some promotion at taka B1 atrium. TAka nursing room at lvl5 children dept cashier.

i think i going to join the BP for dr lily aloe vera gel.
i saw the FTG website sellin at $39.90 for 1, $35 for 2 and abv... free delivery for $100 and abv ... anyone need to get ? can combine orders? i duno hw much taka sellin lei...``````
the small one is $29 i think (put 2 milk bottle type), the fridge to go (as in portable fridge) + small on is $79. I also din really pay attention to the price, cos i dunno whether to buy or not leh. Only when i confirm still pumping when go to work.

Isetan 20% of many items, including avent, i also bought a allenhand diaper bag... alot of things 20% lah.

Taka is household item sale, i going to buy a zojirushi water boiler.

BTW i feel my milk supply decrease, dunno is it not enuff fluid, cos now also constipation.
Ainsley, lunch time not good for me cos my no. 1 needs to nap. I can only make it morning around 930am or afternoon around 4pm. My timing not very flexible unless I leave no. 1 with mil. Never mind u all arrange first, I will join if I can.

Sigh my supply confirm go down cos of 2 days of blocked ducts. Just now took so long to massage n press. By the time I finish, my baby wake up Liao n there's not enough milk for her. Got to ask maid to feed ebm. Sigh.
