(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

miumiu, increase by 80ml.. I pump every 4 to 5 hrs. Latch twice today to clear engorgement. But today lazy. Nv pump aft latch.

Roxy, you also jiayou to up ur ss!

Sandy, jialat! Why the nurse nv tk length n head circumference! Only realise when i go collect med. Then faster go reg. Counter n ask but the girl say 6 week no assessment. Wah lau! Feel cheated! Should i bring him there again?
Just to share, for the past 2 weeks I've been battling with my son. He is on full latching. When he waked for feeding at 2am, he refused to sleep after that till 6am. He will feed for 10 min, burp throw up, dozed off, put him in cot he cry, awake for a while, then feed again, the cycle continues. I was exhausted and depressed, esp when I read some of your babies can sleep at night ie 2-4 hours before waking for next feed. I will be so lucky if he can let me sleep for an hour or 2 in the night. I tried everything, like lights off and night time routine after last feed.

Last straw came 2 days ago when he didn't sleep from 2am till 8am. I was exhausted and crying and decided to give him ebm from bottle at night to give myself a break. I gave him 120ml (he's 6 weeks). He took an hour to finish it, feed, doze off, burp, feed again, total 1 hour. After that he slept for 2 hours before next feed! I learnt that when babies get cranky, sometimes it's becos they had not have enough, and to think i've suffered for 2 weeks.
Hemmie, it is indeed very tiring for u to handle ancranky baby for the nights w/o knowing what was wrong. I think it's always kind of a trial n error thing when we read our babies' signal n cues. Glad that u hv found a way tat allows u to rest a little at least. Doesn't really matter if u fully latch or give ebm I guess, cos the main thing is to hv healthy n happy mummies and babies.
Ainsley, the moment i post, not long after she woke up -.-, so i rock her again.. finally sleep at 1130, woke up at 1230 am.. wah lau my hb went to warm EBM... she keep crying.. i tot aiya shld have just latch, no diff wat.. but i guess we took out the milk cos we tot we going out so cannot waste also.

330am, she keep making sound.. but not waking up. I woke up and look at her, so funny keep farting. Finally 4am, she open eyes and "FA DAI", so i pick her and sort of wake her to feed, got to do breast compression.

And the reason im at the study room feeding and typing this.. is becos SUddenlY got a flying cockroach in my room, i run with bb who is still sucking at breast on the breast pillow, she close eyes still sucking and i run and tell my hb dun care what he do just kill it! And he wanna use bygone... the room gonna stink, how is my girl gonna sleep...
pauline.. yes me also breast milk affected due to lumps. Baby hard to suck the milk, the breast also dun produce the usual amount bah.. no choice if got to supplement, then supplement.
mummies, is it possible that bb drink more in latching then btl feed? My ds is feeding 130ml from btl, can finish within 5 to 10 mins. On avg i pump can yield more then that. Just now i latch him for ard 30 mins. So can he be feeding more then btl feed? Or might drink less?

I think im weird here. Most mummies start from latch then btl feed while im doing opposite. Haha

oh, btw, mummies, you'll use wad position to latch bb? I only know cradle hold and its rather straining to my back. My lower back left side is always hurting liao. Any remedy?

Min, how to latch and pump at the same time?

Miumiu, she drinks about 100 ml but I already latched her but she was still not satisfied so I ask maid to just give 50ml. Also coding want her to latch again soon to help clear my lump

She just woke up 5 mins ago. Heng, I left some for her when I pumped at 5am.
jeanie, drink from bottle faster cos easier, our breast need to suckle hard and flow is sometimes slow. I think shld be same amount bah... to be full. But LC did say if we feed baby and give FM as supplement, they will take more cos the FM is like desert.

My HB say did i post the cockroach warrior story (himself), i say rubbish, im gonna post, the cockroach peng san (literally legs up liao, bit moving lah) he still dun dare to catch say not dead yet. So i finish breast feed and just take plastic bag and catch it with my bare hands... (if the cockroach din fly, i lagi not scare)

NOW the room got insecticide smell, dunno safe for bb to sleep in or not.

Jeanie, dun worry, got cockroach call me, i catch for u.. but if it fly then i bit scare haha. My HB super scare of Cockroach.
dunno wat's wrong with my boy?? Yesterday whole afternoon didn't sleep, then sleep @ 10pm, have a feed at 1plus, another feed at 4 plus till now eyes big big N super active oh no…joinin the sunrise club tdy…aren't he tired??I thought normally for babies they sleep for quite long hours like more thank 10 hours but if I count the number it's less than tat. Any mummies xperiencing the same thing??is it normal?
Genesis, hmm did he cat nap a lot in the day? Try to pass to your cl n get some sleep bah.

I just finished feeding Bb, almost 1 hr of latching. Hope the lump is cleared.
ivy, oh.. I nv give supplement cuz he fell asleep n wake up 2+hrs later, so shld be ok?

U very hero leh! I super scare of roaches. If its me, i'll sure cry. Dunno when will i ever overcome it, its like phobia. I envy those ladies who's nt afraid!

Genesis, maybe he'll rest more today?
ivy, LOL! just now middle of nite after bb fed, me n my mum (she's here already to start helping me take care ofbb ) were also up at 3am....2 aunties with brooms chasing after a flying cockroach!! all these while, my dad n hubby happily sleeping away.... haha, we all plagued by cockroaches!
ladies, do u find packing bags to go out with bb quite tedious?

last time go out only need to bring my own bag.. now, gotta pack bags for the bb, for the breasts (i'm expressing), for myself.. machiam going overseas like tt.. so many barangs to bring along..

say u all need to go out whole day with bb, wat do u all pack in the bb bag? for me:

- 8 pcs diapers
- 1 thermal blanket
- 1 bb shawl
- 2 feeding handkies
- 1 extra set booties + mittens
- 1 extra set clothings
- wet wipes + diaper cream + ruyi oil
- 1 mini feeding bottle gripe water
- 1 pacifier

** bb's milk, bottles, etc are in the breasts bag

like alot of things horz? sighz.. wish he grows up faster.. then no need bring so many barangs..
Haizzz…feeding time again…dunno is it my boy is havin growth spurts…daytime dun wanna sleep then night time sleep so little...then keep on feedin with so short interval....ahhhhh!!!!
Genesis, hw old is ur boy?? Mayb growth spurt. Will need to feed almost every hour.. Bt last for a few days only, bear with it.

Ivy, wah u play hide and seek with roach in mid of nite. Lol.. For me, I hateeeeee lizards. 2 weeks ago ah, gt one dropped on my arm as I stretch to touch my hubby hand. Wah Lao. I nv really see if it's really lizard, I ju shook it off and... scream!!! Last time stepped on one before also. Argh..... Jus the word lizard make my hair stand..
So ur girl's schedule ok last nite?? Mine ah, fed at 10pm, 2.40am, 5.45am, 8,05am... Bt nw sunrise alr, she will b turning to devil. Lol..
Mstan, I note dwn all my bb's feeding n diaper time. I realise even if I give in n feed her in an hr or 1.5 hr, her feeding is 12 times in 24 hrs.. Cos sometimes her feeding time can go up to 4 hrs at night n oso nap in the day. So I guess it's normal. I think mayb u can try to note dwn het feeding time oso so tat u knw hw frequently she drinks. For me, it put my mind at ease...
Wah all mummies so active sia thru the nite, had my last feeding at 1am n baby sleep till now... Bf-ing her for 30mins, she's back to her lala land...

Went to see sinseh last evening n now my left wrist is bandage!! Sinseh said I strain my wrist n said is called 妈妈手- meaning cause by long period of carrying n bfing baby ... Don't feel that leh!! Anyway it's common for first time mummies n must treat or else next time will keep come back... So mummies feeling strain on wrist better go see sinseh too k!

Ginnie- oh catering service is given as one of the option but most mum prefer potluck so that there will not have too much leftover if last min some mummies could not make it
Morning Mummies..

jeanie.. hm.. you went there for the jab dio bo? Then should do all these routine check nei... everytime I go there, sure will check all these 3.. so that can determine whether bb is growing well... you may call them and check first before you go down.. if not waste a trip..

When is ur next appt? Mine is 09.03.10.. exactly 3months.. want to meet?

Roxy.. have a enjoyable trip.. :)

cayenne.. cos I latch on.. so I no need to bring so much stuff.. only diaper and wet wipes, hanky.. + extra clothes in case..

The rest that you mentioned, i.e. ru yi oil, gripe water.. err.. no need to bring ba...??

genesis.. sometimes may not be growth spurt.. in my case.. afew days also like that.. but bb dosn't make noise.. juz open eyes see see look look... and I think she is hungry... cos the feeding interval is much shorter... 1.5-2hr.. but the next day.. she sleeps better.. and longer.. now back to normal again.. *cross finger*
Im celebrating baby full month today!

Guess it's going to be a super busy day!

Hope bb will not be over stimulated and give me problems at night.
Genesis, 6 weeks cud b growth spurt. Usually in 3
weeks, 6 weeks, 3 mth...... growth spurt slp v little, keep demanding for milk. Ur bb like tat for hw long le??
Roxy, all man like tat one hor haha. U have a good trip!

Pauline its becos i woke him up, i scream quite loud liao. I scare the roach fly to my bb, im so ready to battle it if my baby mouth is not sucking my nipple. My HB damn scare haha, he come into the study room ask me, how cannot find it.. i say u just find it i dun care.

Ainsley, actually i more scare of lizard, im not so scare of roach. Cos i since young, pple say lizard tail will drop and crawl to my ear. lolz.

yesterday day time bit messy cos got pple come, i find her cannot concentrate with the drinking. Nite time 7pm, 9pm, then she hungry liao so i tahan... drag her time 1030pm, then she still cranky, i carry her walk walk walk, finally sleep, 1130 woke up, i carry walk walk walk. sleep. woke up 1230am for food. (so 1030pm to 1230am still 2hrs) HB bottle feed EBM, woke up 4am (3.5hrs), i latch, she woke up 8am (4hrs) today... woot.
jeanie, dun supplement if ur baby happily contented drinking from ur breast liao. 2hrs is ok. Cos imagine bb everytime eat desert, next time he keep wanting desert and overweight. Supplement only when after feeding from both breast and still crying for food. (but must see its for food lah)
Ainsley, yes steady.

me cleaning up hse today, later going parkway to buy some rompers for her, she grew and cannot fit into newbaby size of the mothercare romper... hope she well behave -.-
thks Ivy. Yeah, at first was hopping that confinement end asap and now how i wish tey more days before confinement. the thoughts that CL leaving on nxt tue and i hv to take care of princess myself for nite time... shivers
joanne, be mentally prepared ya. Every day might have new pattern.. sometimes she dun wan to sleep, sometimes wanna eat non-stop, sometimes cry non stop, all might have reason but got to accept tat she is just crying to tell u something.

remember our previous post, after full mth all the pattern come out. Growth spurt, colic, over-stimulation, suckle for comfort, cos baby after 1 mth dun eat and sleep like before liao.
hi mummies, my baby girl also dont sleep much in the day , have difficulty falling asleep, and she keep wanting to feed like every 2 hours, sometimes 4 hours, turing 4 weeks on monday. is it growth spurt?
Faith, ur girl seems normal.. If u r total Breastfeeding, tabulate ur baby's feeding time in number of feeds in 24 hrs. Avg 2 hrs every feed is good. Ur bb shd b able to recognise day n nite alr. Tats y she is more awake in the day now.
hi ginnie, u mean the pigeon breastpads is better? im using nuk ones.. wah, so ex lor.. i alomost finishing using lor..

now i learn from min, use hanky instead... save breast pads.. go out then use disp ones... hhahha...

btw, any mumies stay near hougang got PD to reccom? i ned to bring bb for the 6-1 jab when he is 2 mths old..
me using pigeon breast pads at hm cos my friend pass me 2 boxes but i prefer lansinoh cos it's very thin. so i use lansinoh ones when i go out.

anyone use collection shells? i am thinking to get leh cos breast pads always very 'soaked', waste my bm. haha
Thanks to your growth spurts article, finally understand why my baby, who is at 3 weeks old, doesn't sleep for as long as 7 hrs after feed. Initially am still worry that she don't sleep enough, after reading your articles, at least now i know it's normal and parts and parcel of their growing up journey.
Shokel- I live hougang but PD is tampines, if u keen can PM u the address ;)

siri- I using medela collection shells! At first using disposable breastpad then Alicia told me about the collection shells, really wasted alot of BM.

Now am using pigeon n tollyjoy disposable breast pads find both so so only

erm , wat collection shells? ya lor.. the pads are always soaked.. wasted quite a fair bit of the BM... mine also medela breast pump lei..

hi sharon, erm, ur PD at tampines isit gd? female or male? i very scared waitin q very long those type... cos mine PD at TMC is Dr Ong E K, super long w one.. then TMC parkin inconvenient.. btw, the PD there can use CDA for the jabs and checks? ya, pls Pm me the address.. tks!
