(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Ivy- yeap hope it work for u too!

Roxy- enjoy your trip ya! I more worse apart from what u ladies have, I still have the ugly stretchmarks, zzzz! Hubby tease I got "tribal" tattoo loh!
miumiu, if i'm not wrong, yong he tao huay is at geylang lor 27A.

my gal's wt gain also not much leh. wt at birth 3.2kg, now coming to 6w think her wt is ard 4.6kg, meaning gain 1.4kg only. realise these 2 days her milk intake reduce leh. last time she can drink 90ml ebm every 2-3hrs, but now she sometimes cannot finish 90ml.
siri... same.. these 2 days my girl latch on shorter time le... duno she enuff ant lor.. bt if i cont to latch her, she gets frustrated..
bluegal: no way i stay with in laws hahahha...just me, hubby, daughter, son and maid..my mom comes over to stay 4x a week during the weekdays as she takes care of my daughter. I think because of confinement period gua, + new freezer + 22 hours of aircon everyday last month.
Wa..so many discussions abt milk intake..my boy takes 150-180ml, every 3-4 hrs.., put on about 2.3kg @ 6.5wks. But also must see his mood..sometimes like no mood will just take 120ml..we leave him to cue..

Babygap got some sale
wah lau.. I think my gal slightly over weight.. but nurse said ok nei.. thou 75%... she has exceeed 5kg le when when went for her 1M jab..

Me has been grounded for the past 5year le.. think will be grounded again for another 2-3years.. till all my kids are older.. then can go holiday.. *sob sob..*
Any one got any recommendation (tried &amp; tested) on where to do postnatal slimming?? Would like to lose the bit at tummy. Many people say must quickly get rid within 1st few months else will stay with us permanent leh...
Me very gian travelling leh. So brought my no. 1 to HK in Dec 08. Last June, went Penang for short hol, then book tickets during AirAsia's promotion so June going to Penang again for short holiday. This time with my 2 gals.
Calamari..ya...but PD says is ok...let bb lead..so I just feed on demand lor. Anyway now mainly fm already..

oh and thanks for the fitti lobang..I bot M and L for my boy
hi mummies,

can i check if i've done hair treatment only, no rebonding no dying, should i throw away my first EBM after that?
wah ainsley.. u young mummy?

btw.. my gal's eyes abit crossed sometimes... ok hor...

I also want to do rebonding.. but I latch on nei.. thought was ok..??
My bb seems very awake since 3+pm until 7pm....dunno is it growth spunt ?
Latched her so many times but usually only a few mins &amp; feed her with some EBM.
sandy, my bb also sometimes cross-eye, sometimes even 'open' up. i ask the doc at polyclinic, she say ok cuz they still can focus and control.. btw when u go for your 1M jab, did they do assessment? like ht, wt, etc.. they only do wt for me..
hi shokel, mine only leak when im feeding baby one side, the other side leak loh. sometimes i will use the medela breast shell to catch the leaks and add to my EBM collection, if not i put a hankerchief!
so ah ma right but save on breast pads.

btw shokel, you still getting the diapers from me? Ling Lee got hers le

only use breastpads when im going out
oh and sometimes, i will also use my manual advent to pump one side while latching baby on the other.. very effective and efficient leh, got natural letdown, so pump quite a good amount
hi min, i already email u liao... oops.. u mean u pass to ling lee liao arh? so fast...

cos my hubby is sick, so he cant go over to get fr u.. so i email u and tell u to pass all to ling lee then... paiseh lei...
oh, me at home also use breast pads lor.. walau.. and is costly lor.. hanky arh? oh? i nvr tot of tt hor.. but mine is all bb hanky.. ha ha.. gonna steal bb one and use myself...

shd mayb get those reuseable breast pads... any idea wher sell? kiddy palace?
hey shokel,
I just saw the email..think gmail cranky, i was checking mail from my handphone but nv see leh..
okies okies, no prob! hope your hubby get well soon..
so you dont want already? Ling lee, you still want the rest?

I wouldnt think of hankys too, my friend's mum taught me one.. i bought a dozen of those squarish ones..
hi min.. erm, ya ya! i think gmail gt prob! i wwas orderin some stuff online and the spreer send me email but me stil dint received?
erm, u dun keep for me le.. since ling lee stay near u, u pass to her ba.. cos me stay further then dun think hub wil recover so soon.. so paiseh to ask u to offer to me... tks anyway...

erm, haha.. ya, i shd get more hanky too... hehehee..

btw, anyone tried delihub catering ? and partridge pear for full mth celebration packages?
im thinkin of ordering those ang ku kuey and red eggs packages....
Hi Shaine, I was thinking can order high tea buffet from caterer.. not very ex as what I see from Neogarden:

Most of us will bring a lot of baby's barang barang wif us if like bring food along, maybe quite mafan..

Anyway just a suggestion, if want to potluck I am also ok.. =)

As for rebonding, I already did it after baby had his full month shower.. but hor i didn't throw out the first pump after rebonding leh... was too troubled by my hair that i didnt think of it.. =( but the hairdresser was careful not to let the chemical touch my scalp.
ainsley, i just fed bb, she sleeping after i rock her for 10-15 mins!! damn long sia. Hb later wake up bottle feed her with EBM. wish me luck lolz.

ginnie, neogarden food quite nice lah, i had lunch cater by them for full mth, their chocolate eclair is nice.

mstan, i realise growth spurt usually very regular. Whether start from noon, or nite, it shld last no more than 4 hrs and baby will sleep well. Tat day my bb growth spurt i fed from 8 to 12, finally she slept, but woke up quite fast after i put her in cot.. i tot what happen, latch and latch.. also dun comfort her. Think its over stimulation during day time.
GG - ur bb gain a lot of weight!! ha!!

calamari - ur bill is damn x man.. how come? u on aircon whole day??my

roxy - so envy!! can go bali... drink more water... always bring a mineral bottle wif u... dun let ur ss drop too much!!
haha.. no nid suck stomach la.. u lost so much weight liao..

ainsley and siri - reali?? 27A? no wonder cant find ydae nite.. then have to go till selegie.. waha!!

ainsley - ya.. got a family pool.. shallow one.. for kids to play.. u oso bring ur bikini to play wif ur #1 la..
Ivy, 15mins alrht mah. Nt long la. Ltr ur hb wake up ah? Then shd say gd luck to him.. Lol.. Take things slow k.. Dun stress too much on the slp time yet.
jeanie... they should do the routine check nei..

Mine.. measured the length, weight, and head circumference...

Wah.. ainsley.. you really very young.. hao ming le.. hehehe...

I also don't wear breast pad at home.. wear when I am going out.. now lesser leakage le... cos think more or less the routine is there le..
miumiu... i still have`3more kg to lose n dat persistent bulge at tummy... eeks!! yes im gg drink loads water there to maintain ss

gg, mai scare me... if bulge stay wif me for life tink i'll faint...

sandy, we still quite lucky, went japan when no1 was 6 mths old... we tinking of gg us or nzd later dis yr but tink tough unless i stop bf... if no travel, me n hubby sure go crazy de...

jeanie, yeah!! ss is back!!
aiyo.. Roxy... so envy.. that's gd.. at least can travel.. if you have sufficient ebm.. can still go us or nz ya.... cos caretaker can feed bb ..

I already told hb.. sianz.. got to be grounded for another few years again...
sandy dun tink can go.. imagine if go for 2 weeks and got to transport the ebm back, will faint at the weight and if no freezer, will be super heartpain to throw away the ebm... im only gg bali for a few days already lugging pump, cooler bag, ice packs, stylofoam box to transport ebm back and tink will throw away 300 - 500ml per day away cause cannot freeze in time, heartpain
Sigh, my lump on the left affected letdown/supply. I already fed baby from 9-930pm at MIL house on left side and she seems contented. Come home I shower already, immediately she wants to latch again so not much milk lor cos I was trying to clear the lump in shower. She cry until so fierce. End up heat up 50ml of EBM and she doesn't want to drink, fell asleep instead. Don't know when she's going to wake up now. Sian, tonight No. 1 not at home for once (stayover at MIL house). Thought I can have a better sleep today. End up like that. :p
hi, ladies.
can anyone enlighten me when is the growth spurts for the babies?
coz my bb's feeding intervals like getting shorter, though i've increased his intake frm 70ml to 80ml.
