(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

girls, my gynae say 1st time ML please use lots of lubricant esp BFing MOM. I attempted but not successful, i say pain so hubby say better stop hahaha.

Hi Ainsley,
Ya lor am working, will start to intro bottle to her now cos wanna know how much she drink also.....can't help thinking she's not drinking enough cos she doesn't seems like putting on weight at all...

yupz same here ivy I attempted too but also not successful...i also feel pain...then hubby cannot tahan n go buy lubricant liao...hehehe...

intake of milk

currently my 6 weeks boy intake of milk is around 150ml...so its consider alot eh??
hi, i am a nov 2009 mum and have a pack of size S drypers to let go. original price $15, let go at $13. pm me if interested.
hi ainsley, ling lee and ivy.. wahaha ...
erm, ya lor... rusty liao..
oh ok, that means can try la.. but since me jus one week into my labour, better try in another weeks time.. erm, hw come wil be painful lei? u mean for natual birth or csec? cos me is csec lei.. gt diff ma.. wah, stil must use lubricant...? we nvr use lubricant before lei... erm, foreplay very impt.. ya lor.. i agree....
shokel, breastfeeding will cause dryness in the vagina.

dunno abt c-sect, but for natural birth, the healing of the stitches down there is definitely another consideration.
wah... dryness in V lei.. wapiangz.. dint knw abt that sia..

wat abt menses? isit so long we BF, we will hve menses?
Hi gals, my bb is 3 weeks plus old, n my menses short of stop last week, then tdy came back again....is it normal. I am also pumping out my BM lei.

Need to qing jiao u all abt vaccinations, I was referred to a PD by tmc so we went to visit her within the week after discharge fr hospital. She said next review is when bb is 1 mth, so if I wanna bring bb to GP for vaccinations, I no pt going to PD le rite? There is promo for vaccines at healthway clinics n they allow usage of bonus bonus for payment, when will the baby bonus be deposited ah? sorry ah 1st timer mum so very blur
genesis28, i long time ago got lubricant, use to massage the perinum, suppose to help reduce tear during labour esp with episiotomy. Not sure if it helps lah. But i din use much lubricant that nite ML haha, cos dunno mah, scary sia.

shokel u c-section will not be so bad, cos i natural, the vagina passage all kanna abrasion liao. By right shld wait for the 6th weeks visit to gynae then can ML. Dry also becos bfing
hi ivy... erm, oh okay... hw come BF wil make the V dry lei.. ha ah... till i try liao then share with u all.. ha ha..
shokel, cos our fluid all goes to the breast mah haha.

Ainsley, i want to see how it is.. actually most of the time we all so tired, where got mood.
btw, chk with u all, do u stil hve the black line down the tummy? will fade anot ar? mine stil there lei,...
hi ainsley... that means mine is the lochia la... walau.. stil hvent finished arh... hw long then wil finished arh..?

hi ivy, oic... no fluid... heheh.. no wonder..
shokel - gynae tell mi will be a bit dry.. best to use lubricant lor..
my line still there leh.. tink slowly will fade.. but dunno how long.. sigh..

anisley - so good..mi low placenta.. so no ML during pregnancy.. now damn tiring during nite time lor.. no mood man.. cham cham..
tink once we stopped bf then the veins will be gone lo.. sigh..

genesis - wah!! ur bb drink a lot man.. but 150ml over how many hrs interval??
haha you all talking about XXX

hghnnn mine aft 6 weeks episiotomy wound also havent heal, cannot leh...

reg storing EBM, advice advice please please?
i pump a few times a day and prob will get about 3 bottles of 80ml. the past few weeks i've been putting them in the fridge, then transfer to the freezer when its 2 days and havent consume.. then i total latch on my boy and only give one bottle a day to get him used to bottle.. i am wondering should i continue doing this or pump and freeze immediately, taking out one pack of FBM to feed a day..
help help! cos i just transferred all my liquid into the freezer to become solid! argh
hi genesis28, wah..ned 6 weeks to slowly fade arh.. so long sia...

ermm , lubricant.. ha a.. then must go buy liao.. wahah... sometimes i also can see the veins on my breasts...

ya, sometimes tired also no mood to ML, but occassionally still need to hve couple time and cuddlin ma.. otherwise, life jus revolve ard bb also cannot lei...
shokel, oni total breastfeeding then supposed to b considered as a form of contraceptive.
but once, u dun breastfeed diligently, menses will return. ;p
Ling Lee, thanks, thanks. Aiyah, just now my MIL was here but no time to check thread. Or else can ask her to buy from medical hall for me. very difficult for me to go out nowadays. :p
miumiu, ya lor if bottlefeed my boy will take in 150ml alot hor...now i c him like very big size like tat even my fren comented he doesn't look like a 6 weeks old baby
Genesis, wa your boy can take in so much EBM ah? I seldom feed EBM so also don't know how much my gal can take. Even if feed EBM, it's just top up 50-60ml to train her to take bottle or she wants milk in less than 3 hrs. But recently at GP, her weight is 5kg so should be still ok bah.
miumiu, my boy will at nite wake up 4 hours interval, daytime will be 2-3 hours if he's awake but if he's sleeping will b 4 hours but very seldom, as nowadays my boy tend to be awake in the afternoon dunno y....
ya lor pauline alot hor...sometimes 160ml also can ah...if I give 120-130ml my boy like not enough like tat..i latch directly during day. at night then give bottle by my nanny. end of the month going PD so will check out is my boy's weight acceptable anot...
Thanks, Ling Lee. Hubby said too late to call MIL so if we see PD earlier, then will ask her bah.

Genesis, 4 hrs at night is good. My gal only achieves that once in a while. But she always vomit milk after that. End up still got to change her shirt. You still got CL? Mine left liao. :p So if your nanny gives EBM, do you wake up to pump?
pauline, yup still have CL but she will be leaving on 27 liao...so I'm on my own with hubby! hopefully my boy will cooperate man... i will still wake up n pump, it seems automatic now my body clock. I will normally put alarm but at times I will wake up automatically as I will be uncomfortable sleepin as my breast feels full n pain tat wakes me up n it tells me its expressing time!
Hehe, that's good. I wish I can hire my CL permanently but she's way too exp. Or else I'll fire my maid immediately. ;) I see if no CL, easier to latch on at night, cos no need to wash and sterilise pump parts. But last milk feed good to be EBM so that baby does not rely on the breast to fall asleep. :p
hahah...ya lor...i also hope to hire my CL permanently...as she's expensive too haizzz...chiat luck...hopefully I will be able to handle when she's not around...keeping fingers crossed
ainsley haha me too today... i wanted to eat maggie mee... then my mom call and say da bao for me... she say i where got time to cook...
Shokel, it's said to b bt I heard of accidents oso.. So better dun take the risk..

Ivy, so u din manage to eat ah? Nw my hubby go n cook for me le. Lol.. Bt I feel sleepy liao
shokel - no lo .. no menses is not 100% contraceptive.. better to have prevention.. ha!!

ainsley and ivy - mi crave for tao huay and you tiao.. so juz came back from selegie rochor beancurd.. yumz!! so full now!!
Miu, I kept eating soya bean with dough fritters fr geylang when I was pregnant. Nw u talk abt it, I m craving for tat oso la. Nw finish Maggie mee, tmr ask hubby to buy. Lol
oh no no...i kenna pregnant with no.2 even though i was still breastfeeding when no.1 was 12 months old. So breastfeeding is not a form of contraceptive!
Yes, like what calamari mentioned, as we are BF, no menses but actually, we still ovulates so there is still a chance to be pregnant even though no menses....So, do take note... BF is definitely not a contraceptive!!
For those mummies who are latching babies, do you clean your nipples everytime before u latch bb?
If yes, how you clean?
yup yup, like wat calamari n luvbabe11 mentioned, u can still get preggie ifu bf, it's just that u lower ur chances of getting preggie...

i din have my menses till my gal was ard 20 months.. n i get preggie evem though i was on tbf..
strawberries mine also refused to eat rice. now i would try rice with soup. sometimes he take and sometimes no. slowly introduce rice lor. but funny... fried rice he takes. i guess it is the colour. lol he tot all white stuff all porridge.

i heard that so long as ur period don come, bfing is a form of contraceptive. but once u have ur first period, it is no longer safe.
just finish pumping.. Mummies, my upp right breast feels hard before i pump. Gotta massage hard and pump for one hr to clear it. Everytime also like that. Flow is slow too. Consider engorgement or blocked ductd? Very tiring, always gotta massage hard(pain!) n pump one hr...

my hubby is hinting me on ML too, but i brush it off. Unfair for him but i too tired liao.. Plus the pumping is making me impatient. Super straining.

Oh.. my DS is feeding 130 ml, every 2 hrs in the day. Btw, these 2 days, my DS been feeding super on time. 2 hrs from morning to noon. Then ard evening like 7pm, he can sleep for long. No choice but gotta wake him up at 9 or 10 to wipe him, had a feed then sleep. I suspect if nv wake him, he can cont zzz. Day time he nap little., why huh? Today he slept from 7 till 11pm but i wake him up for feed. Then wake up at 3am for feed just now..
Jeanie> Yeah, agree that pumping and bf is really very hard work and extremely tiring!!! For me, although my breasts felt very hard, when I massage and pump, the flow is also slow and little and max I can pump out only 70ml nia.... Really disappointing!! On average, usually gets only 40ml. Furthermore, I did not pump regularly every 3 hourly... At night, I will stretch to 5-6 hours.

Am still looking for ways to increase supply!!! coz now, my boy is drinking 100ml and I'm only able to supplement only 30% of what he drinks.... Looks like my breastmilk is supplement, rather than FM!!!
Jeanie, same thing here my boy too daytime nap very little. Even nap also nap very short like 10,15 mins at most half an hour, like tat super difficult to do my own things leh haiz…
