(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Anyone has the plastic Medela collection bottle for mini electric plus?

my bottle cracked when i try to boil to sterilise..

snopear, babies jus like to give us new challenges everyday. lol.. mayb the lady was right.. when they sleep for so long nw, more frequent feeding in normal to clock the 10-12 feeds a day.. so dun worry.. but if you dun enjoy latching or tired, mayb you can express n get another person to help you with the feeding.

Mstan, i dim my light at night... nv on my main light even when feeding/ changing.. For growth spurt, baby will demand milk much more frequently. like every 1-1/5 hour is possible.. It will last a few days.. Usually at 3 weeks, 6 weeks. 3 mths, ....
snowpear u can try putting a piece of tissue over his penis. so in case he decided to do it, the tissue will prevent it from squirting everywhere.

mstan i don on the main lights. juz use a small night light.
jaclee - ya.. normal medela bottle can fit..

genesis - ha.. use condom can liao la.. easy to get and use.. ha!

snowpear - 300ml in 4 hrs reali quite scary...
ha!! if u c bb's penis pointing.. not those droopin kind, means he is gg to pee.. i will quickly put few layers of tissue paper on penis while changing to absorb the pee.. ha! =)
genesis, my gynae suggested injection.. That one once every 3 months. ok for breastfeeding. I think I will take that jab. Easy and no hassle. lol..
mstan - mi oso on small light.. cuz when i on the bright light.. bb's eyes will become damn big.. and then i have a hard time patting him to zz..
ainsley, any side-effect for the jab?
for me, confirmed close shop le, but dun wanna to go for tubal ligation, so now, thinking of possible contraceptives.
initially, tot of going for iud, but since genesis' gynae said tt it would cause painful &amp; heavy menses, then forget it.
mayb in the end, will still stick to the traditional &amp; most commonly used mthd - condoms... ;p
linglee, I also close shop le. But my gynae advice me against it till my children grow up.

Contraceptive injection is in the booklet that my gynae gave me. Advantage:
It's almost 100% effective, safe, highly effective, longlasting and easy to use. Does not interfere with sexual intercourse.

Disadvantage: woman may have irregular menstrual cycles and may put on weight.
Although this method does not affect fertility, it may take 6-12 months before a woman is able to conceive after her last injection.

I think all contraceptive method has it's side effect. Even those pills and patches also said will cause weight gain..

Genesis, linglee, mayb you can ask your gynae about this..
How effective is a contraceptive injection?
It is over 99% effective.

How do contraceptive injections work?

They stop your ovaries releasing an egg each month (ovulation).
They thicken the mucus from your cervix, making it difficult for sperm to swim through it and reach an egg.
They make the lining of your womb thinner so it is less likely to accept a fertilised egg.
What are the advantages of contraceptive injections?
You don't have to think about contraception for as long as the injection lasts.
They do not interfere with sex.
You can use them if you are breastfeeding, although the first dose is then delayed until 6 weeks after birth.
They give you some protection against cancer of the womb.
They give some protection against pelvic inflammatory disease.
They are useful if you cannot take oestrogens, like those in the combined oral contraceptive pill.

ling lee,
same as you me close shop le..anyone considering the patch?? my hb dun like to use condom...sad..

really biting nipple then when he start latching...the nurse say put a finger in to unlatch bb then try again to put the full nipple in...

any info about the mini pills you tokking abt?? my gynae say use condom best if i still BFg wor..

huh?? your medela bottles new one?? so fast crack oredi??
ainsley, gain weight?!!
okie, then i'll stick to using condoms. ;p
i'm oredi so fat, cant stand the thot of gaining weight.
shokel, my baby's case was considered serious so have to do phototherapy and the nurse dun allow me to rent the equipment back home to tann. When he was discharged, jaundice level was at 13.. when return home still had had to do suntanning.. usually babies can just do tannnig at home but becos mine came out 4 weeks earlier plus baby is G6PD deficient, hence he was more prone to jaundice..

for boys' peeing, I also use tissue to cover if not he sure will pee when his bottom is bare.. hah.. now my boy 2 months le.. he does not poo poo everyday liao.. and he refuses to poo in his diaper. He will make very loud 'mmm' sound and we had to strip his diaper and help him 'gek sai' by saying 'mmm' to him.. hahh.. so funny.. 2 months old know how to gek sai liao..
wah.. think bb grow up liao. he dun nap in the day as long as the past. feeding every 2 hours. super tiring. just now latch him for one hour. next hour he hungry liao. then faster give ebm.. grr... gotta build up my ss!!

ginnie, think i can go guardian buy instead of getting from my gynae. more convenient..

roxy, i now only partial latch. once a day. only latch when my breast feel full or when's its pumping time.
jeanie, do you find that when u partial latch, bb becomes fussy at breast? Mine will push my breast away.. haha.. cos i think he dun like my nipple, prefer the bottle's teat liao.. haha.. cos at nipple, he needs to do more work to suck.

my boy also still yellow, have tried bathing him in "ng kee" from the chinese medical hall for a week but the yellow never subside. Brought him to pd he say due to bf, if till 2nd month still yellow then do blood test no point to do it at 5 weeks which was last week.
Yups, I'm using the same massage lady as last time.
She's my mom's friend and she's quite old already lah, in her 60s.
Not sure if she massages C-sect ladies but I could ask her. Not sure if she's taking in customers now but I can still ask.

But she's really a very basic masseuse. No frills, no body scrubs, she never massage baby also. Around 45 mins to 1 hr.

The good thing abt her is she is good at identifying those twisted veins, and my pain would be gone the next day once she has kneaded those areas
i actually borrow the pump from a friend, but the bottle crack.
thinking who can spare me one or how much to get one replacement?

not much time to read forum nowadays coz bb latch nonstop upon waking up. saw some interesting topic on contraception. my gynae gave me a piece of paper with methods of contraception. i think i will still stick to condom.. unless i stop breastfeeding, i will use patch lor..

i have green veins at my breasts and occasional red patches due to blocked ducts..

mushloom, why what tissue? sorry, couldn't trace back the previous posts on this.. :p
jaclee, I also having red patch now because of blocked ducts. sigh.. that day my mum comment on my veins lor when I wore spagetti. must be very obvious la..
Mummies, how many ml of milk u ladies are feeding your baby now? My girl coming 2 mths in two days time, drinking 130ml now but realise she keep asking for milk ard 2.5hrs interval, then saw from friso guide 2-3mths can drink 170ml, find it abit scary leh...Thinking should I increase her intake..
hi ginnie, oic... ok la, i sil monitor and see if bb stil yellow ba..
btw, we BFing will hve menses all the way isit? or is becos me csec, stil hvent finished clearing the lochia? today is the 8th day liao lei.. everyday wear pad like no gd for my V lei... canot breath...

btw, may i knw hw long after csec can we ML ar? my hub have beem hintin me liao... haha... must realise his desires liao... after 10mths of torture... hee hehe,..
ainsley - mine oso!! that day was looking at the mirror and oh GOSH! the green veins r damn obvious lo..

sharon - mine is 6 weeks and feeding 100ml.. sometimes 2 hours plus.. sometimes 3 hours...

shokel - ha.. after 6 weeks can ML liao.. ur hubby cant wait liao..


<font color="ff0000">Celebrating Motherhood &amp; Babies Pre/Post 3rd Month!!
Mummies to share share, babies to play play!!
Mummies to exchange ideas, tips etc.
Dadd(ies) are also welcome to share about Fatherhood !!

1)Start with mummy and baby’s self intro so that we know who is who :p
2)Exchange of tips/pointers to help each other to cope better in our motherhood
3)“mun mun” time! ( each mummy have to bring one dish)
4)Gift exchange time( as it’s our bab(ies) 3rd mth bash, i suggested each mummy to get a $20 budget gift to exchange so that all bab(ies) will go home with a small gift?

(Welcome mummies to give suggestion and program will then be confirmed soon!! )

Mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:

1.Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
2.Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Isaiah &amp; hubby (tentative)-Blackforest Cake/paper cups .
3.Anny Chionh ,elder one,bb, (Hubby-TBC) -Blackforest Cake/paper cups
4.Alicia, Princess Sophie and Hubby-Blackforest Cake/paper cups
5.1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
6.miumiu , Prince Tristan - Drinks
7.arisz, Prince Ashton, #1, maid,(Hubby-TBC)- Drinks
8.Ainsley (will reconfirm) –Drinks
9.Ling Lee, Prince Sherwain, (Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
10..Cayenne ,Prince Ashton,( Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
11.Calamari, Baby Noah, (TBC - hubby and Toddler Kayla,)- Agar-Agar/Drinks
12.genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby-otah
13.hweiz,2 kids &amp; hubby-Fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette , Paper Plates/Spoons/Forks
14.eyevee - bake chicken wing
15.WeiTing,Prince ryan, (Hubby- TBC) – fishballs
16.Juzamum, Princess Jazebel, Son jabriel- fruits
17.augleo, bb YK (#1 &amp; hb = TBC)- sandwiches
18.Jeanietan, Prince Keith, sis,(Hubby-TBC) - potato salad
19.Yiqi &amp; baby-Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
20.Tris &amp; baby– Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
21.Hemmie, Prince Samuel,(Hubby-TBC)- Pizza
22.mushloom - Pizza
23.Canopyhaze (will reconfirm)-Pizza
24.Ginnie_queen,Prince Joel,Hubby-dim sum or kuehs frm Bengawan Solo
27.Laureen, Prince Xavier</font>
miu- i saw 170ml... got a shocked haha... my ss drop tremendously now which pump at most 150ml... haiz... think not enuff to supply if must feed 170ml sia...
hi miumiu.. after 6 weeks! so long! walau... he bey tahan liao.. i also bey tahan liao! wahah ahha..... HSD!

hi ainsley.. erm, dint knw i was pregg until ard 2mths plus.. so stil gt ML.. after knw i preg, hub dun dare to cos he is afraid he will hurt the bb! wahhaha...
shaine, my 8 week old bb now drinking around 120ml for every 3hr interval but sometimes he also can't finish... if ur gal can drink, den give ba.. think shouldn't be a problem..

i only stop ML for the third trimester.. but even then, both of us not comfy with my big tummy liao..
As long as you feel comfortable, u can start ML. try to go slow for the first time, prewarn your hubby that u may experience discomfort and may stop.. i think ur hubby will understand..
shokel, reali ah? no wonder both of you bey tahan liao lah.. i think until the last 2 weeks then we restrain ourselves. haha... but now, so tired and busy with breastfeeding, also no time lor.. when bb sleep ard 10+, i also doze off liao. lolx...
by the way, u referring to bm issit? think bm should be ok.. cos easily digestible.. ur baby is those slim slim type can still drink so much.. hehe..
Ainsley, thanks, I never eat those stuff leh.

Thanks Ling Lee, Fatbabe and Hweiz for sharing. Someone else also ask me to buy the sanjizi from med hall. How to let baby bathe with it?
hi jaclee.. erm, ok.. shall go nice and slow ba..cos nw my wound stil can see a bit stitches.. so think nt advisable..

hi ainsley.. wah.. u only stop nearin birth... my hub dun dare to ML since found im preg... tats why.. ya, now tired but when bb is slpin, stil gt a bit of time to lor.. his desire is makin him wild! wahah....

all along, we dun use condom.. usin withdrawal method, so i dun think i wil use any jab or patch, my doc also ask me to consider the family plannin thingy,, say not advisable to get preg within one yr.. anyway, me dun think i wana get preg again so fast ba...mayb wil stop at 1.. haha...
shokel, of cos wild la. 10 months... think rusty already. lolx.. but still, ask your hubby to continue to b wild himself for the next one month 1st. heeheee...
Sorry for my late reply....usually i give in to my baby. She always wanna latch for comfort and sleep until last night I did not give in, guess what she stay awakes from 1am till 7am and in the end I give in and let her latch on, immediately she fall asleep, poor thing must be very tired. Today am trying to feed her with bottle if not when I go back to work, don't know how the nanny can handle her. By the way, you total breast feed with only latch on right? How do you know your baby drink enough? I suspect when I latch on, she doesn't drink much lei cos she'll just suckle a few times then fall asleep.

My baby does have mild jaundice, we bath her with one kind of flower which able to cure jaundice lor. Not sure if it works or not cos now still have a bit but PD never arrange any follow up check up on her jaundice lei.

We feed baby plain water with 'Zhen Zhu Fen' or 'Jin Fong San' or gripewater, other than that we don't feed her plain water even when she hiccup.
bluegal, if you are working, you can intro bottle from 6 weeks le.. if not, she may reject, I total latch.. I latch her until she doesn't want lor. If she only suckle a short while then fall asleep then most prob she suckle for comfort.. feed on demand if you latch..
pauline, the person in the medicinal hall said 1 pkt of pounded 'shan zhi zi' ($1) can used for 4 times.
so, we'll take a quarter of the pkt &amp; boil in some water. the water will turn yellow. after boiling for a short while, we'll sieve the residue &amp; pour the yellowish water into the bath water &amp; bathe the bb.
we oso take 7 un-pounded 'shan zhi zi', put in a little bag, &amp; put in the bb's pillow or near the bb.
ainsley, u can tolerate hubby to be tolerate himself ah..? hm.. i scared later he don't want to wild with me after wild with himself too often.
shokel, for my #1, we started ML after 4 wks.
then, for #2, we started after 3 wks.
but for #3, think will probably take a longer time to resume ML, coz really tired &amp; no mood.
mayb much older now, so energy level oso lower.
anyway, hubby oso v bz with work lately, so oso v tired.
think it's really ur comfort level.
but for the 1st time after delivery, foreplay is really impt.
&amp; must remind hubby to go slow &amp; gentle. ;p

<font color="0077aa">so frustrating .. wanna latch my gal, but then she simply refuse to.. i tok no milk but cannot be wat.. i squeeze there is ahz.. she juz so impatient.. like tat how to bring in milk ss!?

&amp; my #1 he so choosy fer his food.. refuse to eat rice *faintz*</font>
