(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Mstan, establish a routine.. 9 or 10+pm, I will change her clothes n diaper, on aircon, on soft music, dim light, n give her the last feed b4 slp. Night time she is an angel. Nv cry or make fuss. Drink milk then slp Liao So far it works. Bt day time, she becomes a monster....

Hi gals, need some advice. My baby seem to have wind. I wan to give gripe water but wondering how to feed baby? How did u gals do it? Same for those giving water, cannot be use bottle since qty very small right?
aiyo i cannot stand my #2.....arrgggg... every time cl brings him over for nite feeds, i would quickly try to latch him so he wont cry out loud and disturb #1. but hor he don wan my help and always wanna look for the nipples himself. put in for him he would spat it out and wanna diy... pengz.

gg u can try to rub some ru yi oil on ur palms. then apply it to bb tummy.
Mushroom, thanks. Ya, I got put ru yi oil but he still like a lot of air leh. Keeps farting. And when drinking milk sometimes face turn red like bao gong trying to fart more. And belly feels hard. Bot the gripe water but dunno how to feed him.

Your bb so cute, like to help himself. Mine also sometime I stuff into him he look very pek chek and will spit out then start rooting again!
Morning mummies...

Hey your #2 sounds like an independent kid...hehehe...

GG Lee
The ruyi oil is good rite? Think our babies are a tad too young for gripe water. Plus it has a little bit of alcohol rite? Just put the oil on tummy and massage slowly lor.

I feel that in the afternoons, my baby is really fussy. And at 2 weeks, she already knows the joy of being carried! How's yr baby like in the day?

For me also at night, #2 quite settled. But #1 will jump around and I always fear he'll wake baby up then the routine will start all over again!

For the past 2 days I realised my baby would not sleep after her night feed. Eyes big big look here and there. I would just plonk her back into her cot and I'll dive back into bed. If she cries, I'll latch, then put her back into the cot. She'll usually sleep on her own. Now still young OK lah, But I'm not sure if she'll sleep on her own once she's bigger.
small dreams, oh must massage?? I just put on my palm, rub rub till hot, then press against his belly..din noe must masage..the gripe water now no alcohol le, says can take from 1 month old. I have been holding back giving him also, cos afterall think is some form of 'medicine'...but lately he really seems a lot of air..so am starting to think maybe should give...headache...see him like bloatd also quite cham..reminds me of the day after delivery stomach bloated and air cannot come out..I know is a terrible feel lor..
Smalldrream, my bb Is a monster on the day lor. Keep crying either to sleep or feed. Until I oso blur liao. Bt night, she's an angel. Nv cry de.. So nw my battle starts n gg to last 12hrs. *fAint*
ainsley_yip : hee, my bb cant sleep thru out the nite wan, will wake up abt 2.5-3 hrs for feed....;p
Sometimes in day, she can awake for 2-3hrs maybe twice 2....;p
GG Lee
You don't need to massage like a pro lah...hehe.. just press your 2 thumbs lightly under his rib cage and move outwards (towards his sides). Then move your thumbs downwards towards his belly button. Gently lor. You can try. I did that for my #1 last time and when I hold him upright later on, baby would burp &amp; fart. Better nights.

Oh now gripe water no alcohol ah? Goodlah. Shall go check mine.

Hey you're quite lucky already... at least yr baby doesn't have day-night confusion. hehe. Think fussing in the day still not as bad as fussing at night. But of course, it's super tiring for you... do rest whenever you can k....
mstan, i read tat baby can slp shortly after feeds. if they are awake for long like 3hours ah, they mayb overtired n v fussy.. mine ah, i think she fuusy cos she wana slp and need to b pacify. 1.5 hr after feed... cry cry cry.. carry still cry for abt 5-10 mins then will fall aslp.. bt the 5-10 mins seems like eternity

smalldreams, ya lor.. i think i can only console myself this way... she slp for 4+ hours last night... bt hor we mummies oso no day/night liao. day or night same... lol
Halo Mummies...

Last night.. don't know is my supply also drop or bb is really hungry.. got to feed from 7-9pm... put down only cry again. but she will suckle.. and #2 also very cranky.. cos she has not been feeling well.. feel so stress.. scare supply will go down...

I also delay in giving gripe water.. think will wait till she is gg for her 3M jab.. cos that will cause fever.. then I will start to give bforehand..
GG and small dreams - ya.. ru yi oil reauli not too bad.. bb seems to be better after mi apply.. i usually apply at nite before he zzz...

ainsley - my bb oso angel at nite.. onli wake up for feeds every 3 hrs.. dunno if i can increase the ss to prolong the interval???
jeanie, the medication is to boost ss..the brand is motilium.. same as what ur gynae gave to u i think.

ainsley, u mean ur baby can sleep through the night for more than 4 hrs and dun need to wake up for feeds?
Pauline, yes eyes still bit yellowish, also did blood test ok, 1 mth check PD also say ok. So ok de, if worried then go do a blood test.

GG, i also give gripe water this morning, no alcohol liao. My baby din sleep from 9pm till this morning 8am... can u imagine.. she did doze off a little a little, i think partly colic, partly over-stimulated during 1pm photo shoot.

shokel then only warm when bb want to eat, dun need too hot one, as long as not cold.

Ainsley, fuss at day is definitely better... i din sleep whole nite, this morning woke up feeling like killing her.. of cos i didn't lah, but was so angry that she keep fussy around dun sleep, cry and i literally carry her, feed her, from 9pm to this morning 830am.

sigh... i really dun feel like being a mother liao.
smalldreams, my #1 used to go chilcare. nw she's in primary sch liao..

miu, u can try la cos when bb dun wan means dun wan le mah. bt i heard that their weight plays a part oso. bigger babies can sleep longer. at least nw no more watching sunrise liao la. haha

ginnie, these few nights she can slp for 4 hours. last night fr 10+ to almost 3am.. then nxt feed ard 6am... but once the sun is out........... disaster.. lol

hellojas, i use nursing shawl fr spring maternity. $39.90
ivy, there was a period dunno y my baby was very active at night, had to carry and entertain him from 2-6am before he can sleep! In the end, I had to be a human mattres for him and let him lay his tummy on mine.. but after a few days, he is ok liao.Maybe its a transitional phase for them.. nowadays before sleep, i will change diapers and use the gd quality ones.. sometimes when baby is interrupted from their sleep like when they are sleeping e.g. peeing, they refuse to sleep again..

when my baby still got jaundice at week 4, my MIL keeps blaming on my BM.. haiz.. i quite mean but i was attribute my low ss to her.. my deterrent to breastfeeding.. always try to persuade me not to sleep wif baby at nite..
ainsley, that's gd! considering the fact that ur baby is on BM and so easily digestible but she can still sleep straight for 4 hrs.. my baby drinks formula at night then can sleep straight for up to 4 hrs..,
ivy, wah... almost 12 hours wor. faint~~ u nv slp at all? u establish bedtime routine?
mine every night the same so think she can recognise liao. last night 9+ she still in living room, cry till like mad.. then after tat do all the routine n give last feed, she sleep till 2.50am le. pray hard can last this way lor..
hi roxy... erm, like tt arh.. tat time i also like tt, i tried so hard then can pump ard 70ml, then he only drink ard 50ml and then wasted liao.. haiz.. also thinkin shd i sep my ebm to lower ml..
but my bb only 8 days old nia.. so i guess their feedin oz also no need so much.. this mornin i jus pump , wah, gt 3 oz lor.. hope at night he can finished all... then me and hubby can slp better...

normally at night, u all wake up hw many times to latch bb arh? me at least 2 times.. thinkin of hw to shorten to one time nia...

actually i dint wana bottle feed.. but i think its less shag to wake up and latch cos my bb like to latch and slpp lor.. sometimes latch for so long also nvr drink much... might as well bottle feed.. moreover my gf tell me, she read the gina ford book, say that must intro bottle feedin earlier otherwise next time when older, they will reject bottle... then shag liao...

i heard abt gina ford, but nvr read the book lei...

hi pauline, u mean BF will lead to bb jaundice longer? erm, then siao liao lor... my pd ask me to tann him for another 3 days that time when went for check up lei.. also nvr tell me if need to go back for review of his jundice.. but mine is nt so serious.. told me is 13 i think... when discharge, was at 11 nia.. anyone knws wat is the serious rate for jaundice...?

btw, can we use CDA to pay for those 6-1 jabs?
shokel - ha.. u beli lucky wo.. 6 days old and onli latch 2 x at nite?? when my bb was few days old and mi 100% latching.. at nite at least 3 times lo.. sometimes 4-5 times oso.. beli difficult to reduce to 1x since bb is so young..

ainsley - ha..oki.. tonite mi will try.. but bb sometimes juz drink normal oso can zz 4-5 hrs straight.. tink depend on his mood.. mayb he growth spurt now.. remember?? 6 weeks liao.. ha!
hi miumiu... erm, oh isit? mine bb is 8 days old today... erm, sometimes ard 2am then 5am or so lor.. so its 2 ttimes... oh, tat is lucky...? then i better fingers crossed.. pantang.. later he wake up more and fuss.. soemtimes he cry and dun wana milk.. so latch also no use,. jus need to cuddle and walk ard...

erm, reduce to 1 time, diff arh.. then maybe afetr bb one mth ya? hopefully reduce to one time at night ba.. so hub and me nt so shag.. hhehe..
miumiu, shokel
same for me too. I think newborns tend to latch verrrry often. No schedule one

Wah, that's good! Your #1 must be so thrilled to have a baby sister
how to start storing my backup ebm..
been latching all along. when i need to run errand i will pump i round of milk for mil to feed baby the i fast fast go fast fast come back..
dun noe how to slot my pumping in btw feeds..
about the yellowness of bb hor...last time even when my #2 go for phototherapy...he still look yellow...and eyes abit bluish dull after 1 month le...only when about 2 months old...his skin starts to turn pinkish...

bb wan milk v difficult to control one le....even though this is my 3rd kid...i also at a lost wor...how to make them sleep 4hrs...i realise its tough...got 3 hour...is a blessing oredi....

you using gina ford method or you self train??...my bb cannot be train wor...day time no matter how i disturb him also wun wake up....yesterdae he bk to his 1st week stage....dun open eyes...juz fuss &amp; fuss for milk ....

8 day old bb still v sleepy...but for now..i think 2am, 5 am feed is good...kekeke
can the malay massage ladies dun do the tummy only do back massage one huh??...cos i went through c-sect...and i dun wan any massage on my tummy because i kena infection b4....

anybody to reccomend??

you using the same massage lady for your last preg ar?? she good??
ainsley, baby and parents-in-law will sleep in guest room, i am asked to sleep wif my hubby..

shokel, my baby at that time jaundice level more than 18.. considered very high by PD.. latch 2 times ok. during confinement, my baby will practically sleep at my breast throughout the night side by side wif me.. if he wants, he suck, if he dun wan, he sleep.. hahah...
pauline, mayb u can get some '山支子' frm the chinese medicinal hall to bathe the bb to help reduce jaundice.
my mil oso boiled 'special' red dates water for bb to drink daily.
Mushroom, gg lee
Wah u let bb diy ah! Aren't u afraid bb bites your nipples instead of aerola? I dun dare to let bb diy. Scared he bite my nipples coz It happened before
ainsley_yip : u so gd, bb can sleep >4hrs at nite.
My bb juz awake fr 9am till 11.45am.
She also do take a 2 hr nap in the aftn ard 3pm &amp; that's when I can rest &amp; hv a nap too....;p
yunzz, i think my bb always bites my nipples when he latches on.
really painful...

so, dun really enjoy him latching on.
very sad, rite?

but no choice, gotta bear with the pain when he latches on initially.
luckily, after a while, no pain liao...
Hellojas, ya tats the one bt mine is grey. Nt reali hot cos it's nt thick. Good thing is tat it's quite long at the back. Ytd I jus told them one method. U can wear spagetti inside ur top. Then when u feed, u pull up out outside one n pull dwn the spaghetti top. Like tat wun see tummy.

Fatbabe, I duno abt gina ford wor. I jus repeat the same thing every night cos it's a need bah. Need to change, need to on aircon, etc bt I always do it ard the same time. Think naturally, bb will know
mummies, those having the same problem as me as very frequent feeding in the day ah..

I just called breastfeeding support group. The lady told me for breastfed babies to feed every 1.5 hours is normal especially when my bb has long sleep at night and also one long sleep in the day. So minus off the sleeping time, feeding 10 to 12 times is good. Cos for breastfed babies, feeding time should be tabulated by the number of times in a day and not by schedule.

She told me that she used to feed every hour be it for milk for just for comfort. She said babies will be more settled when they reach 3 months..

Pauline, if your baby still have jaundice, best to avoid things like ginger, carrot, papaya, chinese tonic, etc.

miu, if ur baby can slp 4-5 hours straight then it's good mah. almost whole night liao.. Don't worry, growth spurt will only last a few days.. you will have long sleep soon again.
ling lee,
try to aim when bb's mouth open v big and put the nipple in...if his mouth takes in the whole aerola...less pin to you...other than dat the tingling/ sharp pain is the let down effect...

i also dun 100% enjoy latching...weirdly at night esp...cos he latch for like more than half &amp; hour..and i am real sleepy!

think mine going through growth spurt..he's sleepy..but haff been feeding on a 1.5hourly for the day....i went out for 4 hours yesterdae...fridge EBM of 300ml finish liao...
Ainsley, yes 12 hrs i did not sleep well, i did doze off, head dropping type. Finally 6am i give in, i put on bed and lie down with her, let her suckle.. think she feel better with my hugs and sleep a bit, till 830am then i feed her again but she manage to shit and seems calmer.

Ginnie, hope this phase will apss soon.
hi ginnie... wah.. then ur bb hw? need to go hosp and do the photography? or ? cos my frd say no need to tann , they will fade away one.. jus tt BFing bb are more prone to jaundice...
wah, slp at ur breasts arh..
mine sometimes also like tt.. but i jus pull him away slowly lor... otherwise hw to slp sia..

and tks for the link on jaundice.. oh, ok, then wil call and chk with GP or poly before headin for the jab...
babe, it's not the let down sensation, it's really the 'biting the nipples' feeling...

hve been trying to aim when his mouth is wide open, but somehow, he still bites the nipples leh...
but one thing, letting him latch on does help to solve my blocked ducts problems @ times.
yunzz i also don wan him to diy but hor... if u help him, he will spit out n redo. sigh...

ling, could it be he is clearing the block ducts tats y u felt initial pain?

hee i enjoy latching my boy at nite leh... i juz lie next to him n latch him. after he is done he will unlatch on his own
Thanks for sharing!!!!
So its norm that my boy latches every 1.5-2hrs.
I still tot he's having growth spurt.

mummies, any effective method to catch bb boy pee when changing diaper? Everytime my boy pee, he wet himself and got to wipe him, chg clothes... End up lots of clothes to wash.
ling lee,
I was having the same problem. My boy cant latch properly on one of my breast and always bit my nipple till I got blisters and dare nt latch him for 2 days.
Before you latch, try to squeeze some milk out 1st. This will lure bb to open their mouth wide and also bb will nt suckle so hard and hurt the nipple. N also use the other hand compress the breast slightly when latching him so that the milk flow will be smoother. It always work for me. But of coz at time when my boy is fussy I still get painful bites from him hahaha....
snowpear, growth spurt last only for few days... urs for hw long le? anything u all in doubt can call breastfeeding support group. the ppl are v nice n patient compared to the nurses at TMC parentcraft.
Hi mummies,

Cld I find out when u latch or bttle-feed yr bb at nite, do u on the light or juz use those small plug-on night light ?
My CL told me not to on light if not bb will see light &amp; dun wat to sleep at nite.
Regarding growth spurt, how many times it will happen in a day/nite?
almost a week liao leh.
previously he only wake up for feed every 3hrs in the day.
Nw like milk monster, every 1.5-2hrs.
But he's still gd @ nite. I only need to feed him twice, @ 10/11pm and 3+am.

anybody keen to do baby massage? I will be going to the one parentcraft is holding this saturday.


I remember a couple of weeks ago we discuss about this. I check with my gynae n he advised that for those who are planning to have another baby in 2 years time to stick to condom or the mini pill (different from the normal pill, think it doesn't consist of estrogen or somethin n its safe for breastfeeding)

for those who's planning to have baby next five years then can put IUD (but the side effects is tat will have painful n heavy menses)

hope the above info helps! =)
