(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

all mummies - confirm liao.. function room is available!! so c u all on 13th mar!!

ice - can understand.. mine oso.. my mil.. always juz come into my room when mi pumpin..
My boy is 5 weeks old and his feeding schedule is still erratic, at 1.5 to 2 hours. Last night, he didn't sleep from 1am to 5am. It's a case of feed, burp, throw up milk, rinse repeat.
When will he start to feed at 3 hourly interval or need to train?
Roxy : just received the tea. Enjoying it now.
Hemmie : try to develop a sleeping pattern for your bb. For us, my hubby &amp; I will switch off all lights, draw the curtains, on the aircon, and play bb sleeping time music(we bought the CD from Kiddy Palace)after bb's last feed @ 9pm+ or 10pm+, in this way, bb will sense that everytime he hears the music and cosy, dim environment, it's bedtime. We have been doing it since CL left abt 2wks ago, and it works. Maybe u can try. Our bb will wake up @ 1am+ for his next feed, follows by 5am
+or 6am+.
Hemmie.. same, my bb drink around 1.5~2hrs, but she will fall bk to sleep after tat. We try feeding her more but she refuse.

once the CL leave.. im gng to faint
hemmi, my girl is 6 week old. And initially I was like you. My girl cries every 1.5 hour and I will feed her but she doesn't take a lot. Sometimes she will get frustrated when feeding. Then I realise that actually she cried not because of milk but tiredness.

These 2 days, I try to carry her when she cries and shortly after, she falls asleep and I manage to drag her feeding time to 2+ to 3 hour.

At night, I will change her, off light, on aircon, on soft music and give her one last feed. Usually she only wake up 3 hourly for feed at night. But past 2 night, she managed to wake up 4 hour, 3 hour, 3 hour.

Think you have to develop a routine before bedtime to let her know that it is night time and time for sleep.

It's a trial and error kind of thing I guess. Slowly n we will get their cue..
ainsley, when did u delivery ur baby girl?? cos im 6 weeks too, delivered her on 6th dec. U leh?

Yesterday colic until my hubby almost wanna die... she keep screaming..
ainsley - haha... baby centre onli count from your EDD.. ha... unless u change liao..

ivy - then mine is 7 weeks oso?? mi deliver on 1st dec wo!!
oh no..colic beli scary.. cuddle bb close to u.. will help rite??

hemmie - my bb oso better now.. nite usually 3 hrs if not longer.. he will zz more liao.. =)
Oh no…tdy my boy (he's now 6 weeks old) think he start his growth spurts again…been feeding him almost every hour from 6 till now n he didn't take his nap in the afternoon.finally he's now asleep hopefully he will sleep now…keepin fingers crossed…arghhh…so tiring…
genesis - ya.. heard growth spurts is week 3, 6 etc...
so mayb reali growth spurts man...

ainsley - isit?? then mine is oso week 6 onli? ha.. thot so fast week 7 liao..
Genesis, can understand hw u feel. Had similar experience b4. Somemore wake up in mid of night every hr. Nw my bb oso 6 weeks. Hope can go thru this smoothly.. Bt think of it this way. it's gd tat Ur bb is growing well n fast at this stage..

Miu, ur bb oso 6 weeks, look out.. Heehee
hi gers..

just had my "graduation" party on 2 nights over the week ends.. and today bought my baby for hep b 2nd dose.

so tired..
looking forward to meeting up with all of u in march!


<font color="ff0000">Celebrating Motherhood &amp; Babies Pre/Post 3rd Month!!
Mummies to share share, babies to play play!!
Mummies to exchange ideas, tips etc.
Dadd(ies) are also welcome to share about Fatherhood !!

1)Start with mummy and baby’s self intro so that we know who is who :p
2)Exchange of tips/pointers to help each other to cope better in our motherhood
3)“mun mun” time! ( each mummy have to bring one dish)
4)Gift exchange time( as it’s our bab(ies) 3rd mth bash, i suggested each mummy to get a $20 budget gift to exchange so that all bab(ies) will go home with a small gift?

(Welcome mummies to give suggestion and program will then be confirmed soon!! )

Mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:

1.Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
2.Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Isaiah &amp; hubby (tentative)-Blackforest Cake/paper cups .
3.Anny Chionh ,elder one,bb, (Hubby-TBC) -Blackforest Cake/paper cups
4.Alicia, Princess Sophie and Hubby-Blackforest Cake/paper cups
5.1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
6.miumiu , Prince Tristan - Drinks
7.arisz, Prince Ashton, #1, maid,(Hubby-TBC)- Drinks
8.Ainsley (will reconfirm) –Drinks
9.Ling Lee, Prince Sherwain, (Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
10..Cayenne ,Prince Ashton,( Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
11.Calamari, Baby Noah, (TBC - hubby and Toddler Kayla,)- Agar-Agar/Drinks
12.genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby-otah
13.hweiz,2 kids &amp; hubby-Fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette , Paper Plates/Spoons/Forks
14.eyevee - bake chicken wing
15.WeiTing,Prince ryan, (Hubby- TBC) – fishballs
16.Juzamum, Princess Jazebel, Son jabriel- fruits
17.augleo, bb YK (#1 &amp; hb = TBC)- sandwiches
18.Jeanietan, Prince Keith, sis,(Hubby-TBC) - potato salad
19.Yiqi &amp; baby-Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
20.Tris – Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
21.Hemmie, Prince Samuel,(Hubby-TBC)- Pizza
22.mushloom - Pizza
23.Canopyhaze (will reconfirm)-Pizza
26.Lilian , Princess Laura</font>
miumiu, baby centre put my bb 5 weeks lah, becos they calculate the 6th weeks not finish. By right this is start of 6th weeks for my baby i think only when the week finish they will consider her week 6.

miumiu, yes cuddle tight tight and preferably verticle... not lying down. I tell u the moment put her lie flat, she will scream, it is no joke.
ivy - oic.. so mine shd be mid week 6..
oh no.. bb must be in pain man.. sigh.. beli cham man..

ainsley - bb sometimes will ask for milk like 1 hr plus man.. so mayb growth spurts.. ha!
yiqi- received your PM, thank you so much for offering your ice box, understand that it's quite heavy, let me discuss with miu see she can do anything over her side or any mummies can get the Styrofoam type which is lighter, will inform u again when nearer date

miu- understand that the function room do have a fridge so based on ur judgement, do u think we need icebox for the ice or we can dump all the drinks into the fridge. Am thinking if the fridge is too small maybe we need just one icebox to put the ice and whoever prefer chilled drink can just use papercup and put ice into it?
Miu, sigh.. Quite diff to differentiate whether they reali wan milk or jus wana suckle for comfort leh. Then I oso duno wana give in or nt.

Ivy, wah. Like tat U manage to slp at night??

Mummies, I hv a fren who gave birth 5days earlier than me who wud like to join us for the gathering.. Isit ok with u all??
sharon - dun tink can put all drinks in fridge.. let mi try to get one ice box so that u all wun hav to carry...
juz finished expressing.
the blocked ducts really causing a lot of pain &amp; discomfort.
tis afternoon, the massage lady did help me massage a bit to relief the condition, but think not fully cleared.
so, tonite, the prob is back...
thanks ladies!!

btw any mummies experience your bb will suddenly cried while sleeping?? how huh?? my girl recently have this problem leh...
Hi gals, am still so confused with the vaccinations, tink I really become more stupid after birth of my boy.....

My bb's pd have pkgs for vaccinations.5-in-1,6-in-1 and combined pkgs, all 3 are at $440 before gst. I forgot the diff ald...how ah? *sigh*my hb leaves the decision to me, cos I am at home but I m super clueless. He said dowan go polyclinic to que cos our sengkang polyclinic is super crowded....with newborns.

Sharin,my boy 3 weeks old will suddenly shout in his slp then cry,so scary! We faster carry him n coax him.
ling lee - u must oso massage urself to relieve those blocked ducts.. or else will be painful! ask the massage lady to teach u..
hi jeanie, mine stil using NB cos bb is 6 days old nia.. he stil 3.2kg.. i realised i opened the MP diapers liao, but not used ... erm, mine is the 72 pcs, i forgot hw much i bought for.. think $20+? me staying Hougang...

hi mushloom, my pampers is brand new.. think bought ard $20 too.. size s new baby ballon stretch...

me jus bring bb for 1st chk up and removal of stitches...

hi alicia, the csec line is quitelow lei... i think if wear bikini, cant see la...heehee.. i dint think so far lor.. syil say bikini... me dun dare to wear fittin clothings now lor..
i only managed to lose 8kg after birth.. stil got ard 7-8kg more lor... stil on confinement so, bor bian.. mine edd is dec but bb overdue..
Ling lee, u will not believe it. My left breast has lumps 3 times liao, 1st one, baby suckle till i think unclog the ducts, and she choke and pull off. So i squeeze my breast and the milk spray out, and its quite transparent, so think foremilk that stuck and not-nutritious one.
2nd one, lump, i use hot towel and press, so hot and so pain, press and press like my breast is stress balls, and finally spray... ok i tot the end.
3rd one, the lump came back, i use hot bottle, hot shower, hot towel press, only slow drip of the milk come out. After 2 days, it was so badly swollen cos i also press very hard and the milk only flow out slowly... finally ask baby suck and wala, i 6th sense feel she stop cos its unblock, and i squeeze &amp; squeeze, hopefully all the milk come out liao.

BTW.. i was giggling at genesis post, and guess what... i think im joining her growth spurt club lolz.
shokel,so ur wound ok? No pain right? did ur gynae ask u to apply cream + paste a transparent sticker on e wound to prevent keloids? I still have 6-7kg more to lose! juz ended my confinement yest n hopefully I can try to watch my diet now...
ivy, so i shld let bb sucked frm the breast with blocked ducts huh?

miumiu, i tried to massage the way the massage lady did, but not as skilful leh...
will get her to teach me again when i c her on wed.

juz now used hot towel, plus massage while i expressed, but like not much use.
then, i used ice-cold towel, plus massage while i expressed, slightly better.
anyway, dun think it's cleared.
now, think the lump is forming again.
Ling Lee - u must reali treat that the nipple is not urs and massage... or u ask ur hubby to help u.. cham hor? we must have such pain.. sigh..
miumiu, my mum n mIL see my breast till dun wan to see liao.. haha.. but if it's my FIL then it's a different thing lar.. n sometimes my SIL will also bring her bf over.. so need to hide when bf.. my MIL will still say nvm lar.. ** i wanna to faint**

btw, i stay very near ur place but i moving to novena in 2 weeks time.. if not we can meet very often... hehe...
ice - reali?? how near?? mi move from novena lo.. alamak.. y u wanna move there?? haha..
huh?? bf c never mind?? how can??!!
Genesis, u total latch on rht?? Hw u knw ur bb reali wan milk n nt comfort nursing ah? Sometimes I reali cnt tel then duno give in ant

miumiu, i stay at tanjong ria... novena is near my workplace n the 2 kids will be at the infant care n chilcare... so it's more convienent esp when hubby is out of town...

Ling Lee, liberal??? i dun think so.. more like everything also nvm....
