(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Cayenne: yes, frozen ebm a bit metallic smelling one, as long as does not smell bad, it's fine for consumption.

Which reminds me, I better start rotating bb with frozen ebm! Forgot about it!

Sigh, My cl just left for a few days n my baby refuse to Accept bottle now. Think I should start expressing n let hubby feed her esp for last feed.

Siri normal small yellow cold med is fine but will make u drowsy.
morning mummies, have not been posting as i was not really in the mood... wanna complain abt my mum n mil whose taking turns to do my confinement... now counting down to end of confinement...

genesis, bath once in the morning n wipe down in the evening....
<font color="0077aa">ice_goh, so long not seen u in the thread.. wat happened.. hope everything is well and fine

genesis, fer my side.. bathe once in morning and wipe in the evening..</font>
icegoh.. take it easy. whatever they say/do just one ear in one ear out. During mine, i also super annoyed by mil hubby and the whole world. Now more settled already feel that could be my postnatal blues and hormones wreaking havoc..
genesis, like ice &amp; strawberries, my bb is bathed once in the morning &amp; wiped once in the evening.

ice, wat happened? hope everything is fine.
genesis, my bb bathe once in morning and wipe/bathe(if bb dirty himself) in evening.

icegoh, dun think too much. confinement will be over soon!
MiuMiu : reckon u've enough people to share the cost of the drinks, in tat case, i'll join Hemmie for the pizza =)

Hemmie : Count me in for the pizza! Let me know the cost, will transfer the $$ to u, if not, will pass it to u since clementi is not so far from my place =)
genesis : i bathe bb ard noon and wipe him @ night.

Icegoh : i believe most of us have the fair share of annoying CL/MIL etc, was complaining to my hubby almost everyday when the CL was here, buay tahan her, thank goodness she is gone now, just bear with it for a while, don't vex over it, laugh it off, if not will affect the mood and breastmilk supply, b4 u know it, confinement is over. Hang in there, my dear. =)
Jeanie, mamy poko is good! S size fits 3-8kg but I feel it also depends on size of your bb 'drumstick'. My bb switch to M size already.

On latching, my hubby is opposite...dun really like bb to latch cos he feels bb using me as pacifier...But I do enjoy the latching cos everytime my bb will smile and smile
My hubby say bb so young already so cheeky!!
GG : am using mamypoko size S for my bb, find it a bit big.Was using Huggies dry size s previously but the cutting a bit small, just bought Huggies ultra size M and petpet size s last night, will see if they are good.

Jeanie : Heard so much abt nepia, is it really tat gd? Understand that we can't nepia size s in the market, must buy from supplier right? Those found in the stores are size M and above, where do u get yours? and at what price?
Canopy, ya, I tried huggies also, cutting a bit small. Let me know if pet pet is good ya? I bot fitti premium also, find dat one not bad. The fitti basic one is not so good.

Jeanie, ya, I find S size my bb 2 drumstick will have a bit red lines so I switch to M after finishing S. He coming to 6kg now, so think about there. If buy S somemore I scared very fast outgrow and can't finish the whole pack.
canopy, my nepia is my fren gimme de. think her sis buy from supplier then cannot use finish so pass to me. i feel the cutting ok, so far doesnt leaks. cottony soft. absorbency is there but i feel the surface nt very dry. if u wan, i can mail u some samples to try?
jeanie : thanks for the offer, but do u have enough for your bb? If have extra, please mail me some samples to try. Let me know ya. Thanks!
canopyhaze, sure. Right now have mushloom, me and you sharing will keep to 8 dollars budget so hope more people can tag with me for those not decided what to buy yet. Can pass the money during the bash, no hurry.
Mummies, I try huggies both NB &amp; S size and realise that both tend to leak when my girl poo alot. Also, thought the pamper is already stain of urine... but onli less than 2 hrs and i can smell it ler. But I don't see such issue when I use Mama Poko so am still to Mama Poko.
hemmie : thanks but i can't confirm whether i can make it due to my hubby's schedule. Do u have POSB or DBS acct? If yes, What's your acct #? I transfer to u now. Thanks.
genesis - i bath bb 1 time in the morning only yjen nite change her into sleeping suit.

gg - yrs so fast size m liao... my gal is 4 kg but new born size stll seems too big for her.
Canopy, my bb is 6wks+..5.8kg now..he is a milk monster...crappy when hungry...but just give him wat he wans and he will give me peace for the next 3-4hrs

<font color="ff0000">Celebrating Motherhood &amp; Babies Pre/Post 3rd Month!!
Mummies to share share, babies to play play!!
Mummies to exchange ideas, tips etc.
Dadd(ies) are also welcome to share about Fatherhood !!

Date: 13th March 2009 (Saturday) @ 1pm-5pm ( TBC the timing cause need to check with miumiu first)

1)Start with mummy and baby’s self intro so that we know who is who :p
2)Exchange of tips/pointers to help each other to cope better in our motherhood
3)“mun mun” time! ( each mummy have to bring one dish)
4)Gift exchange time( as it’s our bab(ies) 3rd mth bash, i suggested each mummy to get a $20 budget gift to exchange so that all bab(ies) will go home with a small gift?

(Welcome mummies to give suggestion and program will then be confirmed soon!! )

Mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:

1.Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
2.Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Isaiah &amp; hubby (tentative)-Blackforest Cake/paper cups .
3.Anny Chionh ,elder one,bb, (Hubby-TBC) -Blackforest Cake/paper cups
4.Alicia, Princess Sophie and Hubby-Blackforest Cake/paper cups
5.1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
6.miumiu , Prince Tristan - Drinks
7.arisz, Prince Ashton, #1, maid,(Hubby-TBC)- Drinks
8.Ainsley (will reconfirm) –Drinks
9.Ling Lee, Prince Sherwain, (Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
10..Cayenne ,Prince Ashton,( Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
11.Calamari, Baby Noah, (TBC - hubby and Toddler Kayla,)- Agar-Agar/Drinks
12.genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby-otah
13.hweiz,2 kids &amp; hubby-Fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette , Paper Plates/Spoons/Forks
14.eyevee - bake chicken wing
15.WeiTing,Prince ryan, (Hubby- TBC) – fishballs
16.Juzamum, Princess Jazebel, Son jabriel- fruits
17.augleo, bb YK (#1 &amp; hb = TBC)- sandwiches
18.Jeanietan, Prince Keith, sis,(Hubby-TBC) - potato salad
19.Yiqi &amp; baby-Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
20.Tris – Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
21.Hemmie, Prince Samuel,(Hubby-TBC)- Pizza
22.mushloom - Pizza
23.Canopyhaze (will reconfirm)-Pizza
26.Lilian , Princess Laura</font>
Hemmie- let's see how many mummies will be coming for the bash, if not alot then maybe we settle with just one pizza.
hemmie, i might want to tag u on the pizza, cos my hubby say i might not have time to cook. Cos recently baby very cranky as she grow older and she having bad colic, which PD say colic can last till 3 mths old -.- , im so exhausted.

U see how many pple share, if each $8, i think a large pizza is $24 or something.

Sharon, update u if hemmie ok with me sharing her pizza.
GG_Lee, re: leaking avent bottles
are you using Avent BPA-Free 125ml milk bottles?
If so, u can bring the bottles back to philips for exchange.
it shld be a known problem..all my 125ml bottles leaked. My friend's too.
We brought it back for exchange..they will give u 260ml bottles (gd deal! new improved version) instead..cos they dont produce 125ml bottles anymore (maybe design fault??)
yes..philips at toa payoh. Building TP4.
You can call them at 68823999 to check if they have stocks 1st.
their operating hrs are: 9am-6pm (Mon-Fri); 9am-1pm (Sat)

My girl is 55cm when i brought her for her hep B jab 2 wks ago.
very sian lor.. just wanna to rant abit...
now hubby out of town n will be back on friday onloy..
next week might be out of town again.. n the week after... argh...........
wanna to complain also difficult.......

my mum:
- everything she also like dun wan to do.. like even washing of baby clothes, she will use washing machine.. if can, she dun even wan to wash, will keep till my MIl is back to wash..buay tahan lor..
- at first is say each one do 2 weeks of confinement, then change to each one do afew days.. but it's like now my mum do 2 days n my MIL do 5 days lor...
- when she's here, she always expect my hubby to drive her out lor (she dun stay overnite)... no matter how early or late...
- the list goes on........

- she cant really handle my gal.. everytime she make noise (may not be crying) she will wan to carry.. already tell her dun keep doing tat, next time i will die if i have to carry #2 n entertain #1 (just imagine hubby not ard)..
- she dun really know how to hold my gal.. now slightly better, but yesterday she mishold my gal n the head was like suddenly dropping down.. wah lau..
- she use wet wipes to wipe my gal mouth!!! OMG... have to tell her it contain chemicals, cannot use to wipe.. just imagine if i not ard to witness, dun know how many tiumes my gal will eat wet wipes before we realise it..
- almost everytime she's here, she wan to go out.. say want to buy this n tat..
- the list also goes on... :p

wat i also cannot stand is they like to come into my house without knocking... like yesterday, my SIL came with my FIL, they just open the door n i was just abt to latch my girl.. if it's 10 s later, it's going to be embarrassing... dun they know basic courtesy......


maybe it's the hormones that makes me pinpoint to all the things...

i just hope everything will be back to normal after confinement.. dun u gals find the food the same everyday during confinement.. see liao, i also sian...
icegoh, same case here. once my baby throws up milk and my hubby actually took wet wipe wanting to wipe his mouth!

my pil also likes to keep carrying my baby. Everyday after work, my fil will want to carry him. Once I was breastfeeding him in the room and he just open the door and walk in.

My baby cry a bit they want to carry. Lau, which baby don't cry. Let them cry a bit never mind. I keep telling them let baby cry a bit never mind. How to tell them don't carry? Do so they might start accusing us of trying to exclude them from baby cannot let grandparents carry a bit. Now my baby become at night must carry then sleep. So my feeding sessions at night become longer. Feed, burp. carry to sleep, put in cot, he wake up realise not carried cry. If I am lucky, 1 hour can settle, if not 2 hours per feeding session.
moscato (littlesheep) , the leaking prob can solve by making sure 2 out of 3 air valve (see the teats area) inside the white cap closure.

hemmie, ya lor.. they say cannot let baby cry, later stomach got wind... i also afraid of colic... but if i have to handle 2 child at 1 time esp when hubby out of town, i haf to train #2 not be carried all the times... cos #1 will also want my attn..
