(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g


my ss is 30ml only ;-( , nowadays i don't pump, very stressful when see the tiny amt, so everytime baby cry i just feed. i really hope the ss will increase very soon..

sometimes, he can feed for 1 hr and wake the next hr to feed again. on good days, there's a 3hr interval.. sooo tiring but i'll see how long i can preserve..

hi miu miu, erm... i rem the LC at TMC told me tt BF bb need nt burp .. but i stil gt burb him on and off la... he seldom puke out thou.. but the bottle feedin makes him puke alot.. wah, stil must tahan till a mth then lesser poo arh... haha.. okoko...

hi einnoc, erm, the nuk bottle is free when i bough the steraliser.. i think its size 0 for new borns lei.. dint really chk, but i think the bottle feedin is stil too much for him to handle... all puke out after feeding... so wasted my EBM.. but anyway, i dun wana pump le la.. since he cant take bottle and i tried cup feedin, he also dun really like... jus latch and see how ba.. if gt engorg or pain in my breast, jus massage and the milk will flow like nobody biz... im chgin breast pads alot in a day lor.. using dispo ones.. need to go get reusable ones.. at least can wash and use agian lor...

hehhe.... hope i can BF as long as i can.. cos me currently nt wking.. jus tt my hus so poor thing, always waken up by my feedin at night...
hope bb can drag his interval at night longer... hehhe...
shokel - tbf oso nid to burp cuz bb can oso suck in air/wind when he suckle or trying to latch..
y not juz pump out first.. juz in case like emergency - sick or wat.. u will neber know.. reali...

najmom - u mean pump 30ml after latching?? that is quite oki ma.. cuz bb oredi drink all the milk ma.. no worries.. =)
hi miumiu... ohic.. erm, ok, wil burp the bb then... erm, pump out arh.. ya la.. i think i shd do tt..dint think abt thee falling sick thingy.. oh, if we sick, we cant bf the bb? oops... i dint even knw tt...

btw, me delivered via csec... anyone here wore the binder after the opt.. must wear for hw long arh? the binder is makin me sweat like hell and itch like hell.... im nt wearin for the past 2 days nights liao.. will the wound be affected arh?
Hi jeanie and sharon, just ti check w u, u mentioned about buying nuk teats, so r u still using avent bottles with nuk teats or totally changed to nuk bottles?
Miumiu: count me in to share drinks!!
Weiting- I'm using both nuk premium bottle n pigeon bottle so sometime I will put nuk teats for pigeon bottles ;)
hehe having udders ice cream now... Yummy
hi Shokel,
me csect oso and I have been wearing the binder since day 1, coming to 1 mth now. My tummy did slim down alot but still not complete flat yet so im still wearing it. I will wear it for another mth. The wound will not be affected, dun worry.
Hi gals,can check u all get the fenugreek fr where? From bp, I saw iherbs have but so many brands? My SS oso like stagnant lei, I took the organic milk tea but like help abit only....Really abit desperate....sian!

N I dunno y I use like lvl 6-7 for my freestyle last time n I dun really feel very painful..these 2 days use lvl 3 ald like wanna die lei!Super pain, I had to use lvl 2 then after pumping for 5 mins then I up to lvl 3.
miumiu, cayenne &amp; i will chip in for the drinks too.

sharon, cayenne will b bringing prince ashton to the bash. her hubby's attendance tbc.
i'll bring prince sherwain along. my hubby's attendance tbc too.
alicia &amp; shokel, i hve juz started wearing the binder frm friday.
really hope tt it helps to flatten the tummy.

btw, any mummies here still suffer frm water retention in the feet after giving birth?
though i delivered aabt 2 wks ago, my feet r still suffering frm water retention.

any advice?
hi ling lee... oh , the binder is for flattenin of tummy arh? i tot is to help the wound recover better?

erm, ya, i also wana flatten tummy, but by wearin it to slp, very umcomfy lei... u dun feel so meh? me csec on tues mornin.. wound doesnt really hurt, jus tt the tummy stil stil bouncy and gt a bit pressure ... gg for removal of stitches tomolo...
shokel, i use the binder to help flatten the tummy. my delivery wasnt csect.
well, my tummy still very bouncy &amp; flabby.

sigh... wonder how some mummies managed to shed the xtra flabs &amp; kilos in such a short time.

so far, it has been 12 days since i was discharged &amp; i oni managed to shed 1kg.

guess i muz b eating too much for the past 2 wks.
shokel, yes I wear it to sleep too. Only when I bathe den I remove it. haha, i dun find it uncomfortable. I dont want my tummy to have a chance to 'relax' n bounce back. lol. It is to help flatten the tummy &amp; helps support for csec wound too. My gynae asks me to wear it.
ainsley - where exactly numb?? isit the wrist?? mayb u exert too much force when carrying the bb??

skokel - mi oso c-sect and has been wearing since day 1 till now.. more than 1 mth liao.. shd wear.. tink it helps the wound..

oki.. so cayenne, calamari, Ling Lee, ainsley, arisz and myself will share in drinks.. will buy more juz in case not enuf??
Ainsley, you are doing direct latching right?

You mentioned before there was a period of time your girl keeps wanting milk every other hour, did you get sore nipples?

For the past few days, my boy keeps wanting milk every 1 hour from 7-11pm. Due to this, my nipples and aerola are pretty sore now.

I keep applying the medela purelan cream also no use. Painful le...sob
re: breastfeeding

I also feel the same as alot of u. I wana give up direct latching due to the same reasons, tiring, painful, sore nipples and bath oso painful! I dun mind e hassle of pumping coz its much easier for me n bb gets my milk faster too. BUT u noe wat, my hb is the one who doesnt allow me to stop direct latching! Anyone's hb is like tat too? i think mine is wierd la, some of u gals, ur hb wans u to stop coz he see u xin ku, but mine see me xinku still ask me to carry on! sigh. sometimes when bb cry, i m really halfhearted to feed her &amp; it doesnt make feeding an enjoyable process.....

really hope tat i can swtich to bottlefeed my ebm instead. i tink i wld feel more happier this way.
RE: 3rd month Bash

Any mummies have ice box for cold drink?? Think we might need it...

miu- maybe the extra $$ for drink, can use to buy ice and maybe a bottle of chilli sauce?

Celebrating Motherhood &amp; Babies Pre/Post 3rd Month!!
Mummies to share share, babies to play play!!
Mummies to exchange ideas, tips etc.
Dadd(ies) are also welcome to share about Fatherhood !!

Date: 13th March 2009 (Saturday) @ 1pm-5pm ( TBC the timing cause need to check with miumiu first)

1)Start with mummy and baby’s self intro so that we know who is who :p
2)Exchange of tips/pointers to help each other to cope better in our motherhood
3)“mun mun” time! ( each mummy have to bring one dish)
4)Gift exchange time( as it’s our bab(ies) 3rd mth bash, i suggested each mummy to get a $20 budget gift to exchange so that all bab(ies) will go home with a small gift?

(Welcome mummies to give suggestion and program will then be confirmed soon!! )

Mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:

1.Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
2.Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Isaiah &amp; hubby (tentative)-Blackforest Cake/paper cups .
3.Anny Chionh ,elder one,bb, (Hubby-TBC) -Blackforest Cake/paper cups
4.Alicia, Princess Sophie and Hubby-Blackforest Cake/paper cups
5.1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
6.miumiu , Prince Tristan - Drinks
7.arisz, Prince Ashton, #1, maid,(Hubby-TBC)- Drinks
8.Ainsley (will reconfirm) –Drinks
9.Ling Lee, Prince Sherwain, (Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
10..Cayenne ,Prince Ashton,( Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
11.Calamari, Baby Noah, (TBC - hubby and Toddler Kayla,)- Agar-Agar/Drinks
12.genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby-otah
13.hweiz,2 kids &amp; hubby-Fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette , Paper Plates/Spoons/Forks
14.eyevee - bake chicken wing
15.WeiTing,Prince ryan, (Hubby- TBC) – fishballs
16.Juzamum, Princess Jazebel, Son jabriel- fruits
17.augleo, bb YK (#1 &amp; hb = TBC)- sandwiches
18.Jeanietan, Prince Keith, sis,(Hubby-TBC) - potato salad
19.Yiqi &amp; baby-Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
20.Tris – Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
21.Hemmie, Prince Samuel,(Hubby-TBC)- Pizza
22.mushloom - Pizza
25.Lilian , Princess Laura
26.Canopyhaze (will reconfirm)
miu- ok let's see any mummies have ice box at home or not, if not nearer date i try to see whether i can get from those market store any Styrofoam box
alicia, wah, ur hubby pro direct latch? Mine like not much comments. He'll support my decision. If ur happy with ebm, then give ebm lo. Happy mummy, happy baby. Anyway both also bm wad..
hi ling lee.. oic... ok then, me shall cont to wear the binder.. also wan my tummy to be flat as before ... hub see me and comment me stil look preg lor.. sianz.. haha..

somemore the binder so ex...
btw, alicia, ur csec wound stil hurts ma? cos i heard ppl say the wound wil stil hurt even after the stitches is removed...

me tomolo go remove, scared pain.. cant wait to see the scar.. hope its nice lor.. i heard my gf sayin her scar is very ugly cos the doc stitchin no gd.... luckily her 2nd birth, change hosp, doc do a gd job in savin the ugly scar.. cos both bb also csec...
oh ya... btw, i gt a newborn s size pampers for sale, bb cant fit the cuttin.. brand new hven open.. and also mamy poko s size diapers , unopened.. anyone wana buy?
jeanie, ya lor, he SO pro direct latch. poor me gotta ren the pain and be a 'not-so-happy' mummy. haha. I think when my CL leaves I dont care and will give bottle le coz it will be me n bb alone at home.

shokel,my csec wound doesnt hurt anymore. Its been one mth already. Once stiches was removed, it isnt pain. My scar is one long line, see oso heart pain, duno is it low enough to cover when wear bikini anot. The scar should shrink when our tummy shrinks too...
Sigh, my baby fussy at breast when I latched her at 10pm. Only finished at 11pm but she didn't drink a lot cos she puked out tow huay n poked twice. After I pumped, she is still searching but fussy. Refused to take ebm too. 1.30pm got to feed again, so tired. Sigh.
shokel, hw much are you selling? Me wanna try mamypoko. Alot say good.. Ur bb so fast cant fit liao? Wads the s fitting for mamypoko?
alicia, do wad you think that makes u happy. Sometimes i just feel like latching but hubby nag say why i mess up the btl feed timing. But i dun care. Once or twice then he ok liao.
Just finished feeding and hand expressing cos Bb didn't drink a lot n I am afraid of engorgement.

Siri, think it is fine. Continue latching so that Bb gets the antibodies but wash your hands frequently before handling Bb.
Experienced mommies, any idea how does frozen ebm tasted like?

I tried introducing frozen ebm to my boy, but he refused to drink.. So hubby n I tasted the milk, n find there's a weird taste. Like those coconut odour kind.. Not sure sour or not.. Izzit normal or my frozen ebm gone bad? Btw, the date of frozen ebm was 18dec..

Chamz, if gone bad, wat shld I do with the 40+ pkts frozen ebm I'd stored...
pauline, me pumping exclusively cos bb can only latch on 1 side as i gt short nipple on 1 side. dun know wat med can i take.

cayenne, that day i also gave my gal my frozen ebm to test, heng she finish all. yup frozen ebm has a different taste frm fresh ebm. dun think urs has gone bad cos frozen ebm can store for 3 mths. now half of my freezer is occupied by my ebm. btw, u can let ur bb has a milk spa if u think that ur frozen ebm has gone bad.
Cayenne, dun think ur milk went bad. Its bit yellowish colour? I rem calamari mention frozen ebm taste/smell metallic. Milk that went bad smell really bad n sour. Perhaps ur bb just not used to it. Try feeding a few more times?

For me, i started giving fresh ebm, then frozen, now i rotate.
arisz, my nipples oso feeling sore frm the latching &amp; expressing.

alicia, though my hubby supports whichever way i decide to feed the bb - either direct latch on or bottle-feed ebm, i can see tt he prefers bb to latch on, coz he needs not b involved mah.
but he nds to help out if bottle-feeding b with ebm.

so, sometimes, he'll ask if bb has latched on for the day.
juz yesterday afternoon, he was commenting tt bb hadnt latched on for a long time hor...
i told him bb had latched on a few times on saturday.

cayenne, try wat jeanie said - rotate fresh ebm &amp; frozen ones.
coz after a while, once the bb gets used to a particular taste, it'll take them some time to accept another taste.
tt's wat happened to my #2.
initially, he was okie with both fresh &amp; frozen ebm during the 1st mth, so i tot things shld b fine &amp; kept the frozen ebm till the fresh ones couldnt keept up with his demand &amp; eventually ran out of supply.
but by then, he actually rejected the frozen ebm.
felt so sad &amp; sayang then...

so, mayb let ur bb try a few more times &amp; let him get used to the taste of frozen ebm.
tt's wat i intend to do for my bb frm tis wk.

shokel where u stay and how much u selling the pampers?

cayenne i tink bb just need to get used to the taste. just continue to give. should be fine.

siri still can continue to feed bb. unless ur doc says cannot.
