(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

cayenne.. the petpet sticker is also damn loud and once take out, cannot reuse cause not sticky already... im now using MP.. so far so good
before that was using fitti 360... but CL complain it leaks, i find ok leh.. she says pampers active is the best n i agree but its also most exp..

calamari... cannot take fish essence for 1 month also if possible, cause e fish essence will cause formation of kelods on csect scar... i din take chicken for 12 days also but funny they say can take chicken essence

miumiu, im letting bb wear s size now... find NB abit tight for her... now s abit too big but never mind

calamari: wow u have given too much liao.

MiuMiu : my bb is using Huggies Dry size S, CL has complained tat it is too small for him but me &amp; my hubby think is just nice. Anyway, will be changing to Huggies Ultra size S after we finish the current diapers.

Going to sleep liao, just finish feeding bb, and he is in bed now, better catch a shut eye b4 he is up again. Talk to u ladies soon.
Canopy: last one I oso give $100 then go back I give her $200 cos she did a great job. This one give her this much but not appreciative so she'll really get $10 from me when she goes.
eh... that girl looking for iris, did iris give birth or what? havent seen her for a while.

seveneleven (seveneleven), bathing with guiness stout suppose to remove jaundice. I did not try lah, my fren did and it really works for his daughter haha.

My CL is ok... standard. Beginning when she keep asking me to supplement with FM, say baby dun feed enuff, i was bit piss off lah. And find her no initiatives, i got to ask her if she know how to do papaya fish soup, then she say yes and ask my hubby to buy and she do... I prefer someone who will be more modern and supportive. But as times go by, i find her ok lah, dun expect beyond standard, she is ok.. ok just pass...
For those who are interested, my CL is Aunty Lezhuang at HP: 81567317 (only switch on Sg HP when she is in Sg) or her M'sia HP: +60127526609.

Canopyhaze, my bb using huggies S too. For me, opposite, I thought it was too small and thinking of upgrading her to MP S but my CL think it's just nice. Hee.
My boy not suited for mamy poko.. N huggies ultra size s too big for him it seems.. At least it kept sliding down his butt even though we tighten to max.. End up always leakage..

Huh.. Pet pet sticker cannot stick back ah.. Coz I wear diapers for bb, always need at least 2-3 adjustment of the waist.. Haha, sometimes stick too tight, sometimes too loose..

Any idea how eq sticker? Also, how much is petpet n eq? Coz fitti per pc abt 20cts.. If petpet or eq abt the same, might as well get fitti... Drypers each pc abt 20cts too..
Petpet was abt 0.17 cents whenever ntuc had promo.. now i tink its more exp...the pet pet tape cannot really stick back will lose its stickiness and its very noisy!! hence im using mp s for my gal now and yeah its pretty big :p how is MP NB, anyone tried that?
Sigh, hubby going back work today.. Used up his leaves Liao.. Gonna face bb n my mil alone.. I hope I can cope..

Aiyah, bb just vomit milk..
Dun worry cayenne u can manage!

Juz finish feedin my boy drink one side 15mins then fall asleep, manage to wake him up then drink the other side 5 min. Seems like he drink so little…burp him then still vomit milk out wierd leh…

how come like tat mummies??
ivy, i also din try her beer method. Never heard of it before. But she use other herbs for baby's bath to reduce jaundice.

thanks calamari. Guess have to wait for their call then

I'm new here. Currently my MIL is helping me with my confinement. Just wondering, how much ang pow should i give her. Any advise mummies?
Morning Mummies..

I have used Pet Pet before nei.. and ya.. also need to remove a few times to adjust the waist.. ok nei.. can still stick back..

I find Huggies cutting small.. like can't cover my gal stomache.. if not back will leak.. sigh..
sorry to interrupt
for sale

1) almost BN Medela swing breast pump for sale
used for 2 days only
comes wif full accesories
only selling for $140

2) philips avent isis breast pump
comes with 1 teat travel pack,1 extra bottle with extra soft newborn flow teat, 2 sealing discs and 2 bottle stands/funnel covers
selling for $60 only
partially opened only

interested parties...pls email [email protected]


happy new year!
Re: petpet
hmmm we tried petpet for no. 1 n personally Hubby n I also don't like petpet cos of the loud tape. Material also quite rough n there's a smell. We keep smelling shit smell but check bb, don't have shit. Hahaha only happen to this diaper.
cayenne (cayenne),
pet pet can stick back just as long as sticker type sure noisy one lah. I got petpet nb for day use, cos every 2 hrs need to change, nite time use mamy poko, so far ok leh. Petpet NB i only see it at kiddy palace, ntuc is small size.
I also use mamy poko, started w NB size, now S size. I find mamy poko good. Huggies cutting a bit small, and drypers leak.

The Fitti NB given by TMC is not bad. Anyone can remember is that the 360 huh? If it is, I dun mind ordering the 6 pkts promo direct from Fitti...

Ivy, u very on, change every 2 hrs...hehehe...me dun leh, I will see the diaper condition..sometimes change only after abt 4 hrs. Maybe also becos mamy poko quite absorbent..
Hi mummies, have not been following the thread these two days, both my gal n hubby are down with flu big so have to take care of 2 bab(ies), shrag!

So roxy do SMS me when it's time to transfer $$ to u on the tea ya, scare I overlook the post ;) Personally like the tea very much, very nice esp with the honey I got from eu yan sang, mummies can try it ya! Btw adv. Happy new year to all, hope all our babies grow healthy n stronger in 2010!!
previously you all were talking about being sick during confinement and I was thinking so poor thing.

I was very sick last night.
Vomitted once and diarhoea 7-8 times within 2 hours.

Quickly went to the doc and he suspected is stomach flu.
Think I got it from my #1 as he is still recovering from the illness.

Last night also woke up a few times to the loo.
Lucky today much better...keeping my fingers crossed! Feel so weak now...no appetite
So scared that my ss will drop due the illness...

Now only can pump coz hubby refused to let me get near to bb...he scared that I pass the germ to him.
can't latch him...So sad!
GG, Yes if mamy poko 4 hrs is ok, i dun wan to let petpet stay so long cos its bit rough also. But with my dd poo a little a tiny bit every 1 to 2 hrs, its ok to change often. Nite time when use mamy poko then i change abt 4 hrs cos she dun wake up tat often at nite.

roxy pm me how to pay u ya.

arisz, take care. can latch lah, wear a mask. LC strong encourage mothers to continue direct latch.
Roxy, please email me too cos I may miss out your post on payment. :p

I want to order fitti too but don't know how big fitti S is compared to MP S and Huggies S cos I only have 2 bags of M size diapers. :p
Pauline, I also just emailed them to check. If I am not wrong, I think their S is up to 7 kg and M is for 5-11 kg. I may mix if they allow, cos my bb now coming to 5kg..
GG, ya, I want to order 1 or 2 packs of S size too but they only allow mixing of 3 packs each. I compared Fitti M with MP S and it's longer by 1 inch. But I got 2 packs of MP S that have not been opened yet so worried she'll outgrow the Fitti S lor cos not sure of the cutting. My cheaper Huggies S is half gone liao. Dilemma. :p
wah.. gg.. your bb so big liao ah..

Me need to wait when bringing her for the jab then will know her weight..

Arisz.. stomach flu is contagious.. so ya.. if possible to avoid contact with bb for the time being... also your other family members.. need to wash their hand frequently.. :)
Think mine also coming to 5kg, the other day when we weighed, she was about 4.7kg. Think I'll weigh her again today since today is her official man yue.
Arisz, think it's fine to latch baby if you had been latching him all the way before you got sick. He probably already got the virus from you so if you continue to latch him, he'll get the antibodies from you as well and recover faster. Call LC and check?
arisz, take care n get well soon..

calamari, i had been thinking if i can eat bread, egg, ham n cheese (home-made sandwich for breakfast), then i can eat egg mac muffin too.. haahha... but well, think can eat, but prob the beef they use not gd quality.. which is not healthy for ur confinement? oso confinement food preferably got lotsa ginger + sesame oil etc... which i dun think big mac has it? other than tt.. if u're not looking for nutritious food for confinement.. think big mac shld be fine? anyway, u're not frequently eating it oso mahz...
calamari ur arrival ap so big ah.... wow...

err... i face a prob diff fr u girls. i realised my boy really can sleep. these 2 days he oni wakes up for milk at interval of ard 5h... i m feeding on demand... so shld i wake him up maybe ard 3h to feed once or wait till he autowake on his own huh?
mushloom, u're boy so guai... let u rest... maybe ur boy really drank alot during his feeds? i think shld just let him auto wake up on his own bahz.. like wat they always say.. if he poo n pee well, and weight gain ok.. then shldnt worry too much..
cayenne, joanna: hehehe, in the end i asked hubby to buy a filet o'fish for me hahahaha...shiok man!

pauline: u got bb weighing scale at home ah?
wanna ask, if feed with FM 2-2.5oz, normally how many hours later need to feed again? my boy seems 2-2.5hrs then will like very hungry le leh...so i feed him again...but is it too often to feed with 2hrs as my MIL said too frequent wor, she said shd be feed in 3hrs time leh.

so sometimes when he hungry, my MIL keep on said time not reach yet, cannot feed.. i'm really confuse leh....can help?

my 2wk5days old baby seems to be always hungry recently..
he is drinking 90-120ml every 1.5-3hrs..is tat ok? is he overeating?
