(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Yay! My ex-CL is coming to finish up my confinement for me on 7th Jan. I will be extending my confinement to 40 days (till 23 Jan) instead of the usual 28 days as this CL really never do my confinement properly and my hubby, mom and MIL are very angry and keep saying i never 'bu' at all.

How do i sack this one on the 7th Jan? Should I tell her to go on the day itself or one day before? Will it be very evil if I only let her know on that day itself as she needs to buy bus ticket back to malaysia leh. But if I tell her one day before, I am afraid she will harm my bb.

Good for u calamari.. Think u tell ur current cl the day before bah.. At most the nite after u tell her, u n hubby take care of bb?
Sigh, my bb had been crying since 8pm.. Think he's hungry..but like drink nonstop too.. Worried..
How to tell if bb's feeling colicky? Stomach hollow sound?
cayenne: i scared she at night go and sabo the ebm or sabo our food...the thought of it makes me scared.

Do you have ruyi oil? Dab a few drops on your palms, rub your palms together and gently place your hand on bb's tummy.
ainsley - ha!! ya.. miss u man.. so long neber c ur posts.. scared wat happen to u...
ha.. will still pump lo.. for my bb.. =)

min - ya.. damn sore and nipple bleed a little.. damn painful man.. scary.. so i stopped.. not much le.. mi neber latch at all lor.. juz pump onli..

cayenne - wah.. today so many pple.. mi left hse at 230 and lich hm 630.. didnt pump until then..
u go on weekdays shd be oki la..
Arisz, no problem, glad it can help you to convince your hubby.

Genesis, miumiu, my confinement over today too.

Genesis, I see, if size S is gang gang hao now, I don't dare to stock up. Maybe use up the 2 packs of MP S then decide bah. :p Oh and I called my usual PD clinic and they said bring the bb at 6 weeks so that can go for 6-in-1 jab straight instead of doing Hep B 2nd dose at 1st month and 5-in-1 at 6 weeks. :p

Ainsley, my turn to have painful lump on my left side, the feeling a bit strange, like 'kenna' bruised'. It started when I slept through for 5-6 hrs cos my CL fed my bb diluted red date tea (to clear her yellow skin) in the middle of the night so I didn't wake up to latch/pump. :p
me is total bottle feed but today tried to latch in the noon and bb suckles well. But i dunno hw much he drank n his feeding messed up. Think i nv position him correctly cuz when i put him down, he spit out the milk. Tmr try again. Haha
miumiu, my bb got green poo that time. But lucky only once so i ignore it. U try to monitor for some time. I read somewhere they say its norm.
wow calamari, tough situation you're in man.. think better tell her on the day itself like that.. sounds scary loh.. better dun take any chances..

I also want to go do my hair!
but my episiotomy wound still not healed yet.. cannot sit for so long!

tough luck for me loh, my episiotomy after one month still havent heal, still open ah!! went to see my gynea and also another gynea at the same clinic who apparently was my gynea's mentor.. he say my case very unusual and not normal was already talking about restitching but must scrap away the parts that healed to make the wound raw again before can restitch.. ouch! then both of them saw me and say better observe for one more week before deciding what to do..TMD what tough luck.. kept asking the senior if he thinks its my gynea's fault like nv stich properly that i am in so much pain.. he also like defend her.. sigh..
pauline - shiok feeling hor?? haha!

jeanie - reali? onli once?? so good.. itz norm? dun tink so.. tink mi got too much foremilk...
miumiu, my bb got green poo that time. But lucky only once so i ignore it. U try to monitor for some time. I read somewhere they say its norm.

Roxy, i went causeway pt john little n bought the bra too. But buy another cutting, open frm mid de.

Happy new year mummies. Best of health to everyone. =)
happy new year ladies!

just wanted to advertise for my massage lady, she's good! Always look forward to funny chats with her.. Even helped me changed my boy's diaper once when there's no one at home and im on the massage bed! good service

A chinese lady and very professional with her own bed and clean cloths everytime..
last session, she even helped me perm my eyelash, for a fee of course
provides facial with good quality products
check out her website http://www.shalompostnatalmassage.com/services.html
Pauline, omg. U must fader gt rid of the lumps. Mine was my jus engorgemenr alr. It was blocked. It was pain n felt like bruise. Latch ur bb as much as possible...
Ya u r correct cayenne miss sleepin continuously n uninterupted…I spend my 1st day of cluster feedin from 1.30 till 4am n then nw startin mooing again…arghhh…
miumiu, ur bb has green poo for how long liao?

Min, ur situation sounds painful. Why ur stitches cant heal? If gotta restiitch means nv stiitch properly in first place? Hope ur stitches will start to heal now!
Morning Mummies..


This morning also started my cluster feeding... 4am-7am... so sleepy now.. but cannot sleep le.. cos MIL cooked and I need to be up...

Min... poor you.. how come stitch not heal..

Shit.. bb crying again.. got to go..
morning mummies, happy new year...


my baby also cluster feed from 3am to 6am..very sleepy...but can't sleep need to attend to the elder ones...and also during confinement not allowed to sleep during daytime..otherwise, face will be puffy
Has you mentioned the payment mode for the nursing tea? if yes, could you pls pm me again as i not follow the post everyday...afraid will miss it out when you mention the post method.

wow...mummies, you guys so shiok...can pump so much...me the most combine only 1.5oz...then afternoon and at nite drop liao....sienz......i thik sooner or later i'll give up liao...feel depress seeing the low flow.

btw mummies, what time normally you bath your baby?

is it.. sleep during daytime, face will be puffy????

W.Joe. normally bathe during this time.. like now.. MIL bathing her.. so I sneak in again hehe..
W.Joe, usually bathe bb ard 9 plus in morning.. But really depends on him.. Sometimes he slept till 10 plus, then bathe him after his feed loh..

Genesis, yah.. Store normal fridge freezer can store up to 2-3mths.. If those deep freezer, think can store for half yr..

Sigh, just now went kitchen take pumping equipment, overheard my mil complain to dunno who abt hubby n i..
coz we wanna do bb full mth on the actual full mth (a wkday), but mil wanna do full mth after the actual full mth on wkend.. I believed shld do full mth before or on the actual day.. But I think mil wanna do after coz wkend, can invite relatives to buffet..
in the end we gave in to her, but wanna secretly trim bb's hair on the actual full mth.. Sigh, if she finds out, sure quarell one..

n I feel my mil didn't do a gd confinement for me.. She believes 1st 2 wks of confinement shldnt drink tonic soup.. Else got menses soup will be wasted.. So all these while my mom secretly boiled tonic soup n asked my hubby bring to me.. N now I'm in 3rd wk confinement, my mil said cannot drink too much tonic soup.. Else will over 'bu'.. So she made chic soup for me twice a wk.. Sigh.. I'm really not happy.. Feels she treat me as a by-product of delivering the bb..
happy new year everyone!!

hi vivi
sorry i already ordered..if someone backs out, i sms u?

hi cayenne
my mother, mil n cl told me now is e period we must bu as much as possible... cause after delivery we are empty inside so must have tonic to fill in e gap, plus we can eat as much bu as we want without getting heaty, best is to drink 1 bowl tonic per day
sandy i like to order 1.5 yrs boys training pants, do u carry them? thks ah!! my email is [email protected]

jeanie, u bought the 12.90 one that opens from middle? seems better to open from middle, is it good?
All orders captured till mstan (last order)

Please transfer s$7.30 per box plus s$0.50 postage to posb savings 207 29109 9. Please rememeber to include your nick when transferring

After transferred, pls email me at [email protected] your:


morn everyone and happy new year!

What a way to start 2010, /i kanna block duct i tink, I tried to pump for 15 mins only few drops out, very pain, super swollen liddat....My iphone contents all gone, cos jailbreak and everything all gone if I dun connect my laptop with pc when I off the phone. I accidentally off it in my slp n everything gone!
Finally.. bb sleeps.. phew... tired when they are cluster feeding.. cos the moment you put them down.. less than 5mins. they cry for milk again....

cayenne.. and roxy.. actually.. what the MIL said is quite true nei.. cos my gynae also said don't take tonic and essence of chicken yet.. cos if not the menses will not stop... so my MIL only cook those 'good' food using 'good' stuff for me first... to pu me.. 2weeks later then starting to take tonic.. and she will pour one bottle of the essence into the soup.. by then more or less.. our menses has cleared le..
Roxy.. size for training pants come in 90, 95 and 100cm.. any idea how tall is your boy? 1.5yo should be abt 95/100 ya? For boy, you prefer Mickey or Pooh?
I have this 3pcs set from Little Me..selling at $13.. for NB-2M.. can wear during CNY... last 2sets.. material is very soft.. and sweet looking..

Anyone keen? Let me know ya..

najmom2004.. I also don't sleep during daytime.. but some days will nap in the noon.. cos super tire.. esp when all kids are having their nap.. the best time for me to rest with them as well.. :)
roxy, so mine is $7.30 + $7.30 + $0.50???

pm me if u can in case i forget hehe. thanks.

my bb also got green poo but for 1 to 2 times poo only, so i also ignore it later.

i sunday also doing full mth, but CL leaving sat.

so any one buying a carrier? what brand u all buying ar?

yeah its hard to nap in the day when you have other kids to care for...

i just check with vitakiz , they sell the supplement at $50.so ex..i'm going to get from iherb.
my bb birthday is 6th dec, so do earlier cos weekend.

my milk supply also so so nia, enuff to feed baby, then no more to pump liao.
Happy new year everyone!

Ainsley, ya, I keep nursing her on the left side now. Just now, tried pumping after she latched and only got 10ml on the left. Actually it feels soft liao leh but don't know why the side will start to ache after 3 hrs. Sian. :p

Roxy, okie, will transfer to you.
DBS website on holiday today. :/

najmom, can also order Motherlove More Milk Plus from luckyvitamin sprees. I bought 2 bottles before I delivered. But haven't start taking yet. :p
Roxy, my mom got same beliefs as urs.. But mil diff.. Btw sandy, I'm abit diff.. I take tonics, my menses will go away faster.. Eg. Pre-pregnancy menses, I take chic essence, my heavy flow will end earlier..

Anyone of u buah tahan ur mil kept showing ur bb off? I dunno.. Or maybe just me.. Can't stand her, so watever she do oso irks me.. Sigh.. So unhealthy..
Persevere, najmom! You can do it. BF is really not easy. Drink more hot fluids and massage before pump, maybe can also visit LC to improve bb latch.
pauline thanks!!

sandy, i tink 95 cm can le... he not very tall... mickey please? pooh also can buy mixture, let me know price n account no i trf to u... the set bery nice!!! but long sleeve leh.. got any other designs for gals?

firipy... sayang sayang

sandy n cayenne.. ic, anyway my confinement over le, too late to do anyting now also n i ate alot tonic soup, 1 bowl everday but my lochia stopped flowing within 1 week... maybe up to indv?

ivy, yes..im using ergo but can only start from 4th mth onwards when bb head stronger cause i didnt buy infant support
ivy, i was maintaining e table but tink dat one not v relevant now? can suggest a new table?

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>BB dob</TD><TD>Name</TD><TD>Birth wt</TD><TD>1 mth wt</TD><TD>Area </TD></TR><TR><TD>roxy</TD><TD>26/11/09</TD><TD>Ariel</TD><TD>2.795</TD><TD>3.95</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

got anymore details to include in e table? table still has column space...
pls add your details in e table.. if not, post them here n i'll update for u...
