(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

sharon: Princess Daphne is so pretty

Shaine : Princess Daphne is soo cute.
She smiles while sleeping.. Dont worry too much okie?? Can ask how u did this collage?
shaine - bb Daphne is beli beli cute and has a sweet smile...she beli active!! =)

ainsley - oki la.. mi oso ate potato chips for supper ydae.. tmr must eat mac fries.. drooling liao.. hee!
hi Sharon, so glad to read about your sharing! we are keeping Princess Daphne in our prayers, so dun worry.
Im also very encouraged after reading you are doing total breastfeeding =) Jia you!
Indeed, Daphne is a pretty princess - rare gem, like u said!

Btw,what is that jab that you took after ur waterbag burst? Does it relieves pain?

Are you visiting the PD that Dr heng recommends us as written in the admission letter?

How much does he/she charges?
sharon, I like it when princess daphne smiles when she's smiling...=) so sweet~

Its my Day 2 of staying at home, boring...i wake up at 11am! gosh. muz go cook lunch now....
sharon >> baby daphne is so sweet..
very cheerful baby.

I am down with a sorethroat. cough and running nose. So lucky. Sick while on MC.
Wanna go out and buy things also no mood.

ytd felt a sharp piercing pain @ v area. wondering is it baby's head coming down and opening the cervix??
hi Shaine,
nice to "see" u here again

bb Daphane and u are doing great....jia u

the admission letter stated PD=Dr Ho.
me will still stick to her since my #1 seeing her.

u really like stemaboat huh?

my last steamboat was at National Day.
indulge urself
calamari,Sandy,miumiu, ling- thanks for the compliment, princess Daphne will be very happy and smiling when i share with us later

Happymummy- i used picasa software to do the collage
, u can try to google and download the free trial, very easy to use

Josephine- my waterbag burst by itself at home, no pain at all just a pool of water coming out and no contraction still when i'm at hospital for 2hrs so took a jab thru drip to stimulate the contraction. Heard that if the nurse help to burst the waterbag, it's very painful.

1xMummy- ESH has very good lactation consultant, with her help, breastfeeding become my new hobby , LOL...
Consult her as much as possible to help ur princess in the the correct latching then breastfeeding will be ur next hobby too
It create the bond and i really love the contented and smiley look of princess Daphne after her feeding.

Yes, i'm visiting Dr. Ho the PD that Dr. Heng recommend, she's will go to ESH every morning to check the nursery's babies and headed to her clinic at Tampines after that.

Her consultant charge vary i think based on the condition of the baby, she charge me $52 yesterday including the blood test after she suspect that Princess Daphne's jaundice is back.
Saw another new born's parent been charge $80plus bcos her newborn got colic, and need medication treatment.

<font color="aa00aa">*Mummies who have any qns can feel free to PM me as my phone will alert me with new mail, i will try to answer if i could, as for thread wise, i can only try to follow while pumping milk or breastfeeding
HI Alicia and yiqi- thanks for the compliment
Cannot praise her too much or else she will be "proud" haha...

Augleo- thanks for the encouragement, hope u and 1xMummy will jiayou too!! Dr. Heng is very pro and ESH nursery staff are great!
Just to share, mummies who will be/ considering breastfeeding do take note to consume less alchol, less ginger and less sesame oil!! Try to breastfeed as much as u can to have the milk flow.... <font color="aa00aa">Remember!!! No milk companies dare to promise that they produce better milk than mummy's breast milk!!
Jia you mummies/MTB!!!</font>
sma||dreams- thanks and hope u enjoy your stay at ESH, i opt for 2 bedded, thinking will be more comfortable but my neighbor is very irrirating...zzzz nevertheless they have quite alot of good nurse esp. the Malay , there's one china nurse not so good manner :p
As for nursery staff and lactation consultant, thumbs up!!!!
Try their confinement menu, i didn't took that cause i'm total breastfeeding so want avoid too much ginger etc. but the food are equally nice!!! My hubby love it too :p
Hello all mummies,

shaine, princess daphne is so lovely!! dun worry. she'll be fine!!

sandy, i also feeling abit less movements. and the movements is not as intense as the past but since dr fong say compare with the day before, i think should be ok bah.. i also agree with you. i hope bb can come out faster cuz dunno whats happening inside. sometimes he nv move much and i start to panic liao..

hurhur.. i envy all mummies can eat this and that while im given warning not to eat so much..
Augleo, actually I prefer oysters and sashimi more than steamboat lor. But now cannot eat leh. lol.. Don't know if can eat when breastfeeding.. lol
Hi jeanie... you oso felt this way huh...

Ya.. don't know why.. felt the movement much much lesser these 2 days...

You should be faster than me ya...

Me still need to tahang another 2weeks nei.. :-(

Aiya.. eat la.. juz moderate to crunch you gaving.. if not bb born.. will drool.. lol..xxx
hi sandy, thats why i tell bb if still dunwan come out, better be more active. but i think he said if 50% lesser then go see him right? 2 weeks is very fast lor. i hope bb can come out soon.. i wanna eat!! but i scare later bb too big..
sharon, i really wish breastfeeding can become my hobby when i deliver. hahaha...
coz i didnt breastfeed #1 &amp; #2 directly back then, juz gave them ebm.
sandy, movement is 50% lesser? better call and check.. got try to wake bb up? maybe bb is sleeping..

mine is boy.. but big size means difficult to push..
Juz now talk to bb.. very impressed.. think she can understand hehehe... so move for me for assurance.. will monitor daily..

Boy big size.. should be ok..
Me oso cant eat all the nice food now, seeing u all can still eat chips somemore!....weekdays my meals r all fish soup...haha...juz to control my weight gain...v cham!
sandy, thats great!!

alicia, i can totally emphatise.. me too me too.. need to control!!! but i just eat half pack of twisties. oops. :x
Jeanie : Ask u ah.. u think DR Fong scanning machine got problem? Haa actually until now i still cant believe my gal gain 800gm in 2weeks time. Last visit at 31 weeks, dr fong said my bb small at 1.9kg.. but i ask my colleague hers at 32 weeks 1.6 something her gynae saying big liao lo.
Happymummy, my gal gained 700g in 2 weeks time also. My gal's growth bit irregular, 2 visits back, she grew 500g in 2 weeks, then 200g in 3 weeks and now 700g in 2 weeks.

My gynae initially estimated my baby will be 3kg at birth, now she says will definitely be heavier.
hi happymummy, i also dunno leh.. maybe he also got see mummy's size? mine gain 500g in a week. he told me he estimate mine to be 3.4kg during birth. i think he also speak with his experience bah. during my last week scan, machine says 2.9kg but he press press tummy and say more then 3kg liao. ytd scan, 3.4+kg. he still ask, 'did i say your baby is big last week?' i replied he say ok. so he say if give birth now, should be at least 3.2kg. if later abit, should be 3.4kg.. cuz machine also got +/- 20%..
Justalamb : Oh..ok i see i see. But Dr Fong saying bb will grow faster in later stage. Cos my #1 is only 2.46kg at birth so i cant believe #2 is already 2.7kg liao le. Hee

Jeanie : Wao he press tummy will agar know bb wgt? So clever ah? haa.
congrats to ginnie! thanks for sharing your labour details!

hi shaine, princess Daphne is very pretty. hope her jaundice problem will be gone soon, i heard jaundice is very common nowadays so dun worry.

anyone still has bad heartburn problem? i'm still having it &amp; can't sleep well at night.. practically everyday.
happymummy, i think press press and agar know the bb length and then give some assumptions?

originbaby, i'll have heartburn if i've got full dinner.. so i'll make myself tired, burp myself le and doze off.
hi mummies, i am going to hospital for delivery! going to see my little prince soon..

had contractions since morning, so contractions are sensations behind lower back.. had a bit of show and just called gynae.. she told me to go hospital now..

shall see u mummies here to share breastfeeding stories!

thanks for the baby pics,she's sweet and adorable..hope she'll be back home soo so you can cuddle her as much as you want...

btw, the lactation nurse is a tall,bespectacle lady, right? can't remember her name
jeanie, my heartburn just 'appear' without fail.. no matter how heavy or light my dinner is, even if just porridge or soup. i tried drinking fresh milk but doesn't really help. already using 2 pillows to prop my head hgher. sometimes in the morning even b4 i have breakfast! sigh...
ulicia, wish you a short and smooth delivery!!

originbaby, how bout taking pills? i rem i had terrible heartburn during my first trimester and my gynae prescribe me some pills to relieve..
Jeanie Tan, originbaby,Joanna- thanks for the compliment, princess Daphne will be very happy to know that everyone find her cute

Ling Lee- consult the lactation consultant/nurse to help baby to have good latching position then breastfeeding will be smooth and soon ur hobby

ulicia leung- jia you!!

najmom2004- yes, the lactation nurse is a tall,bespectacle lady

I'm off to hospital to bf my princess ....
CONGRATULATIONS ulicia... have a smooth delivery :)

Ya.. jeanie.. was abit worried since last night till this morning.... now I think ok le... maybe she is tired... sleeping...

Hm... happymummy... don't think the machine got problem la. got as much as possible he tried to be accurate when doing the measurement... to determine the growth of the bb..

So no worries la... 1.9kg at 31weeks.. not consider big wor..
Sandy : oops sorry is 1.9kg at 33weeks. Hee. Not big mah?? Dr Fong machine shows that is smaller by 2weeks lor. My colleague bb is 1.6something at 32weeks, gynea saying is considered big???
woah... havent been online 2 days n another mommy popped! congrats ginnie!

and ulicia is going to deliver soon! her EDD only a day before mine! jiayou ulicia!

ulicia, hope u have a smooth delivery!

happymummy, my baby was 1.9kg @ 33wks.. my gynae say 'average' leh. last week 2.4kg @ 35wks.

would like to get advice from mummies about diaper... i have only prepared 1 pack of NB diaper (36pc), shld i buy more NB size or shld i just stock up on S now?
