(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Augleo, my friend has already warned me about all those uneccessary/ unwanted advices. But still, have to be determine this time.. lol... Just ask them to shut up lor.. haha...
miumiu, I hope I can be the next one who tel you birth story.. hahaha... But hor... give birth liao then no.... m..a..h..j..o..n..g.. already. lolx..
miumiu, yes i saw u then!! was wondering was it u... heeeee

thanks janiz.. wow, they sell 800 plus, KS really earn alot hor... can get for 300 plus le..

wow, congrats chantal!!

hi firipy
Not too late, cause the sale only starts this fri... so ks only taking orders now and will only ship fri.. so if u want any bag can still let me know

hi ainsley
no leg, no mj haiz....wow, u going to pop soon le also!!
I am going to pop tmr evening as well. Aiyo, getting abit nervous already! Tmr must nap properly else dunno when then get the chance to sleep properly again..haha
Roxy, thats what doc estimated la.. but no signs of pain leh...

Fitti, you gg for c-sect? Take care and update us with bb's picture.
fitti... keep us updated!!

miumiu, i wanted to call u de.. but i dun have ur hp no ah
me still deciding between henry bb bag n lenox hill... tink the henry noel most worth it de as boutique still selling at 800 plus....
fitti - WOW!! so fast!! rest more!! update us again! so exciting!! which hospital??

roxy - ha.. ya hor... mi gib u la.. hee!! henry noel is the bigger one isit??
miu miu.. you confirmed c-sect liao??

Hm.. for me... cos my 1st Operations thru out my whole life lolx... so the moment I am conscious.. to be honest was.. really painful...

My 2nd delivery was much better... think my threshold level increase and was more prepared...

This one.. I hope no pain at all lolx..
sandy - ya.. cfm liao.. cuz placenta still low and bb will not be engaged at all.. on 1st dec.. hee!!

oic.. mi went thru 2 ops before but small kind.. so this one quite scared...
miumiu.. lenox hill is the bigger n cheaper one... u email me ur hp no ah.. [email protected]

hi sandy...
it shouldnt be painful hor? i had csect with epidural for no 1... was conscious of gynae cutting me open and bb being pushed out but not painful at all...
roxy.... you sounded so scary.. "cutting u open".. lol.. i op for natural but also scare if any emergency case will go into c-sect.. got phobia from my hernia operation..
ainsley: actually c-sect with epi not so scary lah hehehe...i am opting for that again this 2nd time!

Congrats to all mummies who have popped! and jia you to all going to pop soon!
ainsley... no ah.. like wat calamari said, its totally not scary at all.. in fact, like wat my hubby says its stress and worry and pain free!! he prefers it over natural birth
roxy - but after that wears off isit painful?? scary man... oic... haha!! mi confused liao...

ainsley - oh ya.. then u r more experienced liao.. shd be oki for u.. dun be scared.. =)
Ainsley... my #1 was c-sect, GA.. so was knock out.. and when I gain conscious.. was shivering.. and able to feel the pain...

My #2 was c-sect with epi... much much better.. :)

Roxy.. lolx.. ya... was conscious when gynae proceed with the cutting.. and hear him talking 'nonsense' with the nurse even to me and hb... lol.. quite a gynae.. :)

Ya.. I will be opting for c-sect with epi again as well.. cos can witness the arrival of the bb :)

Wah.. miu miu.. 1st Dec.. very near le.. must take care ya since cannot natural... so that it will not lead to e-sect hor..very x..
Roxy, how come I got to the sale section of the website but cannot see the diaper bags that you posted? :p I'm looking for the pink/red KS bucket canvas bag that I wanted to order last year. But like don't have that design anymore.
sandy - reali?? mi opted for spinal liao.. ha!! heng man.. cuz mi wanna c my bb immediately oso!
ya.. beli near man... hope bb will be guai guai.. wait till 1st dec!! hee!! =D
when is urs??
hi pauline
those bags are from outlet dats y so cheap... likelihood ks website or sale dept not carrying them anymore.. dats why went to outlet... only then henry bag still selling in singapore....
hmm, u need to let me know wat is the canvas bag u talking abt then know whether outlet got carry or not....

hi sandy n miumiu
i tink csect with epi or spinal is the same? gynae told me mine is epi, but hospital description put csect with spinal... after the epi wear off 3-4 hrs later, of course its painful but by then u will be preoccupied with baby and too tired... when u first walk down from bed the first day, its super painful but by 2nd day its ok le ah... tc will encourage u to walk around which i tink u shld, by 2nd day i ambitious n even walk to nursery see bb le heeee i might end up csect also cause bb too high n not engaged yet.. if so, i'll ask her guai guai stay inside till 3 dec...
sandy - actually beli fast!! so urs is 8th dec?? my EDD wo!! nice date hor?? ya.. mi too.. esp itz my 1st bb!! =)
roxy - Dr chang says itz diff but say spinal can liao.. so mi juz opt spinal then... ha!!
reali?? scary man.. oki.. hope mi can tahan.. tink cant oso must tahan... ya.. mi oso wanna walk to nursery to c bb!! cant wait lor!!
now tink the tummy beli big man!!
no ah dat time i see u, ur tummy looks ok leh.. not very big... my tummy also not very big... ic... u must use the binder tc gives u, helps to keep wound from moving and not so pain... n try to walk as much as u can, it really helps! by the time i discharge i already stop taking painkillers and walk normally le... 1st day come down from bed was walking bow legged from pain :p
me on AL also..... 30nov then start ML, dun lugi the PH.. i reply ur email n give u my hp le when is ur next appt?
Hehehe... actual date is 09.12.09.. which I find it easier to remember...

No wor.. me this week.. final working week.. (luckily is only 4working days.. cos Fri is HOLIDAY) then will start to clear leave first.. then ML will start on the 09...

Ya.. the 1st step when you come down.. was quite painful.. after that was ok le..
roxy - oki oki.. sure will use the binder.. ha!! but still feel a little scared man...
mi oso leh.. take leave till 26th then start ML on 30th nov.. hee!! we tink alike!!

sandy - oic.. ha.. so fast.. all mummies will be on leave liao.. oki.. mi wil endure the pain!!
hi pauline
The bag still available.. abt S$115 for small...and big one also have $165.... but only have the exact colour combination as the one in your link...dun have the colour combination u mentioned anymore
Thanks, Roxy, wa, $115 liao, does price include international shipping? Somemore, need to include courier (or can go by post)? Last time, I remember the price was $95 only. Wanted to buy it then but it was OOS. :p
hi pauline... yes international shipping all included... but no courier..i tink can go by post cause i tink the bag is small n compact....registered mail will be safer ah... so i tink add abt $3 for registered mail...wow, which bp seller was selling it for S$95 or us$95? dats very very cheap leh... if u want, then email me ah..

wow ainsley, u watched the video!! i salute u!! i die die also dun want to watch it...
Roxy, it was Cougar but that was last year's price. I was hoping it'll be cheaper since exchange rate down by quite a bit this year. A few of us were on waitlist for that bag but end up it was OOS. I still prefer the pink/red colour combi but black is more versatile I guess. Do you happen to have the link or the dimensions for the small bag? I wonder how does the inside look like?
roxy, i watched both natural birth and c-sect video.. In youtube.. both also scary. haha... actually forgt my last delivery liao, 6+ years ago.. but watched liao ah, now feel scare.. lolx
Thanks, Roxy. Took med, blur lar, thought the dimensions were for the large version. Hehe, hubby gave permission liao.
Please help me get it and let me know how much to transfer. Ya, registered post is good since I should be 'grounded' at home by the time the bag arrives. :p
