(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Roxy... So shiok play mj. My friend jio today but not enough legs lor.. sianz... Maybe later go prawning with hubby instead..

Canopyhaze, my hands also no strength but it's worse when I just woke up in the morning.
canopyhaze, my wrist is ok but not my fingers.... Fingers are stiff... If I don't go prawning now, no chance liao lor.. lol..

Now I am getting impatient with the arrival of the little princess. Don't know whether to induce or not.. sigh~
pauline > i was @ ACJ abt 4pm.. i went TMC once in the moring and wass ent to the 24 hrs clinic.
the CTG machine didn't detect any contractions. VE check also no dilation but baby engaged.
so i was sent hm. but abt 2pm pls the pain came back again so my friend insist that i go back and see Dr Khi.VE check dilate 1 cm alr. so start the medications.
so far so good. The drugs Seems to work.
hi canopy
Ur hubby buying for u ah? dats nice of him..^^ i must go hint hint my hubby keke..... yes dats the dark blue colour...looks not bad also more unique... no more cramps le, thanks
i got ur sms le

hi ainsley
tonite we also want to play de.. but no legs as friend bdae... too bad we stay so far from each other if not can always play.. dun induce ah, let her decide herself
roxy : yup, as xmas present as i can't go out to chose my present due to confinement in dec. Just let me know when the bag is here, i will transfer the balance to you and then u courier the bag. Thanks for organising.

Yiqi : my gynae didn't give me any medication when i was admitted to observation ward this tuesday. I was 2cm dilated. Was sent home after 1/2 day observation.
Roxy, ya lor.. We staying at the end of Singapore lor. If not, can play every week.

I don't know leh.. Everyday wait like this also quite sian. But induce ah, I read and heard that it will be more painful and contraction longer. Somemore I am not taking epidural.
hi roxy, wah u stil organizing KS bag spree ah,
i tot u went gave birth dee hehee... btw the crampy feeling like menses cramp is not any cause for alarm unless got sharp pain, bloody show or water bag leaking.like u i experienced regular menses cramp few nites ago, not very mild but stronger den normal. tot going to giv birth le, went dwn hospital n admitted overnite in observation ward 1 nite.in the end is false alarm. only got contractions but cervix not openened yet. so damn painful wen doc chk for dilation. dos say since cervix not open den wait lor since i opting for natural.by tis week if still nt ready den mus induce liao
roxy - i was THERE!! from 11am!! wat u wearing??sigh.. mi still low placenta.. so cfm c-sect liao.. but but.. bb grow beli much.. tink cuz at hm. no stress from work.. haha..
mi gain 400g.. all go to bb!! so bb is now 2.5kg @ week 37+!! DAMN HAPPIE>!! Dr Chang oso happie!!
mi next appt is next sat 12pm.. sigh.. so wun mit u and genesis liao...

canopy - *high5* mi initally quite sianz oso.. cuz used to work hard and late.. but now feel damn shiok liao.. haha!!

alamak.. sky dark again.. like gg to rain AGAIN!
miumiu : happy for u too, drink more milk for your bb. Am going to TMC for checkup next Sat as well, mine is @ 12.20pm. Ya lor, been working for too hard, long time never take long leave except for my honeymoon last yr which i took 5wks leave.

Hope it won't rain again if not will flood again!
Roxy my appt next Thursday is at 5pm suppose to b 2pm but the clinic juz call me up n told me dr chang has meetin so change to a later timin liao...u leh?
miumiu, I am not taking epidural but doc asked me to take the gas at least. Scare of the pain also actually..

Carol, doc said my cervix ripen already but don't know when baby will come out.. sigh~
canopy - which level r u? mayb will c u leh!! mi oso long time neber take leave liao..

ainsley - wow!! ur 1st one le?? wat did u use??
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ainsley, since ur cervix oredi ripen den i tink will b anytime le. in the meantime dun walk ard too much or do housework. btw how does it feel like ah wen cervix is ripen. ?? we wont feel it wan rite?

den wen midwife chk my dilation tat time she say can feel the baby head wor, quite low liao she say. den my hubby lagi funny, say never ask the midwife to sayang baby head as well, ask her guai guai
roxy...i brought my hubby to the boutique to see the noel stevie...he says TOO SMALL! he say the henry baby bag also not v big faintz
Yiqi, so far Dr Wong never put me on CTG machine leh even though I told her I think had 2 painful contractions so far. She just did cervix check and told me 0.5cm dilated. :p

miumiu, I checked using this website http://www.xingming.net/ but a bit complicated. Must key in chinese name, then DOB then click on 姓名评分,next step then can click on 八字分析.

Sigh, I confirmed catch the bug from my gal liao. In fact, all 3 of us are sick, hubby, me and the maid. :p Just take cough syrup and cold med. :p

Cut my hair just now, the aunty layered it by a lot. My ponytail is even more straggly now, looks like a joke. But at least by chopping my fringe and a layered back, it is more cooling.
haloo....ask u all har,

can our babies produce sound inside?
i heard a sound coming from my stomach a few times leh...duno whether it's the bb.anyone experience this too?
hee janiz, then u should get the lenox hill baby bag.. its the cheapest and the most spacious... definitely big enuff for your hubby!! :p

hi carol
yeah loh!! since im gg to order also.. me havent deliver yet.. was supposed to be next mon but gynae asks me try natural so i wait n see...

hi miumiu
i was wearing a beige top with berms, long hair de with my hubby wearing green tshirt n berms... were u the gal in dark blue top with hubby? i was searching ard for u n guessing... heee, congrats! all the weight went to bb thats good.. i put on 1kg over 4 days..OMG, duno wat i eat... must really cut down le....surprisingly tc did the ve for me, i didnt feel any pain at all.. felt very normal...

hi genesis
no leh, my appt was 230 on thur.. nurse never call me to change appt ah... i'll wait for their call then...

hi canopy
i received ur deposit le, thanks!! will update u of the bag again....

hi ainsley
yeah loh! like tonight we want to play but miss 1 leg... haiz too bad we stay so far apart
janiz, how much is the boutique selling henry baby bag? they still selling it hor? only lenox hill is last season...but its big n spacious...
those KS bags are really tempting, but I know I'm not the sort who'll carry them. So shy!

This is my #2 with Dr A. He did a swab test for my #1 and it came up Strep B positive :S
So for my #2, I asked him, and he said, we can either do another swab test, or just proceed with the antibiotics drip during labour. So I told him no need to check lah, just proceed. You might wan to ask him

Is yr check up coming up soon?
roxy - THAT's MI!!! I SAW U TOO!! okie.. that is you!! haha... so qiao!! so good!! heng VE is not painful.. tink u r ready to go!! hee!! =)

yunzz - no leh.. mine dun have sound.. by right bb cannot make any sound leh... mi not too sure..

pauline - tks man.. mi will try tmr.. hee!!
huh?? then u better take care man.. drink more water... jia lat..
ha!! mi oso cut hair.. damn short... roxy hor??
Hi all, my EDD is suppose to be 7th Jan 10, but doc say may be in Dec or may be later...see that some of u gals had already popped so exciting!

roxy, I like the KS bag too, looks like I m too late....nvm shall join next round.

smalldreams n pauline, I oso join dec thread jus in case, kekeke!

pauline, hw to see if the date is gd for giving birth fr the website ah? I dunno hw to see, can teach me?
Carol, sorry for the late post. Went to see house and prawning yesterday... hmmm.. My gynae also said that the cervix is ripen and also can feel the baby's head liao.. That time she forecast baby will come out this coming week.
I cannot feel the ripening of cervix but ah, always pain near the cervix/pelvic area. Feel like baby is going to drop anytime.. lol...

Roxy, how? Managed to play mahjong last night?
Ainsley, can understand the waiting is making u impatient..haha coz I dun like to wait too. I tot of inducing on 1 Dec coz my bb gal is v big already, 3.2kg at wk 36! V heavy &amp; scared I cant push her out...den I saw ur post saying it will be more painful...

Anyone tried inducing before? will end up c-sec anot?
I also thought of inducing this coming week cos my #1 is having her kindergarten graduation and concert on 4 dec. But the pain and ending up c-sect are also my worries. I have a few friends who induce but ended up c-sect cos baby didn't come out. Now I still considering..
But sometimes induce is better for instance your case that your baby girl is quite big le.. If too big then doc may suggest that you induce. if not, later even more difficult to come out..

Miumiu, true true.. I am especially worried about the breastfeeding part cos for my #1, I gave up in a few weeks. lol.. Somemore this time ah, I nv buy any formula at all.. lol. to force myself to breastfeed totally..
Augleo, ya lor.. At home.. Sunday is family day.. No mahjong. haha.. Ya lor.. must be determined about breastfeeding this time. TBF for at least half year.. heeeheee
TMC trainers do not encourage mummies to standby formulae milk. Best to tell ourselves sure can BF one. So I will not be buying any also. Will try to perservere

Ainsley, Alicia, so far my frens who induced all managed to deliver naturally. But they say its more painful cos the contractions very intense lor. Wa, Alicia ur bb is big indeed! Did u ask abt head circumference? If also big, can be harder to push..
coconut drink:
so far me drank twice. taken the flesh too :p

#1 is due to CL loh, keep saying bb not enuff milk. sianz!!!
btw, izzit true that bb can tahan "hunger" for 4 days??? tat is when our milk ss coming in???
firipy, instructions i already posted for miumiu. You can follow that. Basically, it works backwards, eg. pretend your baby is borned tom at 8am, then key in her chinese surname, name, name, dob, time of birth etc. Then click on xingming pingfen, then at the new webpage, click on bazi fenxi.
Thanks Augleo. So far I drink 3 times. About twice a week..was wondering if considered too much ma. My mum feels once a week is enuf, says very cooling.
roxy...the henry baby bag is selling bet 840 - 880...cant remember clearly...my hubby prefer those large tote bags so that can find things easily
hi ainsley, me oso in the waiting game hee...
everyday waiting for my princess to signal wen she wan to come out. if by my nxt gynae visit on thurs still dun wan come out doc ask me to induce wor. cos he scared bb poo poo inside den is dangerous.i oso asked him induce will b much more painful rite,den he told my hub" give birth sure pAINFUL WAN " die la like tat means sure damn painful wan
alicia, ur baby v big le, mine is 3.1kg @ 38wks

canopyhaze, I saw her post too. they both share the same birthday.. so sweet.

Carol, I am going for my gynae appointment on Wednesday and see what she says...
