(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

iris - reali?? which part of orchard u gg?? mi too leh.. gg far east first!!

mummyfel - ya hor.. i tink must take at least 2 days before clothes can dry.. or else use dryer ba.. bo bian..
Morning mummies,

Long time never come in cos quite busy.

Jasmine, congrats and smooth delivery. Some may have to wait for long time if water bag leaking but no contractions. Have friend that starts leaking in the morning and admit only in the evening.
Hi Anny,

Its like continue leaking...
I experienced that during my first delivery. Was on epidural waiting for the crevix to dilate, thought why I keep wanting to urine and I told the nurse that my urine leak...she check and realise waterbag burst liao, so ready for delivery.
me thinking of cutting hair tom too, see what gynae says this afternoon on pop date.

anyone has any recommendations for mala hot pot near bugis? Do they have 2 in 1 normal soup n mala soup? What time do they usually open? Thinking of eating that after gynae visit today. If not, after no. 2 comes out, will be tied down again. :p
Pauline, there is quite a few at bugis. I tried the Mala Chongqing one quite ok. But no air-con.

Placenta Encapsulation, who else interested?

Alicia, you still want? Think I decided to try this round. What is your real name? Not sure if you have send me an email previously.

Who is Sharon huh? Are you still interested?

Those that is interested, pls send me a PM and indicate your hp no if convinenet so that I can pass to the slaes person for her to contact. We need 3 mummies to sign together to get a discount.
Morning Mummies,

Is finali fri and 13.5 more days i need to endure working wif my sup.. haha..

Congrats to those who have popped.. hopefuli every1 will haf a smooth and fast delivery..
morning Sam!! - not to worrie.. 13.5 days beli fast one.. next fri is a public holiday somemore.. stay positive!! =)
she everyday pissin mi off wif alot of stuff lo.. and dis few days cant drag myself up for work so been late and she told my hr mgr to tok to mi.. haiz..
sam - u beli late?? u work late oso?? ur boss quite irritating lor.. still ask HR to tok to u.. she/he cannot tok to u meh??
late for 15 mins.. i called her old hen ever since she start workin here.. my company dun need work late de unless im workin inside but im jus a receptionist..
I really envy some of you.. still can go shopping.. I cant walk as much as I'm used too. Getting tired easily..

And that day, I went Giant Tampines with my family and plp are looking at my huge tummy... and there's this aunty ask my mum how many mth I'm pregnant and they say wow so huge huh... I very paised one..
samantha, late for 15 mins only need to ask HR talk to you meh? why your boss like that de.. it seems that once an employee gets preggy, the co. will pin point on her.

calamari, not going for waxing cuz i scare it'll trigger contractions!! later half way wanna give birth.. gee..

juliana, you having twins mah.. tummy sure big big..
sam and jeanie - ya.. i agree.. onli 15 mins and ask HR to talk to u?? reali gross lor.. neber mind.. endure oki?? beli beli fast one..

juliana - the aunty got prob ah?? u having twins leh.. and oredi advanced liao.. now not big.. then when shd be big?? siao..

calamari - mi not natural.. so not gg brazilian wax.. haha..
Jeanie: she keep sayin abt my preggy ting cant do dis cant do tat but im not as weak as how she tinks.. but she still didnt bother to help mi wif tings but add on more load to mi.. she's jus a snr Admin Officer and she act as though she's a boss.. i reali cant stand workin wif dis type of sup..

i can say abt 3 times a wk i will b late lo..
Jeanie.. Dr Fong did ask me during my last review..

I am still thinking... the thought of it felt uncomfortable nei...

Then he started his joke again lor..said if our combine income is less than 9K.. we are consider poor pple.. Only Minister are the rich ones..

Anny... think water bag if burst, the water will flow out on its own... you can't control like urine..
sam, haiz.. just endure.. she married or not? she dun underestand pregnancy is it?

sandy, so he meant less then 9K should just go for ligation?
lolx.. ya.. miumiu... he will juz joke around..

Jeanie.. no la.. cos this is our 3rd bb ma.. so think he juz ask..

In fact, he asked me le after my 2nd..

Actually, up to you la.. he is juz joking... you can have more even your salary is less than 9k :)... juz need to spend wisely..
Hi Roxy, can update my details too!
Edd: 4 Dec
Hospital: Glen E
Gynae: Dr Fong CW
Gender: princess
Staying at Jurong East


Mummies, i also experiencing discharge, sometimes watery, sometimes a bit yellowish. But no blood.. i also dunno how to recognise if its water bag leak leh. I feel like my princess coming out anytime, coz doc says she's in good position and i feel alot of painless contractions. it's really the waiting game man..
sandy - ha.. of cuz la.. up to individual man...

oh yeah!! mi oso going orchard to cut hair liao.. ha!! tok to all mummies at nite...
Itz fri!! ENJOY!! =D
sandy, yah.. but sometimes he really point out the reality.. perhaps he meant if wanna comfort life, with income less then 9k, can stop at 2 or 3. just nice.. somemore now everything is getting more and more exp..
Jeanie: Yup she's married wif two kids.. hope she will haf difficulties workin after i go for my leave.. coz she's been here for 3 mths and she still dun understand how i work..
doozie, im experiencing watery and yellowish discharge too. buti feel mild pain contractions. hehe.. am into the waiting game too.. are you opting for epidural?
sam, oh.. new one huh? since she got two kids liao she should underestand mah.. sometimes i dunno what these ppl are thinking.. since they've been through, they should underestand more.. or maybe is last time when they preggy they got treated unfairly so they wanna revenge now? *think im thinking too much.. :x
pauline >> the "Zheng Fu Cai" @ the shaw building (opp the liang siah street in bugis) got nice mala steamboat. got a/c somemore.. only the drink thee very ex.. 1 bottle of the small coke 2.00.. but the homemmade meat balls is really nice .. and their speciality is the "fish noodle" tat u squeeze into the soup yrself..

just came back fr tmc.. this morning got tummy pain and contractions until i wake up fr my sleep.. so decide to go 24 hr clinic. But went there , the CTG cannot pick up any contractions..
felt so silly.. went there then false alarm.. had to keep explaining to the nurse tat i really felt very painful @ hm..
Yup she jus join not long ago.. i still prefer my ex sup.. she way beta den her a million times.. mayb she jus wan to act as a high rank staff here.. my ex sup is Office manager cum secretary she oso didnt act big lo she still help mi wif my recept wen im not ard lo..
yiqi, how long is the interval of your contractions? maybe really soon liao..

sam, just endure abit more.. focus on your bb.. since she so purposely, dun care her la.. look forward to your ML~
when i was home i felt like the pain abt 7-10 mins apart and really painful.. i tried to go to the toilet but no bowel so i was pretty sure it was contractions..

dr khi came to the observation room to see me and did a VE.. baby head is engaged but cervix is not open yet..

baby head engaged means soon??
jeanie.. I agree.. he is a practical man :) and he doesn't like his patient to spend unnecessarily...

You got any PD in mind? He will recommend you one ya.. opt for Dr Yip... he was my #1 PD..I find him quite friendly.. my #2 he chose for me.. I nearly vomit blood with this PD..

yiqi.. engage doesn't soon.. but then bb is preparing le..

Sam.. I like to wear pants nei.. I find it more comfortable :)
sandy, not going for his PD for those jabs cuz expensive.. go polyclinic.. yah.. agree, he doesnt like to make patients spend unnecessarily..
Thks for all the well wishes.
Lileen, u r rite. My gynae oso predicted my labour will only start tonite or tomorrow morning. Waiting in the labour suite now.
As for waterbag leak, u won't miss it. The water will juz leak continuously. Luckily i have maternity pad at home. The normal pad only last me for less then 1/2hr then water started to drip down my leg.
i wear pants but those rubber-waisted kind. During my 1st and 2nd trimester, i wore my normal workpants with the bella band. works v well for me.

I prefer pants leh.. coz now i have to sit in a very unglam manner, wear skirt very ugly.. haha

Jeanie,Sandy, for PD dont need to be so particular is it? or still very impt?

Oh ya.. i shld be using epidural.. Dr fong strongly advise.. and i think i cannot tahan also. haha

doozie, he got ask you do half squat exercise? Dr fong will sure recommend PD for you.. but i feel if going for those jabs, polyclinic will do..
