(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

waa dev - im soo srry i missed yesterday gymbroyee class ... ot lah paiseh .. wahhh im gg bring my ah boy down for the lvl 2 class this wkend then .. i better go call now .. u gg again ?
you ah ..soon can be certified pilot..kept flying aeroplane leh haha.
Nat & me trying for the music class this Saturday ...
hello all
juz came home...never pumped for 8 hrs...now finally can "relieve" myself...

carol, i agree with u leh...i also mind my gal not crawling yet...slowly la, if not we will bcome very bz...

ashley, rem to apply thick layer of diaper cream for ur gal's butt... my gal's butt also like tha after a week of stomach flu...

kimifin, HT looks flaky but after u mix with milk, its very smooth and creamy kind...

rachelle, think many of us have this ard we go station la...shd be ok to use la...

rue, if i am not wrong, the aquamarine is 1 for 1 for weekday lunches only... if you are looking at dinner, its w/o 1 for 1 and its abt 50 plus per pax...

devlina, ur corporate rate...350 is inclusive of ++ or before ++?

taurus, most hotels will have bb cots...u juz have to request for it after u checked in...

ayukie, wahhh...fly aeroplane again eh? LOL
dev - haiz .. bo bianz ot leh .. this sat i cant im bring lil E to photoshoot .. it was supposed to be done on last last wkend (postponed due to ot

sporty - haiz ..
350 is before the taxes.

we're going for the music class to see if signing up for the mixed or just the play & learn package.
dev - oh ok .. i just register lil E for sunday play and learn class .. i wish i could join u all for the music class but sat need photoshoot cause lil E is getting bigger whahhaaa must snap the pics nw ..

sporty - immunuel bb studio ..
Ashley, OK

Taurus, if the redness is always there, most likely its due to allergy.

Rachelle, allergy not necessary due to solid. It could be due to environment, such as dust mites, cockroaches, latax, molds, pets in the house and etc... My son's greatest enemy is dust mites.
read today's straits time, home pg1 &2. There's a report on parents signing up babies for enrichment classes. "baby steps to learning".
hihi mummies :D

my girl had a fever suddenly at 4pm plus..then just now i rubbed her gum and found her new tooth!!!

so if ur baby had a fever suddenly, u can start looking out for her first tooth too :D
my girl is a great fan of HT brown rice cereals leh :D she can finish 8 tbs of it with 60ml milk :D

now she is eating 1 small bowl (adult size) of porridge x 2 meals... + 3 meals of 150ml milk a day...

Porridge she has either corn/potato + carrot/pumpkin + salmon/white fish + 1 tbs of rice cooked in pork. Thats for each meal...It tastes really nice :D

But hor she has issue abt changing to enfapro step 2 leh
So far she is only willing to take one step 2 meal in the afternoon... haizz.. the other two i just have to mix or else she can differentiate the taste and rejects her milk
sporty, forget to answer you. There is a tiny bump on my son's thumb due to thumb sucking. Most thumb suckers have that trade mark. I never need to cut his thumb nail. It will always be short, i guess the abrasion had chip his nails off daily.
hello mummies, i am back after MIA a few days. Had 2 days of night shift den weekend at in-laws house so dun get to come here.

Talking about development, my frenz whose kids born in dec, and jan , all telling me their kids can do these n that, but as usual my boy cant flip , cant sit , cant stand , but nvm la, when he start all these then i very bz coz he super active.

Oh btw he also has 2 teeth coming out , coz can feel it when he suck my finger.

Also something to share: my friends aunt selling those sample drypantz in M size , in a carton of 180 pieces for only $30 , interested can PM me , she said still have 100+ cartons

Date: Tuesday 25th May 2010
Event: Ride on Singapore Flyer followed by Lunch @ POPEYES:)
Price: first 5 to respond got $20 ticks. Usual price: $29.50 ( ia m trying to source for more cheap ticks , do come!!)

1. MM6J
2. Sporty
3. Zen
4. Shirlin
5. swanston
6. sponge

Not coming for flyer, coming for lunch:

1. Devlina
2. Nvfm
3. Xuanxuan
4. Bpmama
5. Ashley
6. Jamie & bb Naven(born 101009)

Lunch - we meet at popeyes @ 12 :)
Hi all mummies out there, I might not b able to bring BB naven to join u gals for the gathering toml, naven was admitted hopsital on Sunday morning 2am for running a high fever of 40 degrees due to throat infectious. It's was frightening to see him shivering, with icy cold palms n feet. When we arrive at gleneagle hosptial the inhouse doctor examine him n immediately admit naven
Thks God, during his stay in the hospital, he is able to feed well except for making noise when the nurse came hourly for the temperature check n the PD visit. After past days of battling to bring down the fever, naven finally succeded without the use of antibotic for his throat viral infectious
naven will be able to discharge toml...
Devlina, will leopard crawl? OH NO! I'm already having prob catching the lil monster coz she's crawling quite fast already, leopard crawl any faster fast I die.
Hi mummies,

I am not goimg for the June gathering but would like to exchange my WYETH S26 Promil Gold sample for FRISO Gold 2.
PM me yah....thanx! =)
Hi mummies,

I am not goimg for the June gathering but would like to exchange my WYETH S26 Promil Gold sample for FRISO Gold 2 as my ger in on FRISO Gold 1.
PM me yah....thanx! =)
$0.50 a cup for delivery sounds like a gd idea to me... :D i will call the branches to check if i can order 1 day in advance and collect the next day..
the courier person prefer which branch?

but, if they need receipt or collection slip how?
morn all!

devlina, 350 is a good px
u bringing edyran later?

ayukie, icic...share with us the pics after u got them...enjoy the shoot!

jolene, ya...my gal had high fever tha day before she cut her first tooth and some loose stools also...seems like ur gal is eating a great variety of food!

bidosoh, thas what i worry abt the thumb nail lor if the bb/tod sucks too much of the thumb...

ru yun, every bb grows at his own rate la...better dun compare lor...eventually they will be the same lor...

superwalker, hope Lil T gets well soon!!

jamie, hope ur naven can be discharged today...must be tiring for u too...
wah v busy today!!

Aiyo so many Lil ones are sick. Hope all recover fast fast..

talking abt loose stools, my gal seem to poo many times leh. 3-4 times each day, duno izit stage 2 FM leh... v sian.
hii mommies...

would like to ask if any of u having difficulties feedin solids to ur bb? my son started on solids @ 4mths n he used to b takin it fine. until recently, he gets abit upset/agitated whn feeding him cereals/pureed/porridge.

izzit becuz he's teething? 2 lower front teeth have popped out. bb boy is 6mths+ now
jeanette: wow... two lower front teeth out already? Thats fast!!! Mine can feel but cant see yet...

hmmm... maybe he is teething? Does he rub his gums alot? Mine actually still ok with her porridge, just cant drink very much from the bottle now coz of teething

haizz.. still having fever
haizzz... and had to be sayang and carried ard.. poor girl... Whine and keep calling Mama, seems to be asking me why her gum is so painful
Big drops of tears pouring out from her eyes..

I see her like that i also feel like crying

How long will it last ah?
not fully out yet. half way liao. lately he keep sucking on his fingers but i dont allow. cuz he always suck until vomit =S n he rejet pacifier also =( but so far he havent got fever yet

used to b dont wan drink milk wan cereals. now is e other way round. wondering ok anot. he like not much appetite also
To Mummies who are going for the Gymboree class on 30 May09.
My hb is asking if he can see what is little one is playing in the class. I told him cannot leh and he is really disappointed. I wonder if mummies joining the class would mind if hb are allowed. If you are supportive I was wondering if we can call Gymboree to allow them to go in. As I believe the Daddies would like to know what their babies are doing in the class. As usually I discuss with my hb if its worthwhile to sign up for a class. These classes are not cheap, especially with 2 kids. Expenses are really high, we really need to ponder carefully before signing up. Since this is a trial class for our Nov09 babies there will no other parents who are on package.
i thou daddies are allowed to go in? Now i'm confused.. If only 1 parent can go in, then i will dump my hub in together w lil C, then i go shopping, wahaha.. Ashley, can u verify??
so little posts eh...
juz came home...

starrz, my gal also been having loose stools for 1 week liao...i think could be teething lor

jolene, lunch and flyer ride was fun....it was very bright and sunny juz now
wow...ur gal knos how to call u liao? tha's fast...
ardenz, nice seeing u juz now
u dun look like a mummy at all

starrz, every day abt 4 times...also becuz she was having stomach flu last week...thas why...
oh same same.. but my gal dun have stomach flu. I suspect is stage 2 formula coz it like sort of happen after i switch to stage 2. Now still feeding her with stage 1 (1st feed) n rest of the feed is stage 2.
Till now i havent start her on cereal leh... i guess i am the slowest mummy in here liao..
Rue and Bidosoh, as our class is big with 10 babies, only 1 parent is allowed to be with each baby in the class. Bidosoh, your hubby can still see what's going on in the class by standing outside the classroom. The glass wall doesn't seem to cover much, as far as I can remember.
sporty: i nvr compare, just hope he dun work so soon. haha. coz my MIL say if walk early next time have to go out to society to work early. my mum say walk early next time life tough. sounds scary, whether its myth or what, just let nature take its course, i cant tie his legs ma. hehe =)
i'm now in the classroom with a bunch of children enjoying their free time. Sometimes watching them makes me think of how my boy will be like when he's in Primary Sch!!! haahhaha

Looks like many mummies n babies are not well either due to virus or teething. My boy also coughing. dunno due to what. and i cant bring him for 6 in 1 cos of the cough. sigh.

Starrz, dun worry, i also haven started my boy on any solids yet. plan to start when he's 6 mth 2 weeks. hahah not in a hurry to start. but he seems to be interested in food we eat now.
Bidosoh: I dont mind if HBs are allowed inside to also be a part of the trial class; that's if Gymboree allows :D Anyway my HB's bringing us down, so either way he'll join us or wait outside and just look
Just sharing.

Food to help in loose stools/diarrhea:
Actually its true that we can follow BRAT system when our kids are having loose stools, it stand for :banana, rice, applesauce and toast...
Give water to avoid dehydration also, fluid is impt.

When my kid is having diarrhea, i do boiled rice water, meaning porridge but scoop the porridge water only and replace it as water in her daily diet, this helps as adviced by PD.
Bidosoh, i oso dun mind HBs around. mine is going shopping if not allowed to go in.

have u all start brushing bb teeth/ gum? when is the best time to start?
starrz, thot u are supposed to mix stage 2 to stage 1 and slowly then change to stage 2?

ru yun, yeah...i heard of the saying also...tha if u walk earlier, ur life will be more "hard" (tougher)...

jazz, i intend to start brushing my gal's tooth when her tooth's like halfway out... right now i'm wiping her gums everyday with a wet hanky during her bath time...
hi all

sporty, yes, i survived and am still surviving. keke.
wow, did i read your ger has tooth already? mine still not yet cut teeth. she doesn't seem to enjoy much of her food too. maybe i too slack with her variety too.

starrz, i just read you mentioned you not going gathering cos you can't handle bb alone, i also one person going lei, i also scared, go together la.

how was flyer outing?

superwalker, hope lil t is fine now.

jamie, hope naven's fine at home already.

jolene, your lil one fever?
Hi Girls who be attending the trial class, for me I don't mind hus around. Anyway, I already going to assign my hus to accompany my lil one for the class. Haha.. There is a glass panel to see the babies if we r not able to go in.
